Our regulars

Fixing Wu Yi Fan's heart



Hyeon’s POV


To be quite honest, I’ll be a morning person if mornings starts at 12pm. I don’t know what happened to my alarm but it decided not to do its job so it was seven in the morning when I woke up. I hate running, but that was the first thing I had to do once I go out of my small apartment because the bus will pass anytime soon and if I happen to miss it, I'll surely be late and I don't want that to happen especially now that I'm planning on buying a new TV.


I’m Hyeon. A simple girl with a simple life and dreams. Others call it boring but I call it being realistic and unexpecting. Like what can an orphan like me expect? You can say that I did plan on finding my parents but I don't have the money or even the time for it, so I just gave up and got realistic. They’ll find me if they want me, right? The reality that I have to rely on my very self to survive this reality was the one that woke me up. It sounds sad but it’s not that bad, really!


Anyway, I got to work just in time and got greeted by my workmates Jina and Taru. They're actually the only friends I’ve got. The three of us came from the same orphanage and went out at the same time.


"Morning!" I greeted as I entered the just opened cafe and the two greeted while doing their jobs. Jina was setting the chairs while Taru was preparing the bar.

"Good morning, Hyeon! Can you flip the sign for me please?" Taru asked and I did what she told. I flipped the ‘closed’ sign to ‘open’ before going inside the bar to help Taru.

"You left some work for me right?" I asked and the two just chuckled.

"Of course, go and change, the cashier needs some double checking." Jina told with a wink and gave them a thumbs up before dashing to the locker room. I almost tripped and kissed the floor but, yeah, it always happen. I’ve got this nickname ‘stumbling queen’ when I was still living in the orphanage because I always trip, stumble or fall but I always manage to get a hold of myself before kissing the floor.

After changing, I went to finish all the work left which was double check the cashier, turn on the air conditioner, and clean the glass window from inside and out. And with that, my day of work started.


The café I work at isn’t really that popular. It only has normal number of customers many of them are already regulars. One of them is an old widow named BaiFen. She’s Chinese and her husband died serving in the army. Despite of her age, she looks young and fresh just like what her name that actually says ‘pure fragrance’. She’s always the first clients to enter the café and she always order a recently made bread along with a cup of green tea.

Then, there’s this beautiful girl that our baker and the whole neighborhood swoons at. She works in a big company and often buys her drink in our café before going to work.

We also have college students who goes to do their study groups in our place and ask for a strong black coffee and some sweets to reward their hours of ‘suffering’.


All of those were our typical customers that any other cafes have as well. But then, we have another kind of customer that not any neighboring cafes have. No! Let me rephrase that; a customer that doesn’t enter any other cafes and a customer every shop would love to have him as a client because he’s ‘aesthetic’ as they call him and he 'lures' more clients to come.


Besides from studying, the students enter our café to see this person sit on a chair, stare into space with his hand on his cup of black coffee beside a piece of cake he always orders but never touch.

He’s a tall lean man and everyone can mistake him as a model or even an idol. But since he’s not followed by paparazzi’s and such things, my friends and I concluded that he isn’t one.

Dark short hair, sharp jaw line, pink rich looking lips and obviously a good body even though he’s fully clothed: those are the reasons why we always have girls as the majority of our clients. But we don’t mind. After all, business is business and as long as the man never causes trouble or the students never bother him, it’s all good.


But there’s one thing that bugs me about that guy. And that is why he always spends his day sitting in our café staring into space quietly. I don’t know guys. But he just enters our shop, order the same thing; Black coffee and cake and then go to his usual place and sit there with a blank expression on his face. Then, he’ll stay there until sunset and leaves and comes back the next day.


They say that he’s special, some say he’s on leave and trying to relax while some say he’s waiting for someone. But for me, a person who sees him everyday; I’ll say he’s lonely.


Today was the same old day. Mrs. BaiFen, the pretty worker, the students and the lonely man came in. In fact, the lonely guy is still there. My shift’s about to end and I just have to wait for the signal.




The lonely guy looked at his watch and as usual before taking his coat and walked out of the cafe. Taru bid the guy ‘goodbye’ when she saw him and the man just gave him a bow on his way enough to make my friend squeal like a seal while I roll my eyes at her.


