
Fixing Wu Yi Fan's heart




The next day and Yifan didn’t come to the cafe, made it really strange for me to work. There was no tall guy sitting in the far end of the place and no cake and coffee during my breaks. You can say I missed his presence just like how the others, co-workers and clients, do but I know it’s for the best.

Yifan is trying his best to get back on track and as a person who promised to help him do so, I should cheer him on. I told my co-workers that Yifan ended his leave and started working again. The girls and clients were all devastated by the news but they still kept on coming in hopes that he will come again sometime soon.

He called me during my break and told me he’ll pick me up when my shift ends and I was a bit happy for that. It hasn’t even been a day since he’s gone and I already felt down. Maybe it was out of habit thing. I’m so used to seeing and talking to him that now that he’s gone, I’m feeling a bit empty.


When he came that evening, he greeted everyone with a smile and even  I was surprised. Since when did he become so lively? I asked myself as I let him lead me to his car, telling me how his day went and whining about work related things. HE should be sulking or frowning as he whines like normal people do but he was still smiling and it kind of make me proud of him. I believe he’ll have his heart fixed soon enough if he keeps going like this.


That day, he took me to a meal and drove me home. We decided to wait for him to settle in his work first before starting the last step in fixing his heart. Thinking about having it fixed was something worth being happy about but the thought of what will become of us once it happens made me feel like there’s some kind of a void forming inside me.


The next few days were uneventful for the both of us. Yifan was still busy as ever being the CEO while I was busy working at the café. Sale month was coming and I can finally buy the TV I’ve always been saving for. I asked Yifan if he could help me on bringing it to my house since I couldn’t afford the delivery cost. My savings was just enough for the TV. Yifan offered to pay for it but I argued with him until I won. So now, here we are, on our way to buy my new television.


“Woah! Sales this year are really something.” I gaped at the prices. The TV I’ve always wanted cost ¼ its price and I was shocked. I had leftover money from my TV savings and ended up buying a DVD too and the surprise I got when the manager of the store told me that they were doing a free delivery that day made me so happy I almost hugged the manager.

“Hyeon I’m hungry.” Yifan tugged on my hand and I turned to see him pouting. Well, that was new.

“I still was excess money and since I’m feeling super, I’ll treat you.” I told him and he smiled at the thought before dragging me to the nearest fast food chain.

“Hurry Hyeon. Food’s waiting.”


Yifan has made a really good progress healing his heart. He smiles more often now and there are those times where he’ll act like a kid and cute too. Those were the times where I can’t deny him anything. Don’t ask me why, I just can’t say no to him when he pouts. Other people might find it creepy for a tall guy like him to act like that but for me, it’s really cute and it feels nice to know Yifan only shows that side of himself to me.


We were eating in McDonalds when someone called Yifan’s name. I turned to see a beautiful pregnant woman smiling at us.

“Yifan. It’s really you.” She chimed and I looked at Yifan who just stared at the woman with wide eyes. He was staring at her belly and the woman just chuckled, slightly embarrassed as she caressed her stomach.

“Hara.” I almost gasped when I hear Yifan say her name. “You’re pregnant.” he stated, still in shock and the woman nodded.

“Yes. Five months.” She said before giving him a happy smile. “I’m glad you’re doing well, Yifan.” She turned and met eyes with me before looking at Yifan again. “I’m happy you moved on.” She said and a man approached her.


“Honey, did you find a seat?” the man asked and Hara took a drink from the tray the man was holding. The man saw us and greeted us politely and we returned the greeting.

“Not yet, hon.” She pouted. “It’s crowded today.”

“That’s not fun.” the man said, still scanning the area for available seats but found nothing.


“You can sit with us.” I turned to Yifan in shock. Did he just offered her ex and her partner to sit with us? “I’m sure Hyeon doesn’t mind.” He met eyes with me and smiled, assuring me that he was okay but I know better. He was clearly shocked by this.

“Is it really okay?” Hara asked and Yifan assured them with a smile.

“We’re about to leave anyways.” He told the couple before taking our trays to throw. “Congratulations on having a baby, Hara. I hope you guys have a happy life.” he said before standing up. “Let’s go Hyeon.” He called and I stood up, bowed at the couple before following him.


After that, we spent the rest of the day in my apartment with him crying as I hugged him better.

“I really hope she’s happy now, Hyeon.” He said, his eyes, half closed. I wiped his tears silently. “Now I can really say I finally let her go for real.” He whispered before closing his eyes, letting a few tears drop as he fell asleep.


I watched him sleep on my bed for a few minutes crestfallen. This is hard but at least he now has his closure. I’m sure the best is reserved for you Yifan. And I’m going to help you get through just to see it.


I covered him with the blankets before taking out the futon to the living room where I slept the night.


To say that Yifan was freed that day was exactly what was going on. After that day, I expected him to be on the dumps but to my surprise, he went to work and even bought me lunch at work. Sure he wasn’t in his highest but it was better than moping around. He told me that he felt he just got freed from a curse and now, he feel that he can finally do the steps without something holding him up.

I gave him a few more weeks to cope with his emotions and we decided to read the last step together. Even I didn’t read that because I wanted it to be a surprise for the both of us. And surprise it was.


Next week came and we were at the coffee shop where we read the first step. It was my day off and we decided to go out. We opened the book and started reading together silently before closing the book. Both of us didn’t know what to say or what to do. None of us saw this coming.


Step 3: Love again. A heart that is hurt by love will only be healed by love.


I felt weird about the next step but I pushed the feeling aside and smiled at Yifan. Having his heart fixed is my priority. “Got that?” I asked and he remained stoic before blinking at the book.

“Love again.” Why does he always repeat it with a blank face?

“Yeah. Are you ready for it?”

“I’m not sure.” He answered honestly. “But I’m willing to try.” he said and I felt like I was going to get sick but I ignored it.

“Then let’s get started!”


After reading the last step. I did my best in finding a good person for Yifan to date. I set him up on blind dates, match making sites but none of them worked. He’d always come to the café the next morning to tell me how disastrous the date went and I was there to laugh. He ended up laughing with me though. He didn’t even look like he mind.


On the sixth week of nonstop blind dates, Yifan finally called it off telling me it was of no use and I kind of agreed so we stopped doing that. With nothing to do that morning, Yifan decided to spend his free time in the café while I work.


He was sitting at the bar for a change of phase that day when the beautiful office worker customer came in.

“Good morning Gyuri unnie.” I greeted. “The usual?” I asked and she smiled.

“Yes. Thanks, Hyeonnie.” She replied and noticed Yifan sitting in the corner.


“Hello.” She approached and Yifan blinked at her before bowing slightly to return the greeting. “Are you new here?” I heard her ask.

“Not really unnie.” I replied knowing Yifan won’t. He’s too shy to talk to other people. “He’s my friend. He often stays here every afternoons. Yifan, this is one of our regulars here, Gyuri unnie. Unnie, this is Yifan.” I introduced them to each other.

Unnie smiled at him. “Nice to meet you Yifan-ssi.” She said and my friend blinked at her before avoiding her eyes.

“Please call me Kris.” He said shyly and unnie just giggled at him.

“Sure Kris-ssi.”


I finished making unnie’s drink and she bid us farewell. I waited for her to get out of the café before turning to Yifan. “What do you think about Gyuri unnie?”

“What about her?” He asked innocently.

“Do you like her? Do you think she’s the one?” I asked excitedly. Maybe she’s the one who can finally heal Yifan’s heart!


“I’ll set you a blind date with her!” Wow! I fell silent after I said that because it felt wrong in her but I pushed the feelings aside. I need to help him. I promised.

“Oh…” Was the only thing he could say because his phone started vibrating. A call.


“Hyeon. I gotta go and sign some papers. I’ll pick you up later, okay?” He said and I can only nod. I felt I said something very stupid that I didn’t want to hear myself talk for the rest of the day.


Yifan came as promised that evening but I still felt like not talking so I told him I was tired and closed my eyes. I didn’t even sleep but he still let me be and I’m quite thankful for that. I heard him say “We’re here.” before I felt a gentle nudge. I opened my eyes and forced a smile.

“Thanks for the ride, Yifan.” I told him while taking the seatbelt off. “I’ll call you once I got the arrangements for your date. You should come every mornings. Unnie comes to buy coffee every day before work.” I said before going out of the car.

“Hyeon, I--”

He was about to say something but I just couldn’t help but run away. I don’t think I can handle what he’s going to say so I shut him out. “Goodnight, Yifan.” I said before hurriedly go to my apartment and this time, instead of stumbling my way like I always do, I actually fell.


Yifan was beside me the next moment, asking if I was okay and scanning me for any injuries as he brushed off the little rocks that stuck on me from the fall.

“I’m okay.” I said out of habit but he cupped my face and he leaned close to me with a worried face. I could feel my face burning and my heart beating fast but I couldn’t get myself to move. Maybe it was because of the fall.

