chapter two

「The Secrets of Luminaria」

Chapter Two



Minju sat on the steps of a building of her older brother's prestige university containing lecturing halls and a library with an open book on her lap almost dozing off to the soft sound of serene orchestral instruments coming from the music hall just a few tens of yards away. Several students that passed by gawked at her a little before simply walking off as if nothing happened.

She couldn't help herself nor could she help the fact that she was somewhere nearly foreign to her. Her mother had asked for her to wait for Ilhoon, but she also didn't want to intrude or barge in just to get him. "I hate this so damn much." She muttered to herself. Minju's eyes began to close all the way when she heard her name being called out.

"M-Minju? Minju!" 

She slowly opened her eyes to see the familiar face of her brother's friend. "Hello, Xiao Xing."

"What are you doing here? Are you waiting for Ilhoon?" 

Minju responded with, "Yeah, but I didn't want to go inside."

Xiao Xing hummed as her gaze reverted to the book in the younger's lap. She pointed at it and asked, "Can I see this?" Minju nodded sleepily and placed the book gently into the older's hands. 

Xiao Xing reached into her own book bag and took out a bookmark to place into the spot that Minju was already in. She then proceeded to flip over to the first page of the book then reading it.

Her eyes widened quite a bit at the content written and the sketched drawings on the page. Immensely detailed sketches of tigers, leopards, lions, lynxes, and more drifted along the page on the right side, and text about their general species lined up on the page on the left side.

"Do you think I'm insane for thinking that there might still be any of those animals in existance...but not in Luminaria?" Minju pondered as she grabbed a hold of the older's eyes. Xiao Xing slowly shook her head, trying to process everything she's seen on the two mere pages. Then, her lips suddenly curled into a rare smile as she pulled Minju into an embrace, the younger becoming surprised at the older's actions.

"No. I don't think you're think that my friend's little sister would think the same as I." She chuckled at her own words.

" you think there could be...?" Minju trailed off, leaving her question incomplete as Xiao Xing finished it for her. "A world above? ...Yeah."

"Thank you." Minju gave out a sigh full of mixed feelings such as relief and almost confidence. The girls released each other from their friendly embrace as two voices familiar to the older rang out into the air.

"Hey, Xing!" Her best friend, Kyungmi, called out to her as another friend, Seunghyun or also known as Seungri, motioned for her to join them. "Come on, Xing. We're going down to the bakery!"

Xiao Xing looked at Minju and smiled. "Well, see you later, Min." Minju nodded, returned the smile, and waved before going back into her book.

"Wait, you've gotten that information wrong, kiddos." Ilhoon mentioned to the two high schoolers in front of him and chuckled.

"But Ilhoon, it says that right here." Lei pointed at a sentence in her textbook. Mei laughed a little and said, "Yeah, that's right, Mr. y Pants. It's in the textbook, and you're a university student." Ilhoon laughed as he shook his head slightly. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mei. You're still stuck with me until this thing is due, though. Your teacher assigned you guys with me~" He leaned back in his chair, watching over the girls as he helped them with their project over the ten most well-known architects of Luminaria.

Mei stuck her tongue at him in a playful manner, and Lei elbowed her lightly.

"Who's next, kiddos?" Ilhoon looked over at them with a knowing smile, and Lei checked off a name from their list, and Mei looked at the next name.

"The next one is Sungwon Jung. Well, I guess we all know he's Korean like Cabbage Patch here." Mei winked at him as he laughed.

"He was born on July 5, 2269 and is aged 43. He's married to a Vietnamese woman named Tammy Nguyen and has two children, a son and a daughter." Ilhoon stated oh so matter-of-factly to them as Mei and Lei had their mouths hanging open at the straightforwardness.

"Do you stalk this guy, y Pants?" Mei gawked at him in the oddest way possible. He shook his head at that, and responded with, "Of course not. Do I seem like the stalking type? I'm Sungwon Jung's oldest, one and only son~"

"Wha...?" Mei trailed off her own words.

