Letter from the babies’ mother.



There’re nothing special to be found in the babies’ luggage other than their toys and clothes still toys and clothes. The show just started to be film today with surveillance camera,there’s a trouble already.Because of Chung Hee tear up Cho Hee’s favourite Barbie,she burst into cry.The babyface idol who close with the little girl lift her up and walk away from the member to the other corner and coaxing while her to stop crying.Cho Hee only like to be carry by Ricky other than him,she just refuse it.It’s just a first day and the things had turn out to be like this.How could this possibly to be recorded more in the future?The idol group surely had a few hard time from now with the heteroual twins.

“Ah,this is just a luggage that pack by the babies,there’re nothing much in it,”the blonde hair seems to be bother by the luggage with nothing special,he had slightly forgotten he is being too random in front of the camera,it’s still filming.

“I thought there’re maybe a letter from their parents like how MBLAQ sunbaenim have,”Niel said,the one who like to watch variety show during his spare time without schedule,he will go online and search for the latest variety shows that he had missed out during their busy schedule.

“I remember that when Dayong,Lauren and Leo reach to their dorm and check out their luggage and found a letter from their mother.But why Chung Hee and Cho Hee don’t have any letter like that.Maybe just a piece of paper like memo also can since we don’t know much yet what the babies like and dislikes,”the maknae who always by his thick lips hyung side whenever he watch variety show cut in while lift up the empty luggage that they had put out all the stuffs inside out.Searching for it over and over.

“How about we ask the kids?Maybe they know about it,”ChunJi come out with an idea,eventually it’s a good idea but does the kids really know what they are asking for.ChunJi turn to Chung Hee who is playing with his toys on the corner,the toys are scattered around the floor,it’s really a mess that the idol groups never did mess around like this either before.The power voice watch his step in case he step on the hard rock lego which Chung Hee had scattered it on the floor,”Chung Hee-ah,do you know if your eomoni had given a paper a like for you or not?”instead of listening to what ChunJi said,the little boy just playing with his toys.

“Fly~my helicopter is flying to hit the monster,”Chung Hee playing the kid games with the toys smashing with others and fighting monsters no even bother of what the power voice had just said.ChunJi sigh out and give up,it’s no use to ask the kids,they don’t know anything at all.

“I told you,it’s useless to ask the kids,they don’t even know what are you talking about.A letter,a piece of paper,What they know?They only know toys,”return to the members,Ljoe give up with serach the paper the member mean and join with Chung Hee playing around with the toys.

“Hyung will play with you,”the blonde hair pick up the monster dinosaur and have a fight with Chung Hee’s super hero.He just ignore the other members who still concerning about the letter from the babies’ mother.

Meanwhile,Ricky and Cho Hee had just return after taking some fresh air and calm the little girl from sobbing.”You’re back,”the maknae notice Cho Hee is much calm and happy now with a lollipop with her,”Hyung,you are indeed good with kids,”the maknae give a thumb up fro Ricky.Ricky lift Cho Hee down from him to the ground<”No,Cho Hee want to be carry by oppa,”but she insist being carry by Ricky.Then,it’s no choice,the babyfaced one just have to carry the little girl on his arms,luckily Cho Hee isn’t heavy,so Ricky still can handle it.

“Hyung,what’re you all looking for?”notice the hyung’s face isn’t in good condition and also the luggage that had just been upside down by the maknae just now.

“We are looking for a letter from the kids’ eomoni but the kids don’t even know it,”the members look frustrated with it because don’t understand a thing of the babies yet if something about their daily life,things they like and dislikes.

“Have you guys call the coordi noona to ask if there’s something like a letter or not?”Ricky is a genius,(at least that’s what the members thought during they’re frustrating already).The leader took his phone from the pocket and dialled the number of their coordi noona.

‘yeobosaeyeo,’the turn it to a loudspeaker.

‘Noona,it’s us,’the idol groups sound happy finally find their saviour.

‘Ah,aegi-deul,’that’s the way the coordi noona call Teen Top.

‘Noona,it’s there any paper that form like a letter being given by the babies’ parents before you took them here?’