“Your nose is bleeding.” He wiped the blood but it only scattered on my face so he helped me up.

I watched him fuss at me and I felt bad for not talking to him earlier. “It’s okay. You should be going. You have work tomorrow.” I mumbled quietly and he stopped patting my jeans clean to give me a stern look.


“Hyeon, you’re acting weird.” He stated and I froze. Oh my gosh.

“Me?” How can I even deny this?


“I don’t know… am I?” I frowned. I don’t really know what’s happening anymore. I just feel really lost and scared and more feelings I can’t even explain.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” He pulled me closer to him, afraid that I might avoid him again. We both looked at each other for a moment and he really looked worried. Yifan already has a lot on his plate so I decided to tell him what’s going on with me even if I don’t really know what it is.

But then, it started raining.


“Let’s come in first.”



Yifan waited for me to clean up first. The bleeding already stopped and Yifan was waiting on the couch with the first aid kit to treat my scratches. He saw me already cleaned up and wordlessly patted the space beside him.

I went to sit there and he took my arm, looking for the bruises and scratches. I let him do it quietly as I watched him concentrated.

“Are you telling me what’s bugging you now?” He asked while still treating my arm. Now what? Seeing that I wasn’t going to respond, he sighed. “Hyeon, you’ve always been the one helping me when I’m down. I want to help you this time.” He urged but I didn’t know what to say.




“I’m sad.” He whispered and I frowned.


He looked up into my eyes and I can see the concern. “Because you’re sad.”


I guess hiding it will only make both of us more affected. “I’ll tell you but promise you won’t freak out?”

He gave me an assuring smile and took my other arm to inspect. “Promise.” When he saw nothing, he sat back and waited for me to go on.


“I’m scared.” I think.

“Of what?”

I gulped nervously. “Of what will happen to us once you find the cure to your heart?” I said, unsure before letting out my feelings in one go. He’ll make me do it anyways. “Are you going to forget me? Are we going to be strangers to each other? Or we still stay as friends?” I probably sounded paranoid or possessive friend but I think I have to let him know. “I… you’re one of my few treasured friends Yifan and I don’t want to lose you.” I couldn’t hold back the whimpers and soon let the tears fall too. “My parents left me when I was just a little baby. You, Taru and Jina are the only ones I have left but will you leave me once you’re feeling well again?” I asked with a broken voice and I found myself pulled in his arms.


He hugged me tightly like he was assuring me something. Like he will never let me go. “You’re being silly, Hyeon.” He whispered, his voice was wavering too. “Even if I get my heart fixed. Even if I fall in love once again, I’ll always be with you. I won’t leave you. Sure there might be times where we can’t see each other because of many circumstances but you’ll always have a special place in my heart and if you ever need someone, I’ll be here just like how you’ve been there for me.” he told me and pulled me closer to him. His hold gave me the feeling of assurance, warmth and thoughtfulness. Maybe he’s right. Maybe, even if he finds his true love, he won’t disregard me.


I sniffled, trying to keep the snot from falling to his clothes. “Really?”

I heard him chuckle as he squeezed my body with his making me giggle. “Really.”

I finally felt like smiling again so I broke the hug a little bit just to show him a smile. “Thanks Yifan.” I wiped my face from the fallen tears and he helped me. “And sorry for worrying you with my silly thoughts.”

“It’s not silly Hyeon. You can tell me the most obnoxious things and it still won’t sound silly because it’s you talking.” What? I blinked when I felt my heart skip a beat.

Yifan could only blink back before he pulled me into a new hug again. “And don’t worry about finding me someone to love, Hyeon. It will come when in the right time. For now, let fate do its job.” I don’t know what happened but I felt relieved when he said that. I relaxed in his arms and enjoyed the tingling sensation as he played with my hair. After a few moments, we finally broke the hug and I started preparing something it eat. The rain was getting stronger and it looked like it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.


Yifan my old TV but turned it off again because the rain made it impossible to get a signal. He helped me prepare the food instead and then we ate in the living room.

“It’s dangerous to drive with a rain like that.” I said  Stay the night, I’ll take the couch.” I said while looking at the window.

“No. You got work tomorrow and you’ll have back pains. I’ll go once it gets lighter--” What the hell is he saying. It’s pelting down outside.

“And risk your life for a road accident? No. Just take the offer.”

He put down his chopsticks and crossed his arms. “No.” He said and I glared at him.


That night, both of us ended up sleeping in the living room with the futon sprawled on the floor and the two of us asleep on it with a good distance.


