
SPECTRUM (discontinued)

It’s been two weeks since they started school as new students but one thing didn’t change about Luhan, as the two detectives noticed, the boy always changed in the bathroom stall for gym.  Whether he was shy or over conscious about his body was no excuse to completely shut it away from everyone’s eyes.  They both had agreed that a friend wasn’t a friend without teasing each other a little bit.

On a random day, while changing for gym, Luhan had run into the bathroom stall before anyone could occupy it.  Sehun and Jongin waited only two seconds after Luhan had gone inside and smile mischievously at each other.  They approached the only working bathroom stall and Jongin knocked on the door.
“Luhan, I really need to pee.”  The dark skinned man lied through his teeth as he smiled at a grinning Sehun.
“H…hold on.”  Luhan replied behind the door.
“I need to go, like, now!”  Jongin egged on.  “Why can’t you just change out here like everyone else?”
They could hear shuffling but Luhan didn’t answer.
“Lu?”  Sehun called.  He had somehow shortened Luhan to Lu but the boy hadn’t minded when Sehun started calling him that, so it stuck.  “Be a pal and just come out already.  Jongin has a bad bladder, you know?”  Another lie told through teeth.
Luhan grunted.  “I said hold on!”  It was almost a yell of irritation and the two men outside the door covered their mouths to hold their laughter in.
“If you don’t come out in 3 seconds,”  Jongin warned, “I’ll break this door down, then you won’t have a stall to change in anymore.”
The shuffling hastened as Jongin began to count down.  3.  2.  1.  And true to his word, he was going to break the door down, simply because he said he would.  He was confident that he could break the door down with one go so he got ready in front of the door and charged at it.  SLAM!  Not only did Jongin not break the door down but he crushed his shoulder in the attempt to do so.  He clutched at his shoulder and groaned in pain.  Sehun ran to support him as the door opened and Luhan walked out quickly.
“What the…?”  Luhan didn’t finish as he saw Jongin in pain and went to his aid too.
“!”  Jongin yelled while in Sehun’s hold.  “Sehun, I think I broke my shoulder.”
“What?  With that little impact?  You didn’t even do any damage.”  Sehun teased but Jongin seemed to be in real pain.  “Okay,  I’ll take you to the nurses office then?”  Jongin nodded, gritting his teeth is pain.  Luhan didn’t know what to say as Sehun took Jongin away, neither of them looking at him even once.  It made Luhan feel invisible.
Sehun left Jongin in the nurses office and returned to gym class as Jongin told him to.  The class had already separated into two teams as Sehun walked in and the teacher beckoned for him to join the team opposite of Luhan’s.
“Alright everyone!”  The teacher yelled.  “What do you think we’re gonna do today?  Anyone?”  No one cared to raise their hand or guess for fun so the teacher continued.  “Right.  We’ll be going out to the field today to play some football!”  He revealed with enthusiasm.  The bigger guys clapped and cheered a bit while the smaller guys looked uneasy, like they wanted to run away.  At least it was the teacher who picked the teams and not the students or else it would be slaughter on the field.
Outside was warm with a comforting breeze.  It was perfect weather, to say the least.  Sehun was sorry Jongin had to miss the fun but he wasn’t about to hold back on these high school kids.  When the teacher told them to warm up with their partners, Sehun and Luhan looked at each other awkwardly.  Kyungsoo was absent for the day and Jongin was in the nurses office.  Everyone else had their partners and were already stretching when Sehun finally manned up and walked to Luhan.
“Wanna be warm up partners for today?”  Sehun asked, stretching out a hand to the other.
“Sure.”  Luhan nodded but he didn’t take Sehun’s hand.  Instead, he immediately sat down in the stretching position and Sehun moved to follow.
Sehun gently placed his hands on Luhan’s shoulder from behind and pushed forward so the boy could reach his toes.  He didn’t know where to look but his eyes somehow landed on the nape of Luhan’s neck.  The skin was flawless, probably almost never kissed by the sun.  The word, kiss, made Sehun swallow hard.  What would it feel like to kiss that beautiful skin?  Sehun didn’t let himself think any further, this was an 18-year-old boy he was talking about and who so happens to be the son of a Mafia leader.  He immediately released Luhan when the teacher’s whistle sounded.
“Alright!  First team on the far side!  Second team, this side!”  The teacher ordered them and everyone dispersed to their rightful sides.
While the teacher explained the rules, Sehun took the time to stretched himself.  Although he was looking in the teacher’s direction, he was actually looking at Luhan who was standing behind their instructor.  Sehun looked on as the boy rolled his shoulders back as if to get the tension out.  The game started soon enough.
