Chapter 1 [The present (Part 1) – Hebe’s First Kiss]

--- S£PARAT£D BY SOULδ ---


-The Present-

[Hebe’s POV]

I look outside the window, saw a few kids playing outside. Hide and Seek. I think~ that’s what they call the game.
I’ve never have a chance to play any of it.
Mommy use to say, I’m her little angel. But, I’ve never thought so.
If I’m an angel, I would be a sick little angel who has no wings.

I wished myself to be like any other kids outside. Free from sickness.
As I start to remember things, I’ve never step out of this room. 
I’m too sick to even walk myself.

After work, mommy would always come into my room and talk with me. She’s the only person I’ve talked to other than my nanny. 
I remembered that there’s a girl around my age used to come over. We’ve never talk, but she’s always there.
They’re the only people in my life, my world.

Mommy used to tell me story about the seal on my back.
She said it is a gift from daddy.

Tonight, I waited for mommy to come home. But she never did. I wonder what happen~
And early on the next day, nanny come into my room and packed my cloths. She said we’re going to London. 
“Where’s London?” I ask
Nanny tells me, London is a place where my mommy wanted me to go to. And from now on, she’ll take care of me. 
“Where’s mommy?” I ask again
For that, she never answered me. I don’t know what have happened.

I’ve always wonder.

A few years of staying in London, I’ve recovered. I can move around freely and playing around like other kids.
But I’m not happy. Mommy’s not here anymore. 
Nanny tells me about my mom’s death after my recovery. She told me, mommy meet an accident. 

I asked her why, why she never tell me earlier. I wanted to see mom. I’ve always miss her.
I wanted to tell her story about me. 
I wanted to tell her, my wings have grown. It grow while I having my medication here at London. 
No one see it though. I realize that I can make my wings invisible to people eyes.

That seal on my back, is my wings. 
It is not a seal to block my wings from coming out but a seal to release my power slowly.
I’m always sick because I can’t control my powers yet.
And that seal is to protect me from over heating from my own powers.

The doctors here were very surprise about my recovery. They said is a miracle.
---10 Years Later---

I’m 17 years old now, studying at Oxford University. 
It’s been 10 years since I’ve recover and having my wings.
I can use my wings and powers freely now. But I never did use it. It will attract too much attention.
And I don’t like that idea.

I don’t have any friends here, I’ve never like the idea to talk to someone I don’t know.
There no one attempt to know me too. So, I’m pretty lonely here.


Today, I’m late for my class.
I quickly rush out of my house and towards the university. On the way, I bump into this guy I mumble a sorry and rush over to my class.
The lecturer never arrives yet. I’m safe, less explaining to do.

Class has been the same as always.
The lecturer talking whiles the student listening.
What a boring day.

After my class I go to a nearby cafe and have a drink there. 
That’s the place I meet him again. The person I bump into.
I look at him for awhile, he looks cute.

“Wait a minute. Why am I looking at him?” I thought myself

I shook off that thought and continue to enjoy my coffee. 


While I’m enjoying my favorite coffee and view, he come over and says hi.
I stare into his eyes for awhile then look around to make sure that he’s talking to me.

“I’m talking to you.” He says while give a small laugh

“Ok?” I reply not sure

“Can I sit here?” He ask

“Urgh… It’s unoccupied.” I told him

“Oh. “ He sits down and asks “So, you’re the girl I bump into, right?” 

He seems not so sure to me so I reply “You should find a better pick up line next time” 

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you’re that girl I bump into.” He explain

“I am.” I mumble

“Huh? What’s that’s?” He ask 

“Nothing” I say it clearer this time

“Oh. Anyway, you’re citizen here? I mean… you don’t look British to me” He says while messing his own hair. He looks so cute that way.

 I smile a bit and tell him that I’m come from Taiwan but I’m a permanent citizen here. He didn’t reply but just sit there and stare at me.
I feel really uneasy to know that he’s staring at me, so I ask him what’s wrong.

He then uses his extraordinary cute move again messing his own hair and says that I should smile more.
He says I look cute smiling. I think I blush a bit back there.
He continues telling me that if I didn’t smile I look cool and how people will get scare from that.

He talks lot and lots of things which I never really heard it. All I’m thinking now is that he says I’m cute. No one really told me that before. Not even nanny. Not even my mom.

