Teen Top's Dorm



*Teen Top’s Dorm*

“YAH!YOO CHANG HYUN!DID YOU EAT UP MY ICE-CREAM AGAIN!?!”the power voice Chunji scream out while holding an empty ice-cream box to the living room while the members  look at him blankly.

The lovely boy ,Ricky came out from his room,”Ani,I didn’t,”with some innocent and puppy eyes to show his hyung that he didn’t eat up his hyung’s ice-cream without permission.

“Hyung,you’re so lousy in lying.Just admit it before ChanHee hyung slice you in pieces,”the maknae come out from the bathroom,pass through Ricky who stand at the hallway and show a hand sign pointing at Ricky’s mouth side.Just as the lovely boy realised that there’s still ice-cream left at his mouth side after he eat up his hyung ice-cream.He forgot to wipe his mouth.


“You have no where to go now,YOO CHANG HYUN!”Ricky storm into his room quickly and lock up the door.”I’m sorry,hyung,I will buy you back one.Please forgive me!”Ricky shout out for forgiveness from inside of the room while ChanHee slapping on the door and turning the door knob hardly.

“YAH!IF you’re sorry for it,you shouldn’t eat it up at the first place!OPEN UP THE DOOR!”Chanhee is way too mad of the visual maknae as he had did this all over for many times.Ricky always eat up the member’s food without permission .And,it always end up being scolded by the members.But ,this time Chan Hee had over it,he can’t stand it anymore of how glutton the visual maknae is with eating up all his food without permission and always repeat the same things or saying sorry and forgive him but after that ,he still did it.”OPEN UP THE DOOR AND LET ME SLICE YOU INTO PIECES!”Chanhee is still in the middle of temper with knocking the door and kicking the door.

“ChanHee-ah,just let him be.If you keep cursing like that,he won’t even open up the door,just wait after this when he came out,”the blonde guy who sit on the floor with eating Pepero and online-ing cut off the noisy door knock.

“L.Joe Hyung is right,just let him be,he will came out after this,”the maknae agreed with what his hyung said – holding a can of cola from the kitchen.

ChanHee stop knocking the door and give a last kick on the door before he came over to the others,”I will make sure he turn into slice when he came out,”still cursing the visual maknae.

“By the way,did you see MinSoo hyung and Niel hyung?”the maknae ask his two hyungs .

“Ani,”L.Joe shook his head.

‘Who’s know?Maybe they go out for date?”ChanHee diss the two members who are not at the dorm right now.

“Hyung,that’s so gay,”the maknae trembled with his hyung words.

After a few hours,the 4 members stayed at dorm.The leader and main vocalist still not back yet.And,so do the lovely boy still doesn’t dare to step out from his room.

“Yah,hyung,open up the door,I want to get something from Niel hyung’s wardrobe,”the maknae try to trick his hyung to come out from the room.Ricky and Niel share the same room.

“Ani!I won’t come out until ChanHee hyung cool down,”Ricky resist to come out from the room.

“But,ChanHee hyung had forgive you,”trying to trick his hyung to come out under the order from ChunJi at the other side.The maknae just follow what his hyung told him to do.

“ANDWAE!”Ricky shout out.

“ChangHyun-ah,hyung had forgive you..really..I really had forgive you..So,now why don’t you come out?”ChanHee said it by his own.They heard a footstep from the room.Ricky had got tricked that he step forward the door.

“Jinjja,Hyung?”to make sure the hyung had forgive him,he doesn’t open up the door yet but still speak through the door.

“Ne,jinjja,”Chanhee smirked that he smell of victory of his prey had step into the trap.

However,instead of open up the door,Ricky just open a little of the door with a gap of it and peeking of outside to see whether his hyung had forgive him or not,”Then,I won’t have to buy you back the ice-cream,right?”Ricky said between the gap of the door.ChanHee nodded even he doesn’t mean it at all.

“Then,can I eat your food again next time?”Ricky is being over already.

“Ye….wait - WHAT?!?”Chanhhe is about to nod again for the next request but he can’t stand of how over the younger one is and just storm into the room with pushing hard the door.”YOU’RE GOING TO DIE WHEN I’M IN!”the both push the door hardly.Ricky try to protect himself with all his energy of pushing the door to make sure his hyung doesn’t come in and slice him into pieces.”Hyung!I STILL WANT TO BE ALIVE!I WANT TO IN LOVE!I WANT TO EAT MANY FOOD IN THE WORLD!I WANT TO HAVE SOLO CONCERT!DON’T KILL ME!”With all his energy,the younger one refrain the door.