Throughout the game, Sehun tried his best to protect Luhan from the bigger guys bumping in to him and one in particular -- Chun.  The big kid hadn’t done anything to Luhan since the first incident but Sehun was still wary and for good reason.  Chun had been purposely bumping in to Luhan during the game and Sehun had purposely stuck close to the Chinese boy to keep him out of harms way.  Had Jongin been there, it would have been much easier.  Luhan tripped twice on his own, was pushed five times by Chun, or his lackeys, and out of those five times, Sehun wasn’t there to aid him two times.  The detective was disappointed in himself.  He had to admit that these high school kids were quite competitive.  His team won by only one point and Sehun was at least happy about that.  No matter what he did, he didn’t like losing, even if it was against teenager.
The teacher blew his whistle and told everyone to go in and shower.  Most of the boys took off their shirts on the spot and Sehun did too without thinking.  He played rough and he deserved to let his skin breathe some fresh air.  Luhan, on the other hand, kept his shirt on but Sehun saw the boy eyeing him here and there on their way back inside.  The line for the showers were long since there were only three stalls.  Sehun noticed that Luhan wasn’t in any of the lines and got out of his spot to look for the boy.  He found Luhan already dressed up and sitting by his locker.  He went over to him casually.
“You’re not gonna shower?”  Sehun asked, but Luhan only shook his head in response.  “If you’re scared to show some skin, I’ll cover your stall.”  He offered, half jokingly, half serious.
Luhan gave Sehun a blank look before grabbing his bag and walking out.  The detective was left to think of a reason on his own.  They became “friends” but Luhan hadn’t opened up much to them.
Sehun went to the nurses office after gym class to check up on Jongin.  His partner was applying heat patches on his shoulder when he walked in.  “What are you doing?”  Sehun yelled.  “You shouldn’t be straining your muscles like that!”
“The ing nurse hasn’t come back since you left me here!”  Jongin shot back in anger, not at Sehun but at the lack of care he had received.  He turned to Sehun and threw the patch on the counter and sighed.  “Take me home.”
Jongin didn’t stay with Sehun that night and Sehun was thankful for it.  He couldn’t get Luhan out of his mind and his fingers were still tingly from having touched the boy.  Remembering that smooth nape and silky honey colored hair that laid over it only made his body hot from wanting to touch more of it.  Of course he knew Luhan was the 18 year old son of a Mafia leader but that didn’t stop him from imagining the boy .  Sehun physically slapped himself to get the thought out of his mind but that didn’t help, in fact, it might have added on to his lust.  He wasn’t able to keep himself in check and had to jerk himself off that night.  He knew it was wrong but that one touch sparked everything and he couldn’t stop it.  It had been a long time since he was interested in anyone and the last person he had had any ual activity with was Jongin a couple years ago.  Now when he thought about it, he was pretty messed up.  First having with his best friend and now lusting over a beautiful, young Chinese boy, whom he was tasked to protect.  Sehun had a resolve though, he would do his job and do it well while keeping his personal feelings out of it or at least try to.

Here is chapter 5!  And I'm having writer's block ;A; or maybe I'm just really lazy or have little motivation!  Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying my lame story the story!  The funny thing is I DID write Sehun's scene but you guys don't get to read it, MUWAHAHAHA!!!  I AM SO EVIL! =3

P.S.  Please forgive any mistakes I've made and yes, I say this in every chapter!  LMFAO!


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Chapter 12: I'll be waiting till the day you get inspiration to continue writing this story ^-^ <3 fighting. Btw, I love your story H-Sync >.<
Chapter 12: I'm so in love with this :(
Chapter 12: damn
why ??
well up to you then
Chapter 12: damn,it was such a good story T.T please,if you ever get the time or inspiration,continue it <3
Chapter 12: it was a nice story,really!
If you decide to continue it, i'll be reading!!
Chapter 12: Even though you're not continuing this just wanted to say great story I loved the updates and if you do continue it one day I will be reading!!
Chapter 12: what??? (crey a river...)
Chapter 12: Just wanted to say it was wonderful the whole way through and it was definitely enjoyed ! If anything i should be thanking you for writing it so woo /throws flowers on you anyway/
Chapter 12: Aw noooooooo :(
Chapter 11: _______. xD