FINALLY! I took the rag to clean the table he used. It’s always the last thing I do before leaving since my shift ends at 17.30. But then I saw the table, I frowned. The untouched piece of cake and the empty cup of coffee are still there as usual. But there's something else on the table that is not supposed to be there. Without thinking twice, I grabbed the forgotten cellphone and ran after him shouting that he forgot it.

By the time I went out of the store, he was already far and I tried to stop him by shouting but he didn't seem to hear. I guess he was busy spacing out again. So I ran faster, not minding the cold air hitting my skin. It was stupid for me to not take a coat before I walked out but I might lose him.


"Sir!" I shouted as I tried to run after him with my slippery shoes. Like why did I ever wear these in such great timing? I got nearer from him running and running, only looking at his back, determination of giving him back his phone all over my body. I was about to reach him but my shoes did their magic making me mop the streets with my skin and all white working uniform.

I let out a loud yelp making turn to see me lying on my stomach on the streets. I was dying in pain back then but he didn't have any chance to talk because as soon as I met eyes with him, I immediately raised my bruised hand, showing his hand phone.


I was still panting and lying on the ground but I didn't care. Not like I can stand up anyway. My body was numb. "Sir!" I called and he blinked at me, his mouth slightly agape. "Your phone. You left it."

He stared at me for a few seconds before crouching down to get his phone. He was giving me that 'is she still alive look' before putting his unharmed phone, thanks to me, in his pocket and held a hand to help me. I felt I was strong enough so with just the help of my own arms and knees, I managed to get up again. But I can feel it, I'm totally wrecked, my chin’s bruised, elbows and knees bleeding and don’t get me started with my working uniform.


The man retreated his hand awkwardly and looked at me while I was trying to fix myself. Then, I looked at him, expecting a small ‘thanks’. I also might or might not took the opportunity to take a closer look at him since I never got the chance to. It was then when I saw his eyes that and confirmed to myself that the man is lonely.

I was too busy looking at his eyes and while he just blinked at me before bowing, mumbling a short ‘thank you’ before walking towards his car. I watched him drive pass me not knowing why I am frozen on my ground. I wanted to move, but my body wasn't complying and my eyes refused to leave his figure. I guess it’s that feeling; I can feel his sad heart weeping silently.


After that incident, aside from my wounds, my life was back to normal: waking up, work, going home, eat then sleep. The handsome customer came in our shop like nothing happened the day after and just did his spacing out for hours, looking at his phone screen once in awhile.

Everything’s back to normal, but to me, it was different. Ever since that incident, every time I see him, I feel like crying. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself. The only thing I know is that he was hurting and I feel like the sadness he has inside him is slowly eating him alive.


Work passed like years for me that week. Friday night finally arrived and I can finally sleep more because Saturday is my day off. I closed the shop at exactly 10.30 pm and went to the bus stop hugging my knees as I sat on the cold bench. Spring is just around the corner but for me it was still cold like the winter night.

The bus was taking too long and I got impatient so I decided to walk home. It was cold but when you’re moving, it was bearable. I was listening to music while walking when an expensive sports car stopped at the side of the street where I was walking. One of the windows opened and a bratty looking boy was there looking at me with a smirk. Children these days.


“Hi miss!” the kid said to me but I just ignored him. I saw this on k-dramas and this is the part where they will corner me and harass me or something but they won’t succeed because a good looking tall model-like chaebol will kick their and then he’ll fall in love with me. PFFFT! YEAH RIGHT! I rolled my eyes at my own delusions almost forgetting about the children who were eying me.

“Hey! Why so moody?” he asked and I started to walk faster but he just followed me with their car matching my speed. Where the hell is that chaebol who was supposed to beat this guy up? Is he even going to show up? Oh my god! Am I really going to die here?

Damn me. I’m getting harassed and I’m still thinking sarcastically.


Not wanting to get into real trouble, I took a deep breath before running to get away from them. But when I reached the intersection and was about to cross the street, another expensive car stopped in front of me and 4 guys came out rushing towards me with smirks on their faces.

I didn’t know who they are but I’m pretty sure they’re not the chaebol I’m waiting for. I stepped back when one of the 4 tried to touch my face but I ended up bumping at the brat who was on the sports car earlier. I’m really going to die here, right?