However,the elder one is way more stronger when he is burning on fire.with a kick he kick the door open and Ricky fling out to the bed.”I said I will got you!”Ricky got up from the bed and ran for his life around the room while throwing the pillow towards his hyung from getting into him.

“I’m sorry,hyung!It won’t be next time!I swear!”still throwing the pillow towards his hyung while his hyung chase him.

The other two members just left the two in fight and back to the living room while watching the TV until someone rang the bell.

“I’ll get it,’the maknae volunteer and walk towards the door.

“We’re back!’the leader and main vocalist had back from their ‘date’.

“You two,where’d you gone?”the blonde guy notice the two with happy face,”Having fun with date?”he teased.

“Yah!WHAT!?!”Niel the main vocalist give a shock face and turn to the leader.”NO WAY!He is not my cup of tea…I’m straight,alright,”while walking away from the leader and throw himself to the comfy couch.”Much better now,”Niel looks so tired.

“And,you aren’t my cup of tea either,” put out his scarf from his neck and directly walk to his room and on the way to his room.He saw a mess on the hallway with pillow and clothes along the hallway.”What’s going on?”he ask the blonde guy but he turn over and not answer then the leader turn to the maknae and the maknae isn’t answer either.

Niel was curious of what going on and get up from the couch and get to see what’s going on with the mess.

“Hyung-ddeul!You’re back!”Ricky with his clothes all torn out came out from his room.

“Hah,this is it,”follow up with ChanHee who came from behind with nothing torn and with a wallet on his hand.Walking out from the room happily and satisfied.

“Yah,hyung!NO!That’s mine!”Ricky storm out from the room to get his wallet from his hyung.

“This is the payment of you eat my ice-cream without permission,”ChanHee resist to give it back to the owner.

“But..but..that’s ice-cream didn’t cost that much.My wallet had credit cards and a large amount of money that my mum given for me as pocket money.How can you take it just like that?”Ricky stomp his feet while complaining of how cruel his hyung is to take his wallet.

“This isn’t just about my ice-cream but other member’s food as well.I will keep this for you for a month from now on just in case you’ll eat up someone food again without permission and it will deduct from your pocket money.If you still do it then I will keep this for more months,”Ricky doesn’t felt fair of how cruel his hyung do to him at all while stomping his feet and walk to his room and pick up all the mess.

“ChanHee-ah,that’s way to cruel.You’re taking his money just like a thief,”the leader can’t stand of how his dongsaeng had done to the visual maknae.

“Ne,Hyung,this is too much for ChangHyun,”Niel also stand on the leader’s side.

“This is for our own good and his own good too.If he still like this eat up people’s food without permission,he will became a food thief,”everyone turn to ChanHee with a blank ly.

“Food thief?”they said in united.

“Yes,food thief…see how he taking our food without permission,that’s a thief’s action and behaviour..so we have to stop him before he became serious,”ChanHee start with his non sense reasons while the members ignore him and back to their own business.


So,this chapter kinda like introduction as well...

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i will update it as soon as possible..i promise


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Chapter 13: Yay your still alive!!! >< Lol sorry for my randomness, but I am glad that you are back. ^^ Good job on this chapter!! ^^v
Chapter 13: its okay take your time !! I really thought you gave up welcome back !!
GhastlyNight #3
Chapter 12: Kyaah~ Update soon Author-nim~ XD
001katje #4
Mblaq is my favorite season too :p I wonder what will happen if Teen top joins the programe :p
Chapter 12: What really? Omg I really hope its true!!!!!! ><
Chapter 12: eonnie chanhee XD
elien23 #7
Chapter 8: how i wish that teen top will be in hello baby
pleeeeeeeeeeeease update fast author sshi this fic is just tooooo darn good i'm rereading this fic again for the 5th time
love you author sshi:)
Chapter 8: awwww so cuuuute <3 <3 <3
oh how i want Teen Top to have a Hello Baby season...
and you just uppdated this....and uppdated again??
Loooove you, author-nim~<3
Omfg you're an awesome author!!! You have no idea how i want teen top to be on hello baby!!! It will really be so funny! Anyways you're really great! Update soon!! ♥
Chapter 5: kya new update *___*
soooo cute :3
update soon please! :)