Her Files

She's Dangerous

Hoya’s POV

I walk of my office at the end of the day surprised that I didn't’ have any calls.

I chuckle when i see that Chung Cha is sleeping at her desk.

I squat down and study her face.

I take in at how beautiful and innocent she looks when really she’s one of the most lethal people that I’ll ever meet.

I stand up and straighten myself as I cough once and she doesn't stir so I knock gently on her desk causing her to look up at me.

I smile at her holding in my laughter as I say, “You shouldn’t have been sleeping on the job.”

“Oh…” she straightens herself as she looks up at me, “What time is it?”

“Time to leave. Log off your computer and we can go home.”


I nod my head as I hold my hand out for her to take which she happily does after she’s done logging off of everything for the day.

“So where would you like too go too today?”

“Let’s go out to eat. I’m kind of hungry and I think we should be safe to do so.”

“Are you sure?”

She shake her head, “No, not really.”

“Then let’s eat inside I can teach you how to cook.”

“I know how to,” she pouted cutely.

“Oh come on you burnt water last night.”

“That was a misdemeanor that means nothing.”

I can’t help myself as I laugh at her small joke as we walk into the elevator.

“So tell me Abby,” her work name and outside of apartment name, “what exactly did my dad want when he stopped by?”

She doesn’t even act suprised instead she simply tells me everything that happened.

She then looks me in the eye and says, “Be careful around him. I think he’s planning something.”

‘Really what makes you say that?”

“Mrs. Johnson has a connection to this company but they hate each other. Everyday he asks of your schedule then mean mugs me when I answer him.”

I nod my head as I look at her, “So I need too be careful around my own father. Around anyone that you don’t completely trust. You’re friends will never betray you.”

I know that the rest of the conversation is for later.  

I help her into my car and she smiles at me.

I slowly drive home taking my time as she looks at me, “Would you mind if I modify your car and home to help me… and you since you’re in my life?”

I think for a moment and realize that she can’t carry a gun with her everywhere and such.

“Yeah, I have no problem with it. I even know someone who has a shop that you can use. The house on the other hand will it be spendy?”

“Nope… though I suggest that you don’t move out when I’m done… or at least until Lotus is dealt with and my files are deleted.”

My phone starts ringing so I sip in my bluetooth and say, “Talk to me.”

“Hey, look my dad wants to meet you too go over her file. It seems his friend in the Blue House pulled through and got some more files for him. He’s afraid what can happen though so I’d hurry up.”


“Yes,” Myungsoo tells me sounding a bit antsy.

I look at Chung Cha and she smiles at me, “If you need to go somewhere go. I’ll just start the simple upgrades too the apartment. There’s no worries. Go do whatever you need too do just pick up some good take out.”

I smile at her and in my head I think, ‘Oh how do I love this girl.’

“Alright, I’ll meet up with you too go over those files in about half an hour where should we meet.”

“My dad’s workplace number 4…”

Myungsoo’s dad has several offices and no one knows the numbers except Mr. Kim, Myungsoo, and Myungsoo’s closest friends Infinite.

“Cool I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I hang up and look at the cute Pup in the passenger’s seat who’s already sketching out a diagram of each of the apartment rooms.

I smile as I pull up to my apartment building’s front and Chung Cha gets out hiding her face perfectly from the cameras, “I’ll see you in a few hours Hoya.”

I nod my head as I look at her, “I’ll see you in a little bit. I’ll bring the best food that I know you’ll love.”

“Good,” she walks away from the car and into the apartment.

I watch her enter the apartment as I slowly drive away and when i can I speed off too Myungsoo’s office #4.


When i reach the office I knock on the door to be pulled in. I feel the guy in the holster that Chung Cha makes me wear when I can.

When I see Myungsoo standing by my side and Mr. Kim dad sitting down around his desk with piles of papers all over the place.

“Still looking at the reports?”

“Yeah, there’ s so much that I missed in the original investigation of her father’s death that I should have noticed when I was on the scene. I should have looked for Chung Cha even more… The things that she was forced to do from such a young age… I’m surprised that she’s still so kind and innocent acting.”

I look at Myungsoo as he shakes his head, “He’s been like this since he started looking at the papers again. I had the hide the whiskey when we got here. I might have to hide all of it in all offices and at home.”

Mr. Kim throws a folder at his son who easily dodges it, “Shut up. I could have tried harder to find her. No wonder she’s so sad when i first met her.”