“Why are you running, miss?” one asked me and I just tried to release myself from his hold but his grip on me was too strong that it hurt me. “We’re nice, please don’t run. We just want to spend some quality time with you.” Another one said. “Promise, it’ll be fun.” One added and I started panicking.

When the five started to force me to go into the sports car, I started to scream and I didn’t even notice that I was already crying. I could’ve protected myself from them since I’m used to fighting ever since I was little to defend myself from bullies but I was too scared and there was 5 of them.


“Coffee girl?” I heard a familiar voice and immediately turned around to see the lonely guy.

“HELP ME!” I shouted the moment I saw him. I think I saw him think about it for a second before he ran away, leaving me with all those creeps. Damn bastard!


WHAT THE HELL! Now I’m really dead.


I was crying a lot when I was about to enter the car, still screaming for help. But it was late and no one was around. And even though I was busy crying and screaming, I still had the time to remind myself to haunt that ingrate man who abandoned me here when I die. One of the guys entered the car so he could pull me in while the others helped him out. I thought I was really going to die back there but another car came crashing to the car I was about to get shoved into, sending it to the other side of the street while the ones holding me gasped.


I was shocked myself but someone held my arm and dragged me to the other car before shoving me into it and drove away. The creeps were busy fussing at their colleague to care about me escaping with the guys who might’ve killed their friend.


We directly went to the police station and there file a report about what happened to me and why his car was damaged. The officers were about to scold him and file a complaint against him because even though he just wanted to help, bumping another car and sending it flying to the other intersection was never a good choice even if he already said that there were five guys and he couldn’t take them all on a fist fight.

I tried to help the man out but I think the officers just wanted to see the man who helped me behind the bars and insisted on the complaint. Finally giving up, the lonely guy sighed and took out his wallet showing his driving license and I.D. The officer took it with a smirk and then looked at the man’s details only to gasp and nearly jumped out from his seat. He looked at the lonely guy with wide eyes and repeatedly apologized before returning the man’s documents.


“I’m so sorry, sir. I never knew you are a Wu.” I heard the officer say and the man just sighed as he took his I.D and license.  

“What should we do now?” Lonely guy asked and I just stood beside him, confused by the sudden change of the officer’s attitude. Is this guy important or something?

“There’s nothing left to do Mr. Wu. But please relax for a minute. You must’ve been shocked about the events and it’s really nice of you to help this young lady.” The officer told with a smile making me want to roll my eyes. They wanted to put him in prison just a minute ago and now it sounds like they want to give him a medal or something.

“I’m okay. Could you just please clear up the mess and charge those kids for harassing the lady?” he told and I just blinked at him when our eyes met. Is the ‘lady’ me?

“Of course, Mr. Wu.” The police officer told. “Those kids won’t get out without learning their lessons and the about the damage about your car…”

“Don’t worry about that car, it’s insured. Just take care of them and call my secretary to give us a report.” Mr. Wu said. I think I heard that name before. “Can we go now?”

“Of course! Of course!” the police officer said and Mr. Wu turned to me.

“Let’s go?” he asked and I just nodded before following him outside as he made a phone call.

We were waiting silently outside the police station for someone who ‘Mr. Wu’ called to pick us, or him, up and it was really awkward. We were just standing there freezing in the cold night but it was better than to stay with those creepy policemen who might give Mr. Wu a back massage if we stayed any longer. Is he really that important? How could a guy who just stares at the window everyday in our shop be an important person enough to get away from almost killing a guy by just saying his name? Crazy, right?


I was so curious about the man in front of me that I didn’t even realize that I was already staring at him until he muttered a confident but tired “Stop staring.”

WOAH! Even his voice is soo. Woah! woah! YAAAAAAH! “T-thank you.” What the hell am I saying? “But I’m not staring. I’m finding a good time to say that.” I said to relieve myself.

“It’s okay. Think of it as a payback for bringing me back my phone the other day.” He said and I gave him a frown. He just ruined his very expensive car and ‘it’s okay’ because I gave him back his phone which he can come back for the next day because he practically lives in our shop? Then, I noticed blood on his wrist. Maybe, the thugs weren’t the only one hurt in the collision earlier.

