The babies spend the day with the sleepyhead leader


It had been a  few weeks ever since the babies spend their day together with the idols and the babies seem very comfortable around the idols and even get even closer to the idols.The idols as well being behave themselves in front of the babies without using any violence or abusing towards each other.The babies seem very safe together with the idols by now after a few weks of spending together in the Teen Top dorm.The PD-nim had promise that if the idols can get over these weeks without any problem then the Hello Baby show featuring Teen Top will be broadcast soon.The show will be broadcast by the next day.

Early in the morning,the hetereoual twins had been send to Teen Top dorm just like usual.However,today some of the members will go back to their house to have a family gathering and some of them will have to attend for the class in University.They're idols yet they also are students who need to go to school when they don't have any schedule.So,today babysitter for the hetereoual twins will be the leader alone.Since the others need to attend for class and osme of them will be going back to their house to pay a day visit to their parents.

"Changjo-ah,have you done?I need to get the subway before too crowd,"the two maknaes will be pay a visit of their parents,Ricky will be go back to his home while ChangJo's omma and his noona had come to Seoul to pay a visit of him.They're living quite miles away from Seoul and it's like once in a blue moon that ChangJo will have reunion with his family.The two maknaes will be take a lift together by the subway to the town.

"Ah,ne ne.."the maknae walk out from his room with his backpack and ready to take a leave together with the lovely boy.Before they take a leave,the two maknaes give a goodbye kiss for the babies,"Oppa,where're you going?"the little angel Cho Hee ask the lovely boy as she seen them taking their backpack and saying goodbye to her.

"Oppa, will go out for a second and will be back when Cho Hee come tomorrow,"the little angel immediately changed her expression when Ricky said he will be off for one day and can't play with Cho Hee for a day.She pouted sadly,"Wae?No one play with Cho Hee then,"Ricky pats her head.

"MinSoo appa will be playing with you two today,"Chung Hee immediately cut off - "MinSoo appa BWOYA?"the kids doesn't remember the leader's name as he didn't even play with them for these few weeks when the kids come.

"That's MinSoo appa,"ChangJo point out at the sleepyhead leader who laying on the couch again with his arms folded and his cap cover his face - the leader love cap until he wear it even inside the house.The babies together turn to the leader and shrugged.

"I don't know him..he is a sleepyhead,"Chung Hee the little brat didn't behave of what he said at all yet the idols didn't blame him since it's part of their job to teach Chung Hee to behave himself during broadcasting.

"Alright,ChangJo oppa and I really have to go now,Cho Hee,"the little girl stop Ricky by holding on his hand and showing aegyo towards him of begging him not t go,"Oppa,promise to buy you big lollipop when Cho Hee come here tomorrow,alright?"even though Cho Hee doesn't want to let go of Ricky's hand but she can't resist the sweets.The two maknaes just leave by that while the babies waving to them while they walk out from the door."Bye bye!"unlike Cho Hee her brother just waving happily towards the two maknaes when they leave.

Right after the two maknaes leave,there's the thick lips appa who going to leave as well for his school.He got a test for today and he have to attend it."MinSoo hyung,I leave the kids to you.ChanHee hyung and ByungHun hyung just send a message and told me that they have something to do today and not coming back before tonight,"MinSoo thought it will be the ChunJoe who will be with him in the dorm today and didn't thought of that they suddenly have some plan and leaving the babies to him.The leader could understand  the maknaes had plan for today as they had told him last night but the ChunJoe didn't even told him last night they will busy for today.The leader immediately got up like a waking corpse.

"WHAT!?!"Niel got shock by the leader sudden yell out.

"Hyung!You scare me!"Niel yelp while rubbing on his chest of getting shock by the leader,"Byung hun hyung just kakao me and told me that he will be return to his home to pay a visit of his parents and his two puppies.ChanHee on the other hand will be staying at his university for revision for his upcoming test.So,hyung will be at dorm with the babies,"Niel continue.

