Last Week Of School : Monday & Tuesday

I Will Love You Till You'll Love Me Back

Monday :


You woke up in the morning. You woke up just because you heard someone in your bathroom taking a shower. You slowly opened your eyes and threw the blanket away. You closed your eyes again and heard the door. You had your eyes still closed.

You noticed that something blocked the light to illuminate your face. You opened your eyes slowly and saw Luhan's face above yours. You got up and hit Luhan's head with your head.

He fell on the ground and you noticed he had only his towel around him. You started to scream and ran to the bathroom with your eyes closed. Of course you didn't see anything but of course you dramatized.


After 15 minutes or more you came back in the bedroom dressed up and all things just to find Luhan shirtless. He lifted his hand and looked like he is showing a white shirt.


You : What?

Luhan : iron it. 

You : Why?

Luhan : Because i don't know how to do it.

You : Well, too bad. I have to go. Bye.

Luhan: Seul Hee, wait.


He grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes. Your legs started to shake. He leaned closer to your cheek and wishpered something loud enough for you to hear.


Luhan : Please. I can't do it alone.


You plucked it from him and he smiled sweetly. You ironed it quickly and gave it to him. You went downstairs to eat your breakfast and he came down too, 3 minutes after you.

Your mom told you that Luhan goes to the same school as you do. Of course you protested but, duhh, of course you can't do anything. You just walked to school with him following you. You arrived in front of the school and stared at it.


You : Today, this school, is going to be a living hell for me.

Luhan : What happened? You won't go in?

You : And i was right. Just follow me and try to shut up as much as possible, okay?

Luhan : Why? You'll be jealous if another girl will talk to me? Aweeeh, don't be. You know i love only you, right?

You : ( sigh ) Yeah, sure. 


You walked in and heard wishpers. Luhan was walking behind you and he was waving at everyone. Of course girls started to scream at his cuteness and handsomeness. You sighed and closed your eyes for one second.

But this one second was enough for you to bump into someone. You looked up to see the big chest you bumped in and saw a tall, handsome and good-looking guy. Yes. It was Kai.


Kai : Sorry. You okay?

You : Yes. It's okay. I'm sorry.

Kai : Errm.. no problem. By the way, don't forget, you'll meet me today after school.

You : ( blushes ) O-Okay.


Of course Luhan heard everything. He grabbed your hand and started walking dragging you with him. Kai waved at you and you almost fell but Luhan caught you in time.


Luhan : Shut up and let's go. We will be late at our first class.

You : But you should go to school's office to take your schedule.

Luhan : Okay. Then, let's go.


He dragged you with him again but you didn't say anything. Not even " bastard" or something. You were confused. You didn't know why he dragged you away from Kai.


You took his schedule and looked at it. It was exactly the same as yours. Everything was the same. You mentally criend and facepalmed yourself. Luhan looked at you with a " WFT"-look. You looked away and went to your classes.

You excused yourself for being late and told the teacher why you were late. She just nodded and pointed at an empty seat. Actually there were 2. You sighed again and went to your seat. Luhan followed you happily. 


Finally it's lunch time. You put your books in your locker and headed to the cafeteria. Luhan, of course, followed you everywhere.

When Luhan entered the cafeteria all the girls looked at him and started talking and waving at him. One girl even came to him and gave him a pink cupcake with a cherry above.

It looked good but you just gulped and looked away. You took a seat near the window and bought your food. 

Luhan wanted to sit with you but some girls took him away. You looked at him and after some minutes and he actually laughed with them.

You got up and went to your locker. You took your books out and entered in the classroom. Luhan came too a few minutes later. You were the only one in the classroom. He called your name.


Luhan : Seul Hee.

You : What?

Luhan : You left without me. Why?

You : Because i wanted to. And you were with those girls. You had fun, right?

Luhan : Yes.. But stil.. Wait. You are jealous now?

You : What? No. I just wanted to leave. Okay?


You finished your classes and waited in front of the gates for Kai. It's already 4:15 p.m.

You decided to wait for him. You heard someone calling your name so you turned around and saw Luhan. You shighed and mentally asked God why he did this to you.


Luhan : Why are you here?

You : I'm waiting for Kai. Why?

Luhan : Good. Kai told me that he can't meet you today because his teacher told him to help a girl with her grades. He has to stay with her every day at least 2 hours. 

You : Oh.. O-Okay.

Luhan : Let's go. I'm sooo hungry. 


You two arrived home and ate. Luhan changed his clothes but you stayed in your uniform.


Luhan : Change your clothes.

You : Why?

Luhan : Because that's what normal people do.

You : I'm not normal.

Luhan : You want me to do it?

You : You won't dare.


Luhan came closer to you and started to your shirt.


You : Yah! ERT!


You pushed him with your legs and he fell on the ground. 


Luhan : What's wrong with you?

You: No. The question is what's wrong with YOU? How can you a girl's shirt without her permission? You crazy?

Luhan : No. But you said i won't dare. I wanted you to see that i can do it. 




He left the room and slammed the door hard.


You : What the is wrong with him?


You felt so annoyed and bad that you took a shower, changed into your pja and just pun on your headphones. You listened to Lee Hom Wang's Xin Tiao, because you loved the lyrics.

You fell asleep verry quickly and you forgot to stop the playlist. Well, it wasn't a playlist with different songs. It just played Xin Tiao maybe 10 times till you fell asleep and it will play 10 more.


Luhan opened the door slowly and saw you were asleep. He came closer to you and waved his hand in front of your face. You were deep asleep. He covered you with the blanket. He took a shower and changed himself into pjs. 

He fell asleep on the mattress after he stopped the music and put the headphones on your desk.



Tuesday :


You and Luhan woke up, ate and changed your clothes but didn't talk at all. You two were silent just becaose of what happened yesterday. 

You walked to school with him and tried to make conversation. But he rejected it and just tried to end it.


You : Hey.. I'm sorry. I realized i was too much.

Luhan : Okay.

You : That's all?

Luhan : Yes.


He walked faster and left you behind. You arrived at school and looked for Luhan. You couldn't find him. You just took your books and walked to the classroom. 

When you entered the classroom you found Luhan laughing with a girl. 

You took a seat next to him. He looked at you for 5 seconds and then looked away. The girl asked him if he's okay. He just nodded.

The girl came to you and waved at you. You just looked at her. She seems cute and pretty. You waved back and smiled. You then realized that she is the girl who took Luhan away from you yesterday.

It's the 2nd time he laughs with her and you feel something.. like jealousy. 


Low Shu An : Hi, my name is Shu An. Nice to meet you.

You : Ohh, hi. My name is Seul Hee. Are you korean?

Shu An : N-Not at all. I'm half korean and half vietnamese.

You : Oh. That's cool.

Shu An : Eheheh. Erm.. Yeah.


Suddenly all the kids rushed in class. You have History and History teacher is really scarry. A guy quickly sat next to you ans smiled to you.


Lay : What's your name?

You : Seul Hee. Yours?

Lay : My name is Lay. I'm chinese. Nice to meet you.

You : Oh, nice name.


Someone touched your shoulder. You turned around and almost touched his face with yours. His eyes grew wide.


You : S-Sorry. What's wrong?

Tao : Hi. My name is Tao. What's your name?

You : ( thought : What's wrong with them? They noticed me only now? ) My name is Seul Hee.

Tao : Awee. You are so cute. And your face is so pretty. From now on you are my best girl friend!

Lay : Tao..

Luhan : SHE'S WHAT?


You, Lay, Tao, Shu An and the the others looked at Luhan.


Tao : M-My best girlfriend.

Luhan : What do you mean " best " ? You have many girlfriends?

Tao : N-No. She's my only girlfriend.

Lay : No. He just. Uggh Tao. He means that she is his only friend who is girl. God. He doesn't even know what a girlfriend is.

Tao : I do! Is that girl who kisses you all day and huggs you whenever you feel bad and hurt.


Everybody started to laugh, even you giggled.


Tao : What?

Lay : Nothing, nothing. 


The teacher came. History class was awkward because Lay, Luhan and Tao looked at you all the time. 

