
The place where I belong



“Man, it feels like ages since we sat down quietly!” AJ exclaims as we all take our seats in the airplane. AJ and Kiseop sit down in front of us with Hoon and Eli in front of them while Dongho and Soohyun take place behind me. I look at Kevin as he takes the seat next to me and smiles. I smile back. The last week went by fast. They had loads to do and nearly no free time. Most of the free time was spent on transportation to the next job.

“That last week was just too busy. Performances, interviews, magazine shoots, fan meets,…” Dongho whines.

“It was fun though. We got to meet a lot of the fans and all” Kiseop says. All the members nod in agreement.

“I still wish they would give us a little break once in a while” Kevin whines.

“Our Hyunae get’s a break” Soohyun says, popping his head in between Kevin’s and my seat, looking at me: “Her busy days are over.”

They all glare at me.

“Hey, I’m not the idol here” I say and they laugh.

“But if you guys need a helping hand, I’ll always be here to help, no matter what” I state.

“We’ll be counting on you!” Kiseop says, completely turning around now, placing his knees on his seat to face us. AJ follows his example.

“And I’m sure there’s someone else you guys will be able to count on” I say. Everyone, having understood what I meant, turn towards AJ. I chuckle when I see his expression.

“Ladies and gentlemen” a warm voice echoes through the plane. The stewardess asks us to sit properly and to fasten our seatbelts. After she has run through the complete procedure, she prepares for takeoff herself.

“Saved by the bell” Kiseop says teasingly.

“Oh, shut up, Lee Kiseop!” AJ says and Kiseop chuckles.

A few minutes after we’ve taken off, I feel the weight on my shoulder getting heavier. I look at Kevin who seems to be dozing off. I look at his cute expression as he completely leaves for dreamland. The past week went by way to fast, I rarely got any time alone with Kevin. Practically, the only times we were alone was in the room but we would be way too tired to talk and would just go straight to bed. Some evenings, I felt as if I could just fall asleep standing. I don’t want to know how they must have felt.

A lot of things have changed this passed two weeks. I think even I changed a bit. I will have a lot of explaining to do when I get back to Korea, Chohee will probably interrogate me to know every detail of what happened between me and Kevin. I blush remembering it. In the end, we decided not to tell the guys of any that had happened between us, as some kind of revenge of teasing us this much. But I wonder what it means. What are we now? To each other? I sigh. I decided not to break my head over it. Kevin is a busy guy, I don’t want to bother him with that kind of questions too much. For now, I’m happy enough to know he likes me back. I look at his angelic sleeping face. It makes me the most happiest girl in the world.

Not a whole lot later, the plane lands and Kevin has to wake up. Even though I told them it wasn’t necessary, that I would take the bus or the subway, the guys insisted on dropping me of at home. The van is packed with the nine of us. The seven guys, the manager and me. The manager and Soohyun sit up front. Hoon, AJ and Eli sit in the row before us while Kiseop, Kevin and me are on the last row. Dongho sits on the extra chair in the back. Kevin was hiding his hand under his jacket, tightly holding on to mine, impossible for the others to notice.

“I guess we’re here” the manager says.

“Thank you very much” I say thanking everyone, including for the fact they brought me home.

“No, thank you, Hyunae-shii. I’m glad the guys insisted on letting you join, you were a great help” he says.

“Thank you very much” I say again, unable to think of something else to say after being praised like that. We say our goodbyes and I get out of the car.

“Move over, hyung” Dongho says, motioning Kevin to go sit on the seat I just abandoned while he slips between his two hyungs.

“See you guys later” I say waving as they drive off. I see them wave back and smile. I turn around and walk towards the front door. There’s a high screeching sound accompanied by a loud horn, quickly followed by a loud bang.

I know that sound.

I instantly turn around and run on the streets and look the way the van just drove off to. I see the van. It’s on its side. There’s another completely wrecked car next to it. I take slow steps toward the scene. It’s not long before I’m running, tears running down uncontrollably.

This has happened before.

I suddenly remember. A man and a beautiful woman getting in a car, patting my head, smiling at me. They drove off to the same reaction. An explosion. Everything black.

“This can’t happen again! Not again! Not now! please to don’t take them from me!” I yell as I collapse on the hard road in front of the car.

“Don’t take them,” I cry: “Not them”


AN: DO NOT KILL ME! I forgot to warn you guys there was some drama coming *dances sorry sorry* please forgive me and look forward to the next chapter (without hating me too much) Enjoy TT TT

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love