Horrid Dreams and Reality

She's Dangerous

Your POV

In the lab we were taught many things and almost supernatural powers of foretelling had come too some of us from the chemicals we were injected with. Everyone had the same injections some raised to the occasion and others died shortly after painfully. I watched many kids I grew to know die in agony and there wasn’t anything that I could do for them but watch.

That’s where this fear comes from, doesn’t it?

The fear that Howon will be on the list of those I care for that are dead and it’d be my fault. I dragged him into this world. I should of known better. I shouldn’t have tried to escape it then I wouldn’t be worried about Howon.

“Chung Cha, time to get up. I can’t have my secretary being late.”

I sigh as I nod my head, “Yeah, give me a moment.”

I look through my clothing trying to find a way to get all of us out of this.

I’m dragging Howon, Woohyun, and I known Myungsoo and his dad are helping Howon. If this doesn’t stop soon we’re all as good as dead.

I throw on random clothing that deals with a white button up shirt with a black pencil skirt. Then I slip on the somewhat common looking work heels.


I grab a plain black bag that Howon picked out for me the other day.

I slip everything I need for work plus a plastic gun,  throwing knives that I attach too my upper thigh, and my needle bracelet.

As I slip from the room Howon gives me a once over as he asks, “So… What are you carrying today?”

“Nothing you need to know, but trust me when I say enough. Plus what I’ve placed inside your car through the simple modifications.”

“Simple you tell that too my baby that was out of commission for a week.”

“I totally pimped it out… as the guys said.”

“Yeah, I mean it was fast and everything before now it’s fast and fierce.”

“Still looks like a modern muscle car, just way cooler.”

“Well it’s still simple muscle car that’s been painted black and we tinted and bullet proofed the windows.”

I guess we’re leaving it at that.

I sigh as we make our way to his garage too his car. I watch as he unlocks the car and slips inside. I look around the garage and notice a few things, but nothing that draws a lot of flags. I slip inside the car and look around too see something in the corner of the passenger’s side. I slip it into my pocket like it’s nothing not that Hoya would notice anyways.

As we pull into the work garage I take in the people who are in the garage. I pay attention to how they act as Hoya parks the car and even just body language. Still being ready to leave for work and too possibly harm anyone that gets in our way isn’t something I want him to know.

“Hoya, when I say run you better do so at anytime. If I tell you to hide you,” I pause for him to say the last part.


“Good,” hearing him agreed makes me happy but deep inside I know that I might have to force him if it comes to such things, “Hoya, you promised so you better do so.”

He nods his head and asks me, “Do you want to stay up and watch movies again tonight?”

I smile as I nod my head as I smile over at him, “Sure. That sounds just fine with me,” as we walk I ask him, “What kind of movies should we watch today?”

“Want some ridiculous romantic ones?”

I smile as I look at him, “Yeah, that sounds perfect. Though please no actions ones. I’d like to avoid it.”

As we walk into the elevator and some other workers follow he simply asks, “Is it memories?”

“In a way, yes memories that are too painful.”

We’re silent the rest of the day. I simply carried out the duties of a secretary though my mother did call and I had a chance to talk to her secretly exchanging secure lines for we can talk later.

“Chung Cha, the work day is over what would you like for dinner?”

“I thought we were going to stay in?”

“We are but we can always order food in,” he answers easily.

“You know how to cook I know that much so why not just do so?”

“Cause remember when i tried the other day i almost burned down the apartment if not for you.”

“That’s cause you were distracted by something and won’t tell me what it is.”

He seems to be silent which seems to be the only thing that matters to me.  His silence worries me making me worried that he might just fall in love with me or something like such. I can’t have that all who have ever loved me have died horrible deaths, just like father and Juan. All that have loved me have had to lie their entire lives about who they really are, just like my mother.

I keep a straight face just like I was taught since I was young, before I was taken by them. By Lotus, the evil group that had stolen so many of us children and destroyed our chances to be normal. None of us had gotten the chance to meet the graduation. From what I know many of us are there to breed new warriors for them in the future. We will never truly see the children if we are forced to have them. These dreams that I have make me fear the future that lies ahead of many of us Lotus children.

“Chung Cha, are you alright?”

I shake my head as I look straight into his eyes hoping mine do not give away my true thoughts.

“Alright, so how about we order your favorite from what I remember. I know a good Thai place that’s by my apartment.”

I smile as I nod my head taking his arm in my own as I survey the crowds around us at work as we make way to Hoya’s car.

In my pocket is the letter that was left there this morning and I have yet to read it, trying too keep up the likeness of being a normal person and not a test subject for a secret ‘government’ group, named Lotus.

As I look around I notice 2 people that I say this morning standing in the exact same spots as before that have a perfect vantage point of Hoya’s parking spot.

I carefully apply pressure too Howon’s arm too tell him that I notice something. He almost unnoticeably nods his head that he sees them as well.

