Step by Step

Fixing Wu Yi Fan's heart


Yifan’s POV


The next day, I went to the cafe just like always but instead of directly ordering and sitting on my usual place, Hyeon greeted me waving her hands once I came into the cafe. I’m still feeling awkward with socializing so I just did a small nod in response. She took my order and we comfortably talked to each other before I went to my usual place.

I watched Hyeon’s co-workers gape at her about our sudden comfy conversation. It doesn’t matter to me though, both Hyeon and I know our objectives and that’s enough. And besides, I don’t think I’m ready for another relationship or even hearing something related to it.


The last relationship I had was still hurting me. I treasured it too much that now that she left me, I’m still stuck in our memories, the reason why I always space out. What we had was perfect and back then, I was sure she’s the forever I’ve been and will always want. But it’s all gone now and I still can’t believe myself.

The first months of our breakup, my heart and soul couldn’t forget about my ex and I’d always find myself driving my way to her workplace but then ending up like ‘Oh yeah. She’s not mine anymore.’ It hurt. So much I thought I’d die but here I am. I won’t say I’m alive though because I don’t know how to feel like it. She was my world. And when she left, I didn’t know where, how and why I should live.


Luckily, my dad understood about my situation and told me to ‘find myself’ and then come back whenever I’m ready. I felt bad leaving him the whole company since he just passed it unto me but I didn’t want to ruin a company he worked hard for just because I don’t know what to do with myself.


I was spacing out again and didn’t realize Hyeon already started her break and was already sitting in the opposite seat of mine.

“Woah! Taru really knows what she does.” She said and I looked up to see her already eating the cake I bought.

I blinked, didn’t know what to do. “That’s mine.” was the only thing I could say but she only shrugged it off.

“You’re not going to eat it anyways. It’s a waste.” She reasoned and she was right so I let her eat it.  


“Are you ready?” She asked out of the blue and I looked at her, confused.

“Ready for what?” I asked and she laughed heartily. We just started talking to each other for less than a week but she already feel and act comfortable around me. I wasn’t bad though because she didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. In fact, it was the other way around. I don’t know but I just feel like, whatever I tell her, she won’t judge me.

Maybe she’d tease me about it but not condemn me.


“Silly” To have your heart fixed.” She said nonchalantly and I was taken aback I had to look away. Right, this girl right here knows about my problem. I have nothing to hide from her and that suddenly made me embarrassed. But I already decided I’ll give it a try.

“How will you do that?” I asked and she ate the last piece of cake before responding.


“We’ll start tomorrow.” She said. “I’ve been researching last night about your case and found this book about moving on. A lot of comments say it works so why not give it a try, right?” She told me so excitedly and I just decided to go with the flow. I can’t back out now anyways. And she told me she already bought the book on her way to work.

“Let’s start tomorrow since my boss was generous enough to give me my 3 day off. Pick me up at my apartment tomorrow?” She asked and I could only nod. I was still busy downing what was happening inside my head that she was already back at work when I looked up to her.


Her worked lasted for hours and I waited for her and just like yesterday, I drove her home.

That night, I watched Hyeon walk inside her apartment and sighed. Everything was happening too fast and unrealistic. It looks stupid but might as well try.

I leaned on the back rest of my seat, contemplating on what just happened today and what I’m about to do with this girl I just met. Moving on, huh? I stared into space and found myself imagining it but failed. But still... It sounds… nice. I thought to myself and stayed there to think for a few minutes before driving back home.


The next day came and made sure I was punctual. I picked her up just like we planned and went to a different café to plan the things out. She showed me the book she told me about yesterday and let me read the first part but then, she took it again.


I was caught short by the thing I just read that the only word that came out of my mouth was “Smile.” Hyeon nodded at me enthusiastically and smiled, wanting me to mirror hers. Of course I didn’t do it. The hell.


“The book wants me to smile.” I repeated again just to make sure I wasn’t reading strange things and when she giggled, I sighed. What did I just get myself into?

“Oh come on! It’s just smiling. It won’t kill you.” She told me like it was the easiest thing to do. Yeah right. It might be easy for her. She looks like a happy, warm and loved person. If she ever get hurt like how I did, I bet that smile won’t be there right now. I hope she doesn’t stop smiling though. She has that smile that makes people warm and maybe that was the thing that made me trust her in fixing whatever’s broken in me.