"But,why?what?I don't want to take care of these two babies by myself.I have to sleep,"Minsoo is being unreasonable ,having the excuse of sleeping to get rid of look after the babies.

"Hyung!Just less sleep and look after the babies.I have to go now before I late for the test,"Niel leave right away after wear on his shoes.

"Bye bye thick lips appa,"Chung Hee waved to his thick lips appa for goodbye as he walk out.

"Bye bye,be a good kids,ara"Niel waved back.

As all the members had leave the dorm,there're just left the hetereoual twins and the sleephead leader.MinSoo look like a mental breakdown when seeing the two babies who he will sacrifice his sleep for today and have to look after them.As soon as all the members are leaving,the two babies start to bothering the sleepyhead leader to play with them.

"Appa,let's play swimming in the pool,"Chung Hee grab the plastic swimming pool which he brought from his home and immediately asking MinSoo to build it up and play with water.However,Cho Hee didn't like to swim.She pulling MinSoo's on the other side and whining cutely.

"Appa~Cho Hee want to have kitchen play with appa.Cho Hee want appa to be the only customers to taste Cho Hee's food,"Cho Hee whined while point out at her kitchen play set on the other side.

"Appa want to play water with Chung Hee not you Cho Hee,"the kids start to quarelling again beside MinSoo's ears in both side.

"Ani,appa will be my customers to eat Cho Hee's cooks,"Cho Hee also insist of play kitchen play with MinSoo.

The two babies shouting loud to each other while the leader just in between and almost get deaf because they shout in both side of him while pulling him to right then left and right then left again.MinSoo almost tear up from being pull by the babies.Under the circumstances,MinSoo out of the blue figure out something to make the babies to be quiet and won't play anything or do anything.

"Shh..."MinSoo told both of the babies to be quiet first.The babies immediately keep it down and silence while sit back.

"How about we play a new game with appa today?"MinSoo suggested - the baies got hyper again when MinSoo mention about new game.They get nosy again and keep asking what's game is it.

"What is it?"Chung Hee grabbing MinSoo' arms excitedly and asking follow by Cho Hee as well on the other side,"Appa,is it a game more fun then playing water and kitchen play?Please tell us."they pleaded the leader to tell them what kinda new game does he mean.They are more excited to know about it.

"It's a game of being silent.Whoever being the most quiet one will be the winner at the end,"MinSoo explained - the babies show a bored expression once they know of the so call new game by MinSoo.

"How about whoever stay quiet the longer ,they will have many many candies and chocolates as awards?"MinSoo suggest and the babies completely change their expression from bore to interested with the game.

"NE!"they said in unitedly when they heard about the awards is sweets..Many many sweets.The babies love sweet like other babies do.

"Alright,from now on no one can talk and just stay quiet while appa will be sleeping quietly,"MinSoo's trick work with the kid that he finally able to sleep peacefully without anyone disturbing him.He laid back to his cozy couch in a sleeping position and close his heavy eyes.The babies as well followed up what he does as this is the way of keeping quiet.Chung Hee laid on the bed that place on the floor which they use to take a nap at.Cho Hee as well follow what her brother do and laid next to each other quietly.

However,when the sleepyhead appa finally asleep,the babies still rolling over their little bed on the floor.The babies is unexpectedly hyperactive that they don't even want to sleep.They keep on rolling on the floor until the boredom had really got them.The game isn't that as fun as they expected at all.

"APPA!!wake Up!"Chung Hee got up and tapped on the sleepyhead appa.Tapping him to wake up and play with them.

"Appa~"Follow up with Cho Hee who shaking MinSoo's dead sleep body on the couch.

Minsoo finally awake because of cant stand of the babies keep on babbling next to his ears while shaking him non stop,"What is it again?"he yawn in unconscious condition while scratching his back head.

"Appa,lets play with the water,"Chung Hee still insist of his previous game that he want to play meanwhile Cho Hee as well bothering to play with her kitchen play,"Appa,kitchen play ,kitchen play,"she whined.The two babies arguing of what to play ,bothering their sleepyhead appa beauty sleep again.

