The day... daddy finally understands.

Being Appa's Match Maker


o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ 15 ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o


Did not seeing Kibum affect Jonghyun that much? For starters the elder would lie and deny as much as he could and say that he is and was never affected. However the dark bags hanging from beneath his usually bright and vibrant eyes tell everyone otherwise. Who is he trying to fool anyway? 

Jonghyun had that inkling feeling that the blonde’s lack of presence was due to his secretary but that was all he can come up with. 

He doesn't really know why it should affect the blonde any further than normal. 'Oh is he okay?' But betraying his thoughts and own opinion, his heart will storm up these big scenarios of events that could of happened to the younger. He couldn't help himself but frown whenever Minyoung tells him that the younger had declined his offer of taking them home. Thoughts will instantly jumping into the band wagon of conclusions with Kibum finding a new special someone. 

Needless to say the 24 year old elder is pathetically affected by the blonde younger's absence. 

He misses the younger. He misses him a little bit more than what is considered normal, but he doesn't care because the last week and a half he hasn't seen even a small glimpse of the feline, has been incredibly frustrating and disheartening. 

There's no feline pink aproned other to greet him 'Good morning!' No blonde haired figure gracefully making his way in and out of the kitchen carrying scrumptious and delectable meals and most importantly, no slim ivory dexterous fingers tying up his tie; resulting the elder to wear normal dress shirts. 

What makes it worst is the fact that he knew it isn't just him getting saddened by Kibum's lack of presence. Minyoung felt the most pain by far even if the younger didn't consult him with it. 

He reasons out that maybe the younger blonde is only going through some things which he needed space and time for, which he could understand. However when seeing the other's lithe figure, sitting comfortably on one of the park benches, looking at the younger brunette playing a few metres in front of him, whilst driving back from an early days end of work. Jonghyun realises that nothing's wrong with the other. If there is, it’s most likely got something to do with him. Clearly he is the one the younger is too busy avoiding. 

He really hates this, being far away from the blonde felt like complete torture for the older latter. But he knows somewhat why and for now that's enough. 

Yoogeun still came round their house, they still laughed, played and joked like they used too, but something in his eyes made Jonghyun felt uneasy, as if he's the one that cause Kibum's obvious distress. 

He tries to ask questions. "What's wrong?" "Is he okay, did I do something wrong?" The sort of questions he tries to make out as simple natural reasoning behind his instigation. A caring person would ask towards his obviously distressed friend. Friend, Kibum is his friend. Although it seems like, no one wanted to talk to him about the blonde and it feels like his the odd one out, even though it's obvious how he's the main reason behind this. 





It is on a Thursday, a day ago that the younger girl had come to discover the whole truth about her Ki-umma's obvious misbehaviour. She had her inkling thoughts and she is spot on. The thought of her umma cutely pouting in annoyance makes the little girl stifle laughter. However, it doesn't take more than a fraction of a second for the intellectual youngster to understand how it isn't all cute pouting and jealousy. Only God knows how much heart ache and personal torment the fair skin other must have gone through, like he wasn't good enough.

Minyoung finds it amusing how her umma could easily belittle himself but in a way she's glad. It's easier to keep the other men away from her umma who doesn't even know how much he's worth. Her father on the other will soon realise this, even if it's the last thing she does, 'About time,' the little girl says. 

Sitting down on her pink fluffy beanbag Minyoung lets her eye lids fall along with her head, as she sinks into the soothing beads of the beanie thinking back on what her oppa had told her. 

"Ki-umma was going to confess to him, Mi." The little boy says quietly, eyes never leaving the robot toy in between his hands. Yoogeun thinks that it's finally the right time to talk to the younger about this. She's probably more involved in this than he will ever be. She has the right to know, Yoogeun concludes. 

"What?! And now you tell me?" Minyoung exclaims in a silent range. She knew something's wrong, but she weren't ready to find out how much of a fool she was, trying to 'help' the blonde finalise his feelings. In the end she didn't need to resort to that which in reality only made matters worse. She curses the TV for all it's wrong information, especially the all too cliché dramas she watched, which in her defence was the driving force of her little plan. Bottom line is, the blonde was going to confess and her 'ingenious' plan was the sole reason why the younger couldn't even utter a word much less even say 'I like you.' 

"I'm sorry. I promised hyung-umma I wouldn't tell, but I thought you deserve to know." Yoogeun says tone sincere and quiet. 