"We're getting help for this project from the son of the second most known architect of Luminaria?" Lei exclaimed much louder than she had intended, causing the librarian to shush her.

"Eheh, sorry!" She apologized.

"Well, each group in your class was assigned to a child of one of the architects that are in college or have graduated. Mr. Number One has no kids, so no one gets help on that one. Architects three through eight all have two kids who are in college or have graduated, and architects nine and ten both have four children who have already graduated. My younger sister is only 17 and is a junior in high school, so it's just me. You guys are lucky~" Ilhoon explained. "Wait, your teacher didn't tell you this?" The two shook their heads cluelessly.

" you guys want to meet my dad instead of looking for his information through your textbooks? No source is better than from Sungwon Jung himself!"

The two nodded vigorously, and the group stood up and exited the library and made their way through the vast halls to get out of the building. They pushed through the huge doors of the building and stepped out into the open before walking over to the top of the stairs and making their way down.

On the way down, Mei clumsily bumped into a small, blonde girl who was sitting on the steps in a daze.

"Oh, sorry about that!" She apologized sincerely, and the girl on the steps turned to look up Mei with a slight smile. "That's alright. At least you hadn't trampled over me like some group of boys had done earlier." The blonde girl's gaze reverted to Ilhoon, and she quickly stood up and slapped his arm.

"Stupid Ilhoon! You made me wait for such a long time. Mom wanted me to go home together with you." The girl looked angry at Ilhoon as she once again smacked him on his arm. "Ouch, Shortie. You know that hurts. Calm down, okay? I didn't know you were waiting. Why didn't you come inside to look for me?"

She huffed and said, "I-I didn't want to go inside and bother you...Sorry."

"It's okay, Minju~ It's all good. Oh! Where are my manners? Min, this is Mei and Lei. Mei and Lei, this is my cute little baby sister, Minju." He pinched Minju's cheek only to have his hand slapped away.

Minju turned to the girls, smiled, and bowed. "Pleased to meet are we all going to the same place?" 

Ilhoon nodded. "Yep, they need to get information on Dad." Minju held onto Ilhoon's arm as they had all began to walk down the stairs. 

The siblings had endlessly playfully teased and lightly hit each other as they went home with the two friends trailing beside them, laughing at their actions. "This is pretty fun." Mei said in between laughs to Lei, and she nodded in agreement.

Sora sat in the back of her university's library and smiled thinking about yesterday's events. "23 years old now, huh?"


"Sooorrraaaaaaa~" Hoya called out with Myungsoo as Hoya knocked on Sora's apartment door. To their surprise, though, it wasn't Sora who opened the door but a much older man whose appearance was classy to the maximum.

"Hello. What can I do for you boys?" The man's voice was just as his appearance, classy but a little raspy due to his age.

"Oh, sorry, sir. We've must've gotten the wrong apartment." Myungsoo explained to the man. He nudged Hoya in the elbow and said, "Hoya, call Sora and ask her again what her apartment number is."

The old man chuckled and bidded them inside. "Don't worry, boys. You're in the right place. I'm Sora's grandfather, and please, drop the 'sir'. Just call me Haruto, boys."

Myungsoo and Hoya's mouths formed an 'o' shape as they entered through the door and followed Haruto to Sora's living room to find her performing some card sleight tricks for herself.

"Ah, Hoya, Myungsoo! What brings you here?" Sora queried.

Hoya chuckled and held up a white box. "Happy birthday~" The two boys sing-songed together. Hoya set the box down on the table and opened it to reveal a chocolate birthday cake.

"Wah~" Sora smiled brightly as if she was a young child who had just gotten a piece of candy or a new bicycle. "Thank you, guys!" 

Sora's grandfather sat took out a lighter from his shirt pocket to light the candles on the cake as he sat next to his beaming granddaughter. The three men sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and she clapped when they were done.

