Heartwarming Beatbox

Hanging On A Thread

early note: plot with italic font is either a flashback or mind-saying ;) if it is really long, then it is a flashback! Chu~


 2. Next meeting: Heartwarming Beatbox

“Thanks for today, everyone!” Suho says to every staffs and Baekhyun, their singer. Then he turns to Chanyeol. “You did well in your first day, Chanyeol! Well done!”

Chanyeol smiles widely and bows to everyone who claps for him, “Thank you so much! I will continue to work hard!”

Kris walks toward Chanyeol and taps his shoulder proudly. “You’ve finally found a job.”

“Thanks to you, hyung!” says Chanyeol as he pulls Kris into his hug, and all of a sudden, a groan can be heard from Zitao.

“Whoops, I smell jealousy.” Kai mumbles and then snickers, but Zitao immediately takes a move to kick Kai, which makes Kai screamed in pain and glares at Zitao who is now smirking in victory.

Chanyeol immediately pulls away and turns to Zitao.

“I’m sorry, Tao!”

Zitao waves his hand and forces a smile, “Nevermind.”

Yeah, can you guess what happened earlier? That makes Chanyeol immediately apologizes to Zitao after hugging Kris? Here it is…


“Yeol hyung!” Jongin whispers to Chanyeol who’s cleaning the station.

“Yes, Jongin?”

“I want to tell you something.”

“Go ahead.” Chanyeol says as he put the cleaning-cloth on the station and sits beside Jongin.

Zitao who’s reading the magazine, catches their suspicious acts. He starts side-eyeing them and puts on his ears (not literally). Jongin who’s like having eyes in each part of his body, smirks and starts to speak a little bit loudly to Chanyeol.

“You know, hyung. Zitao gege is a possessive guy.”

“Possessive?” Chanyeol’s deep voice echoes to the whole room, makes everyone turns to them and raises their eyebrows. Chanyeol immediately covers his mouth with his hands and hums a sorry.

“Yeah. He’s possessive to Kris hyung.”

Zitao immediately moves closer to Jongin and is going to pinch Jongin when suddenly Chanyeol says “What??” loudly again.

“Hyung, can you… ouch!!” Jongin squeaks when Zitao pinches his waist. “Yah, what’s that for?!”

Zitao merely smiles and continues pinching Jongin without giving an answer. Jongin rolls his eyeballs and turns to Chanyeol again; ignoring the pinches he’s receiving.

“Yes yes, I’m telling you this so you can prevent yourself from receiving a sudden wushu kick from him.”

“Why?” Chanyeol asks, his wide eyes are really wide now, like going to poke out from the hole.

“Because you are close with Kris hyung, Tao gege will feel jealous and he’ll give you a wushu kick!” Jongin tells as he does an example of silly kicking.

“Ohh…” Chanyeol gives an appreciating expression and gives Zitao two thumbs-up.

“What?” Zitao raises his eyebrows at Chanyeol but keeps on pinching Jongin who seems doesn’t care at all.

“You are good in wushu, right? It’s great!” Chanyeol says brightly, still with his thumbs raising for Zitao, makes Zitao scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.

But when Zitao is going to say thanks, Chanyeol stands up and calls Baekhyun happily as he leaves the bar. Then he goes to Baekhyun who keeps on walking, pretending not to hear.

Jongin laughs, “Well, I conclude that he won’t take your Kris.”

Zitao can only hits Jongin’s arm and sticks out his tongue as he stands to serve a costumer.


“Whoa, beef. Are you really that possessive to Kris?” Baekhyun asks curiously, while Kris merely smiles, feeling embarrassed for the silly little panda.

“No! Ah, come on, why do you trust a guy like Jongin?” Zitao, once again, denies.

“He seems like a reliable guy.” Chanyeol retorts.

“Come on, Chanyeol.”

“Hyung.” Suho interrupts, Jongin snorts, ‘Suho hyung, you have done what I’ve always wanted to do! My Suho!’

Zitao rolls his eyeballs, “Chanyeol hyung.” He gives Suho a ‘are-you-satisfied’ look, then turns to Chanyeol. “He is not, okay? You are really innocent I think. Or maybe because you’re a new guy so you don’t know how the real Jongin is.

Baekhyun sighs, Zitao starts trying to make everyone stands for him, and it will take a long time. It’s already 10pm!

Baekhyun walks to Zitao and taps his shoulder, “Whether you are possessive or not, it will not affect me, okay? Can I go home now? I’m feeling not well.”

Zitao sighs heavily, “Oh, I feel bad for you, hyung. Okay, let’s go home now. But we’re not done with this yet, Chanyeol hyung. You gotta know how the real Jongin is.”

“Okay, I see.” Chanyeol smiles, and then bows to everyone. “Bye!”

“Bye, Chanyeol!” All of them answers and separates.

