Teen Top in Hello Baby



The whole night,Ricky and ChanHee didn’t talk at all and ignoring each other.

They’re currently doesn’t have any schedule right now and having a break time.It isn’t fully with no schedule but their schedule aren’t that tight as the company is right now rising their label mate group ,100% and letting the Teen Top having some break with a little bit untighten schedule and so they had so much time at the dorm.

“Ah,after a long time,we can have some break with no tight schedule,”the blonde haired guy relief.

“Yeah,hopefully,we will able to sleep more this time..No more 2 hours nap instead of sleep,”the maknae added.

“And,I can have some peace from now on,”the leader continue and lay back to the couch with his cap cover his face and take a nap.

*The phone ring*

“Who is it?”L.Joe ask Niel who holding the phone- glance at the cellphone’s screen,”It’s manager-hyung,”from a happy face turn to be a gloom face because whenever their manager hyung call,it’s mean they had schedule.From taking a nap to awake,the leader awake when Niel said manager hyung call them.

“But,as I recall,there’s no schedule for tonight,right?”the maknae worried if they had forgotten if they had any schedule tonight because he is the one who reminded his hyungs if they had schedule or not since he is the maknae of the group.

“Just pick it up,we can’t hang manager hyung’s call.He will mock us if we hang it up,”L.Joe told Niel to pick up the call.

“Ne,manager hyung,”Niel answered the call.

“Ah,Niel-goon,sorry for a sudden call but manager hyung had a news for you all,Could you please turn it to loudspeaker?”they all gather together into circle when Niel turn on the loudspeaker and so do Ricky and ChanHee walk out from their room.

“Yes,manager hyung,”Niel replied after he turn on the loudspeaker and let the other members to heard it.

“Manager hyung call you guys regarding to one of the T.O.P Media staff,she told me that you guys will have to appear on Hello Baby Season xx .You guys had been chosen for the next season to taking care of a baby.With the fans and audiences suggestions,they had decide to let you guys film the show and –“before the manager hyung continue the members shout out.

“WHAT?!?!”they all shout out together and couldn’t believe of what they had heard from their manager-hyung.”Hello baby???but..but…”Niel was so surprised for a sudden situation.

“But,hyung we can’t take care of a baby..see,how violence we are…how could we take care of a baby?”L.Joe admit of how violence they are and not to mention this early event when ChanHee smack on Ricky to get his wallet.

“Can’t we rejected it?”The maknae ask.

“No,you can’t because the company’s staff had agreed with the Hello Baby’s producer and they will start filming a few weeks after this,”the members can’t even rejected it.Niel still speechless with holding the phone.

“Hyung,we will consider of it,”the leader finally speak out with is husky voice and charismatic side.He is leading right now and take the cellphone from Niel who got numb after heard a surprise news from the manager hyung.”We will do it,hyung,”the leader answered back.

“Alright,then..bye,”and the manager hyung hang up the phone.

Everyone shocked with the leader’s answer that he agreed of it.”Hyung,we can’t…we’re abusing idol group..See,how we kick each other in Weekly Idol?We can’t take care of a kids and not a baby,”ChanHee considering the baby’s safe and rejected of filming this show.

“Yes,hyung,and I’m not so good when it comes to baby,”Niel who kinda have phobia with babies because he doesn’t know how to take care of it at all.

“Hyung,they will tear up my Yongyongie and give a lot of disaster…See how MBLAQ hyungs are when they take care of Le.Lauren and DaYoung.Leo tear up Mir hyung ‘s manga,’more care about his stuff toys ,Ricky.

“Hyung,I think this is impossible and what Changhyun said is right .Babies and kids cause a lot of disaster ..See how we have 2 babies right now in the group,”Ljoe pointing at Niel and Ricky who always being the talkative and hyperactive one in the group.

“YAH!WHY US!?”Niel and Ricky shout out together to his hyng.

“Bwo?Yah?I’m your hyung,”Ljoe turn to his dongsaengs with a death glare and the both lift down their head.

“Hey,hey,hey….just give me a chance to talk a little,”the leader speak out finally after the members complaining.”Listen,we had to do this show because it’s for our fans.And,taking care of babies only,what’s so hard?It’s a piece of cake.See how popular MBLAQ  sunbaenim ,B1A4  and BOYFRIEND  are after they film this show and even being known as the great appa for kids.Woman like guys who can take care of kids.So,we have to do it,”the leader somehow said something unnecessary though.What to do with woman?Yet,the members just nodded and have to agree what the leader said.

“Ok,I’m in,”L.Joe first said,”But,I won’t do anything like wiping the pee or poo,alright,”he first resist.

“I’m in too if the babies won’t tear up my Yongyongie and other stuff toys,”Ricky as well.

“Me too, and just don’t let them near me too close,”Niel who still don’t like kids also agreed.

“Ok,at least they won’t eat up my food like some one did,”ChanHee too but still dissing the visual maknae about the early event.

“I’m just alright with it,’the maknae the only one who doesn’t complain of anything.

“Okay,so we are doing it..Teen Top VS Hello Baby!”the leader give a weird name of it.

“Hyung,it’s Hello Baby,how could it turn out to be Teen Top vs Hello Baby?”the maknae blurted out.

“It’s just a name for fun,”the leader make fun.

“So,the show will start a few weeks after this,we still have break time,”L.Joe back to his lazy position with laying on the floor while the leader back to his nap.Ricky and ChanHee still ignoring each other .Niel search for internet to overcome his stupid phobia of afraid of baby and kids while the maknae go to take a shower.


find out what happen when Teen Top in Hello Baby..

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i will update it as soon as possible..i promise


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Chapter 13: Yay your still alive!!! >< Lol sorry for my randomness, but I am glad that you are back. ^^ Good job on this chapter!! ^^v
Chapter 13: its okay take your time !! I really thought you gave up welcome back !!
GhastlyNight #3
Chapter 12: Kyaah~ Update soon Author-nim~ XD
001katje #4
Mblaq is my favorite season too :p I wonder what will happen if Teen top joins the programe :p
Chapter 12: What really? Omg I really hope its true!!!!!! ><
Chapter 12: eonnie chanhee XD
elien23 #7
Chapter 8: how i wish that teen top will be in hello baby
pleeeeeeeeeeeease update fast author sshi this fic is just tooooo darn good i'm rereading this fic again for the 5th time
love you author sshi:)
Chapter 8: awwww so cuuuute <3 <3 <3
oh how i want Teen Top to have a Hello Baby season...
and you just uppdated this....and uppdated again??
Loooove you, author-nim~<3
Omfg you're an awesome author!!! You have no idea how i want teen top to be on hello baby!!! It will really be so funny! Anyways you're really great! Update soon!! ♥
Chapter 5: kya new update *___*
soooo cute :3
update soon please! :)