teaser seven

「The Secrets of Luminaria」

Teaser Seven



A girl wearing a black leather jacket over a grey tanktop and a white pair of pants stood in the middle of the corridor to the entrance of her home. A matching black bag hung from her arm, and she slipped her feet into her platformed boots after arranging a tasseled scarf around her neck and slid her hands into her gloves, all of the items being the same colour of black.

Her long hair was tied back into a simple bun and her skin resembled porcelain. She looked as if she were the quiet type. One who would always be calm. She exited the house and made her way down the literally freshly bricked road towards the main city area.

It was an early Thursday morning, and people were only beginning to hustle to work, school, or where ever else they were to go.Within moments, she arrived at her destination for the day. The building in front of her could be mistakened for a barber's shop since that was what it was previously, but it was now a little tattoo shop that was actually quite popular.

Her boss had named it "Iridescence" because he felt that it had a rather good ring to it, and she also agreed it was a nice name, rather beautiful as well.

She pushed through the iron doors of the shop while, at the same time, rubbing away a smudge that was on one of the door's window. A small chime rang out to notify the whole shop of her arrival.

Knowing that only her boss was in the building at the time, she nonchalantly yelled out, "I'm here to es!" And her boss' carefree laughter followed after her own. He raised an eyebrow before he spoke.

"Are you sure about that, Little Miss?" He spared another laugh upon asking. She simply responded with a light blush on her face as she placed her leather jacket, bag, and gloves in her receptionist's area.

Her boss' voice rang out once again, asking for assistance.

"Hey, do you mind rearranging the inks for me while I go back home. I forgot to bring in some of the new needles and grips."

"Of course, but why didn't you call me earlier? I was still at home." The girl chuckled a bit as she raised her cell phone in the air. He only smiled before exiting the shop. After hearing the door's chime, she stood up and walked towards her boss' work station to rearrange the tubes of ink.

She always arranged them in the same exact way; by colour starting from white and ending with black. She continued to busy herself with her task until another chime rang out. The girl stood up and greeted the man who stood by her receptionist desk.

"Hello. What can I do for you today?" She asked with a smile. The man looked like he was around his 30's and his hair and mustache were of a dirty blonde colour. He grunted a little and answered, "I'm here for my appointment."

When he spoke, he had a rather intimidating voice, but the girl was used to it and shook it off. She went behind her desk, which almost engulfed her head when she sat, and opened up the appointment book.

"You are...Maddox Powell, right?" She asked. He nodded in confirmation. "Under the Welsh sector." He added with a proud smile on his face. The girl was quick to return the smile.

"My boss is temporarily out, but he'll be back soon if you're alright to wait a bit."

The Welsh man grunted. "How long until he's back, do you think?"

"Perhaps in 20 minutes." 

He hummed a bit before asking, "Hey, little girl, do you know how to ink?" She nodded but shortly added, "I've never inked a customer before, though." The man grabbed her hand and took her into the work station before sitting her down on her boss' chair and sitting on the chair in front of her.

"Try it out on me. Here's what I want." He took out a sketch from his pocket and held it up for her to see. The sketch was a moderate size and of a sword being surrounded by small skulls on a single chain and two thorny roses had erupted from behind the skulls. (x)

"Not too bad, right?" She nodded and got the equipment ready, placed a surgical mask on, and slipped her hands into disposable gloves as he got his right bicep ready.

"Don't get mad, alright?" 

This earned a laugh from the man. "I won't. This is your first time on a customer anyway."

"On request." She added. "Just use your imagination from here on." He said as rubbing alcohol was smothered onto the area of where his tattoo was to be, and a slap hit the area before a needle dug into his arm.

Moments later, the door's chime was heard again.

"Mei, I'm back with the new stuff!" Her boss, Jay yelled out. There was no response other than the faint sound of buzzing coming from his tattooing room. Mei was completely indulged in her work and concentration had taken over. She was more than halfway through when Jay walked in. 

Mei hadn't even noticed her boss' presence until she was completely finished with the Welsh man's tattoo and heard her boss say, "I'm impressed."

That gave her a small heart attack, but it had subsided when she found Jay's smiling face. Maddox made his way to a mirror and was also found impressed. "See, you did good. I'm glad I gave you the chance when I did."

He then paid and left after having a good conversation with the two.

"You did good, you know." Jay complimented yet again.

"Thanks." A slight blush tinted her cheeks and she laughed.