"Is umma okay? I mean I just miss him so much and appa... Appa misses him too even if he won't admit it." Minyoung's voice quietens, it's so darn obvious how much her old man was affected by the leave of the feline eyed other. 

Yoogeun breaks into a bitter chuckle. "Okay? He hasn't been okay, the past three weeks and you know that Mi, but your dad probably doesn't." His tone of voice is clearly aggravated, as if his guilty for being the cause of his uncles pain. If only he just shut his mouth and let them be, then maybe this didn't have to happen. 

"I know it's my fault and everything but I really didn't mean too. I thought umma needed a push to find out his own feelings." The little girl exclaims, this guilt is going to kill her. 

"How is it your fault? If anything it's your dad's, if only he didn't bother giving my hyung so much hope then maybe none of this would of never happened in the first place. I know I can't get angry at him for liking Sekyung noona because it’s his choice and he is the one missing out. What I am furious about is the fact that he can't man up to his own obvious feelings." Yoogeun shouts, he's shouting for the elder blonde who seemed to have turned mute, he gets angry for the elder who carried on smiling even if he's breaking to pieces inside. 

Minyoung is left gobsmacked and puzzled, now it's her turn to tell her side of the story. 

"My dad doesn't like Sekyung unnie, I mean yeah he likes her but as a sister, nothing more nothing less... Why do you think I don't scowl or give her death glares...? Because I know she's no harm. Besides as you said yourself, it's pretty obvious who my dad really likes, oppa." She explains and she smiles at the last phrase that leaves her pink petite lips because everything she had just said is true and her smile elongates as she hears shuffling noises from the other. Before she knows it both of her tiny hands are cupped in bigger ones, the owner grinning happily at her. 

"Really he does? I mean obviously he does, who wouldn’t?" Yoogeun says before correcting himself. "So Sekyung noona really is just Jjong appa's assistant and friend?" He then adds grin widening at the sight of the pigtailed girl nodding her hear enthusiastically. 

"Oppa, does this mean we're back to being siblings again?" The chocolate haired girl asks doe eyes big and bright, the elder boy chuckles. "When did we ever stop?" Yoogeun smiles at her bringing the younger's body closer to his own enveloping her into a loving hug. 

"But Mi, this time round it's Jonghyunnie appa's turn to make the move. Even if I tell him about this he won't believe me." Yooguen adds as they separate and his eyes sinks at the thought of his umma going through all this pain because of a simple misunderstanding, and Minyoung doesn't hesitate to nod because it really is her father's turn. 

"I promise, I'll get them to talk to each other oppa, but for now don't tell umma about this, I... I want it to be romantic for the both of them. You know like in one of them dramas on the TV." Minyoung pouts as she receives a light smack on the shoulder by the elder. 

"Ahh Mi, this is why adults don't let us watch TV." Yoogeun says but he isn't completely repulsed by the idea of his partner. His hyung-umma deserves nothing but the best. The little boy celebrates in his thoughts, knowing that maybe in a couple of days time he'll be finding his way back in the comfort of the Kim's mansion like home.

The two laugh together, the ones that are contagious and hearty. Soon enough they'll be laughing and joking about how sickening cute their yet to be parents are.





"How about we go and play in the park today?" Jonghyun proposes with a grin, he thinks that today is a good day to stop thinking about a certain platinum haired younger. Even if it's only just a day, it's a day he spends with his daughter instead. 

The little girl jumps in clear elation, clapping her hands running up to her father with open arms. "Can we dad, lets ask if umma ca-" 

"Just the two of us, Mi. Like the good old days." Jonghyun says in quick response, crouching down to the younger's eye level, caressing the younger's cheeks. 

"Yeah, just the two of us daddy," Minyoung says with a tiny smile, 'It has been a while daddy,' she thinks in addition. 

They pack some snacks, not the same healthy sandwiches Kibum would pack for the four if them, orange juice and store bought sandwiches can't be that unhealthy, can they?

After dressing up in their couple like jogging bottoms, blue for the elder, pink for the younger, they made their way to the taller's black sports car. It takes a 5 minutes drive or a 20 minute walk to the playground, but they feel lazy. 

"Lets get ice-cream too daddy!" Minyoung exclaims face bright, smiling bright and the elder chuckles before letting his large tanned arms patting the high ponied girl's knees. "Of course we can, darling... with sprinkles and chocolate sauce. The whole lot baby girl." Jonghyun replies in exclaims in returns, parking the car in one of the empty slots of the playgrounds car park. 

