Our Little Kid Sehun

Hanging On A Thread

5. Our little kid Sehun

Junmyeon and Kris decided to close the café earlier to ‘celebrate’ Chanyeol’s comeback in Kris’s house, granting the staffs’ request which they thought would be hard to ignore or reject. They also told (just to avoid the word of warn) Chanyeol to work more diligently to pay all his absence in the last 3 months, including today.

“Well, Chanyeol, could you now tell us the actual reason of your leaving?” Jongdae asks, as he pours some more strawberry juice into his glass.

Chanyeol gulps the juice which is still in his mouth and nods, “Hmm, I was visiting my parents and planned to go back to Seoul at night. But my parents insisted me to stay for at least a month there.”

“They must be really missing you.” Kyungsoo adds, changing his sitting position so he can face Chanyeol.

Chanyeol sighs, “Hmm, I think so. I missed them too. But I need to get back to my business, don’t I? I begged pretty much to my parents so that they can let me go back to here, they don’t really want me to leave.”

“What did you say that makes them finally let you go?” Sehun asks curiously, Luhan finds it cute so that he pinched his cheek, but Sehun doesn’t give a damn because: 1) it often happens, 2) he likes it. Jongin rolls his eyeballs after seeing that scene, and then he pinches Kyungsoo’s cheek when Sehun is looking. Sehun once again doesn’t give a damn and merely sticks out his tongue in Jongin’s direction. Jongin replies Sehun’s act, ignoring Kyungsoo who is protesting while rubbing his pinched cheek.

Chanyeol pauses, taking a look at Baekhyun who’s playing with the strawberry, and then answers, “I really need to go back to work, and I have to meet someone who is really important.”

Jongin coughs, Jongdae laughs secretly, knowing who that ‘someone’ is. The rest realize it when they saw the KimJong brothers’ expression, and start making noises.

Baekhyun lifts his head and turns his head to look at Chanyeol who sits beside him. Chanyeol has been staring at him again and again but he doesn’t notice it until now.

Chanyeol smiles, “What are you looking at?”

Weird, but Baekhyun feels his cheeks get warm, and the people are also smiling at him weirdly.

“What?? What are you guys looking at??” Baekhyun asks with a cracked voice.

“Your cheeks, dude, your cheeks.” Sehun says, giggling.

Baekhyun’s eyes widen and he moves to see his face in the closest mirror. “HELL?”

“Yes, your face is burning like hell, I bet.” Says Jongin who smirks.

“I know that you’re really happy for finally meeting him again.” Suho adds, as he taps Baekhyun’s back proudly. “So that you couldn’t say anything but playing with the strawberries silently.”

“It’s not like that, hyung!” Baekhyun denies, he clears his throat before continuing, “I… I have a sore throat.”

“Hmm? Really? I don’t think someone who has a sore throat could scream in a very high pitch when he sees someone he really want to see.” Zitao speaks flatly as he drinks his juice elegantly.

Baekhyun briefly sends his best glare to Zitao and argues, “That’s why I have sore throat.”

Chanyeol  giggles, “So you have a sore throat because of me?”

“No. Chanyeol, I need to talk to you.” Baekhyun says, still in cracky voice, he moves awkwardly and walks before Chanyeol.

“Wow, thing is getting serious~” Yixing speaks, smiling suspiciously.

“What is getting serious?” Chanyeol asks innocently.

“You know—“

“YAH PARK CHANYEOL!” Baekhyun shouts, not giving Yixing a chance to explain anything to Chanyeol. Anything. Chanyeol immediately walks fast to Baekhyun after nodding to everyone.

“What is it that you want to talk about?” Chanyeol asks to the shorter, but instead of getting an answer, he got a hug. Chanyeol’s wide eyes grow wider because of it, the heart beats abnormally because of it, and the cheeks are burning because of it.

