Lee Chaerin, I Still Like You (Lee Seunghyun & Choi Seunghyun's POV)

It Started With A Rose

A/N: This chapter is a combination of Lee Seunghyun and Choi Seunghyun's POV! It was originally two different chapters but I decided to combine them together.

Still 2 Years Before

Lee Seunghyun's POV

She still ignored me. Lee Chaerin still ignored me, but I didn't care. I was determined to make her smile again. I told myself that If I ever met the guy who left her that I'd beat him up. How could he make a girl like Lee Chaerin cry?

"Lee Chaerin!" I shouted to her in front of the classroom. "Yah Lee Chaerin look at me!" I began to make funny faces. She still ignored me. Under whelmed by her lack of attention I walked towards her desk.

"Yah, do you hear me bum?" She didn't say anything. I couldn't take it anymore. "Yah Lee Chaerin!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the classroom.

"Yah what are you doing?!" she exclaimed. "Let gooooo!". I couldn't let her beat herself up anymore. I was determined to talk some sense into her, with my mouth of course.

"Lee Chaerin why are you doing this" I exclaimed.

"Doing what? Yah do I know you? Who are you to me?" she furiously shouted.

"I'm Lee Seunghyun, the guy that will will be here for you, the guy that will make you smile again!" I shouted.

"Aish, this jerk!" she exclaimed while stomping on my feet.

"Yah I yelled. At least she talked to me. At least she didn't ignore me anymore.

As the days passed by Lee Chaerin started to open back up again, like a rose does in Spring. Before I knew it months passed by, Lee Chaerin still wasn't smiling but she didn't look nearly as sad as she did before.

A couple of more months passed by and before I knew it Valentines Day was already fast approaching. I wanted to do something special for her. Maybe she'll be able to smile again I thought. That night I ran to the market to buy a bouquet of roses. I was going to give it to her tomorrow and tell her. Tell her that I liked her.


I entered the classroom. "Lee Chaerin!" I happily shouted while running towards her. "I like you!" I smiled while giving her the bouquet.

She stared at me for a good 10 seconds."What to do? I don't like you!" she exclaimed while throwing the bouquet on the floor.

It's okay, someday you'll like me Lee Chaerin I thought to myself. I smiled, picked up the bouquet off the floor and placed it on her desk.


Still 2 Years Before

Choi Seunghyun's POV

I felt extremely bad for leaving Chaerin-ah that day. Looking back I did regret it. But it was what fate wanted that day. Maybe someday fate will bring us back together.

Lee Chaerin! Someday. Someday when I come back, and I will come back. I promise you that I'll never leave you again!

I had a new house, a new life but all I could think about was Lee Chaerin. There were plenty of girls at my new school. A lot of them confessed to me. But what do to do I only liked Lee Chaerin. I would use the same lie over and over again "Sorry I already have a girlfriend." Lee Chaerin wasn't my girlfriend, at least not yet. But I was determined to make her my girlfriend one day when I meet her again.

Time flew by fast, before I knew it a year and a couple of months had already passed. Lee Chaerin still didn't leave my mind though not even for a second. Perhaps fate was on my side that day as I just recieved word that appa had lost his job. So much for a better pay. The company he worked for was nothing but a fraud. How they survived for one year beats me. I sort of knew what this meant but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

My appa had no other choice but to resume to his old job. That meant that we were moving back. They informed me in the morning that we would be moving back but that we would have to find a new house since our old one was already taken. I didn't mind. All I could think about was Lee Chaerin. Was I finally going to be able to meet Lee Chaerin again? I went up to my room and searched around for it. The letter that Lee Chaerin had given me a year ago when she told me she liked me. I never got a chance to ask her out. I told myself I wasn't going to be scared anymore. That I was going to be a man and proclaim to her that I liked her, with words this time.

We set out back home, packing up everything. My omma seemed to be happy, she could finally reunite with her friends again. I on the other was even more ecstatic. "Lee Chaerin I'm coming so wait for me."

We arrived to our new house. It was still in our old neighborhood just a couple of houses away. I wonder who lived in our old house though? I helped unload things from the car into the house tirelessly then afterwards fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt about Chaerin-ah that night. We were holding hands and she told me how much she missed me and how much she still liked me. I told her the same thing and we walked endlessly into the night holding hands. Was this a good sign? I didn't know but I was determined to find Lee Chaerin tomorrow.