‘Paper?Letter?’the coordi noona doesn’t get what’s the idol group mean.

‘Like something the babies’ eomoni would like to convey to us like the babies’ daily needs or anything like that?’

‘Ah…’the members in a relief when their coordi noona finally understand what’s they mean,they thought she knows it.

‘But noona doesn’t receive anything like that.The kids’ eomoni just said take good care of the babies and sorry for the troubling,’it’s just an useless call,the coordi noona doesn’t received it either.

‘Aish,’the members sighed out through the phone.

‘Why so frustrating?It must be somewhere with the kids,’it’s not help at all.

‘Gomawo,noona,’the leader hang up the phone after they thanks the coordi noona.

‘Ne,’the phone hang up.

“We don’t know anything about the kids if like this,”the maknae shrugged.

“Wait a minute,where’s Chung Hee?”as the members busy with the phone call,ChunJi notice Chung Hee had gone,it’s just the blond hair one who had fell asleep while playing with Chung Hee.How could he do that in the middle of filming.

“Yah,Byunghun,”chunji nudge the sleeping blond e hair who sleep tightly,”Huh?”finally awake.

“Where’s Chung Hee?”the blonde look around,”He’s play-“notice the little boy no longer next to him playing with his toys.

“WHERE’S HE?”he got panicked finally.The blonde hair felt it’s his bad didn’t look after Chung Hee,he rise up and search for the little boy.There’s a sound come from the hallway to their room,Ljoe proceed his way towards the whereas the sound come from and shout out!

“YAH!”followed up by others when heard the blonde hair one shout out loud all of the sudden.

“Oops,this is bad,”the members just stand at the doorway without step into the room just look by outside.

“MY COMPOSED NEW SONG PAPER SHEET!WHAT HAVE YOU DONE HAN CHUNG HEE!”the little mischievous boy had just ruining the rapper’s hard work of his composing work sheet he had been work with these days overnight just to produce a new song for the group for the next comeback.But now,it had just destroy because of Chung Hee,he scribble on it with his Picasso art work.Ljoe is going to be burn now to see all this mess the little boy made.

“I had drawn and zebra on the paper,it make it better with no more just a beans on the paper,”Chung Hee shown one of his drawing on the rapper’s composing paper,those music notes totally had been color with black by him and stripe on it.

“Come here,Chung Hee,”Niel try to safe the little boy from the about exploding volcano. Chung Hee run towards the thick lips one.

“Look,thick lips appa,Chung Hee is-“Niel quickly shut the little boy’s mouth with covered it with his hand and drag him out from the burning hot situation.Leaving the blonde hair pick up his work sheet and try to put it back together if it’s will recover or not.

The members doesn’t even bother the blonde hair one because they knows this isn’t the best timing to pull a leg in when he is in the middle of tempered.The little mischievous boy continue scribble on one of the paper that he get it from Ljoe’s paper sheet.

“Look!Chung Hee had another paper with me!”suddenly he pull out a paper from his pocket,it doesn’t look like the same as Ljoe’s paper sheet..The little boy unfolded it,”Ah!It’s omma!”he yelled,the members turn to him and notice the paper he just unfolded actually is what they had been looking for.”Ah,Chung Hee forget that omma told me to handed this to appa-deul,”he hand it to Niel and run away to his toys again.Leaving the idol groups mental breakdown after so long this is where the letter is.After messing around Ljoe’s composing work sheet and bothering the coordi noona,and here is the letter are all time with Chung Hee yet he said he doesn’t know a thing of it.

Niel unfolded the letter and read out the content surround by the others except Ljoe who is miserable with his composing work sheet in his room.

Dear Teen Top,I’m Chung Hee and Cho Hee’s omma,I guess you guys had been looking for this letter for a while before Chung Hee reveal it.I should have handed this to Cho Hee is I know it but at the time Chung Hee just snatch is away from me and said he will handed it to the appa-deul.So I trusted him and handed it to him.

The members don’t know how to react with the content inside,they rolled their eyes.

I apologized for the hard time Chung Hee given to you all.I’m sorry.

