
300 days drabble challenge




I look at the sun rising from the distant skyline. It’s five am and I couldn’t sleep since I left the country.

America was wonderful, and my vacations as well. I was spotted a couple of times writing lyrics in cafés but I just had to sign some napkins and take a couple of pictures. I didn’t even surfed on the internet watching gifs or fancams about our shows; I had a relaxing free time for myself, without stress and schedules.

But now, with my irritated and sleepy eyes, I can’t think about lyrics or beats, or the beautiful sunrise I’m watching through my window.

I can’t think in anything, but him.

Was he okay? Was he eating? Was he having fun? Was he going to school? Did Himchan take care of him in my free time? I know I just went to America for a couple of days, but he’s too fragile for anybody taking care of him but me. Did he do his homework? Did he dance and have fun?

Did he miss me?

Half past five and the airman announced we’ll be landing at six. I became a nervous wreck packing everything on my handbag. Himchan said to me that they’ll be waiting for me on the airport.

Did they include him?

I almost ran getting off the plane. I got my bags and looked around.

Are them already here?

Was the manager coming with them? And if not, did he tell them the correct hour of my landing?

Where are them?

I started walking through the airport, looking at people’s heads, searching for five blonde guys.

Where is him?

A pair of hands capped my eyes, and I winced. The person behind me giggled a little and I smiled widely. Then I turned around.

There he was.

“Yongguk hyung, welcome to Korea!” he said smiling. He hugged me and even when I hate skinship, I hugged him as well.

“Jellybean… thank you. Thank you so much…” I broke the embrace. “Are you okay? Did Himchan take care of you? How are your grades?” he laughed.

“Shut up for a second, hyung, and hug me again.” I did as he told me and I felt him breathing on my neck.


“Don’t go away. Never again.”

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Chapter 7: update soooooooon^^