Eunghwa sat in her living room with a smile on her face. Her best friend, Kibum had just finished singing "Happy Birthday" to her, and she had completely blown out the candles on the small cake sitting in front of her.

"So...What did you wish for?" Kibum queried with a grand smile plastered onto his face.

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true." She giggled a bit.

In all truth, she had wished for the chance to find out whether or not the world above them existed. The clock on the wall said "11:58 PM" only a couple minutes before her birthday came to an end.

"You know what this means, right, Eunghwa?" Kibum asked, elongating the word 'right'.

"What?" She asked.

"You've turned 20 already. You're so old." This caused the two of them to laugh. Eunghwa was truly happy to have Kibum celebrate her birthday with her. She didn't mind that it was only a small celebration. She hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Kibum~"

Author's Note

Woo! Congratulations to MindragonFan! I really did enjoy imagining a tattoo shop environment while writing. I also threw kN42five's character a little birthday party X3 Well, this ends my decisions. I really wanted to pick everyone...but I can't. I'm really sorry about that ;-; BUT. Your characters will still make an appearance in my story ;D No harm done, right? Goodbye for now~

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Oh, my sweet Jesus. I'm sorry for no updates for a month! I have final exams this week and next week, but I'll definitely try to find the time!!!


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MindragonFan #1
Chapter 16: Finally logging on after being away for so long. This story still interests me a lot, so I hope you continue! *showers you in love*
Chapter 16: people are meeting each other! Eungwha the brilliant fashionist? and Key Dear, Sora's stalker, haha. (teachers interested in each other. this happened at my school lol)

Sooah was the one with the illness, right? Minju and Xiao just scared her off, poor thing.
Chapter 16: Eunghwa's so smart I'm jealous ;A; Gimmee her brain. I need it for my grades
kN42five #4
Chapter 16: Wah~ Ive missed this story for the longest^^ wow I love how acc you were with my character in class (really that is usually me in my classes but my teachers never let me get up to go get books T~T so I'm sitting bored forever) ooh I got to meet Sora!! It's a good thing my character wasn't rude to her (my character shouldn't be though because Sora isn't annoying^~^) lol the teachers sending notes to each other! Oh good not everyone hates my character~
Key how do you know everything?? Haha I had spaghetti today actually yum~
Sooah!! I feel very bad for her and wished she had somebody to support and be with her. She encountered Xiao Xing and Minju!!! Lol Minju I thought she would cry :(
I can't wait until the story prgresses^~^ fighting!
kN42five #5
Chapter 15: Yayyy~ Minjuuuu and Xiao Xing meet and realize they think the same about the world above what a coincidence that Xiao Xing is friends with minju's brother hehehe . OMG errbody all talking and messing around and supposedly studying in a library shh lol. I really enjoy Minju and Ilhoon's sibling relationship :( makes me wish I had one like that~ Wah Sora's so lucky to have such nice friends for her happy birffday to her characterrrrr^^
Man I missed this story and I'm about to go to bed but I decided to check my aft and how convenient you updated ^~^ Fighting!!
Chapter 15: I laughed at the y pants part, honestly. It was kinda awkward because my mom was looking at me laugh at my computer screen, but I think she got used to it by now XD
Chapter 15: Well, atleast Minju and Xiao Xing know they aren't completely crazy :D
And the y pants thing LOL
MindragonFan #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Mei calling Ilhoon y pants! That's so like her, shamelessly flirting with every guy she meets. (though that might annoy jay a little ;D ) This is awesome, Sora's bday was so sweet ^^ and I hope Minjun doesn't get to annoyed by the craziness that is Mei and Lei xD
Chapter 14: woot, finally finished reading everything.

go Ilhoon for being such a great older brother. he went as far as bothering Xiao to get the 'perfect gift', but the more those two talk, the better, right? ;P
Sora spacing out. poor Hoya, having to put up with her nuisance, haha.
I like Mei! she's quirky and it makes so much sense that her and Jay are close, cause Jay Park is awesomee.
Eunghwa's a neat character as well. priding herself on first impressions, although I do feel sorry for the poor boy who was merely asking if she was okay, lol.
Sooah's back story is really interesting. I'm curious to how it will play out.
Happy Belated to Minju, she's got an awesome brother. :D

yay for first chpt!
Chapter 14: Storyyy, start! :D
I like how you put all of the characters and what they were doing at those moments in there :o it was kinda cool.
I can't wait to read more. c: