


When reading this, it is best to picture the whole scenario at an era when shophouses still exist. Everything is rather old-looking. That would kinda explain why the bus is the only hope. I'm not exactly sure if what happened is purely a riot or a war but I view it as somewhere in between.

Amber plays a dominant role in her family. Though not clearly written, she has taken on the role of her mother. She is someone that is certainly courageous and physically fit. For a girl to go rushing back to save as many people as she could does prove that. Her character contrasts with Kris. Kris is viewed as someone rather opposite from her. When Amber called him 'smarty-pants', she was not being sarcastic or anything and so I assumed Kris to be somewhat like a scholar. The fact that Kris had found out about Amber's intentions that quickly when even her dad and Krystal never suspected suggests that firstly, he is indeed very smart. Secondly, it could mean that Kris really understands Amber a lot.

Amber is strong-willed. There is no way she could just escape without helping and Kris knows that. That's why he reluctantly let her go while making a promise with her. To make her find him.

I would say that their relationship must be one full of arguments and definitely interesting. The brainy guy and the rather uncouth girl yet full of courage. Such opposites that makes you fall in love with them more. I wonder if anyone felt excited to write a background story for them~


Just saying:

Since the one-shot has to be inspired by an awesome dream, frequent updates would not be possible. Hope you guys enjoy the one-shots so far! Till next time~

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Sorry for the confusion! i kinda like writing explanations. i shall do this for every chapter~


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 5: DAEBAK AUTHOR!!!!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: I like this, please continue the story :)
Chapter 6: I might be a black sheep here. But I can't really stand how you write. It's choppy and for the first two chapters (not including the explanations) I honestly had almost no idea what was going on. Even if these may be drabbles about your dreams, there should be more flow in how each event progresses.
I also have many crazy and interesting dreams that I write down in a dream journal. But for the most part, it's okay for a dream journal to have things jump around, not so much for a story/oneshot.
I suggest if you want to take a dream and turn it in to a short story/oneshot/drabble, you might need to add in things that never happened in your dreams to keep the flow of the story smooth.
And personally I like having some kind of closure or confirmation of something at the end of a oneshot/drabble. To me the first chapter didn't have that closure until I read the explanation :/

I hope this will help you with writing more chapters later on ^^
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 6: Update gain...
Chapter 6: It's great! Leaving us to think about it ourselves again, I see; haha :)
I really enjoy reading your oneshots♥
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 5: Jelous.
I think amber jelous.
llamajellyfish #7
Chapter 5: So Kris.......asdfghjkanbghjuqkwt you must make a sequel for this!
Chapter 5: I'm sorry, but can you please write a sequel to this? C:
I know that really goes against the whole point of this collection of dream-shots but...Itthink you're really onto something pretty awesome here. C:
I would like to see you elaborate more on this plot, because I think there's more to the characters than they actually show. C:
Chapter 4: OHH I SEE :P
I would've guessed they were "together" already by the way they acted in the story but I guess not; heehee
Anyway, you can kinda guess that they had feelings for each other when Kris says "Find me" and Amber obediently bows. :)