
300 days drabble challenge




We were in the bus going back to my house as we always did. He’ll be visiting my sister, who’s his girlfriend, but he was nervous, I could tell. His hands were shaking, just as his leg.

I tried to hold his hands into mines but he started styling his hair instead. I sighed.

It has been a week. A week since he stopped talking to me. We saw each other every single day of the week because he promised my sister to pick me up from school to go back to my house with me, but that week he’s been too busy to do it. 

“Sunhee-ah, I can’t pick Junhong-ah from school this week. I’ve got some things to do with the guys”

“What you’ve got to do?”

“Things. You know, the group needs my rap skills, haha. Talk to you later.”

That was everything they talked on the phone my sister told me. They saw each other, but not in my house anymore. And that was pissing me off, I usually did the homework with him or we played videogames together. It wasn’t fair!

“Yongguk hyung… hyung…” I called him, and he mumbled a tiny what without looking at me. I sighed again. “Why are you avoiding me?”

“What?” he said, finally looking at my eyes. He blushed violently while talking. “I’m not avoiding you, Junhong-ah. It’s just that… I’ve got a lot of things to do this week.”

“No you didn’t. I’m not stupid, hyung. Did I do something wrong? You don’t want your friends to see you next to me? Tell me, please!” I said and he chuckled, getting up from his seat. I looked through the window and there was my house.

“That I don’t want them to see me around you, Junhong-ah? I wish they’d do.”

“What? Why?” he smirked.

“Because I’ve told them that in your family the prettiest one is not your sister, and they didn’t believe me” he shrugged. “But I prefer them without knowing if it’s true; I don’t want any of them to try to flirt with you” he smiled widely and got off the bus.

“Wait, what?! Hyung? Hyung!”

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Chapter 7: update soooooooon^^