Baekhyun who is tiptoeing just to hug Chanyeol, suddenly got a support from Chanyeol by holding his waist. Baekhyun finally couldn’t hold the urge to cry any longer and lets his tears out, wetting Chanyeol’s shirt.

“What on earth is happening?” Chanyeol asks calmly.

Baekhyun snorts between his sobs, “What on earth… Me on earth was missing you so bad, stupid.”

Chanyeol laughs lowly, “So that’s why. You almost killed me, you know.”


“I couldn’t control my heartbeat when you suddenly hug me, I thought it’s going to explode.”

Baekhyun smiles to Chanyeol’s shoulder, where he’s burying his head at, and then mumbles, “Then I am going to explode with you.”

Chanyeol laughs again, he moves his hand to ruffle Baekhyun’s soft hair. “No, we’re not exploding. We have to live. Together?”

Baekhyun releases Chanyeol from his hug, Chanyeol is still holding on Baekhyun’s waist but Baekhyun doesn’t complaint, he just want to see the towering figure’s face in front of him.


“Hmm,” Chanyeol nods, slowly releasing Baekhyun from his hug, “but it’s okay if you don’t want to.”

“Who says, I want to.”

“So, we…?”

“DATING YEAH!!!” A familiar deep yet awkward voice echoes all of a sudden, making everyone throws him a hit, making the two jumps in surprise.

“OH SEHUN CAN YOU PLEASE ONCE NOT BEING STUPID? WE LOST THE MOMENT!!” Zitao shouts while continuously hitting Sehun’s forehead.

“YAH HUANG ZITAO! DON’T HIT HIM!” Luhan shouts furiously, causing Sehun to fall in surprise and shock. Luhan never shouted. Never. Everyone is shocked. Huang Zi Tao almost falls down.

Kris exhales before shouting as well, “YAH DON’T CAUSE PROBLEMS IN MY HOUSE!!”

“Excuse me? MY EAR IS HERE!” Yixing continues the shouts right to Kris’s ear.

“Oh, sorry, Yixing.”

Jongin snorts, “Soften when it comes to Yixing hyung.”

“You don’t say, Kim Jongin.” Kris says under his breath, Jongin merely puts his hands up to tell he surrenders.

“Are you guys done?” Baekhyun finally speaks after silently watching stupid men shouting to each other, a little bit annoyed.

“Yes, they’re done.” Kyungsoo says calmly.

“Thank you. Now explain, why do you guys peeking at us?” Baekhyun asks as he crosses his arms, Chanyeol merely look at the ten men.

“Uhm… Well, we’re just curious.”  Minseok, who hasn’t talked since their first arrival, finally speaks.

“Curious? You know that you’re gonna be told by us at last.” Chanyeol says.

“Well, okay, sorry. We’re gonna leave, continue.” Jongdae says lowly as he steps out of the site.

“No, we’re done guys… Now, Luhan and Zitao please say something. We don’t want hates come between us, right?” Baekhyun walks and squats to look at Sehun who’s still in shock. “Sehun, are you okay?”

Sehun shakes his head, “Luhan is scary.”

“No, Sehun, I’m sorry. I just…” Luhan joins Baekhyun, Zitao squats as well. Meanwhile the others are just looking at the miserable scene, shocked Sehun is really bad. He’s young and his mental is far younger than his age, and it’s bad to see him shocked, he seems really fragile.

“No. Don’t come near.” Sehun scoots over to avoid Luhan. Zitao pulls Sehun into his hug.

“Sehun, you can’t be like this. Don’t worry, I’m okay.” Zitao says, hoping that Sehun will not hate or afraid of Luhan because of him, or whatever. He hates ruining somebody’s relation.

“No. It doesn’t involve you. I… Kris hyung?”

“Yes, Sehun?” Kris says softly, not wanting to make Sehun hurts even more, he’s been considering Sehun as his younger brother for more than a year.

“Can I stay in your room for a while? I need… time.”

“Sure, take your time.” Kris smiles consolingly, “You know my room, don’t you?”

“I know, hyung, thanks…” Sehun stands up with the help of Jongin.

“Sehun, I’m sorry…” Luhan still trying to get Sehun’s forgiveness, but Sehun merely nods and walks with Jongin. Luhan can only lower his head.

“Luhan,” Suho walks to Luhan and pats his back, “You know that Sehun is ‘weak’, right? You know that Sehun is like a baby. Why did you shout in front of him? The Luhan that he knows is the soft Luhan. At least you have to maintain it in front of him.”

“I was just losing control, seeing Zitao…”

“I’m sorry about that, ge.” Zitao says, lowering his head.

“Don’t you hit him like that.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Well, well, I think the celebration is over, isn’t it?” Chanyeol says, putting his arms around Baekhyun’s shoulders, “The event now is apologizing each other. How?”

“I don’t understand, you said that we’re gonna saying sorry to each other?” Jongdae asks, scratching his forehead.

“Yeah, something like that. And let’s talk about each other’s hidden hates, and affections. I think it’s good to maintain our friendship.”

“He’s right.” Kris briefly says, can’t say more than the agreement.

Chanyeol then gives everyone a look, asking the other whether they agree or not, and they start nodding one by one.

Suho adds, “Not bad, let’s gather in your living room, Kris.”

“Sure, go ahead.” Kris gives the gesture of letting everyone walks first, they obey and starts walking to the leaving room.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun walk behind them, but still in front of Kris, so that Chanyeol manages to whisper to speak with Baekhyun.

“So, can you make it clear?”

“What to be made clear?” Baekhyun asks confusedly.

“We’re...uhm, dating?”

“No. No, Chanyeol. You know, I like you, I love you. But we can’t date. Can we just stay like this but... closer?”

“Oh, like best friend?”

“Yes, best of the best.”


Kris can’t hold his urge to smile widely –not wanting to laugh because he doesn’t want them to know that he was eavesdropping, their whispers are just too loud. And the words are also too silly. Best of the best...what?

“Oh, hyung, are you listening?” Chanyeol suddenly says to Kris when he realizes that he’s stil behind them.

“Nevermind, pretend like I’ve never heard anything. Or like you’ve never said anything in front of me. Enjoy.”

“Enjoy what?” Baekhyun asks, eyebrows raising.

Kris merely smirks and leaves the dumbfounded couple.


“Where is Sehun?” Junmyeon asks after counting the people who present, it’s only 11.

“He’s in my room, remember?” Kris says, then talks to Yixing again, happily. Leaving the jealous and feelings-are-mixed Zitao.

“Oh, right. Luhan, can you bring him here?”  Junmyeon commands, making Luhan gives him his most confused look.

“Didn’t you hear him? He asked me not to come near.” Luhan says, almost in a desperated tone.

Jongdae, all of a sudden, taps Luhan’s shoulder, making Luhan a little bit shocked.


Jongdae gives him his best smile first before saying, “Do you love Sehun or not?”

“I think we haven’t started the session yet?” Luhan says.

“Who says I’m in the session? Answer me.” Jongdae says in a serious tone, making everyone stays quiet –because it is such a rare situation, Kim Jongdae, talking seriously.

“Well…. Yeah?”

“Fetch him and bring him here.”

Meanwhile Luhan is still really dumbfounded, Jongdae briefly pushes him hard.

“YAH!” Luhan protests.

“No more shouts. Please.” Kris says lowly, Luhan merely nods and walks doubtfully to Kris’s room.


“Sehuna…” Luhan says softly as he opens the door, he got Sehun (maybe) sleeping, back facing him.

“Sehuna, are you sleeping?” Luhan walks towards the bed, and sits on the edge of it, near Sehun’s feet. “Sehuna, we are gathering in the living room now to do something like truth or dare game. Are you joining?”

Sehun merely moves his body, not answering anything, Luhan can only sighs. And for some moments, there were only silence between them, filling the room, until Sehun speaks, voice muffled by the pillow. “Didn’t you hear me?”


“Did not you hear my words to not come near?”


“Don’t you know that I was really surprised… and afraid.” And a sob suddenly can be heard after Sehun’s words.

“Oh Sehun, are you crying.”


Luhan tries to approach Sehun, but Sehun rolls to the other side of a bed, Luhan smiles a bit seeing Sehun’s cute act. But Luhan gives up approaching Sehun, he maintains his position and starts talking, whether Sehun would listen or not is the second matter.

“That was… I didn’t mean to shout in front of you or to make you afraid. I was really upset because Zitao keeps on hitting you, Sehun.”

Luhan pauses, nothing but Sehun’s sob as reply. But Luhan continues.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I care of you, but I couldn’t control myself. My mistake.”

Sehun merely sighs.

“Am I too protective? You don’t like it?”

Sehun shakes his head and hums a no, Luhan smiles, “Finally you’re answering.”

“Am I too weak? Am I too childish? Everyone seems worry about me much. And the other side, at times, they seem annoyed too.” Sehun starts speaking, but still not facing Luhan, and he’s still sobbing.

“You are stupid, that’s all.” Luhan says, laughing silently.

And that makes Sehun turns around, “You are mean!”

Luhan laughs again, “Because you are saying that they are annoyed to you.”

“So they aren’t?”

“No, all of us are annoying, not only you, so stop speculating and follow me to the living room.”

“N-no.” Sehun lays back to the bed, but Luhan quickly stops him.

“Let’s go out.” Luhan says, looking straight at Sehun’s eyes. “Yah, baboya, look at me.”

Sehun obeys, “What.”

“Let’s go out, to the living room. It’s a nice thing to do.”

“That truth or dare thingy?”

Luhan nods, and immediately pulls Sehun out of the room without waiting for Sehun to speak again.


“WOAH~” Chanyeol immediately claps when he sees Luhan comes with Sehun, making everyone turns around and claps for them too.

“Though I sometimes make fun of you both, I think I was the one who worries the most about your relation.” Jongin confesses, making Sehun laughs. “Why do you laugh??”

“I just can’t believe, is it real?”

Kyungsoo sighs, “I almost vomit hearing him saying, ‘Will Sehun and Luhan gets back together?’ ‘Will they be okay?’ ‘Omg I don’t want anything happen to them.’ ‘Please, Kyungsoo hyung answer me’…. OUCH! YAH!” Kyungsoo screams in pain in the middle of his explanation because of Jongin’s painful pinch.

“I’m sorry, hyung.” Jongin says innocently, then looks back to Sehun, “You shouldn’t believe Kyungsoo’s hyung.”

“But I always believe everyone except you.”

“And I heard you talking like that to Kyungsoo so clearly, Kim Jongin.” Baekhyun adds, Jongin briefly glares but Baekhyun only shrugs it off.

“Thank you, Kim Jongin.” Sehun says, smiling sweetly, making Jongin smiles too.

“Nevermind, just sit. We’ve been waiting for you to start! What were you doing there that it takes so long, huh?!”

Hearing Jongin speaking carelessly again, Sehun merely smiles again. Jongin is his best friend, and he will always be. Like Luhan that will always be his beloved brother, nothing can do them apart.

author’s note: hehe, hello. hehe. hunhan again. hehehe. my love to hunhan is increasing but it will never beat my love to baekyeol hahaha. hope you like it T___T i’m sorry again huhu :( please give feedbacks and thank you, i love you all♥

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23/4 - Hola! I'm sorry (again) for updating slowly :-( I am writing the fifth chapter rn, trying to give my all to this! Please wait. I love you T__T


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Chapter 5: So far, I like your ff. Good job author! XD
Hope you'll update sooner, but don't make it as pressure or something ^^ I'm waiting patiently
tippytoetao #2
Chapter 3: Love love love. Such a cute story. Will subscribe!
Arlene #3
Chapter 2: I loved that sehun got scared by chanyeol