Chapter 2 [The present (Part 2) – JaeJoong’s Love]

--- S£PARAT£D BY SOULδ ---

Chapter 2 [The present (Part 2) – JaeJoong’s Love]

 [JaeJoong’s POV]

Today will be the start of my holiday, but it won’t be as great as always. Dad wanted me to start learning how to take over the company.
He even wanted me to go on those blind dates that he and mom set up for me.
I hate those girls. All they do is sticking around like glue for my money or my dad’s money to be exact.
There’s always a mask on their face, and when you pull out those mask of their, they’ll be a .
They are the worse!

This is the worst holiday I ever had.
Only if I can go to a place that no one knows I’m the “oh so popular and rich” Kim JaeJoong here.
Only if… wait. How come I never think of it before? I can just go to a place like that.
Where should I go?
Korea? No. Our main company is there.
Japan? Nah~ dad’s got a branch there too.
Unite State? Better not, dad’s going there for some business issue these days.
I think~ that’ll be a great idea. Dad doesn’t have any branch there and he doesn’t have any business there too. I smile to myself thinking what a great idea I thought.
And the best thing is I’m not going to those blind dates anymore!

I wanted to find someone I will love with all my heart.
Who will believe the “oh so popular and rich” Kim JaeJoong has never date before?
That would be a laugh stock!

I don’t know why my friends can just pick up someone out in the street and start dating. Then within a few days time, they just break up with those girls.
What a waste of time. My friends say its fun though… 
But I never agree on that.
I don’t think breaking someone hearts is fun. 

Love~ is a feeling
A special feeling that’ll make my heart beats faster. And when I look into her eyes I’ll feel that there only me and her.
I’ll be sad if she’s sad, happy if she’s happy, jealous when she looks at other guys and all types of feeling.
My friends always make fun of me because I think like that.
They say I’m stupid.
I don’t mind that cause I’ll prove to them. 
I’ll prove to them there’ll be a girl out there somewhere that can make my heart beats and make me feel all those feelings.

I stay there thinking how my dream girl would look like. Thinking maybe I’ll meet her at UK…
That thought made me so happy.
I get up from my bed, open my laptop, go online and book tickets to UK. To London~
Before I forgot, I have to book a room too.

My flight will be tomorrow early morning.
I pack up everything necessary. Set my alarm. Call the cab for tomorrow’s event. Then go to bed.



It’s so annoying! I’m having my sleep here!
I look up to my alarm clock planning to throw it away but I stop myself after I realize what time is it now.
I’m very much awake now. I go clean myself up and change my cloth then put on my sunglasses.

I walk down slowly with my luggage so I won’t wake my parents up.
I saw a few maids there and quickly hide behind the big vase my mom bought.
“It’s good that my mom love all these things” I thought to myself.
When the place is clear, I rush out as fast as I can and get into the cab I called yesterday.
Everything goes as I planned.

---Arriving London---

15hours or flying is really tiring. Mom and dad should realize that I’m missing now. 
I take a cab and go to Oxford Hotel. A place that I’ll be staying for a month here at London…
(A/N: I’m not sure if there’s any Oxford Hotel out there, so if there no Oxford Hotel out there just thinks of it as a fictional place which is near Oxford University.)

When I arrive at the hotel I immediately go check in then go into my room.
Well, at least it will be my room in this month.

I’m so tired now, so I go to bed as soon as I arrives my room.
Tomorrow will be the day I go for a stroll.


I wake up and clean myself up, I go down for my breakfast then went for a stroll. I’ve never been so free in my life.
There’re always girls clinging onto me when they see me. So I don’t go out often.
As I’m walking down the street near Oxford University my dream university, someone bump onto me.
She mumbles a sorry and rushes off. 

I shook the thought of her out of my mind and continue with my strolling.
I took a few pictures here and there then realize that time passes so quickly and I feel a bit thirsty.
So I walk to a nearby cafe and have a drink there.
After I finish my drink, I sit there for awhile and enjoy the view there.

Then I notice a girl sitting a few tables away from me. She looks familiar.
I think she’s the girl this morning… is she?
I’m not really sure so I better just stay here but I notice she’s looks sad.
She just sitting there alone, taking a sip from her drink then look out with a sad looking eyes.

I don’t know why but I wanted to make her smile. 
So I decided to go there and say hi. Silently hoping for her to be the girl that bumps onto me this morning…

I slowly walk towards her. Somehow I feel nervous.

“Hi” I greet

She stares into my eyes for awhile then look around… 
I think she’s making sure that I was talking to her. She’s really cute.
I give out a small laugh and told her that I’m talking to her.

 “Ok?” She reply not sure

“Can I sit here?” I ask

“Urgh… It’s unoccupied.” She told me

She seems uneasy for awhile there but I just sit down and ask her is she the person I bump into this morning.

 “You should find a better pick up line next time” She said

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you’re that girl I bump into.” I explain

She mumbles something that I can’t hear clearly, so I ask “Huh? What’s that’s?”

“Nothing” She say it clearer this time

“Oh. Anyway, you’re citizen here? I mean… you don’t look British to me” I say and messing my own hair. What a stupid question I thought to myself.
Maybe she’s right. I think I really need to find a better pick up line next time.

She smile a bit and tell me that she’s came from Taiwan but I’m a permanent citizen here. I didn’t reply but just sit there and stare at her.
She looks really cute when she’s smiling. 

