Chapter 9

Double Trouble & Love
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"Nice shot Ssul!" Nichkhun held Sulli up in the air as she made a victory pose and cheered.


"I think I might have just surpassed your soccer abilities, Khun!" Sulli laughed as she ruffled Khun's hair whilst still being held in the air.


"I believe you are right, my lady." Nichkhun scrunched up his nose and smiled at his girlfriend.


"Come on, put me down! Let's play some more!"


"Ssul, let's take a short water break. You need some rest from all that running just now. Your heart is not going to take it well without some rest."


"Aish Khun! Don't be such a kill joy."


"This kill joy does not want his girlfriend to suffer later on. So please bear with me, ne?" Nichkhun reached up and pecked Sulli's pouty lips.


"15 minutes then!"


"Half an hour, Ssul."


Looking at Nichkhun's serious face, Sulli knew she had no way of winning this. "Arasseo, half an hour. Gunde, you promise you'll teach me more tricks later?"


"I will." Nichkhun smiled as Sulli hugged him tightly as he carried her to the front porch of Sulli's house.


Sulli rested her head on Nichkhun's shoulders. She felt so much peace with Nichkhun because he had always been there to look out for her and to take care of her. She loved how he would get worked up whenever Sulli would get sick. But sometimes he would seem a little to protective and not allow her to do anything on her own. And that often suffocated her.


"You really need to look out for your health more. I don't want you jeopardizing your heart condition."


"Ne, mommy Khun."


"I'm serious Ssul. Why do you always not take this matter seriously?"


"I was just joking, Khun. I will look after myself, don't worry."


Nichkhun  cupped Sulli's face with both his hands. Sulli noticed his worried eyes-like he would lose the most important person in his life anytime, anywhere, any moment. "You're so important to me, and you don't even know."



"The breakup was a mistake. I know it. You know it. I know you still have feelings for me..."


Did I make the right decision with Khun? But what about Minho? Wait. What about Minho? Why am I even thinking about him?


Sulli turned around and looked at her roommate who is sitting next to her- who just so h

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Muthu123 #1
Chapter 9: When is the next chapter ?????
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
Chapter 9: Your story is good and it is well written, but the plot is just like ttby. It's like ttby all over again except with diff. characters. What I'm saying is that you should change it a bit so that it is your 'own story', you get what I mean? I'm not criticising you or anything, I'm just trying to offer some helpful advice. :)

Anyways, looking forward to the next chapter
MeLot_24 #4
Chapter 9: Authornim please update . .
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 9: wonderful update authornim
i wonder if nickhun really love her, would he be able to freely love or to be with him but be caged?
beejay08 #6
Chapter 9: Thanks for updating authornim. I've been waiting for this. I like the story. :)
Chapter 9: lmao. . . Is there will be a hard training?
Chapter 9: Awww. Minho is so sweet. He's willing to wait for Sulli. And the camping, It reminds me of 'to the beautiful you' tent scene.Kkk.. Feeling giddy again.hihihi.S'more update authornim.Can't wait for your next update ^o^
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 8: Please Update s0on authornim. . .please your story is daebakk cant wait for the next chapter .. .please update everyday authornim. .hahaha :-D
marifelhojas #10
Chapter 8: i love this story i mean such a nice one pls pdate again cant wait to read nxt chapter congrats authornim and pls do more updates tnx....