Once they make their way into the park, Minyoung finds the time to scan the place ever since her Ki-umma had left, women would somehow assume that the elder is single. It leaves a glaring Minyoung to scoff. 'As if, this puppy already has an owner! It's just both parties aren't aware of that just yet.' She really hates the way young women would go out of their normal routine just to 'make friends' with the elder. 'Make friends my ' the younger would scoff before already wide doe eyes widen in shock. 'Oh sweet blueberry muffins, I just said a bad word... Sorry Ki-umma, Sorry papa G.' That phrase would soon then follow. But she couldn't help it the way they lie between their bleach white makes the younger visibly cringe in disgust. 

But oblivious to all of these the 24 year old male makes his way to the ice cream van, leaving the younger to trail behind him. Still shooting glares to all the supposed mom's of Korea. 'Aishh..'

He asks for bubble gum flavoured and cherry flavoured ice-creams, the first for the little girl and the latter for himself. You must be all wondering what’s the reason behind his out of the blue flavours and lets just say Kim Kibum is the main person behind it all. That really doesn't help Jonghyun in anyway shape of form, because the moment he gets given the yummy cool treats memories of the younger starts flashing before his eyes. 





"Hyung, that's really boring you know, if you’re gonna buy and waste money on ice-creams, why don't you get the unique flavoured ones?" Kibum says all-knowing, smiling in a way that the elder can't help but be bewitched by. A sly pink tongue makes their way out to take a at the red and pink swirled coloured cherry flavoured ice-cream. 

"I'm not boring, I'm traditional Kibum, plus chocolate is awesome and you're just jealous." The elder retorts with a pout, and Kibum laughs and the elder can't help but pout a little harder just to make the sweet melodic laugh continue on for as long as it could.  

Jonghyun lets his eyes wander and linger a little longer than normal on the younger. Precisely on the younger's innocent lips and playful tongue that would dart their way out taking a of the said cold treat. Jonghyun is completely fascinated by the beauty of the heart shape lips of the younger and the elegant air about him. 

"-ong, hey Jjong do you want some?" Kibum says shielding his eyes from the sun, extending the hand with his ice-cream tightly locked in between to the elders face. Jonghyun is still in his daze and doesn't understand a word the other had just said. All he could focus on is the younger's lips, the way it would naturally pout and move so expressively. Jonghyun thinks that maybe just maybe, 'Wouldn't it be nice to kiss that,' but he shakes the stupid thoughts away. The way his head moved looks as if he had nodded, Kibum manages to hide his blush underneath the bright light of the sun and moves his ice-cream toward the elder’s lips. 

Jonghyun on the other hand flinches at the sudden impact of the cold sweet in his face, body jerking making the ice-cream trial into the side of his lips on a little bit on his cheeks. 

"Oh my gosh, sorry- ah... um let me help you." Kibum says retracting the ice-cream from the elder’s cheeks, frantically checking his bag for some tissue, panicking at the zero find. 

Kibum really doesn't think when he's in a panic or rush because his slim milky thumb flies toward the elder’s face, gently wiping away the contents of the sticky ice-cream off from the elder's lips. 

Jonghyun stiffens at the feeling of the other's soft padded thumb above the corner of his lips, and he can't help but close his eyes, trying to imagine how soft and delicate the blonde's lips would feel against his own.

"I'm sorry about that," Kibum says hastily eyes never leaving the ground, a strong pigment of beet red colouring his high cheeks. He missed the way the elder sighed at the loss of the touch. 





"Mister, your change." The aged man says holding out a handful of coin change

Jonghyun shakes his head out of his little trance, before muttering out a simple apology. He takes his change and leaves with a mannered goodbye.

The ice-cream in his hand looks less appetising without the younger blonde and his nephew here with them. 

"Here's your ice-cream, baby." Jonghyun says handing over the cold treat to his daughter who said her thanks before running off to an abandon swing. 

"Be careful Minyoung." The single father says after her and he takes his seat on the bench with a smile as his ears hear a faint. 'I will appa.'

They play, laugh and sing both clearly out of tune, but it doesn't matter as long it's the both of them together. Jonghyun misses this, pushing the little girl so that she could go higher, pretending to lose in a game of football just to please the younger. He misses all of these far too much, something he doesn't realise until now, since he's too busy missing other things. Someone else. 

