When being drunk is better


Tap. Tap. Tap.

"You okay?"

Distracted by the sudden conversation, I moved my fingers away from the table and smiled at Lay, who was probably annoyed by my finger drumming.

"Sorry," I turned away from him.

We were all crowding around a large area by joining several round tables together at this café that we always frequent. It was nice meeting up with the guys but…

"You guys want a drink?" Kris, with his arm around the girl sitting next to him, took note of everyone's orders without breaking eye contact with her.

Battling eyelashes and bashful smiles. Who still uses this kind of tricks nowadays?

"Be right back." He gave her a last fleeting glance before heading towards the counter.

Tch, it's not like anyone will kidnap her when you go buy drinks.

Zitao shifted closer to me and whispered, "Seems like Kris found himself a new target."

"You jealous?"

His smile twitched into a smirk, "She's pretty."

"Yeah yeah," I shifted away from him and pretended to be texting with my phone.

Kris is the infamous playboy. I no longer remember the first time we met or how we ended up being in the same clique but I hate his guts. Or so I think.

"Who are you texting?"

I shifted my phone away from Luhan's sight, "My dog."

Luhan instantly frowned as I started laughing. I punched his arm lightly while he continues to frown at me. The thing about Luhan is that he is very sensitive to emotions. He could somehow sense what someone feels. He said if someone is feeling a certain emotion intensely, he could feel it too. Kinda like a chameleon.

"I'm fine, really. Stop frowning already."

Luhan quickly turned his attention back to Kris, letting out a sigh. I know he meant well but what was I supposed to do? Admit that I felt very uncomfortable with that girl's presence?

 I went back to playing my games when Kris came near and placed a drink in front of me.

"When did I order that," I said.

Kris looked confused as he said, "Don't you always love iced chocolate?"

I crossed my arms and stared at him, "Did I ask you to buy? Take it away."

"Fine," he hissed grabbing the drink angrily back to his seat. I went back to playing games on my phone.

Tch, don't go around acting like you know me. What does a playboy know about me?






As everyone gathered around talking about their plans for tomorrow before leaving, my eyes unwillingly landed on Kris. His arms were around the girl while they whispered to each other with wide smiles of their faces.

"What's your plan for tomorrow?"

 I turned towards Luhan and said, "I'm going to Vic's party. Gonna get wasted!"

From my peripheral view, I saw Kris shifted his glance at me. I could feel his glare boring into the back of my head. Luhan probably sensed how I felt again and dragged me away. The group eventually dispersed after exchanging a few teases about Kris bringing the girl home. I found myself walking alongside Luhan.

"Am, how long do you intend to continue this," Luhan's voice was soft yet firm. He cupped his hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. "Is it just so bad to let him know how you feel?"

 Luhan meant well. I know that. Yet, I still could not stop myself from slapping his hands away while glaring at him.




"Vic, you throw the best parties!" I yelled over the loud music blasting everywhere. Vic gestured for me to be louder so I yelled again. She eventually squeezed through the crowd and shouted, "What did you say?"


Vic gave a smile before filling up my cup again. I emptied the cup and shoved it in Vic's face, "More!"

She handed me the entire bottle before leaving, telling me to enjoy myself. I danced along to the blasting music and continued pouring the drink In my mouth. I headed towards the place where everyone is crowding and continued dancing. Random people kept talking and dancing around me. I did not know who they were. I could barely see their faces. I could barely remember what was going on.

Eventually, the music began to soften and everything began to turn into a swirl of colours. Random words that make no sense filled my ears. I started feeling the strong urge to sleep. Just when the world was about to fade away, I thought I saw Kris among the swirl of colours. I could see his face so clearly. That cold expression he puts on when he is really mad. It was too clear to be real. Besides, why would that player be looking at me when he should be getting other girls…









The painful throbbing of my head slowly pulled me out of my sleep. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision only to notice something strange about my environment.

It was nothing like my room. There were posters of girls everywhere and it looked freaking big. I mean a balcony in the bedroom? That is definitely not my house. I pulled the blanket closer to me as the reality of last night sinked in. I was dead drunk. This could have been anyone's room. There is only one thing in my mind right now.

