
SPECTRUM (discontinued)

Sehun didn’t even think and just ran.  Was he going to make it in time?  He didn’t know.  What was the worst that could happen?  He didn’t know.  All he knew was he had to make sure no harm came to Luhan.  Whether it was because of duty or his personal feelings, he didn’t care, he just wanted Luhan safe.

Just as Sehun approached the entrance of the boys bathroom, he heard Chun and Chon talking about what to do with Luhan but he heard no signs of said boy.  Was Luhan unconscious?  Dead?  No, this was high school kids after all.  Sehun poked his head cautiously into the open entrance to survey the situation.  Only the two huge brothers were there, no lackeys, which would make the situation a little bit easier to solve.  The good thing was that their backs were turned to him.  When Chon slightly stepped aside, Sehun spotted Luhan.  The boy was gagged at the mouth and his hands were tied behind his back.  They had him standing up against the wall and it was a relief that the boy was at least conscious and aware.  As Sehun studied the situation, the only weapons the two brothers had were the two wooden sticks in their hands.
“I think we should make him run around the school , bro!”  Chun suggested.
“That sounds humiliating, perfect for this little Chinese and his little .”  Chon laughed.
The two brother’s laughed together as they approached the unmoving Luhan.  The boy had no fear in his eyes, all he could do was watch as the two bullies approached him.  Sehun, on the other hand, had no time to foil a plan together in such a short time and went stepped into the bathroom without thinking.
“Wait!”  Sehun announced his entrance.  Chun and Chon turned around, startled at first, but regained their cool quickly.
“What the !?  You again!?”  Chon grimaced.  “Why are you always getting in our way?  Are you this faggots boyfriend or something?”  Disgust was apparent on his face.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”  Sehun asked cockily, dodging Chon's irrelevant question.
“Our own size?  You couldn't possibly mean yourself, right?”  Chun chuckled.  True, Sehun wasn’t as big as them on the outside but he didn’t exactly mean himself.
“Wait, you were talking about sizes earlier, right?”  Sehun smiled mischievously.  “Well, I’m pretty sure my is bigger than both of yours put together, so no, I don’t mean me.  I’m far too big for you two idiots!”  The detective used this split second to quickly scanned Luhan’s body for injuries of any kind since he was now closer with a better view, but saw none.  Just at that moment, Chon charged at Sehun with his stick held high and ready smite.  Chun yelled for his brother to stop but the other didn’t listen and swung away.  Sehun blocked with his arms as he was continuously beaten at by the enraged bully.
“Chun, stop!”  Chon kept yelling at his brother but the other didn’t listen and continued to beat at his victim.  Sehun was either blocking or dodging, not enabling Chun to get a clean hit.  They went on for a minute as the other two on the sidelines just watched in confusion of what to do.
“Alright!  I’ve had enough of this !”  Sehun screeched.  He blocked one last swing from his attacker then brought his fist to meet with Chun’s face.  The big boy stumbled back and Sehun brought him down with one last punch to the stomach.  Chun folded down to the floor with a groan and he laid still on the ground after a loud exhale.  The detective shot his head up in Chon’s direction and they looked at each other with fierce eyes.  “You’re next.”  Sehun declared.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?” A man’s voice shouted.  All three conscious boys turn to see a male teacher at the entrance, eyes wide in shock at the scene.
The school had called Kris to pick Sehun up at school because they put him down as the guardian of both Sehun and Jongin.  Before Kris went to “pick” Sehun up, he had reported the situation to the Commissioner and Sehun would probably get hell from him once he stepped into the office.
“HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN!?”  The Commissioner yelled at Sehun, who was sitting in the all too familiar couch with his head down.  “Not only did you get yourself suspended, you got Luhan suspended too!”  Sehun had no come back so the Commissioner went on.  “You are a grown man and on top of that, a police officer.  How can you use force on a kid?”
“It was self defense.”  Sehun defended himself.
“YOU NEARLY BROKE THE BOY’S RIBS!  DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!?  What happened to the smart Detective Oh who could use words to calm a situation?”
“Kids and criminals are different, Boss.  Criminals are smart, they take everything into account and think their situation through.  Kids don’t use their brains and go by instinct and emotions.”
“Don’t you dare smart mouth back to me!”  The old man shot back loudly and then started with his hands massaging his temples.  “Oh , I’m getting a headache again.”
“So…what do you want me to do now?"  Sehun asked curiously.
“Just…”  The Commissioner sighed.  “…lay low for a week until your suspension is over.”
“What about Luhan?”  The young detective asked, trying not to sound too interested.
“I don’t know the details but you don’t need to worry about him.  Just go home and reflect on what you did.  But if you do go out, make sure you don’t get spotted by any kids or teachers at your high school.  We can't risk you being found out.  Understood?”  Sehun nodded and got up, excusing himself while the old Commissioner made his way to his desk and pulled out his stash of headache medicine.  Sehun and Jongin were the two officers that gave him the most painful headaches but he put up with them because they were also the best.  Many cases went well because of those two and even though they gave him mental pains, he was proud and happy to have them both on the team.
Sehun wrapped a towel around his bottom half after his shower and walked over to the mirror.  He reached up to wipe the steam off but instead his attention was turned to the scrapes and bruises on his arms.  He cursed at himself, something he’d been doing far too often lately.  He hadn’t had these kinds of injuries in a long time -- his opponents were usually down after a few punches.  Sehun turned his arms around, checking to see if there was any notable damage but the only thing that might need some ointment was a 3 inch long gash on his right arm.  He hadn’t felt the pain while he was in the shower but now that he was aware of it, it was starting to tingle.  Just as he reached to open the mirror, he heard a knock at the door.
“Jongin.”  Sehun said out loud while smiling to himself.  It was nearly noon and school wasn’t out yet but he was sure Jongin had left school and sped to him after hearing what happened.  He walked out in his towel attire and wet hair and more knocks were heard, louder this time.  Sehun chuckled at Jongin’s impatience.  “Jesus, calm your down!  I’m coming!” Sehun opened the door casually but the person standing on the other side wasn’t Jongin.  “Lu…han?”

HI~!  You guys must hate me so much right now for the long awaited(?) update! ;A; I'M SO SORRY!!!  I haven't been in the mood to write and/or have the motivation BUT HERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!  I DO NOT PROMISE THAT THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE UP SOON but I'll do what I can!  Please be patient with me and my mood ;~; And on another note, this story may or may not be moving quickly from here on.

*Proofread but there may still be some mistakes.


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Chapter 12: I'll be waiting till the day you get inspiration to continue writing this story ^-^ <3 fighting. Btw, I love your story H-Sync >.<
Chapter 12: I'm so in love with this :(
Chapter 12: damn
why ??
well up to you then
Chapter 12: damn,it was such a good story T.T please,if you ever get the time or inspiration,continue it <3
Chapter 12: it was a nice story,really!
If you decide to continue it, i'll be reading!!
Chapter 12: Even though you're not continuing this just wanted to say great story I loved the updates and if you do continue it one day I will be reading!!
Chapter 12: what??? (crey a river...)
Chapter 12: Just wanted to say it was wonderful the whole way through and it was definitely enjoyed ! If anything i should be thanking you for writing it so woo /throws flowers on you anyway/
Chapter 12: Aw noooooooo :(
Chapter 11: _______. xD