The next morning, I woke up with a comfortable warmth. I can feel the hard floor but the comfort the warm futon wrapped around me was heavenly. I didn’t know this futon was this warm and comfy. I opened my eyes and met with a white dress shirt. Wait. I looked up and saw a neck and a jaw. Then, I inhaled and got Yifan’s scent and that’s when I realized I was sleeping in Yifan’s embrace. He was holding to me securely and that time, I felt my heart co crazy. Panicking, I released myself from the hold and wake myself up with a shower.


Yifan woke up shortly and looked very comfortable despite of the hard floor. I saw him hug the pillow I used as he sat up, disorientedly. I’m thankful I woke up earlier that him or it’ll be so awkward I’ll feel like dying.

His eyes searched the living room and finally met eyes with me. I was in the kitchen.

“Breakfast?” I raised a brow and he chuckled hoarsely as he ruffled his blonde locks. I felt my insides melt with that gummy smile and I think waking up to it everyday won’t be so bad at all. Huh? Wait.


“That’ll be nice.” He replied while piling the pillows on the sofa. “I’ll drive you to work.” He said and I was ecstatic about it but immediately felt sick when I realized he’ll be seeing Gyuri there. Wow.


The drive to work was silent. I can’t help it because I’m still afraid I might say something that’ll worry Yifan. He has to be happy. I want to see him smile like this morning all the time.


“Are you still having those thoughts or it’s just me?” . Did he notice again?

“It’s just you, Yifan. I’m just sleepy.” I lied. Sorry, Yifan. “I didn’t sleep well last night. The floor was too hard.” Another lie because I slept in his arms yesterday and it was more than comfortable to be quite honest. Oh my gosh! Am I a ert now? But it was warm.

“I told you you should’ve slept on your bed. You’re too stubborn. Listen to me for once okay?” He started with the ranting and I puted. It’s too early for this but he’s the one who’s stubborn.

“You’re too stubborn. Listen to me for once okay?” I threw his words right back at him. Two can play this game.

He frowned, knowing what’s coming. “Ugh stop doing that!”

“Ugh stop doing that!”

“Im Hyeon!”

“Wu Yifan!” I shouted back before sticking out my tongue at him. He just rolled his eyes at me before mumbling something I couldn’t copy.


That morning, Yifan did meet Gyuri in the cafe. I tried my best to smile despite of the uncomfortable feeling in my gut but immediately found myself sulking to who knows what when Yifan told me he’ll drive Gyuri to work.

I should feel happy that Yifan’s trying right? But why am I feeling like I’m having a heart attack?


Days passed and Yifan and Gyuri continued their habit of buying their coffees to the cafe before going to work. And everyday, I found myself forcing a smile whenever I see them walk out together. Yifan would still drive me home though and sometimes eat with me but his busy schedule didn’t let him do more. I felt a little bit neglected but Yifan has his own life too and I shouldn’t be the clingy friend. That’s just selfish.

When Yifan and I finally have our day offs coincide, he took me out for a walk telling me on how I’ve been neglecting him lately. Of course I denied the accusation, telling him that he’s the one who left me hanging. I was already sulky by then and he ended up apologizing even though he didn’t have to. He took me to lunch before going to Han river to walk and catch up.


He told me about how his days went by and I noticed how he smiled and laughed more than the first week I got to know him. The constant mention of Gyuri was there too. I guess he’s really having his heart fixed, huh? But why am I feeling pained?


“You and unnie seem closer.” I blurted out of nowhere and he blinked at me.

“You think so?”

“Yeah.” I forced a smile. You seemed happier too, Yifan. You deserve it. “Ask her for a date sometime.” I told and he turned to me with a frown. He gave me a foreign look before looking away. Did I just say something wrong?


“Yeah. Maybe I will.” Maybe I did because I felt her stomach drop hearing those words and the fact that I made him say that hurt more.

“G-good luck.” I was speechless. But I knew this is the right decision.

He gave me a small smile. It didn’t reach his eyes and I wonder why. “I’ll need that.”


I thought Yifan and I will be back to normal when he said he’ll take me for a walk that day. But we didn’t. And in fact, I felt like we’re getting further and further apart. I felt uncomfortable seeing him so I avoided him. I changed my shift to afternoon so I wouldn’t see them buying coffee together anymore too. But the thought of them being together, laughing together as they drink their coffees and go to work together still gave me a numbing pain.


I guess I was really moping around because Taru had to take me to the storage room for a talk.

