Break Up?! O.O

My enemy becomes my husband!!!! Help!!

kaos-crazybunny05.gifI waked up this morning and take a Shower then I heard Jessica Unnie yelled from downstairs

Jessica: “yah~!! Jung Soojung!! Quick!!” then I quickly get dressed and head downstairs.

Krystal: “ooh unnie!! Sorry~!!! Let’s go!!” she drove me to school and Drop me in front of the School Gate.

Krystal: “unnie annyeong~!!! Tell mom that I missed her too ok??”kaos-brownusagi10.gif

Jessica: “Arrassor!!! Bye baby Jung~!!!” then I waved goodbye at her then she left.

I was walking in to the School Gate then someone tapped on my shoulder.

Sulli: “Soojungie~!!! Annyeong!!!”kaos-cactus01.gif

Krystal: “0ooh Ssul!!!! HI J!!! Then I hugged her.kaos-yellowjelly16.gif

Sulli: “what are you doing yesterday???”

Krystal: “uuh….hmmm….i-I just stayed home thats all!!”

Sulli: “Are you okay???Just stay at home??? You should’ve call me, so we can go somewhere together~!!!”

Krystal: “I’m fine!!! I just don’t want to bother you Ssul~!!!” Sorry Ssul I don’t wanna lie to you but I have to!!! xL

DENG DENG…… (School Start X__X) kaos-yellowjelly11.gif

Sulli: “It’s fine!!! Now let’s go in!!! The Bell just went!!!”

Krystal: “yeh, let’s go!!” While we’re walking to Our Class, we met Luna & Amber.kaos-mint06.gif

Sulli: “0ooh~!!! Where is Vic umma??”

Luna: “she’s not here yet!!!! I think she’s late!!”

Amber: “So how’s it going??” She asked in English.

Krystal: “I’m good!!!!”

Luna and Sulli just stay silent. Because they got no idea what are we talking about!!!kaos-pinky04.gif

Luna: “Ummm…..Korean Please!!”

Amber: “0ooh :D Sorry!!! I’m just asking how are you guys??”

Luna: “0oo….i’m Fine!!!”

Sulli: “Same! But guys, we better hurry!!! The bell went like 5 min ago!!”

Krystal: “0ooh shoot! See you guys at Lunch!!” then I dragged Luna and run to our singing class. Amber and sulli got acting class together. Vic umma got Stretching Class alone because she so flexible chikas_blue10.gif

When i and Luna arrived at our class, our teacher is already inside. We gonna be dead chikas_pink34.gif

Miss: “you two girls are late!!! You two will have Detention at First break.”

Krystal: “but Miss we wer--!!!”

Miss: “No buts now go and sit down!!!”

Omg I Hate her so Much!!!!! URGH we just got detention. We walked to our table and sit next to each other, but suddenly I saw Jonghyun and Big eyes 0_0 run into the class room. GREAT, I GOT THE SAME CLASS AS BIG EYES AGAIN!!!! But they’re also late, kaos-mint03.gif

Jonghyun: “Miss we’re sorry that we’re late!!”

Miss: “I guess, you two also have to join the girls first break detention too!!!”

Minho: “Who??”

Then Miss Pointed to both of us and I saw big eyes smirks at me!! What the Heck Choi Minho???kaos-pinky44.gif

Jonghyun: “0ooh it’s gonna be Fun!!!” chikas_pinkangel02.gif

Miss: “Now  plz go and sit down!!!” They are sitting behind me and Luna.

When the class is start, Miss teaches us How to reach the high noted and Blah Blah……(it’s so damn boring -.-) kaos-panda10.gif

Then she told us to try. Luna was the first one, and it was really good and also Jonghyun. Everyone in the class clasped for them. I heard everyone whisper that they should date each other xD because they’re the best vocal in our class. Then it’s my turn, Miss said that my voice is not that bad at all. But when its Minho turns, it’s really bad!!! Miss said that he needs to improve more, because his voice is still not that good. ( :P Shame on him)

While we were writing down all the notes from the board that miss wrote, Suddenly someone throws a ball at me from behind, when I turned around it was Big eyes that sit behind me but he acts like he doesn’t know anything,(Choi Minho I’m not that Stupid :P),  so I just ignored it and continue writing the notes. But then He throw it again, I just stayed still and acted like nothing happen because I don’t want to disturb the class. kaos-cactus05.gif

2mins Later…..