I sigh as I sit down in front of the desk after picking up the folder that says, ‘Kills.’

She has her own folder on her kills.

I open the folder to see detailed reports of kills that she had completed. I flip through the files to see that there are over 100 kills in this folder alone.

Mr. Kim seems to notice my face, “I know. She was 1 of their best from a young age. She did a lot of kills all looking like a gang hit, suicide, or a certain type of homicide.”

I nod my head as I set down that folder, “At least you have those kills solved.”

He nods his head, “I won’t let anyone see that file. I can’t. Li Chung Cha is one of the sweetest kids alive.”

He pushes away from his desk and a file slides over to me.

I look at it too see it’s the one that they had on her.

I flipped through it too see she was much a mother character too a lot of the younger kids.

Even though she killed many she saved even more.

There’s pages of the acts of saving lives when she was out of the institute for that small bit in high school.

I smile as I wipe away tears that form in my eyes, “No wonder she’s so scared. If they find her and find out I’m hiding her they’ll kill me… or try to train me.”

“That’s it for all of us. Counting my hacker friend, my friend from the Blue House, and all you kids. From the file they have on Lotus is fuzzy there’s a lot of pieces missing. Almost like someone who works with them works high up in the government.”

I sigh as I lean back in the chair wishing I had something heavy to drink.

I grab the file on Lotus and slip through it quickly, “From the sounds of it at least I think they have a division in every country that is connected to the government. They need those super soldiers. The only countries that don't have them is North Korea and the middle east, but that doesn’t stop other part of Lotus to loan people too them.”

I look up at the ceiling after a good 3 hours of sitting there and reading every file that they had.

I want to go home and hold Chung Cha in my arms.

I want to hold her and help her forget her crimes against humankind.

Myungsoo looks at me, “We’re going to need help from all the guys.”

I nod my head as I look at him, “I don’t want them to know though unless Chung Cha tells them. It’ll keep them in the dark for a while. The more in the dark they are in the safer they are. We can take care of ourselves, but them I’m not sure if she’ll ever be ready. I had to catch her with  bag of weapons too tell me even a vague idea of what happened to her.”

Myungsoo looks at me and notices my jacket being a bit looser than the usual ones that I wear, “What she have you carry?”

I pull out the gun in my hands, “She told me to carry it at all times, but I don’t even know how to shoot it.”

Myungsoo holds out his hand, “Let me see it.”

Myungsoo looks at it and looks surprised, “It’s surprisingly light. The sight is good. The clip holds more ammo than an average one and it doesn’t seem too noticeable. Those the bullets are a bit thinner they are longer than an average 9 caliber bullet.”

“Either Chung Cha is a freaking guinness or we should really be fearing Lotus?”

“How about both? Chung Cha is going to modify my car with a few things. I guess we’re going too have too talk too the grease monkey.”

“Sadly that’s in two contexts.”

I laugh as I nod as I look at the time, “I should probably go back home too Chung Cha I promised her I wouldn’t be gone more than 4 hours and I still need to pick up food for us.”

Myungsoo nods his head as he takes all the files and hands them too me, “You keep them. They might be safer with you than with us. You do have that safe in your work office at home.”

I nod my head as I slip the files in the briefcase that i had brought with me.

“See you guys,” I wave to them as I leave.

I pick up some Italian from a restaurant that I like before I head home.

A little bit later I’m at my apartment door too hear Chung Cha screaming bloody murder.

I race inside and too her room to find the door locked.

I pound of the door screaming her name.

Finally I break the door down to find her in her bed kicking and screaming.

I run over to her too see that he eyes are closed.

I try to get close to her, but I have to dodge her fist as I’m finally able to sit down on her bed and pull her too my chest.

I hum a simple song that she liked when we were in high school.

Slowly I shake her and say her name.

She opens her eyes and looks at me with sad eyes.

Right away she has her head buried in my chest and tears are running down her cheeks.

I rub her back and hush her as she cries.

Slowly she pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

Even slower she...

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Leepurples #1
Chapter 7: waiting ;___; thanks alot
YuniOfficial #2
Chapter 5: Please...... I can't deal....... update..... soon......I need oxygen!!!!!! >.<
Midnight_Rose #3
Wow this story is getting interesting in every chapter!! So many secrets...i love it !! Thanks for writing it.