What kind of feeling is that? I thought.

I feel… so happy? 


I don’t know how long I’ve been spacing out, but he nudges me suddenly.

“Hey! Are you listening to me?” He ask, seems to be angry

“Urgh… mmmm… No.” I answer looking at him and feel guilty for not listening.

As I wanted to apologize he laughs. He says “You know, you are the only girl I know that will answer my question so directly.” He pauses for a while then continue “But… I like it. You’re really different”

“Urgh… Thanks?” I reply while thinking what kind of “likes” he means.

“Anyway, I’m Kim Jae Joong. Friends call me JaeJoong or just Jae sometimes. So, what’s your name?” He introduces himself then asks for my name.

“Hebe. Hebe Tian Fu Zhen. Nanny always calls me Xiao Zhen but my lecturers call me Hebe.” I reply

He seems shock.

He asks “You got a nanny?! How old are you?

I feel insulted, so I stop replying and look down at my unfinished coffee.
I think he realize that he says too much and quickly apologize.

“Hey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything. I’m sorry. I…” he keep on apologize but I stop him telling him it’s ok.

“You’re really ok?” He ask

“Yea” I reply still staring at my coffee.

He realizes that I keep on staring at my coffee and took it. I look up and stare at him.
“Can I have my coffee back?” I ask

“Not until you’re really ok.” He replies firmly.

“I’m really ok.” I reply looking everywhere but him

“You don’t look ok to me. I’m sorry. I mean it. I’m really very sorry.” He looks into my eyes and apologizes

“I’m really ok. You don’t need to apologize anymore. It’s ok, really.” I say but still not looking at him

I think my attitude made him frustrated cause he stand up so suddenly and rush over to my side. He holds my face and look into my eyes.

He’s just in front of me. So near that I can feel his breath. I think I blushed again.

“If you’re really ok, look into my eyes and tell me directly like how you did just now.”He says, frustrated while still holding my face.

We stay in that position for awhile without any movement and sounds.
It seems like the time has stop suddenly. 
Everything is so silent that I can only heard our breathing.

All we do is just staring at each other eyes.
I don’t know what has happen, but he seems to be closer and closer to me by seconds.
He looks like he wanted to kiss me.
I just stay still at that position. Shock
My heart is beating in a fast rate. It seems to be burst out soon.

There and then, I felt his lips meets mine. My first kiss, with a guy I bump into?!
That’s ridiculous!
But… what’s more ridiculous is that I feel so right and I reply to his kisses!

I’m not myself anymore. How can I do that? That’s totally ridiculous! I need to push him off. Push him off. Push him off! I thought to myself.

I did it. I pushed him off. Rush to the counter and paid 1000 pounds for my coffee. I didn’t wait for the cashier to give me back my change and rush out of the cafe.
I can hear the cashier calling out for me, but I didn’t look back because I heard him calling out for me too.

I need to run. Run away from him. I look around and think where I should go to. 
Home~ the only place I can go to.
I quickly run home. When I wanted to close my door he stops me.

“Hebe.” He calls, out of breath.

He pauses for a second to catch his breath before continue.

“Hebe. I’m sorry about that. I’m really sorry, I don’t know why I did that but I like you. You’re different and… and urgh… please… “He explains then hugs me 

“Hebe… please… please… Just don’t run away. I’m sorry. Please. “He says hugging me ever so tightly.

I think I just melted there and then. We stay there for a few minutes until I decide to break the hug. I apologize and tell him I need time to be alone. 
He looks into my eyes and says nothing then nods his head.
Before he leaves, he gives me his number. He says he’ll come over if I ever need him.

I look at his back. I feel so sad.
“Please… don’t leave.” I mumble to myself
I feel… useless cause when he looks back, I quickly close the door.
Then I stay at the side of my door and look through my window.

He can’t see me but I can clearly see him. He stays there for awhile and then leaves.
I feel… sad… I don’t know why, but I feel so. I want him back.

I sit by the side of my door and stay there until I fall asleep.



Signing out
25th June, 2010

Xiaobiiee aka zhen


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well.. at least there's someone who read it... anyway..<br />
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littlecat #2
please dont close your fic, i'm really like it and waiting for your new update chapter ^_^ i think someone just forget your fic or dont give comments, dont give up your fic, i want to read all your story, ok ???<br />
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