Then he throw it again, URGH I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE >:L then I turned around and

Krystal: “YAH CHOI MINHO! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM???” kaos-cactus04.gif

Then I just realised that I yelled really loud across the room. And everyone is looking at me. Then I saw that stupid Big eyes Mehrong at me. URGH!!!!! Why is he so annoying???kaos-lemon11.gif

Miss: “krystal-iss you just interrupted my class!!!!”

Krystal: “ummm…I’m sorry miss but minho, he-!!!” gods damn her, she always cuts my sentences!!!!!

Miss: “0ooh so minho is also involved in this too huh???”

Krystal: “yes, miss he throws the paper ball at me!!”

Miss: “do you guys want 1 more detention after school!!!!”

Krystal: “of course not miss!!!!”

Miss: “Fine then!!! so Shut up and copy all of this notes!!!”

Freaking Hell??? She’s so mean T_T pen-6.gif

Then I just sat back down and I turned around saw that a big eye is laughing. What the…….???

45 mins Later…..

Finally, that Stupid Class is ended. But we still got that damn detention, now everyone is gone for their first break. Sadly, we have to sit in this class quietly!!!

Miss: “Luna and Jonghyun, you two go to the class next door!! Minho and Krystal, you two can stay here!!!”

Luna: “but why Miss??? Why can’t I and Krystal stay her and them go to the class next door!!! Or we can go to the next door as long as we together!!”

Krystal: “yeh Miss, Why??”

Miss: “no!! You girls will chat if you two are together!!! Detentions aren’t allowed to talk, you have to stay quiet for the rest of the detention!! Now Luna and Jonghyun go to the next door!!”

Krystal: “but Miss we won’t talk!!!”

Miss: “NO, Now you two go!!!”

Luna: “Bye Krys!! See you next bre--!!!”

Then I saw Jonghyun Dragged luna to the class next door  >.< kaos-yellowjelly05.gif

Miss: “you two have to be Quiet for the rest of the detention, no Chatting ok???”

Krystal: “Miss, Don’t Worry. I won’t ever talk to him!!!”kaos-crazybunny06.gif

Miss: “ok then!!! I’ll go now!!” then she left, now it just me and big eyes.

It was so quiet and awkward.

Minho: “Ummm…..So???”

Krystal: “Just Shut Up Big Eyes!!! It’s detention, so be quiet!!”kaos-yellowjelly03.gif

Minho: “who care??? She’s already gone!!!”

Krystal: “I cared!!! I don’t want to get detention again and especially with you!!! :P”

Minho: “Are you sure??? You don’t want to stay her with me??? Every girl would die to be in here with me right now!!!”

Krystal: “OMG, CHOI MINHO!! Don’t think that all girls like you!!!!” kaos-cactus24.gif

Minho: “well, what if I said that all girls like me??”

Krystal: “then just to let you know that I’m not one of them!!!”

Minho: “Ok then!!! :/”

Then it’s Silent again!!! I don’t want to talk to him, he’s so annoying!!!

Minho: “Yah~!! I wonder why do you wear those big nerdy glasses??”

Krystal: “Choi Minho, It’s none of your business!! Can you please shut up??” kaos-cactus12.gif

Minho: “Yah~!! Don’t be mean, I’m trying to start the conversation here!!”kaos-peas11.gif

Krystal: “You don’t have too!!!!”

Minho: “it’s too quiet!!!”

Krystal: “but it supposed to be quiet!!!”

Minho: “UHHH~!!! It’s annoyed me!!!” floating_blobs69.gif

Krystal: “Tsh…….i don’t want one more detention after school!!!!”

Minho: “me too….!!”

Krystal: “if you don’t want detention, then why the heck are you bothering me during the class time!!! It’s so Damn annoying :P”

Then I saw him smiles widely.  kaos-bear08.gifPabo~

Krystal: “Yah!! What wrongs with you???”

