
SPECTRUM (discontinued)


Sehun and Jongin went to school a day before Luhan was to arrive.  They weren't allowed to carry weapons, which annoyed Jongin, and not only that, they didn’t have the same schedule.  The only times they were together were during lunch and gym.  Jongin had argued with the Commissioner about it but nothing could be done.  Either he went with what he had or he'd be taken off the case, alone, and have someone else work with Sehun.  Of course he chose to remain close and yet so far from his best friend.
They arrived early to check out the school.  Where were the best places to hide or skip class in?  Where were the most dangerous places to be?  Where were the most deserted places?  They checked almost every nook and cranny to find out the best and worst of the school to get a map in their heads in case they got into “situations”.  Although the two didn’t expect much to happen, it was always good to be prepared.
Their first day of school went rather smoothly.  Jongin made a few friends and even introduced Sehun to them as his “ultimate best friend” but that was actually his way of saying “you’ll never come close to what Sehun is to me es, so you can stop trying”.  On the other hand, Sehun didn’t make any friends but Jongin saw and heard some girls already fangirling over Sehun when they got into Jongin’s car to go home.  It was funny to him because they didn’t know that Sehun was gay and they would never have a chance even if he was straight.  The two laughed about it on their way back home.  For the time being, Jongin was staying with Sehun since the younger of the two lived closer to the school but it wasn’t anything new, Jongin was already practically living there for the past few years.  He ate Sehun’s food, used Sehun’s bathroom, sometimes wore Sehun’s clothes, and even slept with Sehun in the same bed.  That was just how close they were.
“You think he’ll show up in a fancy car?”  Jongin asked Sehun as they stood near the front gate, waiting for the appearance of Luhan.
“I don’t think the Mafia would want to put attention on their dearly beloved youngest son, so no.”  Sehun answered.
They waited and waited but they didn’t see anyone even remotely resemble Luhan cross them.
Jongin sighed.  “Where the is he!?”  He was getting impatient.
“Maybe he’s not coming today.  Maybe…”  Sehun tried to reason.
“You know what?”  Jongin interrupted with realization.  “He’s Chinese, right?"  Sehun nodded his head in response.  “Does he even speak Korean?  ‘Cause we obviously don’t speak Chinese of any kind!”
The bell suddenly rang and the two cursed as they ran their separate ways to their classes.  Jongin didn’t care if he was late for class, it wasn’t like he would actually fail his class if he didn’t show up often enough.  He only went to keep up appearances.
Sehun made it to class in time and took the seat appointed to him yesterday.  As soon as he sat down, the bell rang again and the teacher, Mrs. Park, walked in and waited for everyone to settle down before making an announcment.
“Everyone,” Mrs. Park began, “it seems like we’ve been getting quite a few new students recently.”  She said as she giggled and covered with her hand. “Today, we have a transfer student from China.”  At her words, Sehun’s eyes widen.  It couldn’t be Luhan, could it?  Because he didn’t see the boy this morning while waiting so early to make sure he came.  But it was him.  Luhan walked in gracefully and Sehun couldn’t take his eyes off the blonde boy.  The picture in the file had been a bit blurry and it did no justice to the real thing.  Sehun sat up straight in his chair as Luhan stopped by the teacher and bowed to everyone.
“Hello, my name is Luhan,” he introduced himself in perfect Korean, “and I hope we’ll all get along and have a good year together.”  He smiled at everyone and soft claps were given to welcome him.
“Alright then, you can go sit by the new student who came in yesterday.”  Mrs. Park said to Luhan and pointed at Sehun.  Sehun immediately slouched in his seat and looked away when Luhan began stepping towards his direction.  He stuffed his hands into his pockets and acted cool, like his usual self, while Luhan took the seat beside him.  Sehun questioned himself if he should look over but decided not to.
The class seemed to last longer today than it had yesterday and Sehun was constantly his lips because they had become abnormally dry during the hour.  He never once looked at Luhan but felt it every time the other turned his way, whether he was looking at him or not.  From what Sehun could see from the corner of his eye, Luhan had a beautifully structured profile.  His nose was adorable and the lift at the tip made it even cuter.  His eyes were sparkly and big, staring intently at the teacher while she talked and taking notes diligently as needed.  When Sehun’s eyes landed on Luhan’s lips, he mentally slapped himself when he thought about what he was thinking about -- an 18 year old boy who was probably still a .  Sehun turned completely away from Luhan so he couldn’t see him anymore and sighed silently.
When first class was over, Sehun rushed out to find Jongin to tell him the news.  He ran through the halls to Jongin’s classroom in hopes of catching him before his partner left to find him.  As soon as Sehun saw Jongin, he grabbed the other by the wrist and pulled him around two corners.
“What?  What’s wrong?”  Kai asked worriedly.
“He’s here.”  Sehun replied as he tried to catch his breath.
