Let Me Die At My Happiest Point


“Baekhyun, do you hate me?” The young girl stared off into the city’s lights as the two of them stood near the edge of the rooftop.

“I don’t hate you. Why?” The boy she called her only friend looked at her in awe, wondering why she would ask such a question.

“No reason.” He stared at her for a bit like he was examining her. He then nodded and turned back to the view.

“Thank you.”


Hi everyone! I should be working on my other story, but I felt like writing a one-shot~ I don’t really know how the angst tag works ;-; Someone told me it’s for those depressing stories. I want to give it a shot, so…yeah (laughs). If there's a story like this, it's pure coincidence. Anyway, thanks for checking this out. Happy reading!



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Xena_ngaihte #1
Chapter 2: omg...it's so sad for lin..... :'(
i cried
Chapter 1: Omg. I'm dying because of curiousity. xhbjbj what's in the bag author nim? ;A;
Chapter 1: ;A; that was like super sad
poor girl :c
Chapter 2: soooo sad! >___<
poor Lin. how cruel to grow up like that! T___T
Chapter 2: Omo! It was so cute! ^o^ Aish! I wonder what was in the bag!
Chapter 1: awww I wanna know what's in the bag... great story anyways! :D
Chapter 1: What's in the bag?
Chapter 1: I WANNA CRY NOW!!!!! TT^TT