Minho Pov

Krystal: “if you don’t want detention, then why the heck are you bothering me during the class time!!! It’s so Damn annoying :P”

Then I smiled. I don’t why but I love it, when because every time she’s pissed off, I saw Krystal looks at me Confused.

Krystal: “Yah!!! What wrongs with you???”

Minho -merhongs-: “nothing!!!”

Krystal: “damn you!!! Whatever!!” kaos-brownusagi14.gif

15mins Later…….Miss came in..

Miss: “0ook you two can go now!!! First break is over, you two have to go straight to your next class arrassor???”

Krystal-Minho: “NE~!!!” kaos-brownusagi08.gif

Then I packed my things and also Piggy!!!

Minho: “yah~!! What do you got next class???”

Krystal: “I got Art Class next with Victoria unnie!!! You??”

Minho: “jinja??? I got Business next with taemin!!!”

Krystal: “yay~!! I don’t have the same class as you!!!!” kaos-lemon10.gif

Minho: “I also don’t wanna have the same class as you too-merhongs-!!”kaos-mint18.gif

Krystal: “stupid Minho!!! You guys have the same class as Luna and sulli!!!”

Minho –mumbles-  “Taemin must be happy then!!!”

Krystal:”mwo??? I can’t hear you!!!” If I told you Piggy, taemin will kills me!!! Because taemin doesn’t want anyone to know that he secretly likes Sulli, only I know :P!!!Taemin always  told me everything because I’m his closest Hyung, I think xD!!!

Minho: “you don’t need to hear it, Piggy!!!”

Krystal: “yah~!! Choi Minho stops calling me Piggy!!!” chikas_pink35.gif

I saw she chases me, Then I ran really fast to my class. kaos-bear15.gifThen I shut the door really loud and merhongs to Krystal outside the door but I just realized that she didn’t chase me anymore.  So I’ve must been running alone like crazy person!! kaos-bear13.gifURGH JUNG SOOJUNG, I’ll KILL YOU LATER!!! Everyone in the class looks at me weirdly, great Jung Soojung now everyone thinks that I’m stupid!!!! Luckily Mr.Shin hasn’t come yet, or else I got one more detention again!!!!

Krystal Pov

Minho: “you don’t need too, Piggy!!!”

Krystal: “yah~!! Choi Minho stops calling me Piggy!!!”

I was about to chase him but I realized that I’m almost late for class again. Then I saw him running really fast, LMAO he must be thinking that I chase after him, LOL!!!! He looks so Pabo when he was running kaos-panda37.gif

I got Art class with Victoria. It’s so boring so I just sit there and draw.

Victoria: “yah soojung, your drawing look like someone!!”

Krystal: “Who unnie??”

Victoria: “Choi Minho!!”

Krystal: “NE????"kaos-panda05.gif then I looked carefully at my drawing. Well, it does look a bit like him, but why the heck did I drawn him??? I don’t even know that!!!!

Krystal: “ummm….ANIYA unnie!! It doesn’t look like him!!!” I’m just saying, if I told her that it does look like him, she’s gonna asks why did u drawn him?, Blah blah…….she’s gonna asks many Questions for sure!!!!

Victoria: “0ooh Jongmerl?? Hmmm whatever you say soojung!!!”

55mins later……

The class is quiet fast…..but it’s so boring!!! Then I walked with Vic unnie to the cafeteria.

We just sitting at our normal Table, it was behind Shinee table. We were sitting and waiting for the others to come!!! Then we saw Luna, Amber, and Ssul coming. And I also saw Shinee come and sat at their table, Ummm I don’t know why but I can see that minho is staring at me!?

Luna: “Halo~!!!”chikas_pink23.gif

Krystal: “Hey!!!”

Victoria: “0ooh yeh, I forgot to ask you two, where were you two at the first break??”

Luna: “we got detention at Miss. Teahee class.”

Krystal: “Omg, I hate her so much!!!”

Ssul: “Why??”

Luna: “She’s so mean!!!”

Krystal: “I know right….chikas_pink06.gif.”

Then we heard someone shouted

????: “WHATTTTTT??” chikas_pink49.gif

Minho Pov

I’m now sitting with yuri. I need to tell her that we have to break up!!! I know that she’ll explode when she heard it, but I got no choice!!!

Minho –whispering- :”noona, Can we talk??”

Yuri: “What??? You don’t need to whisper, just say it!!!!”

Minho: “hmmm…no I want to talk just you and me!!!”

Yuri: “umm….W-why???”

Minho: “let’s go to the garden!!”

Yuri: “no, I want you to say it here!!!!”

Minho: “bu-!!”

Yuri: “Minho!!!Go on!!!”

Minho: “Fine!! But promise me you won’t explode okay??”

Yuri: “What??”

Minho: “Let’s break up!!”

Yuri: “WHATTTTTTT????” squid emoticon

Minho: “Noona!!! Clam down!!!”


Minho: “but noona, let’s go to the garden!!! I don’t want everyone to hear about it!!!”

Yuri: “NO, TELL ME WHY???? RIGHT HERE!!!!”alien no way smiley

Why is she wants everyone to know about it??? GOD!! Then I saw everyone in the Cafeteria is looking at us.

Minho: “No!!! Noona, everyone is looking!!!”

Yuri: “I DON’T CARE!!!!” chikas_pink48.gif

Minho: “fine!!!! Don’t mad at me after I say it!!!  KWON YURI I DON’T LOVE YOU!!!! I GO OUT WITH YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU A QUEENKA IN THIS SCHOOL!!!LET’S BREAK UP!!!” alien hello smiley

Yuri: “w-what??? Don’t love me??? WHAT ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP’S THESE 3 YEARS???” angry mickey emoticon

Minho: “Our relationship??? Do you even think about me???”


Minho: “Tsh……..why would I care???”

Now everyone in the cafeteria is shocked.

Yuri: “U-umm……Minho what are you talking about???”

Minho: “Yuri, just stop it!! I saw everything already!!!!”

Yuri: “n-no minho!!! What are you talking about???

Minho: “Yuri!! You know, what am saying!!”

Yuri: “minho!!! What??”

Minho: “NO, Let’s just break up!!!”

Yuri: “No PLz!!! We can’t!!”crying friend smiley

Minho: “Come on Yuri, I know that you don’t love me too and there are many guys out there who love you just have 2 choose one!!!”

Yuri: “no! I don’t want them!!!”

Minho: “well, that’s not my Problem!!!”

Yuri: “Tell me who that girl is???”

Minho: “who????”

Yuri: “Don’t Act like you don’t know!!!That girl that made you goes crazy over her and forgets me!!!”queenmint_smilies020.gif

Minho: “Yuri!!! There’s no other girl!! It just because of you!!!”kaos-brownusagi13.gif

Yuri: “What did I do??”

Minho: “Fine, you want me to say it?”

Yuri: “say w-what?”

Minho: “if you love me, you won’t kiss other guy!!!”

Yuri –gasps-  “w-what??”

Minho: “GOD!!! Just admit it!!” queenmint_smilies025.gif

Yuri: “minho, how did you know about that?? Its not true!!”

Minho: “That enough Kwon Yuri!!! I’m not gonna be a Pabo anymore!!!”

Yuri: “I’m sorry minho!!! Give me one more chance!!!I won’t do that again!!!”

Minho: “Do you want to break up or not???”

Yuri: “FINE!!! If you want too!!! You’ll regret it later CHOI MINHO!!!”  kaos-pinky45.gifthen she walks away with her “only Friend’s” Suzy!!!

DENG DENG~!!! The bell went.

I don’t know why but I don’t feel sad when I break up with Yuri after that we’ve been 3 years of dating. Is it true that my mom said that I don’t love yuri??? Mayb or Mayb not @_@

I saw F(X) was really shocked, lol I find it’s funny because Piggy is also looking at me with her eyes widen O.O

Then F(x) just Left, when they walk passed us, I can see that Piggy is looking at me!!!