His wrist watch displays 5 o'clock in the chilly afternoon of the December breeze and Jonghyun lets his mind go blank for a minute. He stops all the lingering thoughts of the blonde from troubling himself any further. 'This has to stop, all of this has to stop.' Jonghyun exhales between deep thoughts. 

"Hey, lets go over there and watch the sun set." Jonghyun asserts pointing at the tall hill just a mile away from where they were standing. He already makes his way towards it and Minyoung nods. Her dad had always been such a romanticise and her lips break into a smile as the thought of her father and Ki-umma sitting side by side. The elder puts his arms around the slim figure of the younger. 'Wouldn't that be such a pretty sight,' the girl muses. 

They lay down beneath the kaleidoscope of red, pinks and oranges. With the two of them its always like this. They always managed to have fun, to feel completely and satisfied, but with the younger blonde and brunette's arrival it both made them realise how they were turning a blind eye from the void the both of them feel.

"Dad, why is it that ever since I can remember you've never been in a relationship or even tried to get into one?" Minyoung asks out of curiosity as she lays her head on her currently crossed forearms behind her head, doe eyes mesmerized by the beauty of the sky above.

"You’re still far too young to understand, but there's certain things daddy has to do to keep things the way they are. It's not the easy." Jonghyun says looking up at the starry night sky inhaling the freshness of the air. 

Minyoung frowns, side by side with her father who had both arms behind his head a leverage creating a straight line, she frowns because she's upset and frowns even more because her father still thinks that she's the 3 year old girl that still needs looking after. 

"Dad, you always tell me I'm mature yet here you are contradicting yourself." Minyoung states with an annoyed huff. Jonghyun pouts and puffs a grunt like huff of his own.'I know,' the elder mentally adds after.

"It's not that... It's- complicated, Mi." Jonghyun finally says with a sigh. Why did things become so complicated anyways? Jonghyun couldn't stop himself from mentally asking, because he really didn't know why himself. The both of them were perfectly fine on their own, they were a family... a happy family even if it was just the two of them, yet something changed; changed so drastically when a certain blonde come waltzing into both of their lives.

"But that's exactly the point I'm trying to make dad. You're making it complicated, more so than it probably were before all of this." Minyoung says voice raised and tone annoyed, frustrated, sitting up from her spot turnign to face the elder sending frustrated glares towards the elder's face.

"Mi, why can't we just go back to how we were? Before Kibum, before Yoogeun. You were satisfied with only the both of us weren't you?" Jonghyun asks turning on to his stomach turning his face to look at the girl opposite him. And with all his heart Jonghyun wised that the other would just agree with him, that way its easier to deny it himself because someone else is willing to turn a blind eye. But of course leave it to his daughter to make things harder for him. This hurt him, more than all the days he lived with out the younger blonde, because for the first time in his life, Minyoung had never once raised her voice and yet here is the younger, screaming down at him with all her might.

It hurts. It hurts a lot.

"I don't want to dad. I don't want to go back to those times. We won't have to if you just start to accept the fact that you can't live in the pass forever.I don't care who or what is stopping you, but dad stop please. Please even if its just for me." Minyoung answers, tears already b her doe like eyes. She can't believe that she would ever dare raise her voice in front of her father, in front of the man she swore to understand and love unconditionally. But she's tired of living inside her own pretense. She's mentally exhausted trying to understand why her father acted the way he did. Most importantly she's tired of prolonging the feature the both of them could have with the blonde and his nephew. They didn't have to go back to how they were, because everything good is right here with them. Her Ki-umma filled the void inside of her which she never thought could be filled. Yoogeun became the brother she wished she had. They became a family and their small  family will never be a family without her Ki-umma and brother. 

"Why do you like him so much? What makes Kibum so damn special?!" Jonghyun shouts in complete and utter annoyance startling the younger who had tears already streaming down her youthful face. Minyoung wasn't the only one who was tired of living how they were back then. But why Kibum, why did it have to be him. Jonghyun is more terrified than he is annoyed because Minyoung doesn't know half the things he does.

Minyoung couldn't take it anymore, dealing with her father and his clear restrain with the thought of accepting. It is like trying to help someone who didn't want to be helped. It's a waste of her time and effort. So she runs, ignoring her father’s cries, behind the big oak tree not that far too where she and her father had been stargazing. Minyoung tried so hard to understand the elder, tried to give him enough time to understand himself, but this is just ridiculous, because the younger knew that with every tick of the clock that she lends to her father, its also time the blonde latter spend thinking about how incompetent and unworthy he is, and its not fair. As much as Minyoung wanted the blonde as her father's other half, if all her father could do is hurt the other, then she's willing to wave that dream goodbye. Her happiness is worth the pain she's making Kibum go through.