“You know how to smile Yifan.” She told. Since when we started calling each other with our first names? I didn’t sound forced or awkward though so I let her be. “You just need to do it more often as the book says. AND naturally.” That stupid book will be the end of me. I just knew it.

Still wanting to go with that book’s instructions, she dragged me to the mall and there stopped at this embarrassing photo booth. It was then when I knew I’d die.


“Here we go!” She beamed and looked at the booth. The flowers and hearts painted around it made me almost whimper in self pity so I just repeated ‘for fixing my heart’ over and over again.

“Why are we here again?” I asked, not getting the point of taking a photo randomly like this. She just rolled her eyes and pushed me into the booth with her. Just what the--

“We’ll take a photo of you smiling so you can see how good you look when you smile.” She explained and I looked at her incredulously. Is she playing with me?

“We can just take it with our phones you know? Why go in this pink booth?” I can still get myself out of this, I think.

“Just smile will you?” I guess not. She set the camera and it started to count. !

The first flash came and I was too surprised to do anything. The second came and I thought I might as well try but I’m sure it’ll come out awkward and before the third countdown came, a pair of hands were suddenly on my waist and she startled to tickle me making me squirm and laugh. And then, the third flash came. I’ll make sure to burn that picture.


I was still scoffing at Hyeon while she excitedly waited for the photos to be printed out. I wanted to snatch them all but her hands were too fast and she was already scanning it even before I tried to take them.

She smiled proudly at the photos, nodding and humming contently before turning at me. I still kept on sulking. No compliments would save me from humiliation with that photo’s existence. She ignored me though and I was about to throw a tantrum when she patted my back and stuck one of the photo stickers on my cheek. “You’re making progress Wu Yifan.” She told me and walked away.

“Yah!” I took it off and glared at Hyeon before looking at the picture. It was the picture where I was being tickled and I had to admit, I looked ridiculous with my gummy smile and twisted body but I found myself chuckling on how silly we both looked in it. She was grinning evilly while I was like a dying extinct animal. The photo gave me a good feeling though despite of being the worst photo ever taken of me. And maybe it’s because it has been a long time since I saw myself like this. The last time was when I went with… Ah! Here I go again.

I mentally smacked myself and turned my attention to scold Hyeon but she was already walking far ahead so I ran and catched up to get those ridiculous pictures from the girl.


“Yah. Burn those pictures.” I said once I caught up with her but she just laughed.

“Nah. We’ll keep it and take another one after we finished the book to see the difference.” “This is absurd.” I sighed.

“Just you wait until we finish that book. I’m sure you’ll thank me for it afterwards. You’ll see!!”

We were about to go when I heard a familiar voice call me.


“Gege?” I turned to see Tao and he smiled widely coming to us.

“Tao? What are you doing here?” I asked as he hugged me.

“Shopping with the guys.” He replied and then he turned to Hyeon before greeting her. “Oh. Hello. I’m Tao. Kris ge’s childhood friend. And you?” he asked and I could feel myself sweating. I want to keep this experiment a secret and I just hope Hyeon won’t tell anything to Tao because it’ll probably reach my dad once he knew about it.

“Nice to meet you, Tao. I’m Yifan’s--” Hyeon was about to make a conversation to him so I cut her off.

“She’s… no one.” I didn’t know what to say and I was panicking so I had to get away from there as soon as possible. Tao was a bit taken aback and that’s because Hyeon called me by my real name. I didn’t want Hyeon to find out more about me because she already knows quite a lot. “Anyways, I have to go. I’ll see you sometime.” I said to him before dragging Hyeon with me. I heard Tao shouting ‘Call me’ and I just nodded and went my way.


When we got to the ground floor, I stopped because Hyeon started to whine about being tired. I turned to her only to be glared at. Did I do something wrong?

“Is something wrong?” I asked and she scoffed.


“Really? You’re asking me that when you just told someone I’m no one?” Oh that. I didn’t mean to say that. “And who the hell is Kris? Did he just call you Kris? What the hell are you lying to me about your name all this time?” She didn’t stop talking and some people were already looking at us. I tried to take her to some place where we can talk privately but she avoided me.

