
Fixing Wu Yi Fan's heart





It hasn’t been long since I realized I already finished the third step of the book Hyeon and I was following. It was that rainy night that made me understand my real feelings. The way she cried that night hurt me more than anything in the world and I just want to make everything feel better for her. It was that night when I learned that I’m capable of doing everything in my power just to see her smile. And when I felt like my emotions were about to burst out, I pulled her into a hug and it felt like the most right thing I did all my life.

She fitted perfectly in my arms and the way it felt was unexplainable. I felt complete; like the missing piece of my mended heart was finally sewd altogether.


That night, when she told me to stay in for the night because of the rain, It took my all to decline the invitation. Now that I’m well aware of my feelings for her, it’ll be hard to do anything without not thinking of wanting to get close to her. I never want her to feel uncomfortable so I had to hold back. Unfortunately, I failed on running away that night and ended up sleeping with her in the living room when she refused to take the bed.

Maybe it’s because she cried that she fell asleep faster. She slept in so much ease while I laid there, contemplating life and what did I do to deserve such temptation in a silver plate. Of course I’m not thinking of anything erted. I’m not in that level yet, at least. It’s just… I might stare at her all night and I just hope I can stop that but I guess it was already too late when I felt my cheekbones hurting from smiling as I watched her snore the night away.

I was lying on the floor already with her taking all the space on the futon. I’m almost sure I won’t be able to sleep anyways so I let her take all the space. Then, she started moving and I panicked. What is she wakes up and catches me still awake? She’ll probably think I’m a creep. !

I hurriedly laid on the floor, not even caring if I didn’t have any pillows or blankets and closed my eyes. I pretended to sleep and even held my breath when I felt her shuffle closer to me and leaned on me. I felt her arm and leg tangled with mine and heard her sigh contently in her sleep. When everything went calm again, I opened one eye to see her still asleep. But she has wrapped herself on me. It was then when I forgot how to move. I swear to myself not to move a single inch but all was futile when I felt sleep crept over me.


I woke up with a smile the next morning, remembering the events the night before. Hyeon was already awake when I opened my eyes and I felt like my every mornings are meant to be spent with her and her smiles. It seemed like we moved apart from each other during our sleep because she didn’t mention anything about it. We ate breakfast that morning before I drove her to work.

She was silent during the ride but I guess it was because she was feeling sore because sleeping on the hard floor. I felt bad but I still found myself smiling at last night. We argued a bit and of course, she won. I will never win with her ‘recorder’ trick. It annoys me but part of it was cute. The way she struggled to copy my mumbles were cute.


I was in a good mood so when Gyuri came in the café that day, I decided to chat with her. Socializing to other people won’t hurt, right? There I learnt that the office worker works in my company and as a good boss that I am, and being nice to Hyeon’s acquaintance, I offered her a ride since we’re both going to the same place anyways. It became a morning habit and both of us have been going to work together since then.


The next weeks, Hyeon and my schedules never coincide. She still looked after me even though asking if I had eaten and how my day was. I missed her a lot so when Gyuri told me that Hyeon’s day off was this coming friday, I cleared my schedule and told her it was my day off to even though it wasn’t.

I wanted to see her so badly and so I made up excuses so I can take her out. I took her to lunch and then we went for a walk in Han river. It was a great day and I couldn’t stop from smiling and laughing. I’ve been pretty grey and down the past few days but thanks to Hyeon, I’m able to smile again. That day was pretty perfect until she mentioned of Gyuri. Our talk ended up in silence until I had to drive her home.


I went to the café to see Hyeon, sitting at my usual place, excitedly holding my phone with a smile. Hyeon has been avoiding me a lot ever since that night in Han river. I didn’t bother her anymore thinking that I was being clingy and annoying that she had to push me to another girl just to get rid of me.

When she told me to date Gyuri, I felt like I got broken the second time around. I know she’s just sticking with me because she’s my friend and because she promised me to help fix my broken heart but the way she pushed me away and avoided me hurt me even more. I was a little bit angry so I told her a lie and said that I will do what she just said. She looked shocked of a second but she smiled afterwards. She really do want me gone her way, huh? Am I really that broken for her to like?

That night was the worst nights. Yes. Even worse than my breakup with Hara.


But still, feeling like I can’t let go of her, I searched for her at the café. Jina, Hyeon’s childhood friend, told me that Hyeon was just in the storage room with Taru so I waited for her. It took them awhile and when I saw Taru going out but Hyeon was nowhere to be seen, I texted her.


Where are you? I’m at the café.

I have something to tell you.


I didn’t receive any reply and I was beginning to lose my spirits when Hyeon went out of the storage room. I can’t help but smile once I saw her. It’s been awhile and she’s still perfect with that flawless smile of hers.


“I’ve got a news for you.” I chimed as soon as she sat across me giving me a small smile. She looked tired but maybe it’s just work. I kept on smiling at her, knowing how Hyeon tend to mirror people’s smiles. I just want to stare at it all the time. I am in love with her. Deeply.

“Me too.” She told me and I was about to tell her to go first but she beat me up to it by saying “You go first.”


“I asked Gyuri for a date.” I told her. Her crestfallen expression made me more hopeful and I watched her closely.

“Oh…” was the only thing she could say. I saw Taru looking at us with her jaw dropped but I ignored her. This is a crucial moment so I kept on the act.

“I was thinking about what you said that time and maybe you’re right.” I pressed and she looked like she wasn’t even there anymore.