As we climb into the car I ask, “Do you know them?”

He shakes his head, “I’ve never seen them around here and we haven’t hired any new workers besides you.”

“So we have a problem here don’t we. Well I guess it’s a good thing I was sneaking during my lunch period.”

I wave my phone and he looks purely confused.


“Oh nothing just a small explosive,” I answer as I push the button.

As I had say this a small explosion goes off under the two mysterious figures. I do a ‘Ohhh’ face I laugh a small bit as I watch them do small flips.

“What did you do?”

“Only agents would pick such spots so I decided during lunch to rig a small explosives too where they would stands. As always I was right as ever.”

“You said before about what they had injected you with gave you what seemed to be powers that are something like supernatural.”

“They are, but not truly it can all be explained, but we are like those in the superhero comics that run into a small fate and gain something like a power in return.”

“Maybe that could be so for you, but yet why think so poorly of people who work for them. Maybe they are just there much like you were.”

I shrug my shoulders as if to tell him that the conversation is all over with that I wish not to speak of it.


When we order from the Thai place while we leave and by the time we reach there it’s already finished.  Howon goes in to pay and grab it while I wait in the car. I notice Phantom staring at me from across the street.

I sigh as I get out of the car after turning it off and pocketing the keys. I look around as I pull a jacket with a hood that I hid away.

I look around as I walk over to Phantom. He truly hasn’t changed at all these last few years.


“Ahh Ripper, it’s been far too long.”

I sigh knowing he only does this cause he hates how I remember my true name while he only seems to remember his last name, Kim.

“Phantom, this isn’t the time and place too try to push around.”

“That’s not why I’m here,” he shouts at me.

I sigh as I muse my hair slightly, “Phantom, does Lotus know you’re here?”

“Yes and no. It’s amazing what kind of privileges you’ll get if you’re a well behaved through your life.”

“Well we all know you’re a poster child for that don’t we. Lighting certain sections on fire in the lab out of pure boredom. Ohhh not counting making people and animals disappear on training days.”

“Shut up. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”

“We all went through things that are very much the same. Losing our parents cause of Lotus. Watching innocent people die. Being put to tests to see how far we’ll go to complete missions. These are things that we can’t  tell anyone no matter how much we wish. We can’t even talk about things like this amongst each other.”

“Yet here you are breaking rules that have been placed on us for years.”

“Well them,” I shout in a small joking matter, ‘they believe that we’ll be mindless children following orders until the second we die. Well I say they’re wrong and this is my choice. My choice too try to regain what sanity, what dignity, and what soul that I have left.”

“You’re lying. It has to deal with that guy. The one that you’re staying with. All I’d have to do is tell Lotus and he’s gone along with his friends and you’re back home.”

“Home,” I start laughing, “If that’s home then I wish that I wouldn’t know what a home is.”

I sigh as I see Howon walk out of the restaurant, “Phantom, I’ll warn you this once, but if you don’t listen to me our blood pact is over and you are all on your own. Those who killed your parents are going to keep breathing cause without my hacking skills you’re screwed in any chance of finding them.”

“Would you do that too me? We score to each other and now you’re going to do this too me.”

I look at him with eyes filled with sadness looking at one of my few allies I had during my time with Lotus. It’s only been Phantom and Lulu all these years, but Lulu she’s no more. Lotus has made us believe that they had her killed for breaking some code that they had set in motion without telling any of us. Though i think there was something else. Lulu was around my age and when we reach 21 they want to try breeding us.

“Leave Phantom, now. Leave before I lose my temper and we know that I’ll be the one to one either way.”

He sighs as he looks at me, “You’re all I have Ripper.”

I nod my head as I put a hand on his shoulder, “I know, but realize that I’d like to have a normal life until I’m dragged back or put into a body bag.”

The look when I say body bag tells me it all that he’d miss me and maybe that he is in love with me. I have to ignore his feelings much like I’ve been doing for years on end. Not cause I believe those that I love will die or their lives will be destroyed, but cause I only love him as my younger brother.

“Phantom find something that you can love and hold on too with all your might while you’re outside.”

I go too walk away but he grabs my arms, “I don’t need anyone but you and… Lulu. You’re all I have left.”

I shake my head, “I can’t always be with you. I can’t help you through the problems of life when I have too many in my own. I’ll see you at Lotus headquarters when they are finally able to drag me back there.”

I take his arm off my arm gently and walk across the street too Howon.

“Who was that?”

“No one, now lets get home.”

Howon seems too leave it be for now, but I know he’s bustling with questions.

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Leepurples #1
Chapter 7: waiting ;___; thanks alot
YuniOfficial #2
Chapter 5: Please...... I can't deal....... update..... soon......I need oxygen!!!!!! >.<
Midnight_Rose #3
Wow this story is getting interesting in every chapter!! So many secrets...i love it !! Thanks for writing it.