“No Yifan or whoever you are Mr, Wu. I won’t move here until you tell me what’s going on. I want the truth right now.” she demanded and I’ve never seen her like this before.


“Everything I said to you is true. Kris is my English name and I didn’t want you to talk to him because I kept this experiment of ours a secret to everyone. If my dad knows about this, he’ll probably get worried.” I explained but the glares didn’t stop.


“Kris ge?” Another familiar voice came behind me and I turned around to see Yixing smiling at me.

“Duizhang?” another voice came from the other side and I was starting to think these guys are cornering me. “You’re alive?! Hahahaha!” Luhan joked as he and Yixing went closer to us. I looked at Hyeon and she’s still sulking but I can see she’s confused who these people are.


“And now you’re duizhang?” I heard her mumble but my attention was taken by two of my childhood friends.


“Long time no see, Duizhang! Oh--“ Luhan was about to give me a hug but then, he saw Hyeon and went for her instead. That bastard. “Hi there beautiful!” He put his arm on her shoulder and I scoffed. Yixing was already beside me chuckling.

“This Luhan. He never change.” Yixing was watching amused.


Hyeon was looking at Luhan with wide eyes, probably startled so I decided to tell Luhan that he’s making her uneasy but Tao came running dragging Luhan off Hyeon.


“Ge, stay away from her!” The youngest told Luhan and the older looked at him, confused.

“What’s with you Tao?” he asked and Tao leaned closer to whisper but we all heard what he said. I rolled my eyes.


“She called duizhang ‘Yifan’.” When Tao told them about that I sighed. This will be a long day. Hyeon was still standing there, watching us, speechless.

“That’s exaggerating a bit.” I tried to retaliate but Yixing and Luhan were already looking at me and Hyeon with those ‘O.O’ eyes. I guess I can let them know about Hyeon at the least. And I still have to make up for the rude move I did to Hyeon earlier with Tao.

So with that, I smiled at the three and then pulled Hyeon closer to me away from Luhan. “Lunch everyone? My treat.” I offered and the three were quick on celebrating while Hyeon didn’t respond. I guess she’s never going to let this go.


We all went to the restaurant Tao wanted to go to. There, I introduced Hyeon to them as my friend. Well, I consider her one already anyway. I also explained them that I didn’t want them to learn about her because it might start a misunderstanding. Hyeon understood my point and she stopped giving me judging looks at last.

We ate lunch in ease. Hyeon never felt awkward with my friends and the guys, especially Luhan, opened up to her real quick. They even joked around with each other that I was the one who felt left out. I didn’t mind though, just listening to them talk was enough for me. I don’t have anything good to tell them about anyways.


“But why were you guys shocked when I call this guy” Hyeon pointed at me. “with his name? His name is Yifan, right?” She asked and the three all fell silent before sending me a look. I gave them an assuring smile and Yixing got my message; that it’s okay to talk about my ex now.

“You see Hyeon-ssi. Only Hara, Kris’ ex was the only one who calls him with that name. Normally, he would glare at anyone who calls him Yifan but I guess it has changed. “Kris the name he used when he was studying in Canada and we also call him ‘Duizhang’ because he’s like the leader in our gang.” Yixing explained. Hearing them talking about Hara made me feel a pinch inside but I pushed it aside. I don’t know if the day where I can hear her name without getting hurt will come but I’m willing to take the chance because Hara is already happy with someone else.

“So do I have to call you Kris now or what?” Hyeon asked me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“You can call me Yifan, Hyeon. That’s what I told you when you asked for my name, right?” I replied. “And besides, it’s not big of a deal anymore. It’s just names.”


“Wu Yifan-ge.” Yixing tested the waters and I turned to glare at him making them laugh. So maybe it’s still a slight big deal for me?


“If you have any questions about gege you can always ask us.” Tao said to Hyeon with a smile and she nodded happily thanking him. The boys seemed smitten by her smile too. I can see them smiling whenever she smiles. It’s just her eyes shines whenever she smiles it’s infectious.


“It’s nice to see duizhang smile again.” Luhan said and I frowned, I smiled? Luhan, knowing how I think, rolled his eyes. “Yes, Kris. You smiled.” he teased and Hyeon beamed widely, giving me a proud look. I’m glad she understood my intentions and never mentioned the fixing my heart thing to the guys.

“It’s nice he found a friend like you Hyeon-ssi.” Luhan winked at her and she laughed it off. Seems like Luhan’s playboy charms are not affecting Hyeon. Hara was the same.

“I know, right?” She boasted. “You’re lucky to have a friend like me Yifan.”


After the long catching up and getting to know Hyeon. We bid farewell to the boys and since our plans got delayed, Hyeon and I just decided to do some window shopping since we’re already in the mall.

We went into this one store and decided to split up for a moment. Hyeon went to the women’s wear section while I went to the men’s. I’m sure she’s getting tired of the girls looking at us all the time and some even following us. I’m not trying to brag but it has always been like this, especially when I’m with the gang. I got used to it but Hyeon looked like a little bit startled. And the glares some girls were throwing at her were no fun.

I was looking around the accessories section and there found a tie. I liked the color so I went to check it out. I was too busy examining it that I didn’t notice a group of girls already swarming the area until I heard one of them squealed loudly asking me if I was an Idol. When I looked up, I didn’t know what to do or where to go because they got me surrounded. This is why I hate going anywhere. Now I have to call security to help me get out of here. I might as well call Hyeon to meet me up at the parking lot--


“Oh there you are love!” I heard Hyeon’s voice and frowned. I searched for her and her what-so-called love but only found her walking towards me, waving her hands. She squeezed her way to me and I had to pull her to me or she might’ve gotten hurt.

“I was going to call you.” I said, still a little bit dazed on her words earlier but the crowd was getting bigger and to my surprise, she clung onto me.

“Aigoo. You attract too much attention sweetheart. We should’ve worn our wedding rings. I knew this teen ager date theme won’t work.” She chimed, making sure everyone hears it and they did. Some of them already went away while some stayed just to glare at Hyeon. I understood her intentions and played along.

“Let’s go?” I asked and she looked up to me, giving me a big smile. I took her hand to make the act more realistic and led both of us away from there.


“I just saved your Mr. Wu.” She snickered as we walked towards the parking lot.

“Thanks.” I squeezed her hand. “But do you really have to break their hearts? I feel sorry for them since I know what it feels like.”

“It’s better that way so they won’t have more delusions.” Hyeon said.

“You’re harsh.” I said. “But you’re right.”

“Yeah.” She chuckled before running towards the car, letting go of my hand. It felt cold when she let go so I unknowingly put my hand in my pocket as I walked following her. She was still jumpy despite of the long day we’re having and I don’t know where she gets the energy from.


“Yifan let’s go to a bakery! I want something sweet.” She said and wanted to turn back but she stumbled with her own feet. Seeing that she was about to fall, I ran even though I was already dead tired but she regained balance a second before I got to her.

“Yah! Can you be a little bit more careful?” I was panting and still startled. If she had fallen, she would’ve suffered a big concussion.

“Yeah. Sorry… I’m always like that though. Hehehe.” She laughed awkwardly and went to the car with me following her. If she’s always going to give me heart attacks like this, I think my heart would be literally be broken.


The day ended with me driving her back to her apartment. She fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. I guess she does get tired once in awhile. Today turned out to be interesting. It’s tiring but I felt progressing more than the last three months I spent spacing out in that cafe and it’s all thanks to Hyeon.

I watched her sleep, curled at the seat beside me with slightly ajar. “Thanks Hyeon. I don’t know what benefit you’ll get from helping a wreck like me but I really appreciate it.” I said even though she won’t hear nor respond.


“You’re welcome, Yifan.” I almost jumped from my seat when she talked before opening her eyes and yawning. “And don’t think I’m not getting anything for helping you. My life’s pretty boring and you’re saving me from always thinking about how abandoned and alone I am by helping you. So thank you.” she said sleepily before taking off the seatbelt and opening the door.

“I thought you were asleep!” I said frowning but she just yawned at me.

“Let’s have breakfast together tomorrow, okay? We still have that step one to work on.” she said before going out of the car. “Goodnight and have happy dreams, Yifan.” She bent down and smiled at me before going to her apartment.


I watched her go in and almost tripped at the same area last night. Clumsy girl. I looked at the rear view mirror and I shocked at seeing myself. I was smiling. That night, I went home with a little bit more hope.


The next day, we went to the park for a walk. Apparently, Hyeon saw in the internet that a person can smile easily if they appreciate even the littlest things in life so she decided that it’ll do me good to see the beauty of the nature. I thought it was stupid but when I got reminded on how I smiled yesterday, I just have to give this a chance.


“Don’t you have a reason to smile?” She asked me and one thing immediately came into mind.

“I had one.” I replied and she stopped walking and looked at me excitedly, waiting for me to continue. “She’s not here anymore, Hyeon.” I said and she got what I meant. I saw her thinking of something to say to make me feel get better and I appreciate the thought. But she didn’t have to. After all, she’s already helping me recover from my heartbreak.


“What about you? What’s your reason to smile?” I tried to distract her and it worked.

“Me?” She paused to think. “I smile for everything. I’m sure you know it by now. I smile when people treats me nicely or when I see them do good things. I smile when I see people happy, I smile when I see something beautiful or I like and many more reasons.” She went on and on and I listened. “Oh! And when I feel happy of course!” She beamed at me. “I’m sure you’ll find another thing or someone to smile for. It doesn’t have to be someone, sometimes, it’s just a nice feeling. It’ll come out naturally, don’t worry.” she patted my arm and turned around to continue walking and I followed her.


The rest of Hyeon’s day off was spent with me. We went to the cinema watching comedy, theme parks and more fun things I forgot that exist. Hyeon really enjoyed herself but at the same time, she never forgot about me and ask me if I was having fun all the time.

I was surprised when she told me that I passed the first step and I was ready for the second by the end of our third day. She said she has been keeping an eye on me and she noticed that I was smiling and even laughing during our time together. I didn’t believe it at first but when she showed me pictures of me smiling taken with her un undated flip-top phone, I was again shocked at myself.

She showed me lots of them and I wasn’t aware where she managed to take them. There was that photo when I won a toy from those claw toy machines. I was smiling at that little yellow duck toy and found myself laughing on how childish I’ve become.


Back when I was with Hara, fun would mean us going to romantic dinners, visiting museums or watching those romantic chaebol related movies or documentaries. Back then, I never really paid attention in whatever I do as long as I did it with her. I was happy when she’s happy. But getting to know Hyeon after my breakup, who would’ve thought I’d find fun in places like theme parks, fairs and archades?


Hyeon was back at work after those three days spent with me. I found myself sitting in the cafe once again with a chocolate cake and iced coffee this time while she was working. I was fumbling at my phone, smiling at the pictures Hyeon and I took in our adventures in the past few days. I still can’t believe I’m beginning to move forward again. Sure, I still think of Hara when I’m alone but I convinced myself that this is a good start.


Hyeon’s break came and she ate the chocolate cake I bought earlier. I let her because I don’t like sweets anyways. The way she enjoyed and complimented the cake was funny and amusing it made me laugh. Her co-workers turned to us with wide eyes but when I noticed them staring they went back to their work. So I’m not the only one shocked at my happy self huh? Wait happy? Am I happy now? Maybe. I’m not sure but this is a nice feeling.


“You’ve improved a lot Yifan.” Hyeon cheered before drinking the half empty cup of coffee. “I’m sure you’re ready for the next step.” she said before taking the small book and opening it to the page where we left off. She let me read the next step and I could only blink at it.


“Get a life.” I repeated just like how I did when I finished reading the first step. This book will never fail to surprise me I guess. Just like the girl who bought it.

“Yes!” Hyeon nodded, agreeing with the book. “According to that, you should get a life; a job or a hobby. Things that would make you feel valuable and confident. Look for the things you’re good at and grow on it.” She explained and to be quite honest, I didn’t understand what I just read if she didn’t explain.

“Oh.” Was the only thing I could say because I already have a job and about the things I’m good at, I think I’m aware of them to well ever since I was young.

“So how about finding a job?” She suggested and I blinked at her. How should I tell her when she’s this excited? One thing I learnt about her is that she’s unstoppable once she gets too hyped.