“Oookaaayyy.” I was trying not to sound awkward but I failed. I bet he didn’t even notice that wound on his wrist. “But please let me help you with that wound.” I pointed at his wrist.

He looked at me and then at his wrist silently and not wanting to stay in the cold any longer I took his other wrist and led him to the nearest convenient store. “Let’s go.”


We entered the store and greeted the ahjussi before settling on one of the tables. “Wait here.” I told Mr. Wu and went my way to find the things needed to cure his wound, paid for it and then went back to him who was sitting on the same spot I left him earlier. Just like in our coffee shop, he was staring at outside the window, deep in thoughts.

The screech of the chair made when I pulled it out cut off his thoughts and looked up to see me preparing the aid kit. I held out my hand and he hesitantly reach out his injured wrist. I felt him winced once the gauze with betadine got in contact with his wound. Despite of his height, he looked fragile and it made me feel bad.

“I’m sorry for getting you involved.” I apologized and he just looked at me and then at his wound, watching me tend to it. Wow! He’s like a JPG. I laughed at the thought.

“What’s funny?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Nothing. I just mentally called you Mr. JPG.” I confessed and he blinked but never replied. “I’m Hyeon.” I gave him a friendly smile.

“I’m Wu Yifan.” He said, avoiding my eyes and kept staring at his wound. He seems shy so I tried to approach him. it’d be nice to have a good relationship with our regular customers in the café.


“So If you don’t mind me asking, Mr. Yifan, why do you always space out?” I asked jokingly and he just blinked at me before looking away.

“What are you talking about?”

“Sorry. I just, you know… I always see you in our café and you always look deep in thought and sad.” I explained and his face hardened. Did I cross the line? I finished tending his wrist and he retreated it quickly before standing up.

“It’s none of your business, Ms. Hyeon.” he said and left me alone, blinking at what just happened. Soon a foreign car came in front of the store and Yifan went inside it. Not long after, a man in a suit came in to the store and told me that he’ll be driving me home. I was to baffled to refuse so I followed the man to the car behind Yifan’s and told the man my address.


The next day, Mr. Yifan came to the café and just like any other day, he ordered a cup of coffee and strawberry shortcake. His wound seemed treated a lot better and the bandage was changed. I’m sure he was aware of my stares towards him but he refused to give eye contact and I got his message. He didn’t want to talk to me so I didn’t.


After long hours of sitting there, Mr. Yifan paid his bill and went out silently as always. I continued my shift and closed the shop before hurriedly went to the train station. I’m still scared of going alone in the bus station so I stuck with the train where there’ll be many people just in case those thugs come back.

I was about to get in the train station when I saw Mr. Yifan a.k.a Mr. Snubby Pants standing there. He was looking on the ground and when he heard footsteps coming into a halt, he looked up and met eyes with me.


“What took you so long?” he asked and I had to look around just in case he was talking to another person.

Then, when I saw no one in particular, I pointed at myself. “Me?” I asked and he stood up straight before walking towards me.

“I—“ he hesitated. “—I’ll drive you home.” He said and I blinked a few times, trying to down what he just offered. Yes, he’s a costumer in our café and he did help me. But to me, he’s still a stranger.

“No thank you.” I said and looked up to see him looking at me.

“Are you upset about what I said last night?” he asked and I honestly responded a “no.”

“I’m sorry.” It seems like he didn’t believe me and apologized. “It’s just—personal” he added and I nodded, still feeling bad. I did cross the line.

“Sorry too. I shouldn’t have asked that.” I looked up at him. “But if you need help or somebody to talk to, I’m here. You know where to find me, right?” I don’t know why I said that. But I just felt the urge to help this man.

“Thank you.” He said and nodded slightly, again, avoiding my eyes. “I’ll think about it.” he added and I smiled. Please do consider it. “But let me drive you home.” He insisted. “I—I just don’t want yesterday to repeat itself.” He explained. “I… in case I wanted your help. I don’t want you hurt.” He was blurting nonsense but I laughed it off and went ahead of him out of the station.

“Lead the way Mr.Yifan.” I turned and he blinked cutely before walking out.


