
SPECTRUM (discontinued)

A/N:  Chapter 10 is here!  OMG I dunno where this story is going anymore.  Sorry for all the KaiSoo shipper but I'm concentrating on HunHan (for now) and I'm not sure when/where/how KaiSoo will come in but I've got ideas TEEHEE!!!  Also for any TaoRis shippers, I know there isn't much of them in here so I took the tag off =( it's hard enough to write a story with one couple, let alone three couples, LOL!  Please be patient with me 'cause I get so lazy and have no imagination.  Anyway, this thing is proofread but if you find mistakes, please tell me and/or over look them.  Thank you and ENJOY~



Sehun was woken up by loud knocks on his door, or more like pounding.  This time, for sure, he knew it was Jongin.  He quickly sat up, pulled his hair back and went to open the door.

“What the , man!?  What the happened!?”  Jongin practically screeched when the door opened.  He entered the apartment and sighed while Sehun closed the door tiredly behind them.
“Did you rush over here?”  Sehun asked, a little amusement in his voice.
“You ing bet I did!”  Jongin was mad, it was apparent in both his voice and face.  “Explain.”
Sehun gave up.  He was actually obligated to tell Jongin since they were partners and best friends.  “Those two brothers got Luhan and I had to protect him and myself.  We got caught by a teacher and we all got suspended.  That's all.”  It was a simplified version.
“How long?”
“A week.”
“ school then!”  Jongin yelled.  “There's no use going!”
Sehun walked over to Jongin and placed a hand on his partner’s shoulder.  “Calm down.  Why are you so mad?”
“I’m not mad at you.”  The darker skinned man managed to say in a softer tone.  “ school and .  This gives us a week’s vacation then, right?  Let’s go out drinking.”  He suggested.  Before Sehun could answer, Jongin’s phone rang and he held a finger up to Sehun to give him a moment.  It was a short conversation but Jongin immediately headed for the door after the call ended.
“Wait, where are you going?”  Sehun ran after Jongin.
“Got called to HQ.  Wanna come with?”
“Did they ask for me too?”
“No…but just come along anyway since you’re chasing after me like that.”  Jongin smiled cheekily at Sehun.  He was already back in a good mood just seeing Sehun and knowing what happened, even if it was a simplified version.
When the two arrived at HQ, they went directly to the Commissioner’s office but the old man wasn’t there.  They decided to sit on the familiar couch and wait for his return but 10 minutes later and still no signs of him.
“What the !?”  Jongin stood up and yelled angrily.  “He calls me in and he isn’t even here!?  What is this bull!?”
There was suddenly a knock at the door and both detectives looked to see Kris there.
“Come to my office.”  Their commander ordered and they both followed.  Kris let the two into his office first and shut the door behind them.  He then went to sit in his big comfortable looking chair and gestured for the other two to sit.
“What?”  Jongin asked, irritated.
Kris chuckled.  “You’re always so polite," sarcasm in his voice, "but anyway, the Commissioner went out so I’ll relay his instructions to you.”  He pointed at Jongin.
“Yes, you, who else?"
"The K-9 force?"
Kris rolled his eyes.  "Anyway, the Commissioner was sure you’d want to skip out on school because Sehun got suspended but he wants you to continue going.”  He explained.
“Why?  It’s not like Luhan’s gonna be there.  I don't need to go.”
“It's for appearances.  If both you and Sehun are gone at the same time, people might suspect something.”
“Oh please, it’s high school.”  Jongin huffed.
Kris continued.  “Whatever excuse you have for not going, the Commissioner doesn’t care.  You are to continue going to school and that’s final!”  Jongin’s jaw dropped in disbelief and he looked at Sehun in shock but it wasn’t the end of it.  “Also, you are not to contact Sehun during school hours.  This is actually Sehun’s punishment, so until school is over, you two are not to call, text or communicate with each other.”
“What if it’s an emergency?”  Sehun asked.
“Call me.”  The Commander simply said.
“Wait a minute!  You can’t just do this to us!”  Jongin protested in anger, standing from his seat.
“This is what the Commissioner instructed.  I’m simply relaying his message and I hope you won’t argue with it because he won’t change his mind.”
“And what if I don’t follow his instructions?”  Jongin’s blood was boiling.  Telling him that he can’t contact Sehun was like telling him not to breath.  It was utter bull.
“You’ll be taken off the case.  We’ll take your gun and badge and you’ll be suspended indefinitely.”  Kris answered with a stern face.
Jongin groaned.  “Oh, this !”  The old man really knew where to hit him.  He turned to Sehun and his head hung low.  “Think you can go half a day without me for a week, partner?”
“I should be asking you that.”  Sehun chuckled and nudged Jongin on the arm.
Kris watched as the two went into their own world again.  He seemed to have disappeared to them in an instant and he didn’t want to disturb them while they were in a good mood but his phone suddenly rang and the two turned to look at him.