“Uh.. Hyeon--”

“I know you’re rich when I first talked to you at the police station but I’m not sure if you’re independent. I doubt you even have a job judging on how you stay here everyday.” Ouch. Well, if I was in her place I might assume that about me too. I think it’s time to tell her.

“Wait, Hyeon. I--”

“No buts Wu Yifan. You’re already making a progress on fixing your heart. You can’t stop now by being lazy. You have to find a job or a hobby even if you’re already rich.” I frowned. I’m not lazy! I was mourning for myself back then! And I have a job for pete’s sake. “If you don’t want to go job hunting by yourself, I can go with you after my shift ends. Would you like that?” She offered and I sighed. I guess telling her now would be a waste of time. I’ll just show her later.

“Why are you so quiet? Are you nervous?” She asked worriedly and I found myself laughing.

“Nothing. I’ll wait for you then.” I told her and she just nodded before standing up. Her break time was over. “Don’t worry Yifan. I’ll help you heal your heart.” She assured me and I gave her a thankful smile. I think I will have it fixed with her help.

I watched her make her way back to the bar. She stumbled two times before she got there and mouthed ‘I’m okay’ when she finally reached it making me chuckle.


I’m definitely have it healing.


Her shift ended and she bid goodbye to her friends before going out with me. She was already scanning the newspaper joblist while we were walking towards my car and I had to hold her forearm just to keep her from eating the ground and lamp post on our way.

She began telling me about different kind of jobs she thinks I’ll match when we got into the car and I can’t believe she thinks I can be a construction worker. Sure I’m tall and strong but I don’t see myself working in that kind of environment.

She asked me which job I find interesting among the things she told me and I answered ‘Office work’ since my job’s not far from that anyway. I told her I want to have supper before doing anything and she agreed. She recommended some cheap places she can afford but I told her the meal’s on me that night. She was going to protest but when I told her this is a thanks for helping me out, she gave up on the idea.


I made my way to the main office of my company. I already texted my secretary to arrange a dinner for two in my office because I wanted to review the company’s status during my absence since I’m already there. I still felt uneasy and empty every time I visit that place because Hara and I spent most of our time there.

She’d always visit me and we’ll have meals in the restaurant near by.


When we arrived in front of the building, Hyeon gave me a confused look and told me there was no way this building was a restaurant. I laughed at her statement and led her in. The employees who saw us greeted me politely and I enjoyed seeing Hyeon’s expression from confused going to shocked and by the time we got into my office, she was already sukling, murmuring on how I kept my job a secret from her.


“I tried to tell you but you were too excited and didn’t let me talk.” I reasoned, still trying to hide my laughter because seeing her gape when my secretary welcomed me by saying it was nice to see the CEO back was glorious. “And take this as a punishment for assuming I’m a spoiled lazy rich man.” I grinned and she stuck her tongue at me before entering my office.

She was amazed by the size of my office that she looked around for a few minutes. I watched her fondly, waiting for her to say something when she went back to me and hit me on my chest.


“You’re mean.” She pouted and I laughed at her tantrums before leading her to the table with a food prepared for two.

“Let’s eat.”


“If you’re the CEO, then how is this company working with you always in our cafe all day? CEOs are supposed to be busy you know.” She asked before eating whatever she found on the table.

“My father knew about my breakup and I couldn’t function so he told me to take my sick leave to recover. He’s retired but he came back to cover for me. I still have the last word in very important decisions though and since you and your book want me to have a job, then I guess I’ll be coming back earlier.” I responded and she threw a piece of rice at me.

“You’re still mean for not telling me about this. I was doing my bestest to look for a job for you too.” She sulked.

“I tried to tell you, you know?” I tried to reason but she gave me a glare.

“I tried to tell you, ye know?” she copied my words and I blinked, I am really being treated like this?

“Yah! Now that’s too childish.”

“Yah! Now that’s too childish.”

“Stop, Hyeon.”

“Stop, Hyeon.”



“Aish this kid.”

“Aish this kid.” I swear if my broken heart can’t end me, Im Hyeon will.


Our meal continued with me apologizing and Hyeon finally getting tired of sulking and letting me off once. I rolled my eyes at her threat of kicking me to the moon but I decided not to comment on it because the copying conversation .


