teaser two

「The Secrets of Luminaria」

Teaser Two



"Ilhoon." Minju called out his name, almost as if asking a question but still staying as a statement. He looked over at his younger sister from his burgundy coloured text book which was at least 500 golden pages long. "Hm? What can I do for you?" She had a question that she'd  been wanting to have an answer to since she was younger, but somehow, she had a bad feeling about it, it was as if she could never get an answer. Ignoring the feeling, she sat down in front of him and cleared delicately.

As she started to nervously twirl her blonde hair, she hesitantly asked, "Hoon, do you ever think that there is something above us?"

He shifted into his seat curiously and created another question. "What do you mean?"

The new question silenced Minju a little bit, and it made her think a little bit on how to place her words into sentences. A slightly suppressed sigh made it's way out of as she started.

"I mean, do you think that there is a whole entire world above Luminaria? I just can't get myself to think that there isn't anything up there. When we're outside, and when I look up, all I see is black. I'm sick of it. Most of the books I've read have talked about these blue skies and bodies of water and all of these animals that you can't see here."

She looked at her brother who was sitting there, staring at her, silent.

"Please, say something to me." She lightly pleaded.

Ilhoon blinked a couple times before breaking his own silence. "Min, I've read that there was one long before Luminaria was built, but I can assure you that it's no more. Luminaria is all that there is, okay?" 

He patted her head before sending her off with a smile.



Minju trudged through the city's streets, her map in one hand and her other hand gently gripping onto the strap of her messenger bag. Victorian-styled buildings came up, which meant that the president's square was a couple blocks away from her current location.

After the days of non-stop mapping, she finished her map much earlier than it was needed. Just thinking about her accomplishment, she smiled brightly. This also meant that she could go back to school, and she could freely be with her friends again for now.

Her eyes soon met with a grand, marble staircase, and she swiftly walked up the steps when she met eyes with none other than Park Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol? What are you doing here?" She questioned.

He grinned a little. "Mr. President wanted me to pick up and drop off some books for him. Oh, and he told me to tell you that you can just give your map to his butler to hold onto since he's kind of busy. I'll wait for you out here."

Minju nodded and continued on inside where she introduced herself to the head butler and left the map in his care. While walking out of the grand mansion, something caught her eyes. It was a map, but it wasn't of Luminaria and there seemed to be more land masses. She slowly walked towards it step by step until she heard someone clearing their throat.

She quickly turned around to see the butler.

"Miss? Aren't you going to go home yet?" His eyes reverted to the map that was behind Minju and rapidly added, "Oh, that's nothing. You shouldn't pay attention to it."

Minju nodded and apologized before fully heading out of the mansion.


Author's Corner

Hello there again! I present you with another teaser~ I hope you enjoy this one also. Well, I'll leave the rest of my words for next time. See you later~

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Oh, my sweet Jesus. I'm sorry for no updates for a month! I have final exams this week and next week, but I'll definitely try to find the time!!!


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MindragonFan #1
Chapter 16: Finally logging on after being away for so long. This story still interests me a lot, so I hope you continue! *showers you in love*
Chapter 16: people are meeting each other! Eungwha the brilliant fashionist? and Key Dear, Sora's stalker, haha. (teachers interested in each other. this happened at my school lol)

Sooah was the one with the illness, right? Minju and Xiao just scared her off, poor thing.
Chapter 16: Eunghwa's so smart I'm jealous ;A; Gimmee her brain. I need it for my grades
kN42five #4
Chapter 16: Wah~ Ive missed this story for the longest^^ wow I love how acc you were with my character in class (really that is usually me in my classes but my teachers never let me get up to go get books T~T so I'm sitting bored forever) ooh I got to meet Sora!! It's a good thing my character wasn't rude to her (my character shouldn't be though because Sora isn't annoying^~^) lol the teachers sending notes to each other! Oh good not everyone hates my character~
Key how do you know everything?? Haha I had spaghetti today actually yum~
Sooah!! I feel very bad for her and wished she had somebody to support and be with her. She encountered Xiao Xing and Minju!!! Lol Minju I thought she would cry :(
I can't wait until the story prgresses^~^ fighting!
kN42five #5
Chapter 15: Yayyy~ Minjuuuu and Xiao Xing meet and realize they think the same about the world above what a coincidence that Xiao Xing is friends with minju's brother hehehe . OMG errbody all talking and messing around and supposedly studying in a library shh lol. I really enjoy Minju and Ilhoon's sibling relationship :( makes me wish I had one like that~ Wah Sora's so lucky to have such nice friends for her happy birffday to her characterrrrr^^
Man I missed this story and I'm about to go to bed but I decided to check my aft and how convenient you updated ^~^ Fighting!!
Chapter 15: I laughed at the y pants part, honestly. It was kinda awkward because my mom was looking at me laugh at my computer screen, but I think she got used to it by now XD
Chapter 15: Well, atleast Minju and Xiao Xing know they aren't completely crazy :D
And the y pants thing LOL
MindragonFan #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Mei calling Ilhoon y pants! That's so like her, shamelessly flirting with every guy she meets. (though that might annoy jay a little ;D ) This is awesome, Sora's bday was so sweet ^^ and I hope Minjun doesn't get to annoyed by the craziness that is Mei and Lei xD
Chapter 14: woot, finally finished reading everything.

go Ilhoon for being such a great older brother. he went as far as bothering Xiao to get the 'perfect gift', but the more those two talk, the better, right? ;P
Sora spacing out. poor Hoya, having to put up with her nuisance, haha.
I like Mei! she's quirky and it makes so much sense that her and Jay are close, cause Jay Park is awesomee.
Eunghwa's a neat character as well. priding herself on first impressions, although I do feel sorry for the poor boy who was merely asking if she was okay, lol.
Sooah's back story is really interesting. I'm curious to how it will play out.
Happy Belated to Minju, she's got an awesome brother. :D

yay for first chpt!
Chapter 14: Storyyy, start! :D
I like how you put all of the characters and what they were doing at those moments in there :o it was kinda cool.
I can't wait to read more. c: