Chapter 10


Because of all the comments, Dongho will...




Chapter 10

Dongho's hand trembled, as he flung the pen down, almost tearing his notebook in frustration.

He has been sitting here for the longest time, yet he can't seem to write anything. In front of him, the tear-stained pages of the notebook were covered with hastily scribbled handwriting, the same phrase over and over again.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you...


"Wait for me, Soohyun hyung..." Dongho whispered, bringing the knife slashing down once more. The pain he expected never came, instead he heard a slight gasp as something warm thudded against his wrist.

His eyes flew open, "Kevin hyung?!" The younger boy took in the sight before him: Kevin, pain clouding his face, one hand wrapped tight around the blade of the knife. Blood was already seeping through Kevin's fingers, crimson red splattering the sand and Dongho's notebook. "Dongho... Don't do this..." Kevin managed to say through gritted teeth. "Please..."

"Hyung..." Dongho bit back the tears, tried to pull the knife from Kevin's grasp. "What are you doing? Let go!"

"No." the single word was firm, determined, even though Kevin's voice was filled with agony. "I won't let you hurt yourself..."

Dongho didn't reply, letting go of the knife and starting to cry, burying his face in his hands. Wincing as he uncurled his fingers from the blade and letting it drop into the sand, Kevin knelt down, embracing Dongho in a tight hug, ignoring the pain shooting up his arm with each move. "It's okay now, everything's okay now..."

Dongho leaned his head forward onto Kevin's chest, arms tight around his hyung's slender body, soaking his shirt with his tears. "Kevin hyung... I'm so... So sorry..." Kevin summoned a smile, his uninjured hand rubbing Dongho's back soothingly as the younger boy's body shook with each sob. "Cry all you want, Dongho. Cry it all out now..."

They sat there for a long time, until the glowing sunset sky darkened into deep blue, until Dongho finally stopped crying. He looked up, eyes slightly swollen, a concerned expression on his face. "Hyung... I'm fine now, but... Your hand..."

Kevin shook his head, ruffling Dongho's hair endearingly. "Nah, I'm alright. I'm happy as long as you didn't hurt yourself." He got up, throwing the bloodstained knife far into the sea. He brushed off his jeans, holding out a hand to Dongho, just like before. For the second time that day, Dongho took his hand, pulling himself up as they began the long journey to the clinic and back to the dorm.


Back at the dorm.

"Yahhh... Where did Kevin go?? It's been so long, why isn't he back yet? I hope maknae's okay." Alexander murmured, pacing around the living room worriedly. Kiseop glanced up from where he was on the sofa sitting in Eli's lap, his face twisted into a frown. "Hyung stop it, you're making me nervous too!"

Xander stopped for awhile, sitting down in an armchair for a few moments before his restlessness took over and he started pacing again. "Aigoo, I'm old already, they shouldn't stress me out so much... I could get premature white hair... Kibum ah!" he suddenly turned to the said boy, who was staring out the window. Kibum jumped slightly, moving so that he could see Xander. "What?"

"Call Kevin!"

Kibum rolled his eyes, holding up Kevin's phone to show Xander. "Xander hyung, if he had his phone with him, I would've called like maybe an hour or two ago." Xander ignored his sarcastic expression, already beginning to murmur to himself again.

Everyone looked up when the doorbell rang. Eli jumped up (well, not really jumping since Kiseop was in his lap but... you get the idea...), running over to unlock the door. "You're back!" Kevin stood in the doorway, Dongho clutching his hand, with the younger boy's hand holding an ice-cream. 

The members immediately started to assault them with questions, Kibum nearly knocking Kevin over when he hugged him fiercely. "What happened to your hand?" he pointed to the bandage wrapped around his right palm. Kevin smiled, leaning up to kiss Kibum lightly on the lips, stopping the older boy from asking anymore. "An accident. I'm fine." 

Dongho, meanwhile, was very much occupied with trying not to let Kiseop steal a bite of his ice-cream. The tense atmosphere melted away, soon replaced by laughter and smiles.




Months later.

A figure trudged through the snow, leaving footprints imprinted deep in the white powder. Making his way through the winding paths of the graveyard, before stopping in front of a particular grave. He crouched down, brushing snow off the cold marble, fingers lightly tracing the words carved into the gravestone.

Shin Soohyun, it read. 1989-2010

Dongho laid down a bouquet of flowers, as well as a photo frame with the cover of UKISS' new album in it. A gentle smile crossed his lips. "Soohyun hyung. How are you? These months... It's been lonely without you, but the other hyungs... They have been even nicer, even more understanding. There are two new members in UKISS, AJ and Hoon. We've just released our new album and it was a success..."

Tears burned at his eyes as he thought of their new song, of the role he had to play in their music video, but he forced them back, determined not to cry.

"Our music video... The director had me be the lead. And it was almost like deja vu... Eveything happening again. But the fans, they like it very much. Aren't you proud of me, hyung?"

He closed his eyes and he almost envision Soohyun nodding at him, a proud smile on his face. Of course I am. I'm happy for you, for the other members...

"I'll... I'll sing a bit for you to hear, okay?" Clearing his throat, Dongho started:

"I still can’t erase you, I keep thinking about you
I want to see you so badly, I can’t sleep at night
The sound of rain that thumps on the window of my heart
The spot that you gave up, I miss you so much
I can’t sleep at all at night..."

A pause as his eyes betrayed him, a tear trailing down his cheek.

"Hyung... Remember the story I wrote about us?" he placed the battered notebook down onto the grave as well, next to the flowers. "I've finished it. In it... The ending... It ended with a flashback of our first date. I let Kevin hyung read it, and he said it was good. So now, I'm giving it to you as your birthday present."

He stood up, getting ready to leave.

"Happy birthday Soohyun hyung. Love ya..."

And Dongho swore at that moment, he felt invisible arms hug him from behind, felt a warm breath tickle his skin.

Dongho ah, I love you too.



Yeah!hahaha I've completed my first fanfic:))) I realised that the last chapter and epilogue are really short so i decided to lump it together into one chapter:)again, i apologize for spelling and grammar and lameness... (and um I'm not sure if it snows in Korea in March but...anyways...)

Happy ending for you guys:)

So yeah, now my thanks to:

deathcease, YukiMary, fishykevinwoo, XxilovekpopxX, KevLene91, tinypanda, Vien1103, polkadotted, UkissSpider, lemonadelala, Kelly_97, nothings-over, Michi01 kookiesandkream, MaknaeDiva, shinpark11, Kpop_Addiction123, wings_halo, MaruSha

Thanks for subscribing and commenting~and reading even though the story is weird.... thanks to any silent readers (yeah i love you guys too)...

this is getting weird...

OK!before i get out of point, just wanna tell you guys that I have another story, Shining Star at this link:

please read and support too~i have a few oneshots coming up as well~

Ok.I think I'm done ranting here:) Once again, Gomawo~

Lotsa love,



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Hello ^^ I really love your Story (actually I read it twice and cried harder and harder OTL) and I would like to translate it into Vietnamese. Sure I wont changed anything XD Please reply me as soon as possible. Thank you
Great story
Goemas12 #3
Chapter 11: that was so sad and wonderful at the same time
Oh my gosh, such a heartwarming and teary story. TT_TT
Oh god.. Re-read and am in tears D; forgot how good a writer you are..
vinhui_ #6
S O B S I love this :')
vinhui_ #7
OMG I'm reading this in class and the prologue is so .... ;_____; sobsobsobs
Nardack #8
So I re-read this story since this is probably my favorite 2shin fanfiction and I hope you would write more about this pairing. :D