The ride was silent and it was rather awkward. He already got a new car so he didn’t have any music installed and he said he didn’t like listening to the radio so it was deadly silent. I was about to start a conversation when he beat me out to it.


“Two years ago, I met a girl.” I guess his mind changed already. “She stood out a lot for me and she was the most beautiful girl in the world for me.” He must’ve really loved that woman. I watched him talk. “I approached her and we dated for a long time. We were happy and all I can say was that I was contented and needed nothing else but her.” he looked really happy recalling those times. But then, his eyes turned gloomy as he continued. “Then, she graduated university and had to work. We still saw each other and the relationship never changed until she had to go for a week in a retreat his officemates planned.” He told. “I trusted her and I didn’t want her to feel tied so I let her go there.” He said, his voice getting silent with each word.

He stopped the car but I didn’t realize it because I was too immersed in his story. He looked down at the steering wheel as he went on. “But then, when she got back, she broke up with me. She fell in love with his officemate during the trip and she didn’t want to be unfair to me. At first, I didn’t believe her and fought for her.” Wow he must’ve been through a lot. “But then, one day, I went to pick her up from work and I saw her walking out with her officemate and saw her laughing with him.”

“Ever since that trip, she never smiled like that with me. And that’s when I realized that she really had moved on. That very day, I called her and let her go.” He sighed and closed his eyes, letting his tears fall. “I let her go because I love her.” he whispered, enough for me to hear.


I sniffled. I didn’t realized I was crying too. “So you still haven’t get over her?” I asked and he replied with a sniffle. “I’m not spacing out because I want to. It’s just that I—yeah. I still haven’t moved on.” He confessed. “And now I’m stuck in our memories.”

I didn’t know what to say but I kind of see this coming. I knew he was sad and now that I know the reason, I’d be dumb if I let this continued when I can try to help. And with that, I fixed myself and gave him an assuring smile.


“Thank you for sharing your story with me Yifan.” Calling him like this won’t hurt now, right? It’s seems that that’s the case because he didn’t make a big deal out of it. “And thank you for driving me home.” I added, realizing I was already in front of my apartment. I didn’t even asked how we get there when I haven’t told him my address. Or maybe I did, I just forgot about it.

“But yeah, now that you picked me up from work and you shared something so private to me, does that makes us friends?” I asked and he gave me a confused look before looking down to hide his amused smile.


“You’re so random.” He told me and I laughed. “I get that a lot. So, friends?” I asked and he shook his head smiling.

“Whatever floats your boat Ms. Hyeon.” he said and I kind of liked how my name sounded with that voice of his.

“That’s Hyeon to you, mister.” I chuckled and unbuckled the seatbelt before going out of his car. He watched me go and was startled when he saw me knock on his window which he slid down.

I gave him my biggest grin and two thumbs up. “I’ll help you fix your heart!” I said and gave him my supper wink before dashing to my apartment. I almost tripped but I made it safely to the door and struggled with my keys. Hahaha! Awkward me!


It was nice of Mr. Yifan to wait for me to go in just in case I trip again and the look on his face when I turned back to him and waved him goodbye childishly was priceless. He looked amused or freaked out but still he waited until I peaked on the windows and waved for him to go before driving away.

And It starts!
Feel free to comment any mistakes
I'm a horrible beta
Love me well <3 ~
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I'm done putting all the chapters in private. Now the only thing needed to do is to re-read and make it public. YAY!


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Chapter 5: OMGGGGGGGGGG this is so so so so so so cuteeeeeee!!!
Chapter 5: Sweetness overload!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 5: This fanfic is so sweet! Too bad my life can't be like this! *pout* Anyways I loved it and I hope u can write more like this unnie!
Chapter 4: Aaaw, that was so sweet!
Chapter 2: I hope Kris would fall in love with Hyeon ^^
Chapter 1: Poor Kris... Hyeon will hopefully fix your heart
alexamitchel #7
Chapter 5: What a cute and sweet story.. Great job!
Chapter 2: ooooo..this is cute >< i love it ^^
everbodyhateme #9
Chapter 2: new reader here!nice story!!
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot i kennot <3 this ish <3 mwehehhehe wu yi fcking fan would you let me help yah too huhu icri i miss Kris :(