When chocolate is the best remedy


Final exams were around the corner. Wherever I went, everyone seemed to have buried themselves under heaps of notes. Without realising it, I found myself heading towards the library everyday with tons of practice papers. I guess when everyone around you is busy studying, you tend to be influenced the same way.

The thing about our school library is that there are cubicles in them that totally isolates you from everyone. It was especially helpful to people like me who tend to be easily distracted. Carrying my calculator, notes and my bottle, I headed towards a row of cubicles and prepped myself for at least three hours straight of non-stop studying. I took a quick look at my surroundings and realised that there was someone else at the end of the row. I made a mental note just in case I may need to ask that person for help later on.

I stuffed my earbuds in and played songs at a softer volume than usual. Completely unaware of my surroundings, I started my revision, occasionally stretching and  drinking sips of water. It just so happened that when a song ended, I heard a soft snore. I turn towards the person at the end of the row and realised that the person wears a skirt. 

As more people filled the library, I began increasing the volume of my music, a little annoyed by how inconsiderate they are. The easily distracted me saw movements as someone pulled the chair from the cubicle next to mine and I stared right at that person. Luhan gave me a smile and said, "Been here long?" I nodded and took out my earbuds.

"Class just ended?"

"Yup. This is getting so tiring…"

"Yeah I know," fully able to empathise. Luhan did a scan of his surroundings just like I did when I first came in before he exclaimed, "Oh I didn't know Am is here too."

At that, I turned towards where he was looking only to see the snoring girl.

 "How do you know that's her?"

"Isn't she easily recognisable?"

I stared at Luhan, a little surprised by what he said and a little disappointed with myself. Amber and I have been friends longer than Luhan and her yet they seemed to be closer than we could ever be. Now that I think about it, she is always all smiles around him. With me, we were always bickering and  always angry with each other. She never fails to show how annoyed she is with me.




I jumped, startled at Luhan's sudden finger snapping.

"You okay?"

I let out a sigh, "I need a break." My hands reached for my phone and just as I was about to head out, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Luhan while he just smiled at me before saying, "You don't have to be so bothered by it." Confused, I was about to question him when he turned away and started prepping himself. Pushing the thought away, I made my way out.



I dug my hands into my pocket, hoping that I have somehow shoved loose change in. I was standing in front of the vending machine, eyes staring intently at the packet of M&Ms. Somehow a picture of Amber's eyes widening as she stares longingly at her favourite chocolate flashed through my mind. I tossed the coins into the machine and waited for the packet of chocolate and picked it up before heading back to the library.

As I was walking back to my cubicle, I met eyes with a girl whom I do not seem to remember the name of. She glared at me as I walked past, probably angry with the fact that I had dumped her just yesterday and seemed completely fine. She was yelling at me and I got fed up with listening to her whines and just dumped her right then. I let out a smirk before landing my gaze on that person at the end of the row, still peacefully sleeping. The packet of chocolate suddenly felt heavy in my hands and I shoved them into my pocket.

Swiftly picking up a paper, I made Luhan solve the question that I have randomly pointed at and said, "I'll ask Amber about it too."

She had wrapped herself up with her hoodie and I could still faintly hear her soft snores as I approached her. I slipped the packet of M&Ms discreetly onto her table before going back to mine, thinking that it would be good if there is a pillow around.

"Amber's asleep. Did you manage to work it out?" Luhan handed a piece of paper to me and went back to studying. I stuffed my earbuds in and went back to studying too.







I carefully placed her on my bed and draped the blanket on her. Her soft snores echoed through the room and only one thought filled my mind.

What can I do to make you dislike me less?


I closed the door behind me, not even realising that I had used much force than I had intended to until I heard the loud slam.

I lost my cool again. It really is crazy how I never lost my temper at any other girls but when it comes to her, all rationality seems to be lost. Not as if she was talking sense either. Of all the things to yell, she had to yell about my bed being dirty.


Fill the void. That is what I have constantly told myself. Initially, it worked well when I started dating some random girls but it did not last long. Eventually, I just needed any girl to make sure the void does not widen.

Hearing nothing in my room, I made my way towards the bathroom, hoping the cool water can calm me down fast.



She walked out of the door while attempting to soothe her messy hair. Upon noticing my presence, she took a small step back, as if I might yell at her if she came too close. I kept my arms folded across my chest, as if I did not notice her presence at all.

"Um thanks for the pills. And sorry for the trouble."

I stared at her as she flinched under my gaze. "Don't drink again," my tone came out harsher than what was rehearsed in my head.

"And who are you to tell me that?"

There. Again. She was clearly picking a fight again. "Says the one who was dead drunk."

"Whatever," she mumbled. "What were you doing there anyway? Trying to get girls?"

Sick. So sick of those words that comes out from . I turned towards her, throwing the thing that was in my hand all this while and yelled, "Take that and get out of my house!"

She swiftly caught onto what I threw and gave me a confused look before leaving.




It was a packet of M&Ms.








Her hands tightened around the packet, unsure of what to do. So many unanswered questions were whirling in her mind. 

So she really did see him at the party. He took her home and even prepared pills for her. What was he trying to do?


Does it matter?


She ripped it open and dumped all the chocolate in , feeling extremely satisfied at the moment.


He cares for me. And that is enough.



The first italics part is a flashback while the second part is Amber's thoughts. :D

You guys are probably unsatisfied wtih the ending~ this is meant to be ambiguous and i'm not gonna change that.

Once again, thank you for reading! (though i don't understand how you guys can stand my writing o.o)

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Sorry for the confusion! i kinda like writing explanations. i shall do this for every chapter~


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 5: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: I like this, please continue the story :)
Chapter 6: I might be a black sheep here. But I can't really stand how you write. It's choppy and for the first two chapters (not including the explanations) I honestly had almost no idea what was going on. Even if these may be drabbles about your dreams, there should be more flow in how each event progresses.
I also have many crazy and interesting dreams that I write down in a dream journal. But for the most part, it's okay for a dream journal to have things jump around, not so much for a story/oneshot.
I suggest if you want to take a dream and turn it in to a short story/oneshot/drabble, you might need to add in things that never happened in your dreams to keep the flow of the story smooth.
And personally I like having some kind of closure or confirmation of something at the end of a oneshot/drabble. To me the first chapter didn't have that closure until I read the explanation :/

I hope this will help you with writing more chapters later on ^^
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 6: Update gain...
Chapter 6: It's great! Leaving us to think about it ourselves again, I see; haha :)
I really enjoy reading your oneshots♥
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 5: Jelous.
I think amber jelous.
llamajellyfish #7
Chapter 5: So Kris.......asdfghjkanbghjuqkwt you must make a sequel for this!
Chapter 5: I'm sorry, but can you please write a sequel to this? C:
I know that really goes against the whole point of this collection of dream-shots but...Itthink you're really onto something pretty awesome here. C:
I would like to see you elaborate more on this plot, because I think there's more to the characters than they actually show. C:
Chapter 4: OHH I SEE :P
I would've guessed they were "together" already by the way they acted in the story but I guess not; heehee
Anyway, you can kinda guess that they had feelings for each other when Kris says "Find me" and Amber obediently bows. :)