“Who’s here?”
“Luhan, he was in my first class.”  Sehun explained.
“Geez, I thought it was someone dangerous.”  Jongin sighed.  “You ran all the way here just to tell me that?”
Sehun could only nod as his breathing slowly normalized.  He didn’t tell Jongin that he needed to get away from Luhan because his presence suffocated him and made him feel like his body was locked in place.  He also didn’t tell Jongin how unfaithful the picture in the file was to Luhan in person.
“Come on,”  Jongin said as he patted Sehun’s back, “let’s get to our next classes before the bell rings.  Maybe I’ll have a class with him.”
They both went their separate ways again but Jongin was unlucky; Luhan wasn’t in his next class.  How was he suppose to protect something he’s never around?  It angered him so much and anger would only make the day longer, plus Sehun wasn’t with him which multiplied it by ten.  How was he going to last another day like this?
Sehun nearly tripped at the door of his next class when he saw Luhan already sitting at a seat by the window.  He was glad that at least it wasn’t near him or else he would be suffocating again.  Sehun made his way to his seat and as he turned to sit, his eyes met with Luhan’s for a split second.  He jerked his head away so fast that he almost stumbled over but caught himself and sat down coolly.  He cursed at himself again for acting dumb.  He was a ing cop for God’s sake!  What was it about this boy that made him react like that?  Maybe because the boy was from the Mafia?  Sehun concluded that that was the reason.  He had to be careful around Luhan even if he was suppose to be protecting him for whatever reason.  At least in this class Sehun could concentrate on his thoughts better than before.
It was in Jongin’s third class that he finally saw Luhan.  His first thought of the boy was that he was definitely better looking that what the picture had shown but then something was off about the boy.  Jongin couldn’t quite put his finger on it so he let the thought go and kept his eyes on the boy throughout class.
It was finally lunch time and the two partners met up at a secluded table they had claimed yesterday from a bunch of nerds.  Maybe it wasn’t right but it was fun to bully just a little like they did back in their real high school days.  And plus, they needed a place to talk privately.
Sehun spoke first.  “So, what do you think?”
“Hmm…”  Jongin frowned.  “…prettier than the picture.  He looks like the kind that would get bullied though.”  He turned back to glace at Luhan, who was scooting into a table of nerds, and Sehun followed at the staring. “Look at him, he’s so thin, too.  And his face, even straight guys would fall for him if he knew how to use it.”  They continued to look at Luhan for another minute.  “What do you think?”
“He looks pretty helpless.”  Sehun said as he tore his gaze away from the boy and started playing with his lunch. “Didn’t Kris say his father wouldn’t teach him any martial arts because of his body condition or something?”
Jongin laughed.  “I don’t think it’s a condition of any sort.  I told you, just look at him.  Do you think that skinny body can do any damage to anything?  He’d probably break before making a dent on a soda can.  Basically, his father won’t teach him anything because he’s weak.” He said bluntly.  Sehun was sure that any guys pride would be hurt from a comment like that and Luhan was from the Mafia so it would hurt even more if he had heard that.
“I think they should give the guy a chance.  Just because he’s skinny doesn’t mean he’s weak, I mean, look at you!”  Sehun said the last part jokingly, pointing at his partner.
“Hey!  Who’s the skinny one?  My body is more muscular than yours.  You wanna see?”  Jongin almost yelled as he got up and playfully tried to lift his shirt up.  Sehun pulled him back down to his seat and punched his partner on the shoulder.  They started laughing at each other and continued joking around for the rest of lunch, just like old times.
Surprisingly, Luhan had gym with Sehun and Jongin after lunch.  While the other boys changed out in the open, Sehun and Jongin noted that Luhan went to the bathroom stall to change.  There were only three stalls and two of them were out of order so when one of the bigger guys needed to use the bathroom, he pounded on the door that Luhan was in.
“Hey, little prissy, I need to take a !  Get the out!”  The big boy said loudly but the door didn’t open nor was there a response.  “You scared to show your little or something?”  The big boy went on to say and was about to pound on the door again but it suddenly opened and Luhan came out all changed into sweats.  He hugged his bag against his body and bowed apologetically at the taller boy before making his way out to the gym.  Sehun and Jongin were on their toes, ready to intervene had anything happened but they were relieved when things hadn’t escalated.  They hurriedly changed and followed the other boys out to the gym.
First thing was first -- stretching.  The teacher told everyone to pick a partner to help them stretch and everyone seemed to know who they all wanted as their helper.  But Luhan was like a lost puppy when he was the only one without a partner.  The teacher offered to help Luhan stretch and the boy smiled to accept but a voice from the bleachers called out.
“I’ll be his partner!”
Out came a slim boy with a small face and big lips.  His eyes were also big, as if staring into ones soul.  He made his way over to Luhan and the teacher stepped back.
