

A soft tapping sound is coming from the corridor. Since that time the butler counted to seven I feel so weird. It’s not I forgot everything, but the panic inside my body is gone. I look outside almost all the time now, not caring what I will see.

That time there changed something inside me, but what exactly, I still don’t know.

What does ‘seven’ mean?


The door opens after the tapping sound stopped. I sigh when I see a black suit in front of me.

“Sir” I hear in front of me. “Jung Yunho is able to see you”.

I laugh at this answer suddenly, not knowing why.

“Do you disrespect the Jung Yunho, Sir?” the butler says with an angry voice and he bents over. I shake my head quickly after feeling the atmosphere change into really angry.

“Good”… the butler says and I get up.


The outside is still the hallway, there is nothing changed since I came here.

When we pass the candle lights, again they light up and make me able to see things. As soon as we pass them a cold breeze blows them off again.

When I look at my right I see the door I came from. The entrance of the mansion.

I actually had no idea the corridor was this short. I took hours for my feeling to walk there the first time, why is it so short this time? I still feel something really weird and creepy is going on with this mansion.

I shiver as I remember the pain I felt. The moment when my arm was cut and covered in blood suddenly.

“Red to the left” was what the butler said and I followed him without wanting to. This really is a haunted house right?

“Kim Jaejoong?” I hear the butler calling me. “Are you coming, Sir?” and a gentle smile appears on his lips, not knowing if this is good or even more scary than his evil smile.


I follow him as we walk on in the corridor. This time we take the other corridor I couldn’t because I was ‘red’. I feel a ray of panic turning in my body as I remember my blood color was red. Does it mean I changed?

Is that why he counted to seven?

I close my eyes for a few seconds and take a deep breath as I walk into the long darkness again.


A silent and long walk again. The butler not saying a word, not even looking back. What if I would stop walking would he find out? He didn’t even look, nor there is a sound heard at all. Not even our footsteps on the floor. Is there a carpet that stops the sound? I slide my foot over the floor feeling a soft fabric. I nod my head to satisfy myself with the idea there will be a carpet.

A loud crack is heard next to me and I jump up in shock, being too focused on my footsteps.

A big hole in the wall showing a giant mirror next to me. I see the light reflecting on the mirror and nothing is seen. I take a step forward to stand in the light.

I gasp in shock seeing myself. Did I change that much?

Is it really me standing here in the mirror?

Slowly I lift my hand staring into the mirror. Softly I my own soft skin of my cheek, seeing the creature in the mirror doing the same.

My skin is pale white, or is it just the light in the corridor? My eyes look dark, almost black, or is it just the light in the corridor? A black line on the side of each eye makes it clear I changed. Was this why I couldn’t open my eyes until I count to seven?

“Wonder what you are, boy?” the butler says standing next me.

I see his evil smirk through his reflection in the mirror. He looks at me through the mirror as well and lifts his candle light.

“This is your true form.” He starts. “Didn’t you always wonder why you didn’t have someone close to you?” the butler says still looking at me through the window.

“H-how you mean?” I ask him feeling uncomfortable.

“Your true form, scares people, unconsciously, they avoid you, they are scared of you.” the butler says as he softly smirks and laughs. “Let’s move on, Jung Yunho is waiting for you” the butler says leaving me with only more questions.


He claps his hands and my body automatically follows him without hesitating. Without looking back into the mirror I walk on.

What changed me that I look like this? My true form? I shiver at the idea I am not human. Always since I was young I hated horror movies so much. Whenever my friends were watching them I was sitting on the other side of the room pretending I wasn’t there. Right now, I am in one and nobody probably knows a horrible place like this existed in their country, nor in this whole world.


As soon as I pay attention to the area around me I see a more lightened corridor. The lights are on normally and behind me they won’t go off anymore. When I look in front of me I see a door rising in front of me.

The creepy the other one looked in which they locked me, the more gently this one looks. The door is made of a warm dark brown wood and is painted perfectly. A wonderful flower pattern is in the corners and the handles are made of gold. I gasp seeing this door, knowing it much have been a expensive one.

“I count to seven” the butler says as he knocks the door.

Automatically I start counting and when I hit the seven the door softly opens. Not a small sound is heard and a bright light is seen in front of me. I close my eyes, making them used to the full brightness.  I feel a cold breeze on my skin and I take a deep breath as if I haven’t had fresh air in years. There is a somehow nice smell, like a flower field in front of me.

I laugh at my own thoughts. You must go nuts and think crazy things when you’ve been locked into darkness for days.


“This way” the butler says again and he moves his hand to the entrance. I bow a little to him and take a deep breath. I walk into the light of the room, not knowing what I will see.

When I open my eyes when I’m inside I gasp in disbelief at the scenario in front of my eyes.

With my mouth wide open I look around.


I turn around and want to run away from the scene, but all I see is a white empty wall. The spot where a door was shown a moment ago, turned silently without any sound or any breeze into a giant white wall with not even a small sign of the door.


Without the fear in my body I turn around and gasp. Slowly I take a step forward and I feel the tears popping in my eyes from fear.

What is going on?





Here I am again with another chapter!!

I hope you all liked this one? (sorry for the open end... kekeke cliffhanger MUCH!... Im sorry xD wait for the next update >=] )

Please comment or subscribe and let me know what you think about this story~~  

Tips and tops are welcome!! <33

Stay tuned for the next ~~~(i hope to finish it in a few days~~) 


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Chapter 8: nice story!
Kai_Means_Victory #2
This story is soooooo amazing *-* I can't stop reading please upload more and more ♥♥♥
God you are a freaking talent I love it!!~♥
ilabya6 #3
Chapter 1: O.O omg this sure is frightening! but I look forward to the update! :D
@Kara-shii aigoo <3 ~ thank you ^ ^ Chapter 1 is online now! :3
Have 'fun' reading it!