
I'd Ship That


Forgive me for my absense. But I have found the next ship! Please enjoy~


Sunggyu was relaxing at his apartment, ready for a peaceful night. A knock at his door changed everything.

“Oh, hello Mrs. Kang,” Sunggyu greeted. He saw next to his neighbor was her little girl.

“Hi, I hate to bother you. I know that it’s last minute but Susan’s sitter is sick and I have a business dinner. Can you watch her?”

“Uh, sure?”

“Great! I’ll be back by ten. Try to get her to bed by nine, okay?”

Mrs. Kang hurried off and Sunggyu looked at the girl in front of her.

“I’m bored,” she huffed. Susan ran into Sunggyu’s apartment and began exploring.

“Wait!” Sunggyu followed after the girl and knew he couldn’t do this alone. His phone rang and Sunggyu saw the person calling was just who he wanted to talk to.

“Dongwoo, I’m so glad you called. I need your help.”

“Anything for you. What do you need?”

“My neighbor’s daughter is here at my apartment and I don’t know how to watch over kids.”

“I’m on my way.”

Sunggyu sighed in relief and found Susan going through his shirts.

“I’m a leopard! Roar!” she said. She had on one of Sunggyu’s leopard shirts and was drowning in it.

“Don’t ruin my shirts,” Sunggyu cried out.

Susan stuck out her tongue and struggled to get out of the shirt. She fell back and almost hit her head on the floor.

“Okay, enough playing in my room.”

Sunggyu took back his shirt and Susan went running off. He decided to pick up his shirts later and went after Susan. Even though it took Dongwoo a total of ten minutes to get there, it felt like hours to Sunggyu.  They barely got to greet each other before Susan came running up.

“Hi! You must be Susan,” Dongwoo knelt down to the girl’s level and smiled at her.

“You’re cute,” she stated.

“Oh? Thank you. You’re quite adorable yourself. Are you hungry?”

Susan nodded and Sunggyu went to fix dinner. As he worked on dinner, the two “kids” played in the next room. Sunggyu would glance over and watch when he had time in between chopping and stirring. He couldn’t help but think how cute Dongwoo looked.

He’s going to be a great father…

“Dinner is ready~” Sunggyu chimed. He laid everything out and Dongwoo soon joined with Susan clinging to his leg. It was clear just how much Susan liked Dongwoo during dinner. She acted like Sunggyu didn’t exist.

“Oppa~ do you have a girlfriend?” Susan looked up with big, curious eyes at Dongwoo who suddenly choked on his chicken. Sunggyu was suddenly curious as it occurred to him that Dongwoo never mentioned any girls.

“No, I don’t,” Dongwoo answered. He fidgeted around nervously while keeping his eyes on his food.

“Can I be your girlfriend?” Susan asked.

“Sorry, Susan. You’re too young for me.”

“Do you like someone?”

“Actually...” Dongwoo rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “The thing is…”

Do you?”

Sunggyu focused on his food but kept his ears open.

“Oppa does like someone,” Dongwoo admitted finally. He then proceeded to stuff his face with food.

“Really? Who?”

“Susan. Let’s not bother Dongwoo,” Sunggyu said.

He took his turn to stuff his face and Susan glared at him.

“You’re no fun. Oppa doesn’t mind.”

“Why don’t you finish up and I’ll tell you a bedtime story,” Dongwoo suggested.

Susan took a few more bites then stood up.

“Finished!” she exclaimed.

“Dongwoo, you take care of Susan and I’ll clean up the dishes,” Sunggyu said.

Dongwoo brought Susan to the couch and spoke to her in a hushed tone.

“I’m going to tell you a story about the guy I like.”

Sunggyu was clearing the plates and heard Dongwoo. Despite the younger’s attempt to be quiet. While doing the dishes, Sunggyu was loud. Giving Dongwoo the opportunity to be louder. Sunggyu didn’t catch much of the story until the end.

“…Then as we sat there and waited for the rain to pass, it felt like one of those movies. He passed out on my shoulder and it just… felt right.”

Sunggyu felt his heart beating faster as the story hit him. He walked over to Dongwoo who was watching Susan fall asleep.

“You two are cute,” she mumbled before she fell asleep.

Dongwoo turned to see Sunggyu standing there and jumped back, startled.

“I heard,” Sunggyu said.

Dongwoo’s eyes went wide at his words and he too felt his heart begin to race.

“You… really?”

Sunggyu nodded and took a step closer.

“Yeah. And I just wanted to let you know it felt like one of those movies for me too.”

The two smiled at each other. Neither was sure what was next for them.

“Well Susan made a mess of my room so I’m going to go clean it.”

“Wait!” Dongwoo called out.

He didn’t want Sunggyu to clean his room. Since when does someone clean their room in the of the movie?



Dongwoo mustered up all the courage in him to give Sunggyu a kiss on the cheek. He then proceeded to dash into the older boy’s room. Sunggyu smiled as he went after him.

“That boy. So cute.”


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Chapter 4: Lol. An owl. Lololololol
*probably going to be a comment on every chapter*
lol new subscriber<333
your author notes man omg they are hilarious >.<
i love your story -err- one shots lol the cruise concept is really original ;)
*gonna go spazz now*
Chapter 4: I like the author notes above everything else. buwahahaha!!!
Chapter 4: *g* *g* *g*
Chapter 3: One down! :') aww, the first chapter was perfect. I lol'd at the ending.
Chapter 1: This is the best idea in the history of good ideas. Applause for you *g* I AM PUMPED.

I'm just sad that YeolJong is second last :-(