Thump. Thump.
My heart is beating faster and faster.
I think I’m in love. But I just meet her.

She notices that I’m just staring and ask me what’s wrong.
I came back to reality and mess up my hair again then I told her that she should smile more.
She’s look cute smiling. I continue telling her that if she didn’t smile she looks cool and people will get scare from that.

I keep on talking to her but then I notice she’s not listening. So I nudge her.

“Hey! Are you listening to me?” I ask, rising my voice a little

“Urgh… mmmm… No.” She answer looking at me

I’m shock at how she answer me. Normally girls would just nod her head staring at me or says something like “Go on, I’m listening” then keep on staring at me.

So, I laugh and say “You know you are the only girl I know that will answer my question so directly.” He pauses for a while then continue “But… I like it. You’re really different”

“Urgh… Thanks?” She reply 

“Did I say something wrong?” I thought to myself

Maybe she’s think I’m a player now. Way to go Kim JaeJoong. To stop myself from being more embarrassed, I introduce myself.

“Anyway, I’m Kim Jae Joong. Friends call me JaeJoong or just Jae sometimes. So, what’s your name?” I introduce then ask for her name.

“Hebe. Hebe Tian Fu Zhen. Nanny always calls me Xiao Zhen but my lecturers call me Hebe.” She reply

I stay still for awhile then ask “You got a nanny?! How old are you?

I think I joke on the wrong thing because she stops replying and look down at her unfinished coffee.
So I quickly apologize.

“Hey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything. I’m sorry. I…” I keep on apologize but she stops me telling me it’s ok.

“You’re really ok?” I ask

“Yea” she replies still staring at her coffee.

I realize that she keep on staring at her coffee so I took it. She look up and stare at me.
“Can I have my coffee back?” She ask

“Not until you’re really ok.” I reply firmly.

“I’m really ok.” She reply looking everywhere but me

“You don’t look ok to me. I’m sorry. I mean it. I’m really very sorry.” I looks into her eyes and apologizes

“I’m really ok. You don’t need to apologize anymore. It’s ok, really.” She says but still not looking at me

I can’t take it anymore. I hurt her and she won’t look at me. I wanted her to look at me again so I stand up and rush over to her side. I hold her face and look into her eyes.

 “If you’re really ok, look into my eyes and tell me directly like how you did just now.”I say, feeling frustrated.

But I notice how close we are. 
I don’t know what I should do. So, I just stay there, not moving.
She’s not moving either. 

She got a pair of mesmerizing eyes.
As I look into her eyes, I feel like there’s a magnet pulling me towards her.
I have the urge to kiss her.
I move closer and closer to her slowly hoping not to scare her.

She didn’t reject me or push me off so I proceed to move closer again.
My lips meet hers.

I never thought I would kiss a girl on the first time we meet.
But I didn’t pick up a random girl.
She’s different. She’s cute. She’s made my heart beats faster. She made me feel those feeling… the feeling of loving someone.

She’s the one.
I feel so right now. 
She even replies to my kisses!
This is just so great.

But after awhile she pushes me away and run off.
I stay there, dumbfounded.
But then I realize… I should chase after her. I can’t just let my dream girl run away like that, can I?

I pay for my drink and call out for her, hoping she would stop and wait for me.
But she didn’t.
I memorize the route she ran into and quickly dash out to the same route. 
After awhile of finding, I saw her. 
Looking for her keys I think. 

She found it and opens the door. 
I rush over and stop her from closing it.

“Hebe.” I call, out of breath.

I pauses for a second to catch my breath before continue.

“Hebe. I’m sorry about that. I’m really sorry, I don’t know why I did that but I like you. You’re different and… and urgh… please… “I explains then hugs her 

“Hebe… please… please… Just don’t run away. I’m sorry. Please. “I say hugging her tightly.

We stay there for a few minutes until she decide to break the hug. She apologizes and tells me that she need time to be alone. 
I look into her eyes and say nothing then nods my head.
Before I leave, I give her my contact number. Luckily I bought a new number when I’m strolling.
 I told her that I’ll come over if she ever needs me.

I look at her for awhile then take a step back. 
Slowly turn around and leave. 
Not wanting to leave, I walk as slow as I can.
I look back to see how she’s doing but she close the door just as I turned.
I took a glimpse of her sad looking eyes before she closes the door.

I stay there for awhile then leave feeling sad too.
I when back to my hotel room, lye down, turn here and there.
I can’t get her out of my mind.
I missed her already.
What if something happen to her? 
Is she alone?

I quickly rush out of the hotel and to her house.

When I arrive, wanted to press the doorbell but never have the courage to do so.
So I just sit in front of her door steps.

Maybe I’m thinking too much. But I think I feel her presence there or maybe because this is her house?

“Hebe.” Thinking of her made me feel so relax.

Slowly, I fell asleep in front of her door steps.

--- [3rd party POV] ---

They sit there… each facing the other side. 
There’s so close, just a door apart. Sleeping peacefully, feeling each other presence.

--- End ---

Author Note:
Wooohooo!! Done chapter 2!
Comment please!


Signing out 
27th June, 2010

Xiaobiiee aka zhen


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well.. at least there's someone who read it... anyway..<br />
thanks for reading.. you can continue read thhis story at:-<br /><br />
thx again
littlecat #2
please dont close your fic, i'm really like it and waiting for your new update chapter ^_^ i think someone just forget your fic or dont give comments, dont give up your fic, i want to read all your story, ok ???<br />
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