 I am so screwed.


The sliding door of the balcony gently opened and in stepped  someone familiar.

"Oh, you are awake," he said, gently closing the sliding door.

If it was him who brought me here then I do not need to worry that anyone might have did something to me when I was dead drunk. Because he would never want to touch me.

"There's some hangover pills on the drawer," he pointed towards the drawer next to the bed. There was also a glass of water on it.  Instead of feeling grateful, I felt anger boiling inside of me.

"Why would you let me sleep on such a dirty bed!"

He looked at me, mouth agape at the sudden yelling.

"How many other girls had slept on this bed? And you let me sleep on such a bed?"

I was turning hysterical and could barely understand what I was yelling. The headache was not helping either. The only thought in my head was that I was sleeping on the same bed that he brought other girls on. That made me so crazy and mad.

His expression turned cold and his gaze as sharp as razors. He had his fists clenched tight, as if ready to punch something. This angry side of Kris frightened me. I was about to run out of the room when he spoke, "You are the first girl on my bed."

"And I've never slept with anyone of them."

"Why not?" My weak voice echoed through the room.

Without a reply, Kris turned his back on me and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I stared at the glass of water and the box of pills and quickly popped some pills before hiding myself back in the blanket. Without realising, I let out the smile that I had been suppressing.








He always thought he was good at keeping his cool but at that moment he lost it. Or maybe she was the one who always does that to him. He knew it was a huge mistake when he overhead her talking about getting wasted. She has the worst alcohol tolerance.

"Where's Amber?"

"Amber? I last saw her dancing somewh-"

"Did you let her drink?"

"Yeah, she looked like she really needed one."

"You better not let her drink again," his tone harsh and firm.

He headed towards the place she pointed, pushing through the crowd and kicked away the other people all dead drunk on the floor. He spotted her at one corner, eyelids all droopy with a silly smile on her face. He swiftly picked her up and took her away.

"What am I gonna do with you," he softly whispered.

"I…like wrong guy…" He watched as tears flow after her soft mumbles.

"Me too," he said as he carefully carried her away.


Every action means something. Amber's every word and actions means something. Why would she do that? Why would she say that? What was she feeling at the moment? If you can get an answer to that, then you probably can relate to how she was feeling.  Same with Kris. Thanks for reading!

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Sorry for the confusion! i kinda like writing explanations. i shall do this for every chapter~


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 5: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: I like this, please continue the story :)
Chapter 6: I might be a black sheep here. But I can't really stand how you write. It's choppy and for the first two chapters (not including the explanations) I honestly had almost no idea what was going on. Even if these may be drabbles about your dreams, there should be more flow in how each event progresses.
I also have many crazy and interesting dreams that I write down in a dream journal. But for the most part, it's okay for a dream journal to have things jump around, not so much for a story/oneshot.
I suggest if you want to take a dream and turn it in to a short story/oneshot/drabble, you might need to add in things that never happened in your dreams to keep the flow of the story smooth.
And personally I like having some kind of closure or confirmation of something at the end of a oneshot/drabble. To me the first chapter didn't have that closure until I read the explanation :/

I hope this will help you with writing more chapters later on ^^
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 6: Update gain...
Chapter 6: It's great! Leaving us to think about it ourselves again, I see; haha :)
I really enjoy reading your oneshots♥
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 5: Jelous.
I think amber jelous.
llamajellyfish #7
Chapter 5: So Kris.......asdfghjkanbghjuqkwt you must make a sequel for this!
Chapter 5: I'm sorry, but can you please write a sequel to this? C:
I know that really goes against the whole point of this collection of dream-shots but...Itthink you're really onto something pretty awesome here. C:
I would like to see you elaborate more on this plot, because I think there's more to the characters than they actually show. C:
Chapter 4: OHH I SEE :P
I would've guessed they were "together" already by the way they acted in the story but I guess not; heehee
Anyway, you can kinda guess that they had feelings for each other when Kris says "Find me" and Amber obediently bows. :)