How Much

She's Dangerous

Your POV

I’ve been laying in bed thinking of different ways that I can leave this room and talk to Howon, but no matter that I think about I can’t gain the courage to tell him more about what had happened.

I can never tell him about who I really am. I’m a killer, a thief, a freak of nature.

Howon is someone who deserves better than me to be by his side.

I hear someone knock on my bedroom door. I rush over to the bed and rush under the covers.

I hear the door open and I see a shadow walk into the room.

I keep myself calm and even breathing like I’m breathing just like I would do when I lived in the sector.

I feel someone sit down by my side and gentle breathing of someone who isn’t sinister.

I hear a soft voice say to me, “I missed you so much, Chung Cha. I don’t know why I can’t say it to your face, but whenever I look your way I seem to become tongue tied. It’s almost like you have bewitched me with some kind of spell.”

Only if he knew what they had made me. I’m not a spell weaver of any sort... but I’m no longer human. I haven’t been human since I was 8 years old.

I feel the bed move under me and I almost stiffen but good thing I’ve been through years of training on controlling my body.

He kisses my forehead and I feel my breath come back to me and a slight warm feeling in my chest a feeling I don't’ deserve to have. It’s all my fault.

I hear him stand up from sitting by my side and then exit my room.

I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, “Please forgive me for this betrayal.”

I slip on some black clothing and slip out of the apartment with the copy of the keys to find my bag.

I don’t know how long I’m looking, but when I find my bag I’m filled with relief.

I sneak back into the apartment and into my room. I toss the bag into the corner of the closet.

I turn to climb into bed, but turn back to the closet to pull out a small knife from the bag so I can slip it under my pillow.

It’s day time and the sun is starting to shine into my window.

I stretch and sigh in relief when my muscles stretch.

It’s odd to wake up without someone trying to kill you during the night or in the early morning.

I hear a knock at my door as I slip out of bed Howon pokes his head into the room.

When I see his face I smile and feel lighter on my feet, “Good morning, Chung Cha. I’m glad that you’re awake. I was going to head out on a run and I was wondering if you would like to come out with me?”

I nod my head, “Of course I’d love to go running with you, but are you sure you can keep up with me?”

He gives me a look, “Well we’ll be eating then we’ll head out so can you just get dressed and come out.”

I nod my head and wait for him to leave the room. When I hear the door shut I pull off my pajamas and make my way to closet. I look through everything and find a nice pair of running clothes.

I stretch as I leave the room and find Howon pulling things out of the fridge.

“Do you know how to cook?”

He nods his head, “I know enough to get by.” He doesn’t turn to face me as he asks, “you’re okay with rice and eggs, right?”

“Yeah that sounds a lot better than what I use to eat.”

I smile when Howon doesn’t question me on what they use to make me eat. Which some days I’d have a nice full meal and other days I’d be lucky to get any kind of scraps.

He finishes making the food and he sets down a small plate and bowl in front of me.

“Thank you,” I tell him as I pick up the chopsticks and start shoveling my food.

I realize just how fast I’m eating and stop eating, “Sorry, that’s bad table etiquette right?”

He nods well laughing at me, “Yes,” he leans over wiping some rice from the corner of my mouth, “but you can get away with it cause it was kind of cute and funny.”

After that I slowly eat and put my dirty dishes in the sink.  

This action somewhat confuses me, but I do have manners that I was taught years ago.

When we slip on running shoes I look down to see the pair that Howon had picked for me yesterday match his shoes.

“Did you do that on purpose?”

He looks down to see that we match pretty well today and probably for the rest of the times I go out on runs with him. I smile as I take his arm and let him lead me out of the apartment and wait for him to lock up behind us.

When we start running it’s surprising that he can keep up with me at least until we start getting farther and farther.

“Chung Cha, stop. I don’t think I can run anymore.”

I giggle and run back to him, “If you say so. I think it was a bad idea to have me go running with you.”

He looks at his watch and curses, “We should head back. I have to get ready for work.”

I nod my head and as we run back I turn around and ask, “Can I go to work with you?”

“What why would you want to go to my work?”

“I don’t want to be stuck at home. Please let me go with you.”

Before he can answer as we walk into the apartment his cell phone starts ringing. When he answers it he becomes a Howon that I don't’ know. He looks fierce not the funny wimpy kid who loves the color purple and dancing.

“Great my secretary called in sick and they can’t call someone in today.”

“I’ll do it. How hard can it be?”

“How much will you charge?” he jokes.

“I’m not sure let’s see,” I start tapping my chin, “How about I just work for those clothes you bought me yesterday?”

“I’ll pay you what we pay the temps and if you work harder than my secretary I may fire her and keep you.”

I smile at him as he jokes with me, but I know he would really do that.

When I enter the workplace dressed like some kind of lawyer from TV.


I sigh and pull down my shirt more getting mad at how uncomfortable these clothes are.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

“Yeah, of course I’ll be fine.”

When we make it up to the floor he works on we pass a grumpy looking older male who everyone keeps avoiding.

Howon doesn't seem to avoid him so I just follow his actions, but when the older male grabs my arm to stop me I try to make sure my reflexes don’t kick him.

“How much is he paying you?”

I look at him purely confused, “I’m here to work as a temp today. So sir if you can please let go of my arm I’d like to get to work.”

He doesn’t question me instead he lets go of my arm and I walk around him and over to Howon.

“Who was that?”

“My father,” he answers in a stiff tone.

How can that man be father to Howon?

I mean Howon is awesome and kind and that man just gives me the creeps.

Not that if I didn't want to I could kill him before anyone knew what happened.

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Leepurples #1
Chapter 7: waiting ;___; thanks alot
YuniOfficial #2
Chapter 5: Please...... I can't deal....... update..... soon......I need oxygen!!!!!! >.<
Midnight_Rose #3
Wow this story is getting interesting in every chapter!! So many secrets...i love it !! Thanks for writing it.