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I love reading (ˆڡˆ) and I need more than 24 hours a day. I also have my own homework.. Really sorry for rarely check my notifications and reply the posts.

About Me

Hi! =D I'm aisha. U could call me just 'sha' or 'ai'. Its my 2nd acc, bcs have some trouble with the incorrect password before. I'm a multifandom and just got into kpop since 2009. That's bcs of my mom actually xD we like B2ST & Big Bang at first sight. But now, she likes Maroon5, MZ and more. She's still watching k-entertainment everyday. Sometime she's just wondering why her daughter really love kpop, could laugh or smile bcs of an idol, and have biases. I guess and hope she doesn't know that I cried bcs I can't watch their comeback/ performance in a music show or just watch their interview in some minutes. However she knows that I really disappointed when missed it. She doesn't know the system how fans can understand their idols deeply well & in daily, despite we have never meet them! Its worse! But that's more healthy than we don't have a heart to somebody. And welcome to amazing world in k-entertainment! I'm sha and nice to meet u all ~! :) *wanna know me well? Don't hesitate, ask me! My fb is Shais Meara, my twitter is  @ai_shaDJ my weibo acc is ai_shaDJ, pretty simple btw ^^