"Kim Minyoung! Get back here this instant!" Jonghyun roared getting up running after the little girl who had stopped running to crouch down beneath an old oak tree, the sound of the young girl’s tears prominent in the elder's ears as he got closer to the younger. She hugs herself tighter, shuffling closer to the tree wanting it to magically transfer into the blonde's soft welcoming arms. 

Jonghyun sheds a tear or two, scooping up the crying girl into his lap, shushing her so soothing the tears to stop. Jonghyun's never seen his little girl shed so much tears before and a sinister laugh makes their way out from his dried lips, all he wanted to do was protect Minyoung and protect the people he loved and yet there he is, the source of his daughter's tears, the source of Kibum's innocent tears. Yet the selfish bastard in him didn't regret ever meeting the younger blonde. He felt happiness through happiness then and apparently so did Minyoung.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to. Things happen and I'm confused and scared too." Jonghyun apologises, while continuing to draw calming circles on his daughter's back. Being scared is a complete understatement, Jonghyun is utterly shaken to the bone.

"Daddy, c-can I ask you something and I-I want you to answer t-truthfully..." Minyoung says in between her broken sobs looking up into her father's eyes. They tell him silently in her own little way 'Daddy, don't lie to me.' As Jonghyun locks his eyes with his little princess he knows, exactly what the other would ask him. He hums in agreement. With that he praises himself, he knows in his heart the answer to her question. He's done trying to deny the truth, done trying to be something he clearly isn't. Things will get better and they have to, if Jonghyun is risking this much.

Who is he deceiving anyway? Everything is so obvious and not having the younger platinum haired around him just made everything that extra clearer. He missed him too damn much to care and be scared. He's a man and sadly the past month he hasnt be acting much like one; causing unbearable pain for the blonde as well as his precious daughter. 

"What is Ki-umma to you?" Minyoung whispers in a silent murmur, she prays and wishes with all of her heart that her father would say the truth. The answer she already knew and that she wants to hear for herself. She never wanted to pressure her father into doing this yet, she knew this is the only way, too many people are getting hurt and if the sad reality comes knocking at the younger's door then so be it but for now, she lets that little bit of hope inside burn brighter.

'I'm sorry Sooyoung but this time I want to be happy and he... he makes me happy.' 

"I-I... like him, Mi and sometimes there's this huge part of me that says that I love him." Jonghyun confesses and he says this  with his eyes tighlty closed because from the sincerity of his voice it's more than enough for Minyoung to understand that indeed her father is telling the truth. A relieved sigh exits her small mouth, finally after what seemed like a loosing battle her father finally cracked tot he enigma that is, Kim Kibum.

Minyoung burrows her head closer into her father’s embrace letting the musky natural scent of the other fill her senses. She smiles a large and happy one. "I always knew you did, I'm happy you've stopped being a jerk about it." she says all knowingly, smile evident in her tone and Jonghyun chuckles, light and free from burden. 

"I know you did, Mi. I did too, I just didn't want to completely admit it?" the brunette retorts and its Minyoung's turn to chuckle. 

'And I hope that with my decision, I can protect him and protect you too.'

"Are you gonna tell him, are you going to finally make a move on umma?" Minyoung pipes up voice excited. Jonghyun feels a little stab of guilt puncture his chest, the genuine happiness lacing the younger's words is happiness he never onces felt from the younger before and he can't help but blame himself from being the hindrance of his own daughter's happiness. 'I'm sorry I've been so difficult, Mi but its hard trying to protect and keep you happy,' Jonghyun voices mentally because damn was it hard and now that his chosen his daughter's happiness he just hopes his strong enough to protect her when the time comes. Jonghyun knew that this is the risk he was trying so hard to avoid yet wanting to fulfill both his happiness and the younger then unfortunately it's a risk he has to take.

Jonghyun doesn't answer directly but in his own way makes the younger girl feel more reassured that yes, he definitely will. Jonghyun knew that making himself feel the joy he's been dying to feel will come with difficulties and for now he's willing to be carefree and happy. For now.

"Why is he not speaking to me? As much as I try to get my mind around it, I just don't know why he's avoiding me." That in a whole makes Minyoung cry out into a fit of laughter. Minyoung is elated to see such a cute pout on her father's face something she's missed seeing. Minyoung is glad that finally they could be happy along with the blonde and his nephew, back to how they were 3 weeks ago.

