Show up at my Doorstep

She's Dangerous

Hoya’s POV

I pull myself out of my bed to see nothing but a pale room with expensive things placed in it.

When I first had my room designed like this, I loved it but now I find it simply boring.

My phone starts to play my father’s ringtone playing an American song by 3 days grace.

I let it ring for a while until I cave in and answer the phone, “Yes?”

“I’ve been calling you for what seems to be hours. Hoya, are you coming to the meeting or not you’re the heir to this company so I expect you to be here.”

As always, he leaves me no room to fight with him since he hangs up.

“Great another day filled with meetings that I have to sit silently though.”

I hear people running through the halls outside my apartment.

I simply sigh and pull on my black dress suit and for today, I pull out a simple dress shirt. I pick up my wallet, my phone, and set of keys as I head toward the door.

I exit my apartment when I feel someone run into me.

I look down to see what would have been a beautiful girl around my age if it wasn’t for her being covered in blood.

She doesn’t say anything she just looks worried down the hall and pushes me back into my apartment.

I look down at her to see her eyes are speaking to me so I read them, “Hide me, please.”

She faints and lucky for her I’m right next to her.

I catch her, pull her over to my black couch, and set her down on it. I look over her to see tons of cuts and bruises all over her body.

She looks like she went through hell.

“I should take her to the hospital.”

I pull my phone from my pocket and go to dial the hospital but instead I feel a hand touch mine making me look over at her.

The girl softly says in her sleep, “No, hospital.”

I look down at her to see that even though her eyes are not open I can see the fear written all over her face.

“Fine at least let me patch you up then,” as I say this to her she lets go of me.

I sigh as I walk into my kitchen, take my first aid from under the sink, and walk back to her.

I pull out my bandages, look back at her, and realize that I have to take her clothing off.

I carefully take off the jacket she’s wearing to see a bloody button up shirt. I her shirt to see a gash on her side more clearly.

I look through my first aid kit to find the peroxide and use a piece of cloth inside the kit to pour it on.

As I start to clean up the gash I see that it’s a bit ragged looking.

I look inside the kit to find a needle and some special thread so I can stitch it up a little bit.

I’m glad I let Dongwoo talk me into going to my medical classes behind my father’s back.

When I’m finished her face starts to relax and I look at her closely to see that I know this girl. She went to my high school for a while she was a loner. I remember my friends and I tried to get close to her because she was always alone, but she pushed us away. I was able to be her friend for a while but then she just disappeared after we graduated. I bit my lip holding back some tears. I sit there for what is probably hours tracing her face in my head remembering how she’d trace my face as if she always wanted to remember my face. Now that I think of it I think she knew she’d have to disappear, but I don’t know why that would be though.

I look at the time to see that it’s been 5 hours since I brought her into my apartment and stitched her up when her eyes start to open.

Her eyes look up at me and her face drained of color even more, “Howon. Howon is that really you?”

I smile at at her softly, “Chung Cha. Its nice to see you again. I thought you were gone forever.”

“I’m sorry I had to go back, but it got worse so I escaped from them… without a price.”

“What do you mean without a price, escape, and had to return?”

“I can’t tell you,” she tries to pull herself up, “I shouldn’t even be here. I’ve already put you in enough danger from high school.”

I take her by the shoulders, push her back on the couch, and look her in the eye, “Chung Cha, you’re going to explain to me. I just patched you up and as I recall I did that a few times back in high school as well.”

She looks away from me and starts to explain things to me, “It started when I was a just a kid. I did something that I’ve never forgotten. I killed someone out of self-defense. He was some kind of agent of something and when they found out a kid of the age of 6 was able to do so much they took me in. They forced all kind of training on me. Still after all those years I kept a small amount of innocence that I would look to when I was alone.

“When I entered high school they gave me a longer leash but I still had to be careful with how much I pulled at it. I found it easier to push people away but then you and your friends had to try to cut me free without noticing it. When I let you guys closer to me I took it upon me to protect you when I could, because after awhile they found out about you guys. I had to protect you and when I graduated I left you guys without a word because I thought it would make you forget about me.”

I chuckle a little bit, “We didn’t forget about you we looked for you for months until finally we realized it was pointless. You are partly the reason why I’m studying medicine behind my father’s back.”


“Yeah the first time we met you had hurt yourself and I helped you as much as I could. Still I brought you to the hospital after I had stopped bleeding and checked some of your vitals I could.”

“First year of high school a few months in you were the one that brought me the hospital weren’t you?”

I nod my head and smile slightly at her as I could.

She smiles slightly touching her shoulder where there had been a bullet wound, which had almost killed her.

I watch her as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks making me laughing silently.

She’s so different than anyone I’ve ever met. Like she said, she had gone through some bad things but she can still blush and act so innocent.

I brush some hair out of her face and look her in the eyes, “Do you have a place to stay?”

She shakes her head, “I don’t why do you ask?”

“How about you stay with me?”

“Are you sure that it won’t be a problem?”

“Of course it won't’ be. It’ll be a bit like old times. Anyway, I was kind of lonely here because everyone has jobs now it’s hard to meet up together.”

“It won’t be weird living with a girl?”

“Some of the guys were more girly than you by far.”

“Hey,” she lightly punched my arm laughing, “True how are the guys though?”

“They are all good they have a lot on their plates. They all are completely there dreams well I sit under my father’s shadow.”

She sighs and leans back, “So he’s still dead set on you being the heir to the company even though your older brother is a better candidate for the spot.”

“Hey are you guys still singing and dancing on the weekends?”

“Oh you remember that,” I shyly scratch my head.

“Yeah I learned how to dance so I could join you guys. It was a bit hard though to do with the curfew, but I lied and was able to take lessons. I was somewhat depressed I never got to show you guys though.”

“Do you still want to?”

“I thought you said that they had their own lives?”

I nod my head, “They do but they don’t have families really and only a few have girlfriends. Believe it or not Myungsoo has a girlfriend.”

“Really that’s a bit surprising since he was always so stoic/pissed looking. How about you are you dating someone?”

I shake my head, “No I’m not,” because you had stolen my heart so I couldn’t think of anyone else.

She blushes a bit, “Oh I’m surprised by that. I mean you always had girls flocked around you.”

“Ahh I’ve always a special girl on my mind.”

Her face drops, “Really.”

I nod my head and think, ‘Yeah you are the special girl that’s always on my mind since I first laid eyes on you.’

I don’t know why I just tell her how I feel for her, but if what she says is true she has enough on her plate.

“Howon are you alright?”

“What have I always been telling you everyone calls me Hoya?”

“I know but Howon is a bit easier for me.”

I don’t push for some kind of answer for what she said instead I simply nod my head partly understanding what she said.

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Leepurples #1
Chapter 7: waiting ;___; thanks alot
YuniOfficial #2
Chapter 5: Please...... I can't deal....... update..... soon......I need oxygen!!!!!! >.<
Midnight_Rose #3
Wow this story is getting interesting in every chapter!! So many secrets...i love it !! Thanks for writing it.