"Don't you want sweets as the awards?"MinSoo too insist of sleeping than playing with the kids.

"Ani!Chung Hee want to play with water!"the kids complained,"Cho Hee want to play kitchen play with appa!"

Minsoo can't stand with the kids keep babbling again of what to play and finally give up with his sleep and play with the kids,"Hold up!"the babies shut their mouth immediately ,"Lets play both for today,"the kids got excited in celebratory mode when MinSoo said to play with them.

MinSoo help Chung Hee to build up the plastic pool by pumping it with air,"Appa,ppalli!"Chung Hee rush MinDoo who is pumping the pool right now with energy less and sleep face with yawning,"Ne,"MinSoo still can't give up with his sleep ,he still thinking of sleeping.After wards,he get the filled up warm water from the shower room and pour it to the pool again and again until its filled up with water and ready to be play.

"yeah!"Chung Hee cheer for the pool that had done and get ready to jump into the water and play with his water gun and rubber duck inside the pool.MinSoo leave him playing in the pool while he head off to Cho Hee who want to play kitchen play with him.

"Welcome,customer-ssi,"Cho Hee really put effort by playing the role as part of her kitchen play by acting a waiter to chef who cook.Cho Hee held on MinSoo's hand and lead him to a seat,"Here,appa,here,"she pull the small chair that only suit MinSoo's half hip for him to sit on before took out the so called menu for MinSoo to look at and take order,"What would you like to eat today,customer-ssi?"Cho Hee act professionally-she really into her own role.

"A lunch set,please,"MinSoo order - Cho Hee act like jotting the order and immediately go to cook for MinSoo.

"Ne,please wait for a second,"MInSoo yawned and his heavy eye about to shut while waiting for Cho Hee to play cooking in her so call kitchen.Sudddenly,Chung Hee jump out from his pool with his water gun pointed at MinSoo.

"Freeze!"Chung Hee act like a robbery this time with his water gun point at MinSoo's head.

"Bwoya?"MinSoo don't get of what happen why Chung Hee suddenly jump out from his pool and point the water gun at him.

"Bang~"Chung Hee shoot the water from the water gun to MinSoo that's make him get wet with water.

"Bwoya!"MinSoo yelped out because of sudden attack by Chung Hee.Chung Hee just laughing happily .

"You suppose to be dead now afte I shoot you,"Chung Hee said - MinSoo is a temper right now because suddenly got attack by the little boy.He always be the bad tempered and that's why the maknae ,ChangHyun of their group always get hit by him because ChangHyun always teasing him like how Chung Hee did.He will only target atChangHyun.

"What the-"MinSoo almost shout at Chung Hee before Cho Hee done with her food to serve MinSoo.

"Yah!get out from my restaurant and don't disturb my customer!"Cho Hee shoo-ing her brother from her so call imaginary restaurant.The little boy just ran away back to his pool and didnt even apologized after what he did to MinSoo. 

"Here,your meal,customer-ssi,"Cho Hee place the so call food in front of MinSoo and MinSoo pretend to eat it in delicious way to co-operate with Cho Hee's play.

"Uhmm..yummy,"MinSoo praised - making Cho Hee form a big smile of her face of how satisfied she is that MinSoo love her cooks.She lean close to MinSoo and give a kiss on his cheek as to say thanks.

"Appa,Jjang!Saranghae,"the little girl said cutely to MinSoo.MinSoo form a smile of his face.

Meanwhile,the naughty Chung Hee come over for a sudden attack again,"Bang!"he shoot MinSoo with his water gun again.MinSoo cnt take it anymore but to get up and take his revenge from the little boy.

"Grrr...I will get you this time.Run for you life!"instead of being sleepy again,MinSoo become more conscious now that he ready to play with the kids already.He is full with energy now to play with the kids.Even during performing on stage,he also dance lazily but this time MinSoo look like a different person that he into play with the kids for today.Perhaps,he had heal his sleepyhead disease.