Anyway,there’re nothing much to tell about my children.In fact,Cho Hee is the most troublesome from her mentality because unlike Chung Hee,Cho  Hee is an idle little girl doesn’t like to attach to people except to the one she felt like to.She is a quiet little girl and hard to open her heart to others,So,this is a little trouble here,I hope she will open her heart for you guys.One important thing,she had allergic to food that with nuts,I hope Teen Top will understand this and look after her.

About Chung Hee,I have to apologized again because he is really a troublemaker.I’m sorry,I hope you guys can bear of it naughty action.But he is easily to attach to people especially guys,so it’s not a problem to be friend and close with him for Teen Top kids.He doesn’t have allergic of nuts like Cho Hee but he doesn’t like to eat vegetables.So,I hope Teen Top will change him and eat vegetable.

Once again,sorry for troubling and I hope my children will enjoy to be with Teen Top.Good luck!

“…Good luck..”Niel finish the content in a letter and the word of the end is the most the idol group need now to facing the two kids for these few months,”Yes,eomoni, thank you for the luck,”Niel try to said it in a nice and proper way as the camera is rolling but the member doesn’t understand what he means.

“So,that’s all the content is?”the maknae surprise with the short letter only,Niel nodded,’I thought it will be longer?”after looking for it for so long and this is what the content of the letter is.Mrs.Han surely know how to play the game.

“So,we are now understand the babies.We know what they allergic and how to handle the naughty one,”ChunJi roll his eyes to Chung Hee,the little monster and the hardest one to be handle with.

“This can be sound fun,”Ricky said,of course it’s fun for him because he doesn’t have problem with Cho Hee,he had been Cho Hee all time favourite appa,the little girl even had holding on him until now.

And now the idol group will start their mission with the babies.What could it be happen with the idol group featuring the two babies with different attitude?



After the first episode being broadcast to the public,Teen Top fans,Angel leave a comment for it.

‘ I wonder how is Ljoe doing now after Chung Hee ruin his composing work sheet?’

‘Ah,Ljoe himnayeo,angel will be with you,’

‘Chung Hee is naughty,Cho Hee is cute.”

‘These babies are just so lucky to be able to be taking care by Teen Top.

‘Ah!I want to be the babies!’

‘I had been waiting for this for so long!HELLO BABY TEEN TOP SEASON!YEAY!^^’

‘Cho Hee remind me of Dayoung but she looks cute like Lauren. ‘

‘The babies’ eomoni know to play game.’

‘Ricky and the baby!’

The show just being broadcast without editing just as original as how they are film that day.It’s a good feedback that the PD-nim of Hello Baby received a lot of good comments.

Message from author-nim:Ah~sorry for waiting this long...this chapter apparently just randomness,i think? 

By the way,lets be friend,follow my twitter : babyricky1004 mention me for follow back...:)

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i will update it as soon as possible..i promise


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Chapter 13: Yay your still alive!!! >< Lol sorry for my randomness, but I am glad that you are back. ^^ Good job on this chapter!! ^^v
Chapter 13: its okay take your time !! I really thought you gave up welcome back !!
GhastlyNight #3
Chapter 12: Kyaah~ Update soon Author-nim~ XD
001katje #4
Mblaq is my favorite season too :p I wonder what will happen if Teen top joins the programe :p
Chapter 12: What really? Omg I really hope its true!!!!!! ><
Chapter 12: eonnie chanhee XD
elien23 #7
Chapter 8: how i wish that teen top will be in hello baby
pleeeeeeeeeeeease update fast author sshi this fic is just tooooo darn good i'm rereading this fic again for the 5th time
love you author sshi:)
Chapter 8: awwww so cuuuute <3 <3 <3
oh how i want Teen Top to have a Hello Baby season...
and you just uppdated this....and uppdated again??
Loooove you, author-nim~<3
Omfg you're an awesome author!!! You have no idea how i want teen top to be on hello baby!!! It will really be so funny! Anyways you're really great! Update soon!! ♥
Chapter 5: kya new update *___*
soooo cute :3
update soon please! :)