
I'd Ship That


Sunggyu arrived at the house of his boyfriend and knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Boohyun, Woohyun’s older brother.

“Sunggyu, it’s nice to see you. What’s it been? Three hours? I’m just messing. Come in, Woohyun’s in his room.”

“Alright. Thank you.” Sunggyu gave a polite smile and entered the house and went down to where Woohyun’s room was. He entered without knocking and saw a shirtless Woohyun running around frantically.

“It was just on my bed and now my shirt is gone!” Woohyun spoke to himself. He was clueless to the fact Sunggyu was standing there, watching. Admiring him. Finally, Woohyun turned and noticed Sunggyu there at the door. “Oh, hey! I just have to find my shirt then I’ll be good to go.”

“You have a closet full of shirts,” Sunggyu mentioned.

“I’m well aware I own more than one shirt. But I need this one.” Woohyun gave a cheeky smile and Sunggyu chuckled. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, leaning on it.

“Well you better hurry up, pretty boy. We have a movie to catch.”

“Alright, grandpa,” Woohyun teased. He laughed at Sunggyu’s pout and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Help me find the- wait, I found it!”

Woohyun put his shirt on and the two headed out the door. Once they were down the street, Woohyun grabbed onto Sunggyu’s hand. They chatted about the little that had happened since the two saw each other just a few hours ago. Soon they arrived at the theater and Sunggyu was practically bouncing for joy like a little kid. After getting their tickets and food, they headed inside and found some seats near the back. The couple was seeing the newest sci-fi movie which was more of Sunggyu’s type of movie than Woohyun’s. Sunggyu was engrossed in the movie while Woohyun sat there and tried to pay attention. He liked watching Sunggyu’s reactions better than the movie. Halfway through, Woohyun laid his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder and found himself falling asleep.


Woohyun sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at Sunggyu then at the screen and saw the credits were rolling and everyone was exiting.

“I missed it?” Woohyun asked.

“Yes. It was so amazing! I don’t know how you could fall asleep.”

“Your shoulder is so comfy,” Woohyun explained. He made a heart with his hands and smiled, cheekly.

“You’re so greasy,” Sunggyu said, smacking Woohyun’s hands.

“You wouldn’t love me if I wasn’t,” Woohyun remarked. Sunggyu rolled his eyes even though it was true. He loved Woohyun, grease and all.

“Let’s just go.” Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun’s hand and pulled him along outside of the theater. They headed over to a friend’s house where their whole group was meeting.

“Where have you guys been?” Myungsoo asked, as he led them inside.

“Probably making out,” Sungyeol said, making kissy faces. Sunggyu rolled his eyes while Woohyun played along.

“Yeah, he’s right. We totally lost track of time.”

This boy, Sunggyu thought.

Now that all seven of them were there, they started their monthly karaoke party. It was loud and crazy like usual. Lots of sugar was consumed. Mainly by Dongwoo and Sungjong, but everyone had their fair share, leaving them up almost all night. Sunggyu and Woohyun were still up by the time everyone else was asleep and counted down the minutes until 3:00 am.

3, 2, 1…

“Happy three month anniversary,” Sunggyu and Woohyun whispered to each other. They shared a kiss before finally going to bed in each other’s arms.


"We're so cute" *o*

Yes, Woohyun. You and Sunggyu are-

"Perfect! We're perfect!"

Uhm, sure. Let's go with that. Sunggyu... thoughts?

"This is shorter than the last one. Why aren't we longer?!"

You are getting a lot of time to talk at the end. No one has gotten this much time-

"It's not the same!"

Just find me the next ship and quit complaining. -.-

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Chapter 4: Lol. An owl. Lololololol
*probably going to be a comment on every chapter*
lol new subscriber<333
your author notes man omg they are hilarious >.<
i love your story -err- one shots lol the cruise concept is really original ;)
*gonna go spazz now*
Chapter 4: I like the author notes above everything else. buwahahaha!!!
Chapter 4: *g* *g* *g*
Chapter 3: One down! :') aww, the first chapter was perfect. I lol'd at the ending.
Chapter 1: This is the best idea in the history of good ideas. Applause for you *g* I AM PUMPED.

I'm just sad that YeolJong is second last :-(