"Think back to two weeks ago, the last time you've actually seen umma." Minyoung tries to explain, she really can't keep a straight face when dealing with her father and his naïve ways. The way the elder pouted as he titled his head to the side eyebrows risen in complete seriousness and concentration, hoping to recollect hidden clues to the younger's strange behavior, because right now all he really does know is how it all got to magically do with him; he is the source of the younger's pain

The elder thinks back, playing with his daughter long soft hair, but all his mind could come up with is the dinner they had. It was already 2 weeks ago, it was something fun, really with everyone he cared for; Kibum and Yoogeun, Minyoung and Seky- Click. Now he gets it. He chuckles because damn is the fair haired younger so darn cute. Jealous because of Sekyung, which Jonghyun can't help but laugh to. 'Bou would he laugh knowing the truth,' Jonghyun internally grins.

"Now, you get it, took you long enough dad. And you know what's worst dad, that day umma was going to confess to you." The long haired brunette informs the elder with a small pout, she was that close getting the umma she wanted. She just hopes that with this information the elder could do something really awesome abo- 

"If I could just talk to him, I'd tell him how much he means to me." Minyoung always knew how her father would never let her down.

Minyoung smiles because finally, her naive father has snapped out of his useless imaginations. It wouldn't be so hard to get the fair haired other to talk to the elder. With the cold winter months already before them, wouldn't it be so romantic having a kiss whilst the pure white snow falls, the little girl thinks with a satisfied smile.  

"I can help with that appa," Minyoung's bright smile out shining the moons and its stars.


o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ 15 ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o


So you guys must be having the time of your life ehh... Finally pabo Jonghyun has gotten to grips with his feelings and yes I'm done trolling you guys next chapter is the much awaited Jongkey confession chapter and I'm telling you now its adorable and really long lol, I can't believe i wrote 10k+ words... "Where's my cookies you guys" XD

Anyway its about time lol ahahah. I think i deserve the award for the longest span of time for a jongkey confession ahahaha. Now all you have to do is pray for Thursday to come quicker ahahah.

And yes our sweet inocent Minnie finally blew ahaha but at least she's getting her Jongkey happy ever after too.

And gosh you guys you're all waiting to kill jonghyun mentally ahaha but don't worry i think you'll get to understand him more in the future chapters and realise why it's just Key who's hurting.

And everybody we should all say a big thank you to our lovely Jongkeywedding who went out of her way to beta this for all of you, and another thing on monday please wish her a appy happy birthday!!!!

Well enough talking from me ahahaha lolz XD

P.S Hey guys can i ask you a question its been bugging me ahaha, I'm starting to notice how much you all you guys actually comment and its taking me by surprise since you all together has commented over 200 times in the span of 14 chapters and i'm really thankful and yeah what i wanna know is why??? It's pretty stupid but i wanna know because seriously some times i also am a victim of being a silent reader even if i really love the story i'm reading, but please don't get tired of commenting it really makes me happy :D



P.S.S- Guys very important news... After chapter 16 or maybe 17 this fic is officially going on haitus I'm sorry but study comes first and my future kinda depends on it so yeah... I 'll talk more about it but yeah i want to just tell you guys since i love you guys lots


Shhhh. Dont tell anyone but I skipped class to finish this in time...

It's my birthday this weekend so I wouldnt have time.....

I'm such a bad student =D but `yea YOLO!

(I do "You Only Love Onew <3)


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[BAMM] My peeps I've missed you. Now be happy and expect an update soon :))


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Lykkee #1
Chapter 20: Are you still going to continue this or not anymore? Pls answer~
hansichul #2
I have finished reading the story
I am reading this again. I don't know how many times has it been already haha but I still love it the same ^^
Betty465qq #4
Chapter 20: Hii and Its been a long time but please update this story
Chapter 20: Omg so I read and read and nooo it ended :((( please update soon nnn omg
Chapter 13: u got me crying like crazy here omg gonna continue rreading it baha
when will you guys update ;;
danicabozic #8
I look forward to the next update, this is really one of the most beautiful stories I read. I hope you will update soon. :)
Rereading this makes me smile and cry and I love it so much! This is one adorable story and I miss it. But take your time with updating, we can wait (or we will try) you just enjoy writing c: I am really looking forward to it though so GOOD LUCK! ^^