The day just past like that until the other members return to the dorm while the two babies had return to their real parents and home.MinSoo got really exhausted after a day of playing with the two boisterous kids who never get tired of losing energy.

"I'm back!Uwah!"Niel just return from his test and obverse ing the surrounding of the living room.Its all messy until there's isnt pathway to walk through the living room.

"We're back!"followed up by the two maknae's who come back together.

"Wow!Hyung!what had happen?"ChangHyun tapped the dumbfounded Niel who get numb in front of the messy living room.

"Our dorm got robber when we all out?"The maknae added when seeing all the mess with his hyungs.

Niel just shrugged and know nothing as he just return from school and what he first see is all the mess in the living room."Where's MinSoo hyung?"ChangHyun ask when they observe the living room and there's no presence.

"Oh yea,where's he?"Niel added.

The three try to create at least a pathway to walk to their room.The mess is really unbelievable that's the floor is watery while the plastic pool didnt folded up yet.Meanwhile,the kitchen play also didn't tidy up yet with all the equipments on the floor.Water guns as well on the floor while tissue papers too messing up on the floor.It's all mess in their living room.Even the stuff lover idol,ChangHyun's YongYongie also found on the floor next to the water pool.

"Aaahhhhh,YONGYONGIE,"ChangHyun immediately go to save his stuff toy - clean it up before bring it to his room."Yah!just who the hell did all of these mess and even step on my favorite YongYongie."

"Lets find MinSoo hyung and find out what happen,"Niel ordered and they walk to the rapper's room and find out the leader dead sleeping body on his bed.

"What the-!"ChangHyun head over to his hyung and slap on his arm to wake him up."YAH,hyung!Wak Up!"

"BWOYA !"MinSoo shout out loudly for the sudden slap by ChangHyun- he hate it someone disturbing his sleep again.

"Hyuhg,what happen to the living room?our dorm got robber?"the maknae immediately ask of what had happen today.

"It's nothing,just clean it up and stop the ty complaining!I didn't have sleep for the whole day no.Just get out and clean up the mess!"The leader reprimanded his dongsaengs and push them out from his room to get back to his sleep.

The babies whole day spending with the leader had made him doesn't even got the chance to sleep properly.Its like a breaking record for the leader that didnt sleep for whole day.Thanks to the babies who making the leader didnt become sleepyhead at least for a day.

However,there's still a long way for the idol group to go by looking after the babies.MinSoo sacrifice his sleeping time for only one day is nothing to compare for the future of broadcasting the Hello Baby show.The idol group will face of a few challenge by taking care of the babies soon.

Here,the update after a long time..sorry for not update it..

For the next chapter,TEEN TOP will start filming HELLO BABY with the babies already..

A lot of activities that the babies will do the idol soon...

please subscribe and comments,Kay...

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i will update it as soon as possible..i promise


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Chapter 13: Yay your still alive!!! >< Lol sorry for my randomness, but I am glad that you are back. ^^ Good job on this chapter!! ^^v
Chapter 13: its okay take your time !! I really thought you gave up welcome back !!
GhastlyNight #3
Chapter 12: Kyaah~ Update soon Author-nim~ XD
001katje #4
Mblaq is my favorite season too :p I wonder what will happen if Teen top joins the programe :p
Chapter 12: What really? Omg I really hope its true!!!!!! ><
Chapter 12: eonnie chanhee XD
elien23 #7
Chapter 8: how i wish that teen top will be in hello baby
pleeeeeeeeeeeease update fast author sshi this fic is just tooooo darn good i'm rereading this fic again for the 5th time
love you author sshi:)
Chapter 8: awwww so cuuuute <3 <3 <3
oh how i want Teen Top to have a Hello Baby season...
and you just uppdated this....and uppdated again??
Loooove you, author-nim~<3
Omfg you're an awesome author!!! You have no idea how i want teen top to be on hello baby!!! It will really be so funny! Anyways you're really great! Update soon!! ♥
Chapter 5: kya new update *___*
soooo cute :3
update soon please! :)