First day

The place where I belong



“Miss, miss we have arrived” a soft voice says. What is this? Didn’t this happen before? Am I having a déjà vu?

“Miss, we’ve landed, we’re in Japan” the now more manly sounding voice says with a teasing tone. Japan? Wasn’t it Korea the last time. Slowly, I open my eyes and see a brown pair of eyes looking back.

“Come on, sleepy head” Kevin says with a big smile on his face.

“Ok, ok, I’m up. We have to get up?” I ask rubbing my eyes.

“No” he says and I look at him, very confused. He points to the window on my right side.

“I know it’s your first time to Japan, so I thought you wanted to see the landing” he says while smiling cutely.

“But you wake me up like we already landed” I say.

“I know” he says and chuckles.

“You’re evil” I say and he smiles happy. I turn my head and look outside. It’s a beautiful view, we’re right above the clouds. It’s like you could feels like you could see until the end of the earth if you would keep watching. And the clouds, they look so soft and fluffy.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it” Kevin says right next to my left ear. I scare at the sudden noise. I didn’t expect him to be so close. My inside starts floating as I feel him lean slightly against me as he tries to look out of the window.

“Ah, does it bother you?” he asks as he sees my flustered face. Unable to say anything, I shake my head. If I would open my mouth, I would probably tell him how good it feels, how happy I am to feel his warmth on my skin, how I love to be close to him. I can’t tell him that, I can’t tell him any of that. It would bother him. I know it was all just a misunderstanding, but I never wish to see that face of his again, never. Full of hate and pain, I wouldn’t be able to take it. It’s best to keep it for myself, just keep it inside. I’ll just have to be happy with these little moments I can share with him. It’ll be ok. I’ll make sure to be happy just with this. I’ll be ok.

“Oh, we’re descending!” Kevin says bouncing. I look at him with the corner of my eyes. He looks like a little kid the way he’s acting, so cute and innocent.

“Haven’t you done this many times before?” I ask him. He has traveled a lot to Japan before, to a lot of other places too. He’s even been to Colombia. Hasn’t he been in an airplane to much to still act this happy?

“Yep, of course I have” he says, still looking outside with that happy smile of his.

“Then why are you so happy? Aren’t you used to it?” I ask.

“It’s the first time that you’re here with me” he says. His comment catches me by surprise. I instantly blush. Did he mean it that way I heard it? I’m too nervous to look next to me, I’m afraid he’ll see me blush, I’m afraid he’ll know how I feel. He probably didn’t mean it like that, I can’t let myself get carried away.

“Ah, look there, that’s where we’ll land!” Kevin says when we finally leave the whiteness of the clouds and he recognizes the airport. He leans a little more towards the little window and his cheek softly touches mine.

“Can you see it?” he asks me. I shake my head, honestly not being able to see what he’s pointing to. This time, he deliberately pushes his head against mine and guides my view towards what he wants me to see.

“You see that big white building there?” he says and I nod.

“Well, if you look a little left from there and also go a little up, you’ll see the airport” he continues. I Follow his finger and I see it. Happy I found it I nod again.


Surprised, Kevin and me look at where the sound came from.

“Kiseop hyung, not again” Kevin says when we see Kiseop hanging over the back of his seat holding his phone. He has a big grin on his face.

“Is it a good pic?” Dongho asks as he turns around an leans over the back of his seat too. He leans towards Kiseop and looks at the pic.

“Ow, how cute” he says while looking at Kevin teasingly. He in return pouts. I laugh. They keep on teasing him and before I know him the warmth on my shoulder is gone. Well, I guess, it couldn’t last forever. I look at Kevin and how he tries to fight against the teasing of Kiseop and Dongho. Not so much later we get asked to put our seatbelts on and stay seated, so the two of them turn around and sit down normally again. The rest of the day passes quickly. The guys had a performance at Japanese show. Most of the time was spend on the preparations and rehearsal. I made sure the guys got anything they needed, drinks, food, a little refreshment after the stage. After they were done performing, they went back to the dressing room to get remove their makeup and get into casual again. They were sweating heavily again. What do you expect, they put all they have in their performance. With the heavy clothing they have to wear most of the time. They drag me along to the dressing room, ask me what I thought, who could do better, if I noticed any mistakes. I told them the little flaws I noticed.

“Wow, Hyunae, you’re good” Hoon noticed. I shake my head.

“No, no, not at all!” I say, denying.

“It’s awesome how good you know our dances” Eli says. I chuckle.

“You guys can’t forget I am a KissMe, of course I know you’re dances. It’s not like I studied all of them by heart, you just know by watching a lot” I explain.

“Whoa, KissMe are great” Dongho exclaims. I chuckle.

“I’ll get you guys something to drink while you change. It’s not like I can stay here while you do” I say and prepare to go to the door.

“And why not?” Soohyun asks teasingly. I sigh and turn around, only to see Hoon already with his top part off.

“You don’t want to see this?” Kiseop asks while he pulls Kevin towards him and pulls up a little of his shirt revealing his tummy. I blush and Kevin tries to free himself from Kiseop’s hold. Fearing he’ll get the wrong idea of me, I turn around and walk to the door.

“I’ll be getting your drinks” I say and go outside. After closing the door I sigh deeply. On the other side of the door I hear most of the members laughing loudly, they sure like teasing each other. I go off to get the their drinks. When I’m back in front of the door, I knock and ask if I can enter. They giggle and say yes, so I open the door. They’re all completely dressed, thank god. I had them their drinks and they thank me.

“We should ask you to come along more” Soohyun says. I’m not sure if he meant that as a joke or if he’s serious.

“That would be fun” Dongho says. We keep on talking for a while until someone tells us that we can leave for the hotel. Everyone is relieved, it’s been a long and tiring day, everyone will be happy to go to the hotel and calm down a bit. We soon get to the little bus that will take us to the hotel. Soohyun tells us that our luggage already arrived at the hotel and that they’re in the rooms as planned. Everyone  chuckles while Kevin looks more confused when Soohyun says ‘as planned’. Too tired to think too long about it, the subject gets changed. Even though everyone is exhausted, it’s pretty lively in the little bus. It doesn’t take us long to get to the hotel.

“This is our first room” Soohyun says as he opens the door with the keycard. We all enter and Soohyun puts the keycard on a drawer. There’s one double bed, a few little drawers and a couch. There’s also a little bathroom attached. I look around and I see my luggage so I figure this is my room. Still, I wonder why they got a double bed, a single would be enough, right?

“Well good night” Soohyun says and all the members go to the door again.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Soohyun asks Kevin as he tries to exit the room. Kevin looks at him with a confused face and so do I.

“Hyung, no” he says when he sees the grin on Soohyun’s face.

“Good night” Soohyun says and before one of us can answer he closes the door. Both Kevin and me stare motionless at the door.

“Those idiots!” Kevin suddenly yells. I jump up a little in surprise.

“I’m so sorry, Hyunae” Kevin says. I shake my head.

“There’s nothing you can do about it, it seems like they carefully planned this prank” I say. He nods his head.

“Well, I guess I’ll sleep on the couch again this night” he says and sighs. No, I can’t let him sleep on the couch again because of me. He needs the sleep more than I do. I shake my head.

“No, not again, I’ll sleep on the couch this time” I say determined.

“I can’t let you do that!” he says.

“Well, I can’t let you either!” I say. I won’t let him sleep on the couch again.

“Then, what do you suggest?” he asks me.



AN: Oooh, what will happen next? hehe, it so fun thinking of this >:3 Sorry for updating slower than before, blame school for giving me to much work, I don't even have the time to think about the story >< Enjoy ^w^

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love