"Make a wish, dear." Her grandfather smiled at her as she nodded, closing her eyes and blowing out the candles.


Author's Note

Hello, everyone! It's been quite some time since the last update hasn't it? I'm so sorry about that and I'm sorry for this short chapter. ;-; Since I'm nearing the end of school, I've been having a lot of STAAR  (Yep, I'm in Texas) examinations to take...and I still have to take an EOC exam for Algebra sometime this week oTL So taking up a whole bunch of time for studying was crucial. Well, happy belated birthday to jadefix's character X3 Woo~ \o.o/ I'll try to update again sometime soon, hopefully. Goodbye for now~

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Oh, my sweet Jesus. I'm sorry for no updates for a month! I have final exams this week and next week, but I'll definitely try to find the time!!!


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MindragonFan #1
Chapter 16: Finally logging on after being away for so long. This story still interests me a lot, so I hope you continue! *showers you in love*
Chapter 16: people are meeting each other! Eungwha the brilliant fashionist? and Key Dear, Sora's stalker, haha. (teachers interested in each other. this happened at my school lol)

Sooah was the one with the illness, right? Minju and Xiao just scared her off, poor thing.
Chapter 16: Eunghwa's so smart I'm jealous ;A; Gimmee her brain. I need it for my grades
kN42five #4
Chapter 16: Wah~ Ive missed this story for the longest^^ wow I love how acc you were with my character in class (really that is usually me in my classes but my teachers never let me get up to go get books T~T so I'm sitting bored forever) ooh I got to meet Sora!! It's a good thing my character wasn't rude to her (my character shouldn't be though because Sora isn't annoying^~^) lol the teachers sending notes to each other! Oh good not everyone hates my character~
Key how do you know everything?? Haha I had spaghetti today actually yum~
Sooah!! I feel very bad for her and wished she had somebody to support and be with her. She encountered Xiao Xing and Minju!!! Lol Minju I thought she would cry :(
I can't wait until the story prgresses^~^ fighting!
kN42five #5
Chapter 15: Yayyy~ Minjuuuu and Xiao Xing meet and realize they think the same about the world above what a coincidence that Xiao Xing is friends with minju's brother hehehe . OMG errbody all talking and messing around and supposedly studying in a library shh lol. I really enjoy Minju and Ilhoon's sibling relationship :( makes me wish I had one like that~ Wah Sora's so lucky to have such nice friends for her happy birffday to her characterrrrr^^
Man I missed this story and I'm about to go to bed but I decided to check my aft and how convenient you updated ^~^ Fighting!!
Chapter 15: I laughed at the y pants part, honestly. It was kinda awkward because my mom was looking at me laugh at my computer screen, but I think she got used to it by now XD
Chapter 15: Well, atleast Minju and Xiao Xing know they aren't completely crazy :D
And the y pants thing LOL
MindragonFan #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Mei calling Ilhoon y pants! That's so like her, shamelessly flirting with every guy she meets. (though that might annoy jay a little ;D ) This is awesome, Sora's bday was so sweet ^^ and I hope Minjun doesn't get to annoyed by the craziness that is Mei and Lei xD
Chapter 14: woot, finally finished reading everything.

go Ilhoon for being such a great older brother. he went as far as bothering Xiao to get the 'perfect gift', but the more those two talk, the better, right? ;P
Sora spacing out. poor Hoya, having to put up with her nuisance, haha.
I like Mei! she's quirky and it makes so much sense that her and Jay are close, cause Jay Park is awesomee.
Eunghwa's a neat character as well. priding herself on first impressions, although I do feel sorry for the poor boy who was merely asking if she was okay, lol.
Sooah's back story is really interesting. I'm curious to how it will play out.
Happy Belated to Minju, she's got an awesome brother. :D

yay for first chpt!
Chapter 14: Storyyy, start! :D
I like how you put all of the characters and what they were doing at those moments in there :o it was kinda cool.
I can't wait to read more. c: