
I'd Ship That


Lee Sungyeol was known as the school’s player. It was never his intentions to break girls’ hearts. He just wanted to feel something. Have a girl smile at him and it give him butterflies in his stomach. Was it too much to ask for his breath to catch and his heart to skip a beat? It apparently was.

Once Sungyeol and his best friend Myungsoo were in class and seated, Sungyeol laid his head down and prepared to fall asleep.

“I’ll fill you in on what you missed,” Myungsoo assured and Sungyeol grunted in reply. Right before he was about to fall asleep, Sungyeol heard the teacher say something about a new student and Myungsoo was jabbing him in the rib.

“Yah!” Sungyeol shouted, lifting his head up to glare at his friend. Looking around, Sungyeol noticed all eyes were now on him. Even the new kid. Sungyeol found himself staring at the new boy. He looked like an angel to him. And that feeling of his heart skipping a beat? Sungyeol felt that.

“As I was saying,” the teacher said, all eyes back on him. “This is our new student. You can introduce yourself.” Sungyeol watched as the boy stood in the front of the classroom, fidgeting around with his uniform.

“Hello. I’m Lee Sungjong and I just transferred from another school. I hope we can be friends.” The boy rushed to an empty seat across from Sungyeol and kept his eyes on his desk. Sungyeol found himself smiling and thought the new kid interesting.

At lunch, Sungyeol was going to talk to Sungjong but he hurried out the room faster than anyone.

“So get this,” Myungsoo said. He threw his arm around Sungyeol’s shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts. “That kid went to Hoya’s school. You know how there was this kid that kept trying to get with Hoya’s little brother so they taught him a lesson? Lee Sungjong.”

Sungyeol turned to his friend, his mouth agape. He felt as if all the air had just been punched out of him. Was this really the same kid?

“That’s him?” Sungyeol asked.

“Yeah. Let’s go find him and have a… chat, we’ll call it.” Myungsoo gave a smirk before leaving the room. It took a moment for it to sink in with Sungyeol. Myungsoo wasn’t planning on chatting.

“Wait!” Sungyeol called out and ran after his friend. “He’s not bothering anyone right now.”

“But if we talk to him now, he’ll know not to get in our way.”

Even though Sungyeol prayed they wouldn’t find Sungjong, they did. He was sitting on a bench by himself, just enjoying his food. Sungyeol stayed behind while Myungsoo walked up to the boy. Myungsoo snatched the apple Sungjong was eating and tossed it aside.

“Can I help you?” Sungjong asked.

Myungsoo shoved the boy off the bench and Sungyeol ran after to help him out.

“I got this,” Myungsoo said, grabbing Sungyeol and pulling him away.

“Myungsoo…” Sungyeol trailed off as he watched Myungsoo pick up Sungjong by his shirt collar.

“We don’t appreciate you being here. So just stay out of our way or we will tell Hoya where you happened to transfer. Alright?” 

Sungyeol tried to stop Myungsoo from beating on the little boy. By the time Myungsoo was done, Sungjong was bleeding from the mouth. Myungsoo just left, assuming Sungyeol was following after. Looking down at the poor boy, Sungyeol felt a mix of emotions. He knelt down and put his hand on Sungjong’s shoulder.

“I’m so sorry,” Sungyeol said.

“It’s okay. Hoya’s done worse.” Sungjong was trying to put on a smile but Sungyeol could see the sadness in his eyes.

“Look I’m not, well, I don’t,” Sungyeol sighed and rubbed his forehead. He couldn’t find the right way to say what he wanted.

“Yeah?” Sungjong questioned, looking up at the older boy curiously.

“I don’t know why but when I saw you, I felt something. Like something happened to me. I don’t know what it was.”

Sungjong, despite the fact that he was all bloody, found himself smiling. Sure Sungyeol didn’t really confess, but Sungjong had a 6th sense about this kind of stuff. He knew what was going on.

 The two spent a lot of time together outside of school and Sungjong stayed away during school to keep Sungyeol out of trouble. Sungjong waited somewhat patiently for Sungyeol to figure out what was going on by himself. It seemed to him though, that he didn’t want to accept it. Then came the day, two weeks after Sungjong’s arrival.

“Sungjong, I need to talk to you,” Sungyeol said.

“We can talk later. Myungsoo is coming.” Sungjong tried to hurry away but Sungyeol reached for his wrist.

“No. I’m done hiding our friendship.”

Sungjong looked up at him with bugged out eyes. Myungsoo came up and eyed the two and Sungyeol’s grip on his wrist.

“Is this kid bothering you?” Myungsoo asked. Sungjong took his hand away and looked at Sungyeol so see what his answer was going to be.

“No. He’s my friend.” Myungsoo went to speak but Sungyeol cut him off. “And if you lay a finger on my friend then we are no longer friends.”

“You two? But he…”

“Has a thing for guys. So what? That’s not a bad thing. It’s just life okay. So lay off.” Sungyeol took Sungjong’s wrist dragged him to an empty hallway.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Sungjong said.

“I wanted to though. Cause, I think I like you. And unlike you, this is all new for me and very confusing.”

Sungjong smiled and hugged Sungyeol.

“Well I do have this effect on people,” Sungjong said, with a cheeky smile.

So like that their relationship began. They went out on coffee dates and went to the park. To Sungyeol, Sungjong was his angel. And to Sungjong, Sungyeol was his owl.

“Why is my contact picture my owl face?” Sungyeol asked, pouting.

“Because, you’re adorable,” Sungjong stated. 



Myungsoo, I just wanted to let you know I didn't want to make you mean. 

"You think just because I have this cold icy stare that you can make me mean? I'm not mean! Just intense." :p

Myungsoo~ I'm sorry~ >.<

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Chapter 4: Lol. An owl. Lololololol
*probably going to be a comment on every chapter*
lol new subscriber<333
your author notes man omg they are hilarious >.<
i love your story -err- one shots lol the cruise concept is really original ;)
*gonna go spazz now*
Chapter 4: I like the author notes above everything else. buwahahaha!!!
Chapter 4: *g* *g* *g*
Chapter 3: One down! :') aww, the first chapter was perfect. I lol'd at the ending.
Chapter 1: This is the best idea in the history of good ideas. Applause for you *g* I AM PUMPED.

I'm just sad that YeolJong is second last :-(