Starting Over

Waiting on the Other Side

Chap 21

MinAh POV:

I arrived home, kicking off my shoes and changing into slippers before entering.  I heard faint chattering, detecting immediately the voice of my dongsaeng.  She sounded very happy...I wonder who she was talking to? A boy?? Ohohoho~ I giggled to myself, then realized how immature that thought had been.

I followed the voice up the stairs, seeing that Mi Sook's door was ajar. She sounded genuinely happy talking to whoever it was, and it made me cuirous to who it was.  She was talking through skype, since I could clearly hear it was a male voice through the speakers attached to her speakers. Just one peek, I thought. It wouldn't hurt, right? I wonder if she was talking to...Baro? The person she likes? Oh how cute that would be~  Cautiously, I leaned against the wall to peer into her room, ducking up and down to see who was on the monitor screen. Who was it? The image wasn't too clear, and it didn't help that Mi Sook's head was blocking half the face.  But from what I could see, it didn't look like Baro.  I had just seen him earlier this morning, and I'm pretty sure his hair did not look like that.  At that moment, she adjusted herself in her seat, leaning slightly to one side just enough for me to see the full monitor screen. The boy on the screen was smiling, his head resting in the palm of his hand. His smile was sweet, his expression like that of a boy falling in love...Wait what?

....was that Gongchan? It had to be.  I had just seen him this morning at the cafe this morning as well, and there was no mistaking him for anyone else.  How did Mi Sook know Gongchan?  Don't tell me they go to the same school--- how can it be such a coincidence?? But then again, my life seems to be filled with coincidences (hm...I wonder why.. ;] ). I stepped away from the door, puzzled.  It is evident that Baro and Gongchan were pretty close at work...just like best friends.  Right then, everything seemed to fall in place.

The day I had bumped into Baro and Mi Sook was the day that he told me he liked her as well, but because of his 'best friend', he was unable to say yes to her confession.  He seemed pretty torn about this, and it was obvious that this friend was indeed very close to him.  Gongchan and Baro work at the same place during the same shift, which seems like something only friends with a good relationship would want to do.  I mean, you're with a friend all day during school, you'd have to be able to tolerate that person quite well if you wanted to work at the same place with them after school...right? This would probably mean they are best friends.    Mi Sook is able to laugh with Gongchan, and Gongchan seemed to be really happy talking to her ( at least it appeared like so on the screen), so they should be pretty close.  If Mi Sook is good friends with Baro AND Gongchan, and both of them like her....If all this is correct, would this 'best friend' Baro was talking about that restricted him from accepting her confession...happen to be Gongchan?

"Ah.." I exclaimed to myself, feeling proud that I had figured this all out.

"Oh? Unnie you're home?"

I quickly snapped out of my self-praise moment and turned to my dongsaeng who was standing at her door.

"Ah! Ne!" I said a bit too enthusiastically.

She nodded, expecting me to just leave, but of course, I didn't.  I wanted to see if my theory was correct.  I cleared my throat.

"So....who are you talking to..?" I asked casually.

"Oh...nobody.." she lied.

"So you're talking to yourself? Should I take you to the doctor?" I joked.


"Who is it?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"A person named Gongchan...?"

"Jinja? Hm...I know someone named Gongchan who works at the cafe I work at."

"Jinja? You know him?"

"Ne....but how do you know him?"

"Ah...he goes to my school."

So I was right.

"Do him?"

"Eh??" She sounded a bit taken aback. " Its not like that..." she said, getting shy all of a sudden.

"Do you like Baro still?"

"Eh??" she said blushing.

So she still does. I sighed to myself.  What a complicated love triangle....I smell drama coming her way. My poor dongsaeng~  I'm happy my life doesn't consist of so many troubles.  I walked off to my own room and plopped onto my bed. I reflected on today's events, which basically had Jinyoung in it.

Today was fun. I smiled to myself...why is it that when I'm with Jinyoung, time passes by so fast? I turned my head to my computer, and decided to turn it on, you know, to check for updates.

*You have signed on to chat*

The familiar alert sound of the chat rang through my speakers. I looked at the name on the chat bar and smiled.  Of course the first person to talk to me would be Jin...young. Now that I think about it, this is the first time we've talked online since the time we--er, I found out Jin's true identity.  Suddenly, an strange feeling washed over me.  Why do I feel more nervous than usual?  Now that I know Jin is Jinyoung, shouldn't I feel more relieved that I'm talking to someone I know in person than a stranger? I carefully clicked open his chat window.♪ says (5:12)


Min.min❀says (5:13)

Hi. . .♪ says (5:13)

Long time no see XD

Min.min❀says (5:13)



There was a brief pause, and even though it was through the internet, there was an evident awkwardness lingering in our short conversation.

Min.min❀says (5:14)  



Almost immediately, he typed my exact thoughts.♪ says (5:14)

This feels a bit different...don't you think?


Hell yes.


Min.min❀says (5:15)

Ne....its like I'm not talking to the Jin anymore haha ^ ^;♪ says (5:15)

Then do you like talking to me or Jin more? (Though technically it should be the same XD )

Min.min❀says (5:15)

Hmm....Jin. XD♪ says (5:15)

Huh?? Wae...0A0


I thought. Why is that? Why do I feel more distant talking to him now that I know he's Jinyoung?  Shouldn't I feel closer to Jinyoung now that I know I've been sharing my thoughts with him and vice versa this whole time?


Min.min❀says (5:16)

Cuz I've known him for longer...? o3o♪ says (5:16)  

Eh? That makes no've known me (technically) for just as long!

 Min.min❀says (5:17) I

It just doesn't feel the same :/♪ says (5:17)

How so? 

Min.min❀says (5:17) 

Molla > <♪ says (5:19)

...Then do you want to start over? (:


Oddly, I felt very nervous when I read that.  What did he mean by "start over"? I couldn't really think of where to "start" from.


Min.min❀says (5:20)

How? But okay...  :x♪ says (5:20)

Just follow my lead ;D

Anyeonghaseyo! I’m Jung Jinyoung, but you can call me Jin for short. It’s a pleasure to be able to talk to you (:  Let’s get along nicely from now on~ Keke <3


A smile slowly crept onto my face as I read Jinyoung’s words…Who knew that a simple greeting would make me feel so…so warm inside? Still grinning from ear to ear, I began to type.


Min.minsays (5:20)

Anyeonghaseyo Jinyoung-ssi (: I’m Kim MinAh…you can call me Min ^ ^  It’s nice to meet you too! Please take care of me~ hehe~



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Chapter 33: wow! this fanfic is really a masterpiece! I really love it <3
I hope you continue this story... update soon please.... TT
Chapter 33: Omg! This fanfic is truly a golden *_* please update this author-nim!
Chapter 33: Please update soon!!!^^
Somia2319 #4
Chapter 33: WAAAHH! <3 Updated soon authornim!! :))
Chapter 33: Update sooon
I miss ur story so muchhhhh T________T
ehehehe84 #7
Chapter 33: omg please update soon. ;n;
Update update update!!! X- jebal... T.T
Chapter 33: Please update soon~^^