Coincidentally we moved back home just a couple of days before Valentines Day. I still remembered that day. How I had given her a rose to tell her that I liked her. I wonder if she got the message. I was going to surprise her again. I was going to give her a rose, a heart box filled with chocolates, and this time I was going to tell it to her face that I liked her, that I've always liked her and that I'll be here for her now.

After running towards the same market I went towards last time to buy the rose and chocolates I made my way to sleep, preparing for the day tomorrow. Lee Chaerin I'll make you mines tomorrow.

Morning came. School came. Valentines Day was today. I still hadn't registered for school yet so I was going to do it today. I grabbed the heart box filled with chocolates and the rose and made my way out the door. "I'm going to school now omma" I shouted. On my way towards school I met a guy. He introduced himself as Lee Seunghyun. We had the same names? I laughed. I could already tell that me and him were going to be good friends.

"Are you new here?" he asked.

"Yes but no." I answered back.

"I don't get it! Hyung" he replied back.

Hyung? We weren't even friends yet and he was already calling me hyung? I didn't mind however.

"I've attended this school 2 years ago but moved away. I'm back now though." I answered back.

"What's that in your hand? Are you going to confess to someone today?" he asked.

"Do you know a girl named Lee Chaerin, does she still go here?" I asked impatiently waiting for a response.

"Ah Lee Chaerin, she's a good friend of mines we have the same class." he cheerily replied back.

"Really? Can you maybe give these to her?" I handed my new friend the chocolates and rose.

"Sure." he replied back. Meanwhile I went to register. After registering I was taken to a classroom.

"Ah hyung over here" a guy shouted. It was Lee Seunghyun my new friend. I asked him if he had given the chocolates and rose to Lee Chaerin yet. He said she didn't come yet and that he'll give it to her when she does come. We talked for a couple of minutes when a girl made her way to the classroom.

"Hyung she's here I'll be back." he exlaimed while running up towards Lee Chaerin. I saw him give the chocolates and rose to her but it seemed like she didn't want to accept it. Lee Seunghyun for some reason pointed towards me. I finally saw her. Lee Chaerin, she was still as gorgeous as before. "Chaerin-ah" I exclaimed. But she didn't say anything, in fact she dropped the chocolates and the rose and ran outside. What's up with her I thought to myself?

I asked Lee Seunghyun what the matter was with her, he didn't know either. So we just talked for a while until she came back.

She walked towards us and smiled. "Chaerin-ah I'm bac......" I said to myself abruptly stopping. She hugged Lee Seunghyun and told him that she liked him. Was I too late? Did she not remember me anymore? Did she not who I was? Did she like someone else now? All of these questions were spurring in my head. Lee Chaerin do you not like me anymore? 

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~Ch. 12 is posted


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Chapter 12: Woohoo, I really really love this story,
owh uri Riri, I love him so much in this story, update soon authornim
Chapter 12: daebakkkkk <3
annie02 #3
Chapter 12: Gaawd i like seungri in this story, kkk update soon juseyo
Chapter 11: im so sure its seungri...
ahhh whats gonna be happen next ?
u left hanging author nim... T.T
i cant wait for the next update ^^
thanks for ur update author nim :)
Chapter 10: omgg author nim ure baacccckkkkk !!! :)))
yesssss keep continue this storyy pleaseeee !!^^
its really good !

ahhh is that she meet seungri at the movie ??
aahh it was short... T-T
update more author nim ^^
please update soooon! i like how you show each character's POV, it reminds me of the book FLIPPED :)
i_am_yoshi #7
I first saw your fanfic on ygladies and its been a while since you last updated but I really, really hope you continue this story I love it so much!!!!
dmarcolin #8
i really liked this fanfic, please update i wanna known what will happen :D please please please
CraazyFilipina #9
awh, she got used to Seungri`s prescence that she didnt realise she liked him too .. tough choice Chaerin-ah.
fierce_12 #10
omo.....she's falling for the other seunghyun...is she? i'll wait for the nest chapter, i never saw that coming