

Setting – Mansion


f(x); So Into U


Throughout the past few weeks, everything was calm at home.  Changjo and Minjung had slowly become closer to one another.  Although Changjo was still quiet and Minjung did most of the talking, he didn’t push her away from him.  


When Minjung asked Changjo for help on her homework, he didn’t turn away, but instead gave her some help.


When Changjo was watching TV and Minjung sat down on the couch, he didn’t get up and walk away, but instead they watched it together.


When Minjung made treats for everyone, instead of pushing it away, he took one.


Things at school weren’t so bad either.  After school, instead of going straight back home, Changjo allowed Minjung to do things that she wanted to do.  However, he still kept his distance from her when they were in public.


Setting – After School; Streets




“Ah, snack shop stand!  I really want to eat some food, let’s go Changjo.” I excitedly ran toward the stand.


“Ahjumma, two servings of ddeokbokki please!” I smiled brightly at her.


“Changjo, anything else you want to eat?” I turned around to see no one beside me.


I looked down the street and saw a dark figure looming behind a pole.


“Seriously?” I sighed.


“Ahjumma, I’ll be right back,” I said as she kindly nodded.


I ran down the street until I reached the thick pole.


“Changjo, come out or the food’s going to get cold,” I said impatiently.


“Changjo!  Are you ignoring me?” I looked behind the pole, only to see it empty.




“IF YOU DON’T COME OUT NOW I’LL-” I yelled all in one breath, until I felt a tap behind me.


“You’re obnoxiously loud and way too explicit.  Even if we’re supposed to be secretive, the whole world would know that you have a bodyguard by now.” Changjo rolled his eyes, put his hands in his pockets and began walking forward casually.


“Well it just feels weird to know you’re around, lurking in the shadows.  Can’t we just act normally?  Besides, it’s no fun to hang by myself.” I pouted as I joined him.


“You should know this very well, but just to let you know... we don’t have normal lives.” Changjo shrugged.


“We can still be friends!  We should do normal things like eating together and shopping together, right?  We’re far from school grounds now and-” I began.


Suddenly, a speeding car zoomed past and Changjo grabbed me into his arms, instantly swapping positions with me so that he was on the outer half of the road, while my head was buried into his chest.


His strong arms felt so protective, as his chest warmed me up.  I felt my heart beating so quickly, that I thought he would be able to feel it too.


I felt his tight grip on me loosen.  Then, I looked up and our eyes met.


“Are you okay?” he asked.


“U-Um…y-yeah, thanks.” I stuttered, while I blushed due to the closeness.


“Stand on the inside of the road, I’ll stand on the outside.  Well I guess it’s not that bad of an idea that we keep a closer distance, I wouldn’t have been able to prevent that from happening if I was so far off,” Changjo muttered, as he began walking again.


I stood still as I touched my cheeks and tried to calm down from what just happened.


“Yah, are you coming?  The ddeokbokki you ordered is going to get cold,” Changjo turned around to look at me.


I looked up at him and smiled.


“Coming!” I laughed as I ran to catch up with him.


Setting – Mansion; Changjo’s Bedroom


Infinite; Tic Toc 


Changjo’s bedroom was full of dark shadows moving to and fro from the walls.  The wind was rattling loudly against the windows.


He lay asleep on the bed in an uncomfortable position, shifting back and forth.  Incoherent images filled his head and appeared in a series of flashes.


Changjo’s eyes widened as he slowly began to realize that he was surrounded by a swarm of people.


He was tied to a chair and a piece of rough cloth had bound his mouth shut.


He tried to break free from the thick ropes tying his hands and feet together but it was too tight.


A figure loomed over Changjo and slowly bent down to reach his level.


His eyebrows furrowed and cold sweat began running down his forehead.


“Now, now, Changjo.  You’ll behave for me, won’t you?  Don’t make things difficult,” he spoke in a provocative manner, ending off with a smirk while he reached down to pat Changjo’s head.


Changjo glared in response and he quickly turned away from the hand.