“Kyungsoo?”  The teacher questioned with his name, presumably.
“I’ll just help him stretch, that’s all.”  Kyungsoo turned to looked at Luhan.  “Are you okay with that?”
Luhan nodded.  “Sure.  Thank you.”  And he smiled.  It was angelic and pure and no one but Sehun saw it brighten the room.
The teacher blew his whistle and told everyone what exercises and positions to do.  Sehun and Jongin saw that some of the boys were awkward about some positions and they laughed to themselves because, to them, skinship wasn’t a problem at all.
After stretching, the teacher gave the boys a choice between volleyball, dodge ball, or running around the gym 100 times.  The majority voted for dodge ball and thus the games began.  Unfortunately for the fake 18-year-old boys, they were separated into different teams and even though they were known to work well together, they also worked well alone.  Luhan was in Sehun’s group and the boy looked terrified as the boys on the other side were bigger.  Sehun saw this and looked at Luhan with a smile.
“Don’t worry, we got this.”  Sehun assured Luhan and handed the boy a ball before turning to face Jongin with a cocky smile.  Luhan just looked at the two who seemed to be excited about the game.
When the teacher blew his whistle to start the game, most of the boys on Sehun’s team were out in no time.  Jongin had a lot to contribute to that and his cocky smile made Sehun want to burn him even more.  Sehun hadn’t thrown one ball to the other side at all and most of Jongin’s team was still intact and their smiles were almost as cocky as Jongin's.  He looked behind him to check who was left on his team and it was unbelievable.  Only Luhan, himself, and a kid who looked like he was about to cry remained.  Sehun looked over at the Luhan and nodded but Luhan just narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.  The nod was actually suppose to be a mental nod but Sehun didn’t care that he confused Luhan and turned to face the other team advancing close to the middle line.  Sehun didn’t give anyone a chance to take another step and threw one of the three balls he had in his hands at his target.  Sehun’s target tried to catch the ball but his hand slipped and he was deemed out of the game.  Jongin’s team was now on alert and moved cautiously, their target was definitely Sehun.
Each ball thrown at Sehun was either caught or missed him by an inch or so.  Luhan and the other boy just stayed back and watched as Sehun, the one man team, take their oppenents out one by one until it was just Jongin and the big boy from earlier in the locker room.  Jongin finally stepped up from where he stood in the back and pointed his ball at Sehun.
“You’re mine.”  Jongin announced.
“Yeah, you take him and I’ll take the little boys behind!”  The big boy tried to back him up like he was tough.  
Jongin turned to look at the big boy and he was confused.  “Why are you still here?”  He asked and now it was the big boy’s turn to be confused.  Jongin looked at Sehun with a questioning look.  “Sehun!”  He yelled and pointed behind him at the big boy.
“I was saving him!”  Sehun replied with a smile and looked back at Luhan.  He waved his hands, which held a ball in each, for Luhan to come up but the boy shook his head in refusal.  At this moment, the big boy decided it was his chance and took a step forward before launching his ball at Sehun, who wasn’t facing him.  Luhan’s eyes widened as he saw the big boy’s movements and Jongin was too late in stopping the ball from leaving the hands of his unwanted teammate.
“Sehun!”  Jongin cried out and no one knew if it was a miracle or just luck but Sehun had caught the oppenents ball in between the two balls he was holding.  Jongin sighed in relief and closed his eyes then he felt a little thump on his chest.  He opened his eyes to see a ball rolling away from him and he smiled.  Sehun.
Sehun was dubbed the dodge ball king by the boys who witnessed his skills and then it soon spread throughout the school that Sehun was much stronger than he looked.  Jongin had somehow been dubbed Sehun’s sidekick and anyone else from that game was forgotten.  Luhan and Kyungsoo became friends and that warmed Sehun’s heart when he saw that Luhan finally made a friend after a week.
And then it was finally the weekend.

Third chapter!  I seriously have no idea what I wrote when I went through to proofread it LMFAO!  Please forgive any mistakes you see and comments are <3!


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Chapter 12: I'll be waiting till the day you get inspiration to continue writing this story ^-^ <3 fighting. Btw, I love your story H-Sync >.<
Chapter 12: I'm so in love with this :(
Chapter 12: damn
why ??
well up to you then
Chapter 12: damn,it was such a good story T.T please,if you ever get the time or inspiration,continue it <3
Chapter 12: it was a nice story,really!
If you decide to continue it, i'll be reading!!
Chapter 12: Even though you're not continuing this just wanted to say great story I loved the updates and if you do continue it one day I will be reading!!
Chapter 12: what??? (crey a river...)
Chapter 12: Just wanted to say it was wonderful the whole way through and it was definitely enjoyed ! If anything i should be thanking you for writing it so woo /throws flowers on you anyway/
Chapter 12: Aw noooooooo :(
Chapter 11: _______. xD