Chapter 6

Double Trouble & Love
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"Ani, ani...This is impossible." Minho said as he stood outside the bathroom doors trying to make sense of what just happened. "That was probably Jay's friend, who just so happened to share the same name and I probably just misheard him and that he didn't actually say Ssul." Minho, still in doubt looked at the post-it Jay had scribbled and then at his phone. "Should I try calling just to make sure?"

He grabbed his phone and slowly dialed the numbers on the paper. Looking at "Jay's" phone in his hand, he sighed in relief. It didn't vibrate. "I knew I was over thinking. Nothing like that could seriously happen in real li-"


(Buzz buzz)


Minho spun around and tried to figure out where that sound came from. He walked towards Jay's bed and saw that something was moving under the pillow.


'No. Way.' Minho thought as he slowly lifted the pillow. He widened his eyes at what he saw.


A second cellphone.


He reached down to check the caller ID on the phone. It was his number.


'That means..everything that boy, I mean.."Jay" said on the phone was true? His sister is in disguise as him at SM High while he's in London? But why?'


'The person that I've been living with up until now has really been Sulli.'


"Crap. Eottoke?"


Minho quickly deleted the call history and snuck the phone back under the pillow and returned to his desk as if nothing had happened.


"Should I tell her that I know it's her? She'd probably freak out.." Minho shook his head. "Andwae andwae. I should think before I act."


Just then, Sulli walked out ,all dressed, with a towel around her shoulders. Minho immediately sat up straight in his chair. He examined her closely.


Water was dripping down her neck from her short wet hair as she ruffled it with the towel.


He gulped.

'She looks nice..'


"Yah, yah. W-Why are you all wet?" Minho stuttered.


"Because I just took a shower, obviously?" Sulli said, confused.


"You should go dry up! You-You're wetting the floor!" Minho turned around, with his back towards her.


"Minho-yah." Sulli said as she walked to face him. "Are you alright? Are you hurting?" Sulli looked with her large concerned eyes.


'How could I have ever mistaken her as a boy? She's always been so gentle and feminine. God, I was so stupid.'


"A-Ani." Minho blushed as he looked away. "I'm fine."


"Are you sure? Your cheeks are a little red. You should go rest!" Sulli pushed Minho towards his bed.


"Y-yah. Geumanhae!" Minho said as Sulli pushed him down.


"What's wrong with you today?" Sulli laughed. "Ahh, you're thinking about my sister aren't you?" Sulli joked.


Minho's eyes shot up. "M-Mwo?"


"My sister? Sulli? Didn't you say you were hitting on her?" Sulli giggled as she made fun of Minho.


'Her laugh is so cute. Aish, this girl doesn't even know that I already know it's her yet she's making fun of me' Minho chuckled.


"What if I told you I'm interested in her?" Minho hinted.


Sulli, who didn't expect Minho to suddenly look so serious, blushed. "M-Mwo?"


"You heard me."

Minho smirked, looking at Sulli's surprised expression. "Yah, I said I'm interested in your sister, not you. Why do you look like a tomato now?"


"What? I don't look like a tomato!" Sulli pouted.


Minho grinned and ruffled Sulli's hair. "Alright, I'm going to head to bed. Don't forget we have soccer practice tomorrow. Tryouts are the day after, you should hurry and dry up. Don't sleep late, ne?"


Sulli watched Minho tuck himself into bed. She touched the top of her head where Minho's hands were. "Ne."


She smiled. She could feel something new stirring in her. She didn't know what it was, but it made her feel warm and comfortable.


"JAY, shoot it!" Minho yelled as he passed the ball the Sulli.


Sulli who had gotten a lot better, forcefully kicked the ball into the goal.


"Nice job, Jay! You seriously improved so much!" All her peers were patting her on the back."


"Alright, everyone come in!" The coach yelled. "Great job everyone! We're going to have a really strong team this year judging by your practice today! Rest well today and do well at tryouts tomorrow!"


The coach then dismissed everyone.


Just as Sulli was going to head back to the dorms, a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders.


"Yah, buddy! I never knew YOU were into soccer!"


Sulli looked up.




"K-Khun! What are you doing here?"


"To see you, of course. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! Wher

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Muthu123 #1
Chapter 9: When is the next chapter ?????
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
Chapter 9: Your story is good and it is well written, but the plot is just like ttby. It's like ttby all over again except with diff. characters. What I'm saying is that you should change it a bit so that it is your 'own story', you get what I mean? I'm not criticising you or anything, I'm just trying to offer some helpful advice. :)

Anyways, looking forward to the next chapter
MeLot_24 #4
Chapter 9: Authornim please update . .
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 9: wonderful update authornim
i wonder if nickhun really love her, would he be able to freely love or to be with him but be caged?
beejay08 #6
Chapter 9: Thanks for updating authornim. I've been waiting for this. I like the story. :)
Chapter 9: lmao. . . Is there will be a hard training?
Chapter 9: Awww. Minho is so sweet. He's willing to wait for Sulli. And the camping, It reminds me of 'to the beautiful you' tent scene.Kkk.. Feeling giddy again.hihihi.S'more update authornim.Can't wait for your next update ^o^
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 8: Please Update s0on authornim. . .please your story is daebakk cant wait for the next chapter .. .please update everyday authornim. .hahaha :-D
marifelhojas #10
Chapter 8: i love this story i mean such a nice one pls pdate again cant wait to read nxt chapter congrats authornim and pls do more updates tnx....