She forced a laugh and I hope my hunch is right. But even if it wasn’t, I’m willing to take the risk because she’s worth it.

“That’s… great!” She chimed.


“But I’ll need your help. I want to make sure’s everything’s perfect..” I told her and reached for her hand with an excited smile. “Can you arrange the date for me? I already reserved the restaurant and the only thing that’s left is the menu and the decorations. I’d really love it if you’re the one who helps me with it because you kind of know Gyuri. Would you help me?” I saw her contemplate at it for a while before nodding at me.

“Of course I’ll help you.” Wow. Her giving me away just like that hurt but I’ll make this worth it.

I told her the time, date and place before going ‘to work’. Time to take the step 3 in to run.


The day came and I saw Hyeon went into the restaurant from the second floor. Everything was ready and all that’s needed is her presence. She came in wearing simple clothes. Too simple that is. Sweat pants and a plain t-shirt. Well, she was asked to do decorations, not to attend anything fancy so I understand her.

The way she frowned when she saw the restaurant already decorated and ready made me giggle in my place. The maitre beside me was probably judging me but I don’t really care. I turned to the maitre and told him to start the operation.

It was then when the maitre pulsed his earpiece and sent his comrades the message and not long after, a waiter went to greet Hyeon before leading her to the tables. She’s so cute looking confused as she tried to contact me through her phone but of course I didn’t answer and went down towards her seat.


“Maybe he got the wrong time reservation.“ I heard her mumble to herself. “That guy!” She was sitting there awkwardly and I was sure she’s already planning on scolding me so I went out from my hiding place.


“Hey!” I said and she her face lightened up when she saw me before standing up in panic.

“Hey! Look, there’s something wrong here. I think you got the wrong time reservations. , Yifan. What am I going to do with you?” She said almost going hysterical and I could only laugh at her before I held her hand to calm her down.

“I know.” I said and she stopped talking, blinking at me looking so lost. “Just sit down first.” I helped her return to her seat before sitting on the other side.


I watched her take a deep breath before talking again but this time, I didn’t let her.

“Hyeon just sit.” I told her and her frown and confused look was something I’d never forget. I took my time looking at her, memorizing her features just in case I fail. I’m sure after this night, it’ll never be the same for us. So for the last time, I took in her appearance.

I can see her feel uncomfortable as she fidgeted on her seat but I kept on staring. For the last time. I said to myself.


“Uhmm… why are you looking at me like that?” She asked and I smiled at her, looking at her eyes while she tried to avoid it.

“You look beautiful tonight.” I said and watched her face reddened. She tried to hide her expressions with a smile.

“Uhh… Thanks? Now let me go and fix your last problem. Seriously Yifan, you’re acting creepy.” She said before standing up again and I stood up with her.


“Okay.” I said before reaching for her. “Come here.” I held her hand and put it on my chest. She let out a loud gasp but ignored it. This has to happen now or never. “Here’s the last problem; I think you’re my step three, Hyeon.” I told her.

“Please fix my heart for me.” I gave her a hopeful smile. “Will you love my broken heart to heal?” THERE I SAID IT!


Hyeon looked shocked and she was so frozen all I got was a few blinks. “I…” I guess it was never meant to be, huh? But at least I tried. Now I can go fixing my problem alone. I laughed awkwardly.

“You don’t have to answer now Hyeon. I understand. I’ll... wait.” No matter how long because I knew myself that I won’t be able to get over her. Not Hyeon. I took a deep breath before slowly letting go of her hands but when she felt my hold loosening, she held it tightly again.


“No! Wait.” She almost shouted and I was started myself. I looked at her face and saw her blushing. “I’ll help.”

“Excuse me?” Did she just...

She finally smiled that night, looking at me with teary eyes. “I said I’ll help you fix your heart Wu Yifan.” She said and I still can’t believe it.

“Would you really?”

She giggled and pulled me closer to her. “Yes.”


Finally letting everything sink into me, I pulled her into a hug and spun her around. She let out a loud squeal and we laughed together. “Thank you.” I said from the bottom of my restored heart.


“I love you.” I rested my forehead onto hers and she gave me that perfect smile.

“I love you.”

I still can’t believe it. I bumped my nose to hers. “I really do.”

“I really do.” She repeated. Wait. Is this...

I pulled back with a frown. “Are you messing with me right now, because I want to kiss you now but I’m not sure if you’re joking or responding to me.” I asked and she let out a laugh before pulling me close to her again.


“I want to kiss you too so hurry up.” She said before closing the gap and let the magic begin for the both of us.

This is the shortest chapter of the story but I think I'll re-write this someday too
Love me well <3 ~


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I'm done putting all the chapters in private. Now the only thing needed to do is to re-read and make it public. YAY!


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Chapter 5: OMGGGGGGGGGG this is so so so so so so cuteeeeeee!!!
Chapter 5: Sweetness overload!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 5: This fanfic is so sweet! Too bad my life can't be like this! *pout* Anyways I loved it and I hope u can write more like this unnie!
Chapter 4: Aaaw, that was so sweet!
Chapter 2: I hope Kris would fall in love with Hyeon ^^
Chapter 1: Poor Kris... Hyeon will hopefully fix your heart
alexamitchel #7
Chapter 5: What a cute and sweet story.. Great job!
Chapter 2: ooooo..this is cute >< i love it ^^
everbodyhateme #9
Chapter 2: new reader here!nice story!!
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot <3 this ish <3 mwehehhehe wu yi fcking fan would you let me help yah too huhu icri i miss Kris :(