Now the Cafeteria is really quiet, it’s just us here, everyone Gone!!

Onew: “Yah!! Minho, I can’t believe you!!!”kaos-pinky30.gif

Taemin: “Hyung!!! I thought you love her!!”

Jonghyun: “Good Job MINHO!!!! I like your Decision!!!” kaos-brownusagi10.gif

Key: “Yah!!! Dino-head, I know that you hate Yuri, but don’t be mean!!!”kaos-pinkusagi22.gif

Jonghyun: “well, sorry then!! I’m just happy!!!”kaos-pinkusagi37.gif

Key: “But minho, why did you do that for???”

All of them are looking at me, like waiting for my answer!!!onigiri_o.o.gif
Minho: “I got no choice!!!”

Onew: “what???”

Minho: “Well, I have to break up with her!!”

Key-taemin: “why??”

Jonghyun: “yah!!! Don’t just answer what we ask you!! Tell us everything now, we’re curious!!!”

Onew-key-taemin nodded

Minho: “Fine!!” then I told them everything that I have to get marriage. Blah Blah…… (But I haven’t told them that the girl I have to marriage is Piggy :P)

Key: “0ooh~ Poor You!!!” onigiri_sad.gif

Minho: “you guys don’t have to Pity me!!”onigiri_xd.gif

Jonghyun: “why?? But have you seen that girl yet??The one that you have to get marriage!!”

Minho: “well, yeh i meet many times already!!”

Taemin: “ Is she pretty??” Anime kitties

I nodded slowly with a smile form on my face purple-hikalunettes.gif

Onew: “0ooh so that’s why!!!”purple-hikahin.gif

Minho: “why what??”

Jonghyun: “because you don’t even look sad when we break up with yuri!!”

Key: “You look more like a dude that just get out the way of something, I don’t know how to say it. But you look Happy!!!!”

Minho: “I don’t get it!!!” kaos-mint07.gif

Key: “whateva :P you just look happy!!”

Minho: “well, I think I am!!!”

Jonghyun: “I wonder how’s she look like??”

Minho: “You guys know her!!”

Onew: “what??” anime_kitties-9800.gif

Taemin: “Don’t tell me she’s also in this school??”

Minho: “yes, she is!!!”

Key: “ARE YOU SERIOUS??? WHO?? anime_kitties-9794.gif
Jonghyun: “is she one of our classmates??”

Minho: “yeh Dino!!!”

Jonghyun: “YAH~!! DON’T TELL ME THAT ITS JUNG SOOJUNG???” kaos-crazybunny12.gif

Onew,Key, Taemin : “JONGMERL???” second friend smiley

I'm sorry that i havent update for a month xD!!! I got so many EXAM AND ASSIGNMENTS  =___= but anyway, i done most of it so that why i can update :)

Im sorry if this chapter disappointed you guys  ok??

AnywAY, New SUbSrcibers YaY~!!!! WELCOME <3<3<3 i hope i'll get 60 sub soon :"3

I cant Promise but i think mayb next Chapter they'll get married and Go for a Honeymoon, im not sure yet!!! But don't worry they'll, just that mayb not next chapter!!!! Yuri will do something later to KRYS, just wait >>.<<










ANYWAY I LOVE YOU GUYS alien i love you smiley bye....pooh smiley

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 25: Please update^^
amiisiltya #2
Chapter 25: it's really a good story . Please continue it ~^^ good job thor !
puputdyah #3
Chapter 25: authornim, i little bit confused. in the previous chapter you wrote their going honeymoon at Australia, but at this chapter you wrote their going honeymoon from Hawaii.

i think you must check your story before you publish, forgive me if i nag too much

overall this is nice story, i hope you can update soon. I already subscribe (okay this is not important k k k k)

update soon, i'll be waiting <3
Chapter 19: Love this chapter <3
you are using Pizap :P
Chapter 25: Update.. Update.. please
ast_yui #6
it's awesome story...........Please update soon
taylormonia #7
Chapter 25: So good. Please update
Chapter 25: I love it...please update soon...
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 25: Soooooo great!!!!! update soon please