“This wine is the next best thing to Taru’s cupcakes.” She said when she tasted the wine I served her as a peace offering. She drunk the whole glass in one go before asking for more.

“I think you should slow down with the drinks, Hyeon. You have work tomorrow and wines can cause you a terrible hangover too.” I said but she just brushed it off.

“Come on, Yifan! You nailed the second step. We should at least celebrate. And I have you to drive me home or, no, you can call your butler Sebastian or Steve to drive us because you surely have one of those in your rich mansion.” Okay, she’s drunk. I knew she wasn’t a good drinker to begin with but now I’m regretting this.

Knowing that it was pointless to talk it out with a drunk person, I let her finish the whole bottle while we eat. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep after we eat so I let her rest on one of my couches. Good thing my secretary was doing her overtime and I managed to ask her where they hide the emergency blankets and use it to cover my drunk heart healer.


I looked into my files briefly to check how the company was doing and to have a clue on what to work on first thing tomorrow morning before carrying Hyeon to my car and drove her home.


Waking her up was a little bit difficult but when I nudged her for the fourth time, she came unto and blinked her eyes on me.

“Hey. You’re outside your apartment.” I told her and she reached for the seatbelt but I stopped her. “It’s already off.” I said and she slurred a thank you before sitting up.

“Thanks for today, Yifan.” She said, still trying to wake up fully.

“No problem, Hyeon.” I replied as I watched her scrub her eyes awake.

“Yifan?” She’s still drunk I guess.


“I hope we can have your heart fixed soon so I can see you happy for real.” She said with a pout before yawning and going out of the car. “Go to work tomorrow and call me if you feel like you want to start the last step, okay?”

“Thanks, Hyeon. I’ll call you.” I was taken aback by her kind words and hope I can do something for her too someday. Hyeon is a really nice person. I hope she never go through the pain I did because she doesn’t deserve it.


That night, I watched her stumble her way to her apartment and drove away once I saw the light in her room .


Returning to work was a hassle and I regretted not enjoying my vacation to the fullest when I saw the pile of work needed to be done. I asked myself what my dad has been doing all this time because the workload was depressing.

I was already buried in my office when a knock was heard. It made me froze and look at the time because Hara used to pick me up for lunch when we were together. The delusions stopped as fast as it started though once Yixing came in with that ecstatic smile of his. Why am I even expecting?


“Expecting someone?” he asked as he came his way and I frowned at him.

“Not really. I hate work.” I said and her laughed before plopping in one of the chairs near my table.

“You returned.” He stated. “finally.” he added making me smile, embarrassed.

“Sorry for taking so long. But hey! Here I am.” I grinned and he returned it with a smile.

“You look happy.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. I think it’s because of that Hyeon girl.” Yixing said proudly. “I like her with you, duizhang. I’m happy for you.”

I was beyond shocked at his words but chuckled at the misunderstanding. “Hyeon and I are just friends, Yixing. She’s keeping me company but yeah, most of this,” I pointed at my smiling self. “is because of her help.” I told him and he just gave me one of those silent smiles.

“Whatever you say duizhang.” he said before going out, telling me to have lunch with him and the gang.

The editing and reviewing was rushed because I'm starting work this week and I want to finish it before then
Love me well <3 ~
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I'm done putting all the chapters in private. Now the only thing needed to do is to re-read and make it public. YAY!


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Chapter 5: OMGGGGGGGGGG this is so so so so so so cuteeeeeee!!!
Chapter 5: Sweetness overload!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 5: This fanfic is so sweet! Too bad my life can't be like this! *pout* Anyways I loved it and I hope u can write more like this unnie!
Chapter 4: Aaaw, that was so sweet!
Chapter 2: I hope Kris would fall in love with Hyeon ^^
Chapter 1: Poor Kris... Hyeon will hopefully fix your heart
alexamitchel #7
Chapter 5: What a cute and sweet story.. Great job!
Chapter 2: ooooo..this is cute >< i love it ^^
everbodyhateme #9
Chapter 2: new reader here!nice story!!
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot <3 this ish <3 mwehehhehe wu yi fcking fan would you let me help yah too huhu icri i miss Kris :(