“Seoul Police Station.  This is Kris.”  The Commander answered.  His eyes shot wide open and he looked over at the two detectives looking at him.  “I can’t right now.”  He continued to converse with the other side.  “Because I can’t!”  More unheard words and Kris covered his mouth as he turned away.  “I’m sorry, I’ll greet you correctly next time…”  he gritted his teeth.  “…my baby panda.”
Jongin and Sehun tried to cover up their laughter but they failed miserably as they cracked up in their chairs and Kris shot them with his death glare.  At least they were nice enough to excuse themselves, leaving Kris to his privacy but Jongin couldn’t help but put in a remark.
“I hope you don’t call him that in bed ‘cause that’s just gross.”  And the tanned man was out and gone, closing the door with a click behind him.  Kris sighed in irritation and returned to his private conversation.
On their drive back to Sehun’s apartment, Jongin finally noticed the bandages on Sehun’s arm.  “How deep is that?  Who wrapped you up?”  He asked.
“Oh, it’s not that bad.  The…” Sehun paused for a long millisecond to think.  “…school nurse took care of it before Kris came to get me.”  He felt horrible for lying to his partner but he couldn’t possibly let Jongin in on his naughty little secret.
“Stupid nurse wasn’t there when I needed her!”  Jongin pissed the words out of his mouth and Sehun was glad that his partner was satisfied with that answer.
“She could probably smell trouble in her office and stayed away until the stench went away.”  Sehun joked and Jongin immediately reached over to tickle him.  He squirmed and laughed under his partners grabs and pokes.  “Hey,” he managed between laughing, “watch the road!”  Jongin poked him one last time and then turned his attention back to the road.  There was a long but comfortable silence as the drive continued.
“Hey, do you think I can stay with you for the week?”  Jongin asked out of the blue and it took Sehun by surprise.  He didn’t usually ask and just did, sometimes sober, sometimes drunk.
“Uh…sure…”  Sehun answered.
“What was that?”  Jongin laughed.  “You almost sounded unsure.  I mean if you got things going on, I can just stay at my place.”
“No, it’s fine.  I don’t have anything going on.”  Except Luhan but Jongin didn’t need to know that.  His partner wouldn’t be around in the morning to afternoon and he was pretty sure Luhan wouldn’t be with him at night, when Jongin would be home.  But he still mentally slapped himself for making it almost obvious that he was hiding something .  This was the first time he was hiding something from Jongin and he had to be extra careful.  Jongin was sharp and they were both pretty damn good at what they did; they were two of the best detectives in Seoul after all, even if it didn't seem like it at the moment.
They made a stop at Jongin’s apartment so he could pack a few things and then they headed back to Sehun’s place.  The rest of their day was spent talking about how ridiculous the Commissioner was, well it was more Jongin ing about it, and then about 2 seconds were spent on the subject of school.  Jongin had mentioned something about Kyungsoo getting creepier but it wasn’t something he couldn’t handle.  And then after a few drinks on his own, he went and crashed on Sehun’s bed.  He tried to get Sehun to join him but the younger refused, saying he wanted to get some fresh air in the park across his apartment.  Jongin had whined a little but gave up and passed out.
Sehun grabbed his cell phone and made his way out to the small park.  He walked a bit before sitting down on a bench.  He needed to get away from Jongin before the guilt ate at him.  Was it too late to stop the lies and whatever he had with Luhan?  Sehun thought about letting the boy go but even the thought was unthinkable.  He had one foot in the door to Heaven and he wasn’t about to stop half way -- he couldn’t.  It was like one of those reality shows where you think it’s so stupid and yet you still continue to watch.
In the middle of Sehun’s thoughts, his cell phone dinged and vibrated, indicating a text message.  He looked at the sender and it was from “Off Limits”, as he had listed Luhan as.
From:  Off Limits
To:  Me
How are you doing tonight?  Asleep yet?
From:  Me
To:  Off Limits
Doing alright.  Just out for some fresh air.  How about you?
From:  Off Limits
To:  Me
Doing good.  Are you out for fresh air because you’re frustrated?
Frustrated?  Yes, but not in the way that one would think.  Sehun thought about replying with a dirty joke but decided not to.  He didn’t want to make Luhan feel uncomfortable.
From:  Me
To:  Off Limits
Yeah.  Kinda.  Jongin is staying with me for the week.
From:  Off Limits
To:  Me
Oh.  Should I not come tomorrow then?
From:  Me
To:  Off Limits
He’ll be in school.  Come.
Luhan didn’t reply after that so Sehun decided to go back inside.  He knew he was taking a big risk but he really couldn’t stop anymore.  At best, he could only go slowly.  He slept on the couch that night.
Sehun woke up next morning with a blanket over him.  He looked down at his bed and Jongin was no longer there.  He then looked at the clock on his wall and it was nearly 9AM.  Sehun groaned and stretched his limbs out, hearing cracks here and there but he didn't care, it felt good.  He got up and went to wash up.  Just as he exited the bathroom there was a knock at his door.  The thought of it being Luhan didn’t even cross his mind, maybe it was the old lady downstairs or the kid from upstairs, but when he opened the door, it was exactly who he didn’t think it would be.  His senses had been off lately.
