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SPECTRUM (discontinued)


After a few hours of waiting for Kris in his office, Sehun and Jongin heard their Commander return to the building.  Jongin was now too impatient to wait anymore so he stomped out of the small office and practically dragged a confused Kris in.  Sehun closed the door quietly behind them.

“Damn!  What the , Jongin!?”  Kris yelled as he flung Jongin’s hand off of him and spun around to look at the two innocently smiling detectives.  “No.”  he said, not even hearing them out.
“What do you mean no?  You don’t even know what we’re gonna say!”  Jongin spat back, already in a slight state of anger, probably from having to wait so long.
Kris raised an eyebrow.  “From the looks on your faces, it’s not gonna be anything good.”
“Either way, just here us out, okay?”  Sehun pleaded calmly in place of Jongin.
“Alright, fine, shoot.”  Kris said as he walked around his desk and sat in his big, comfortable-looking chair.  He folded his arms over his chest and gave them complete, undivided attention.
Jongin spoke.  “Well, we heard there was an important case given to the department and,” he paused and turned to look at Sehun then back at Kris before continuing, “we were wondering if you’d help put in a good word for us…to be assigned to it.”  The two detectives kept their anxious eyes on Kris, waiting for the commanders response.
“I can’t help you.”  Kris said simply after what seemed like forever for the other two.
“What do you mean you can’t help us!?”  Jongin lunged at the desk and slammed his hands down in front of Kris, making some papers fly.  “The Commissioner favors you!  Anything you say, he’ll take into consideration and more often than not, it’ll happen!”  Jongin had risen his voice but it didn’t effect Kris, which angered the younger detective even more.
“You should just wait until the Commissioner decides to unpunish you instead of coming to me to help ease the unwanted period you yourself caused.”  Kris’s tone was even, no hint of sarcasm or wavering.  Jongin was enraged at this and he would have continued screaming at the commander had he not felt Sehun’s hand on his shoulder.  It calmed him.  Jongin stepped back and took a deep breath.
“Alright,” Jongin began coolly with a smirk, “if you’re not gonna help us…then don’t look at us when the Commissioner starts questioning you about someone named Tao.”  He emphasized on the name, which made Kris’s eyes twitch.
“Is that a threat?”  Kris asked through his gritted teeth.  Jongin just laughed and turned around to Sehun, who was trying to hide a smile.  Sehun opened the door and stepped out first, leaving his partner with Kris’s burning gaze.  Jongin turned back to his Commander and the smirk on his face was now gone, replaced with a dark glare.
“My partner’s getting bored with these little games we have to play to appease the higher ups; so if there’s a chance I can make this “unwanted period”,” Jongin quoted Kris from earlier, “go away, I’ll do anything.”  The darker skinned man walked away but stopped at the door and turned back again, the darkness in his eyes gone.  “And it wasn’t a threat, it’s a heads up in case something slips out of my mouth.  You know how I am -- can never keep my mouth shut.”  He smirked again and disappeared behind the wall.
Kris had to admit that Jongin was quite a scary person, even to him, who was an intimidating person himself.  Anything that involved agitating Sehun would get Jongin riled up and those dark, menacing eyes would appear.  It didn’t matter who or what it was that caused Sehun’s mood to fall, Jongin would take care of it.  And even though Kris had been their Commander for 3 years, he still didn’t know much about them or their “relationship”.  The only thing he could conclude was:  they worked well together.  That was how much he knew about them.  Those two lived in their own little world where no one else could approach unless invited.

So here's the first SHORT chapter to get things started!  WOOH!!! \o/


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Chapter 12: I'll be waiting till the day you get inspiration to continue writing this story ^-^ <3 fighting. Btw, I love your story H-Sync >.<
Chapter 12: I'm so in love with this :(
Chapter 12: damn
why ??
well up to you then
Chapter 12: damn,it was such a good story T.T please,if you ever get the time or inspiration,continue it <3
Chapter 12: it was a nice story,really!
If you decide to continue it, i'll be reading!!
Chapter 12: Even though you're not continuing this just wanted to say great story I loved the updates and if you do continue it one day I will be reading!!
Chapter 12: what??? (crey a river...)
Chapter 12: Just wanted to say it was wonderful the whole way through and it was definitely enjoyed ! If anything i should be thanking you for writing it so woo /throws flowers on you anyway/
Chapter 12: Aw noooooooo :(
Chapter 11: Whoa.....cool _______. xD