Well, the entire day was wird because Tao took you with him everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And Lay took care of you like you could die any second. Luhan just stayed with Shu An and a new guy.

You just heard Luhan calling him Bacon. However you think about it Bacon it's an awkward name.


Luhan went home right after the school ended. You wanted to go with him but Tao and Lay dragged you to a bubble tea shop.

You called your mom to tell her that you'll be late and she told you that they went somewhere and won't be able to come back until tomorrow. You didn't bother to call Luhan because you thought that he won't care.


You : Okay guys, let's order. I want mango tea. What about you?

Tao & Lay : Mango!

You : Okay? ( you gave them a weird look )


They just smiled and you left. You ordered without looking at the salesman. When he said " Ready ", you looked at him and your eyes widened. 


You : Bacon?

Baekhyun : Yes? Huh? What? No.

You : So, you are not Bacon?

Baekhyun: I am, but my name is -

Tao : Baekhyuuuuuun. Bro, what ya doin'?

Lay : Hi Baekhyun. How are you?

You : Ohh. So your name is Baekhyun, not Bacon?


Tao and Lay started to laugh loudly. Baekhyun glared at them and they stoppep.


Baekhyun: Yes. My name is Baekhyun. Nice to meet you. Who are you?

You : Well, I'm Seul Hee. Luhan's friend. Actually i'm not his friend.

Baekhyun : Then? His girlfriend?

Tao : No! She's my girlfriend. She hates Luhan!

Lay : Tao! She's not your girlfriend. She's your friend. 

Tao : But she's a girl!

Lay : Nevermind.


You all talked with Baekhyun. All kind of stuffs. 

Tao and Lay walked you home.


You : We're here. Thanks guys. See you tomorrow.


Tao ran to you, hugged you and lifted you in the hug because he was tall.


You : Ugh. T-Tao i-i can't b -

Lay : Tao! You are killing her. Stop it.


Tao let you down.


Tao : S-Sorry Seul Hee. It's just that.. you are so cute.


He hugged you again and kissed your cheek.


Lay : TAO!

Tao : WHAT?

Lay : Did you just.. Ohh. Let's go home. Bye Seul Hee. Good night.

Tao : Good night my girlfriend! 


They left and you opened the door to go in. You saw Luhan in front of the door, with his jacket on and his shoes too. He had a worried face. He was looking at his phone.


You : Where are you going?


Luhan looked at you and dropped his phone. He hugged you tighter than Tao. You couldn't breathe anymore. You hit his arm with all the streght you had. He let you breathe and looked at you, scanning you.



You : B-Bubble Tea shop..






A/N : Heey guys :3 New update ^-^ i think it's long. You should comment >_<. Thanks for reading. Love ya >:D<


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Such a badass. He acts all innocent. When he actually is a asdfghjkl;' * censored *.



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Chapter 10: I'm super-duper excited what will happen next! :D don't leave me dumbfounded! :D :D :D update pretty soon! I love this story! :D
Chapter 9: im excited.... what is gonna happen next??? update soon... pretty pleaseee!!!!
Chapter 8: u were excited about chap8. so i thought its gonna be probably a really y and interesting chapter. probably her making out with kai or with luhan or both of them.

but u just wrote about your feelings and its so touching. i promise u i was 100% sober when when i subscribed and i won't leave u i love your fic its super kawaii
Chapter 7: luhan and i (well not me the girl but the girl is supposed to be me so yeah) just made out omg omg omg im dying
Chapter 6: that video with luhan's cut was so funny bouhahaha i fangirled like there is no tomorrow

i felt sad bc she hurt her head
but no-shirtless luhan nine this chapter T____T
Chapter 4: new characters. kkk tao is funny and luhan was so worried. ah he cares about her and he likes her /im so excited/
Chapter 3: they are fighting in a cute way about every little thing. kyyaah. luhan started liking her omg omg
Chapter 1: luhan imitated her and laughed ha ha ha he is such a jerk in this story
Chapter 9: Pewdiepie!!!!¨

Lool update soon~ XD
Chapter 5: î love this story^^