“Good morning!”  Luhan beamed at Sehun.  The boy wore a plain white t-shirt and blue skinny jeans accompanied by some white One Star’s.  He looked so refreshing.  It was actually the first time Sehun had seen him out of their school uniform.
“H..hi.  Good morning.”  Sehun stuttered a little from surprise.  He was glad he woke up when he did or else he would have opened the door with eye crusted in the corner of his eyes.  “You’re here…early…I thought you'd text me or something when you were coming…”
“Ah…I’m sorry.  Were you still sleeping?”  The boys beaming smile fell off his face.
“Yeah…no…kinda…”  Sehun sighed.  “…I just woke up but you didn’t wake me, I was already up.”  He wanted to punch himself out for acting dumb.  After he was forced to quickly gather himself together, Sehun invited Luhan in and told the boy sit and wait.  He ran to his closet and quickly changed the shirt he was wearing, because he didn’t like wearing the same shirt two days in a row, and then headed back out to the living room.  Luhan was perched beautifully on his white couch.
“Can I look at your arm again?”  Luhan asked as Sehun approached him.
“Yeah, sure.”  He made his way over to Luhan and sat buy the boys side.  Luhan immediately took hold of Sehun’s arm and unwrapped the slightly mess up bandages.
“It’s healing up well.”  He surveyed while looking at the bruised arm.
Luhan spoke quickly.  “I’ll put some more ointment on and wrap it up again and you should be good.”
Luhan continued to examine the arm as he answered.  “Hmm?”
“Look at me.”  Sehun’s voice had a strong sense of demand in it.  The boy stopped his movements and stiffened but he kept his eyes on Sehun’s arm.  “Are you being shy now?"  How cute.
Luhan turned away and Sehun could see the boys cheeks light up a pink tone.
“O…of course I am!  Don’t laugh at me!  How can you be so normal...so calm?”  The boy raised his voice higher than usual.  He was definitely embarrassed.
Sehun moved his arm and slipped Luhan’s hand into his.  “You think I’m calm?”  He lifted the boys hand and put it over his chest, over his erratically beating heart.  “Does this seem normal to you?”  Sehun was a little embarrassed for saying such cheesy lines but he wanted Luhan to know that they were in the same boat.  "What happened to the bold Luhan from yesterday?"
“Apparently the boldness was transferred to you.”  Luhan chuckled and finally looked up at Sehun.  “I’m sorry, it’s complicated, but I really do like you.”  He assured.
Sehun knew it was complicated.  He knew Luhan was the child of a Mafia leader in China but Luhan didn’t know that he knew.  And he, himself, had a complicated situation too, another thing Luhan didn’t need to know, at least not until his assignment was done.  The mission was expected to finish in a year, after Luhan graduated safely and successfully, and it would also mark the end of their relationship.
“We’re both in complicated situations, I understand that, but even so, I’m taking the risk because I like you that much.”  Sehun said as he held Luhan’s hand tighter.
Luhan looked into Sehun's eyes for a few seconds and then at their hands over Sehun's chest.  “Remember when I said we should go slow?”  He asked, his voice slow and soft.
“Yeah.  I’ll go as slow as you want.”
Luhan shook his head.  “No, that’s not it.”  He grabbed a chunk of Sehun’s shirt and pulled the other closer.  “I think we can go a little faster.”
Sehun suddenly got excited at Luhan's words and he tried to hide it but he was sure Luhan could feel his heart racing even faster.  “How much faster?”
Luhan didn’t answer but he seemed to have stolen his boldness back.  The boy closed the distance between their faces and took the detectives lips with his own.  Sehun was shocked as Luhan explored his mouth but quickly regained his ground and pushed the boys tongue out of his mouth with his own.  It was now Sehun who had his tongue down the others throat.  He wasn’t about to let a kid dominate him.  Luhan had said that they could go a little faster and Sehun wasn’t sure how fast was too fast but he was sure the boy would stop him if he went over the limit.  But if Luhan didn’t stop him, he would surely go all the way.
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Chapter 12: I'll be waiting till the day you get inspiration to continue writing this story ^-^ <3 fighting. Btw, I love your story H-Sync >.<
Chapter 12: I'm so in love with this :(
Chapter 12: damn
why ??
well up to you then
Chapter 12: damn,it was such a good story T.T please,if you ever get the time or inspiration,continue it <3
Chapter 12: it was a nice story,really!
If you decide to continue it, i'll be reading!!
Chapter 12: Even though you're not continuing this just wanted to say great story I loved the updates and if you do continue it one day I will be reading!!
Chapter 12: what??? (crey a river...)
Chapter 12: Just wanted to say it was wonderful the whole way through and it was definitely enjoyed ! If anything i should be thanking you for writing it so woo /throws flowers on you anyway/
Chapter 12: Aw noooooooo :(
Chapter 11: Whoa.....cool _______. xD