 “Ah, hot-blooded, just like your Ahbeoji I see.  Why couldn’t you have turned out more like your beautiful Omonim, more peaceful and kind?” he laughed.


“Go away… leave me alone,” Changjo spoke softly, but in a disturbed manner.


Not long after, he began rolling back and forth on the bed.  At first it was a steady pace, but the rolling gradually became violent.  


Then, the scenery changed to a blood bath.  The once clean basement was now filled with blood wherever he looked.


Blood covered the floor, splattered on the walls, even Changjo’s clothes and face were filled with different people’s blood.


 He shook in fear as he looked up and saw many people fighting with different weapons, blood dousing his face every single time.


Just when he was unable to take it anymore, he felt someone's hands reach out to untie the ropes that bound his hands and feet together.


“Don’t worry, everything will be alright,” the voice spoke gently, similar to his Umma, as she crouched down and began to wipe the blood off his face.


He looked up at the woman’s face and recognized her right away.


Despite the cuts on her face, and the blood that soaked her clothes and dripped down the ends of her hair, she was still beautiful.


As she smiled warmly at him, he forgot all about the blood all over his face, clothes, and the vicious battle that was still going on.


However, a shadow loomed over her and Changjo looked up in horror.


“NO, STOP!” Changjo yelled out in fear and quickly sat up in his bed.


He quickly the light by his bedside and looked around the room.  He brought his knees toward his chest and his arms held his head, which was bent in fear.  


He shut his eyes tightly and tried to get the images out of his head but they wouldn’t stop replaying.


“Stop, please just… stop…” Changjo whispered, as angry tears fell down his face. 


Just a short chappie for you all~ I have a midterm next week so I couldn’t write too much. Hopefully you still enjoyed it! A bit more on Changjo’s past, can any of you guess what happened yet? Thanks for reading, remember to comment!^^

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Sorry for the super late update! Hope you enjoy the chappie~ Comments are appreciated


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I've been with you ever since you were on soompi then you moved here. I hope you update this story, I miss reading it.
Chapter 12: this story is really good. please update soon.
Chapter 12: aigoo! update soon! i love thissss :DDD <3 <3
Chapter 12: EHEHE
MR. CHOI????
cyjjangyo #5
Chapter 12: AYO BBUING BBUING! You updated 'cause of my aegyo right, hehehe. Anyhow, cute chapter! Of course I know who the anonymous [shoot anonymous, anonymous!] guy is pft. Am I allowed to release this spoiler hahaha. It's C_ _ _ _ _O right? LOL. (: So aside from the fact that there weren't that many Changjung/Jungjo moments in this chapter (it was still amazing, the snippet embedded inside this chapter). LOL. Poor Taemin was left behind, aklsdfjas. But there have been consecutive chapters revolving around Taemin/Minjung so I don't feel /too/ bad. LOL. Btw, I desperately need some Changjung/Jungjo dosage, so promise me that the next update will be filled with plentiful amounts of main OTP moments. Please and thank you. Btw, totally love the stark contrast between the soundtrack in this chapter, MY MY - all glittery and innocent and then... BAM in your face NO MERCY. LOL. So I'm figuratively on the edge of my seat waiting for the update because I need some information about the case that they're following! Really excitedddd, so um yeah. Be a good girl & update while I brainstorm some ideas for my new fanfic hehe. Or you could choose to be a rebel & NOT update but I do have easy access to that Word document with all the details of BODYGUARD, so yes please do update soon. (◕‿◕✿) Will be anxiously flipping tables until you do update. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Chapter 6: omfg. LOLOL.
Aiya. gotta catch up~
Chapter 12: Update please!
I have a guess on who it might be but I dont wanna say and be wrong! Haha cx
Chapter 12: Omg!! You finally updated!! It's been awhile since you've updated... Yes, I would be anticipating for the Changjo and minjung moments...
Chapter 12: Ahaha. Is it Changjo? The mysterious Oppa. (; lol.
Chapter 12: omg who's the guy??? he sounds hot lol
YAY! MORE CHANGJO MOMENTS<3 love the update!
typical girls being girls hahah such fangirls