“Okay, what’s wrong?” She asked directly, her hands on her waist. “Spill or I’ll slit your throat.” It was an empty threat but but I still feel intimidated. Taru is a sweet girl but she’s capable of pulling my hair just to snap me out of my slump.

I can’t hide anything from her so I pouted. “It’s me. I think I have a problem with myself.”

“Care to elaborate.” If there’s someone who’ll judge me, it won’t be Taru.

“I’m being selfish.” I added.

“Uh huh…”

“Because I don’t want to share my friend even though he really needs to be with other people.”

Taru breathed, still waiting for more to come. I’m glad I have her because she always knows when I still have things to say. “Okay.”


“Of course I want to see him happy but when I imagine him with someone else I feel sick. I want to see him but every time I am with him, I realise more and more I’m not supposed to be there but another person and it hurt so I avoid him.

I told him he should find someone to love so he can finally have his heart fixed but when he told me he’ll do it I feel like I was drowning I couldn’t breathe. Since then, seeing him, hurt. But knowing he still needs me to reassure everything will be fine, I’m trying my best to hide my own heart breaking.

I don’t like lying to him because one of the things he praised about me was being honest but I just couldn’t these days. He’ll hate me once he finds out how selfish I am and he’ll hate me even more for lying to him and myself and I don’t want that.” I was about to cry from all the frustration I’ve been holding back and breathing hard.


Taru just listened with closed eyes. “So you love the guy and you’re jealous of the girl he might have a crush on?” She concluded.

I sighed. “Ye--” I looked at her with wide eyes. “Wait, what? I don’t love Yifan!” I frowned at her before pulling my hair to wake me up from the realization. “Wait!”

“So it’s him.” My childhood friend smirked. “I kinda knew from the start so it’s okay.” She patted my leg with her foot and I gasped at her.

“YOU KNEW?” Even before me? Wuaah Choi Taru.

She rolled her eyes at me before scoffing. “And why am I not surprised you didn’t?”


What the hell? I love Yifan? I’m in love with him? I asked myself. “Am I?”

Taru took me in for a headlock and ruffled my hair into a mess causing me to whine and wiggle free but failed. Ugh! This strong woman! “Sometimes I just want to punch you for being stupid, Hyeon.” She finally let go of me and I huffed in annoyance. “Do you like him?” She asked and I blinked at the question.

“He’s my friend, Of course I like him.”

“Do you like it when he touches you?”

“Well…” I blushed. I remembered waking up in his arms and the way he hold my hands or the way he catches me from falling all the time. Those were the times I felt warm. “He feels warm.” I replied.

“Does your heartbeat go fast when you get too close to him.”

Taru is a genius! She should run for president I swear she knows everything. “Yeah.”

“Do you feel pain when other woman get close to him?”

I frowned at the thought and nodded. “It hurt.”

“What would you feel if he ever goes out with Gyuri unnie.”

Just hearing it made me feel like throwing up. “I’ll feel sad.” I mumbled before frowning. I shouldn’t feel that way. Yifan needs her. “Wait.” I looked at my childhood friend. “You know that too?”

Taru rolled her eyes. Stop with it already! “What if he has to fall in love in order to be happy?”

“Then…” Even if it hurts. “I’ll support him.”

“Even if you get yours broken?”

I bit my lip. “Yes.”

“Do you love Wu Yifan, Hyeon?”

“I do.” WOAH! ! I’m in love with him!


Taru chuckled before pulling me into a hug and I hugged her back almost crying at the realization.

“Then you better tell him fast because he’s coming in.” She told me before going out of the stock room to attend the clients. I stood there, frozen before peeking inside the café.


How's the story so far?

We still have one chapter left and an Epilogue

Love me well <3 ~

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I'm done putting all the chapters in private. Now the only thing needed to do is to re-read and make it public. YAY!


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Chapter 5: OMGGGGGGGGGG this is so so so so so so cuteeeeeee!!!
Chapter 5: Sweetness overload!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 5: This fanfic is so sweet! Too bad my life can't be like this! *pout* Anyways I loved it and I hope u can write more like this unnie!
Chapter 4: Aaaw, that was so sweet!
Chapter 2: I hope Kris would fall in love with Hyeon ^^
Chapter 1: Poor Kris... Hyeon will hopefully fix your heart
alexamitchel #7
Chapter 5: What a cute and sweet story.. Great job!
Chapter 2: ooooo..this is cute >< i love it ^^
everbodyhateme #9
Chapter 2: new reader here!nice story!!
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot <3 this ish <3 mwehehhehe wu yi fcking fan would you let me help yah too huhu icri i miss Kris :(