Zitao goes with Kris since they live together, with Yixing too and also another Chinese guy named Luhan, in Kris’s house; it is really his house and it is big. Kai goes with Suho because their houses are in a same way and not really far to each other. Meanwhile Baekhyun goes alone with his car, and Chanyeol is going to take a bus since their parents took the car with them for a 2-week holiday.

But then Chanyeol takes a glance at Baekhyun who walks slowly and weakly to his car, the tall guy immediately runs toward the smaller one and takes his wrist.

Baekhyun jumps a bit and glares at Chanyeol, “You surprise me!”

“I’m sorry…” Chanyeol pouts, then he look at Baekhyun again. Looking at his pale face.

“Are you sure that you are okay enough to drive it yourself?”

“Yeah, well. I feel really dizzy actually. But what can I do? My house isn’t really far from here, though.” Baekhyun says in hoarse voice, and then coughs.

“Let me drive for you.”


“I will drive you home.” Chanyeol says as he takes Baekhyun’s car keys from Baekhyun’s hand.

“What did you take to get here?”

Chanyeol merely smiles and opens the door for Baekhyun, he shoves Baekhyun gently inside the car and gets himself in.

“I was with Kris. My car is with my parents now in Ulsan.”

Baekhyun nods weakly and starts to close his eyes.

“You are that type who easily gets sick in a cold weather, I guess.”

“Ding dong.” Baekhyun mumbles a bell voice to tell Chanyeol that he’s right, still with closed eyes.

Chanyeol nods, he wants to talk more but he can’t force a sick person to talk too much. So he merely knocks the steering wheel and hums a song to kill the silence, and keep on following the track on the GPS.

Suddenly, Baekhyun snorts.

“You haven’t slept yet?”

“How can I sleep if you keep on humming like that?” Baekhyun opens his eyes and turns to look at Chanyeol who seems confused and asks why.

Baekhyun giggles, “You have a very deep voice, it makes the hums seems monotone. I think you better do beatbox, if you can do it. Let it be me who hum; you, do not hum.”

Chanyeol smiles, showing his perfect teeth again, “I can do beatbox! But are you sure you want to hear it? I thought you want to sleep.”

“Ah, sleeping in car isn’t really comfortable. And furthermore, I’m not feeling sleepy anymore. Just do it, I want to hear. Our Kyungsoo can do it too, I just want to know which one’s is better.”


“Ah, he’s Jongin’s close friend. You can say that they are an inseparable couple. Just like Luhan and Sehun.” Baekhyun explains, but when he catches Chanyeol’s confused face, he adds, “I think they’ll come tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sehun and Kyungsoo’s shift; Jongin will not come because he has to go to school, I don’t know about Zitao but based on what he told you earlier, I think he’ll come even though tomorrow is not his shift. And about Luhan, he will sing with me tomorrow. We will introduce you to them.”

Chanyeol only smiles.

“What? Why are you smiling?”

“You’re kind of talkative for a sick person.”

Baekhyun smiles sheepishly and hides his blushing cheeks, sometimes he can’t control his desire to talk.

“Sorry, I just…”

“That’s cute.”

Now Baekhyun feels his heartbeat goes faster. ‘No, this isn’t right.’

“Ah, your home already. It is near, just like what you have said. And… you haven’t heard my beatbox yet.”

Baekhyun, again, mentally slaps himself. “Oh, yeah. I have told you, right? Uh… About the beatbox. Tomorrow maybe?”

“Cool! Tomorrow. Can do battle with Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol smiles widely as he gets off of the car, together with Baekhyun.

“Yeah, battle will be really cool. By the way, where’s your home?”

“Six blocks from here.”

“Woah, really near. Why do I never see you?”

“I’ve just moved here 2 months ago. I was in Nowon.”

Baekhyun nods, followed by sneezes.

“Get in, Baekhyun. Before you freezes here and couldn’t come tomorrow. You gotta hear my beatbox.”

Baekhyun smiles, “Yeah, of course! Bye, Chanyeol. Good night.”

“Good night, Baekhyun. Get well soon!”

Baekhyun nods to Chanyeol and gives an eye-smile, looking at Chanyeol’s back which is getting further, smiles and goes into his house with a warm heart.

“Aish! Why is it so... AH!!” Sehun exclaims when a face with a creepy smile welcomes him to the cafe. “Who are you??”

“Hi, I guess that you are Sehun.”

“Yes... How can you know? Who are you?” Sehun says in fear, and is ready to run away. His parents always tell him to just run if he meets a stranger.

“I am Chanyeol. I’m a new guy here! Baekhyun told me about you!” Chanyeol gives Sehun his signature wide smile.

“Baekhyun hyung...? Uh, okay, hi. Nice to meet you.” Sehun still says in fear, his creepy face was really surprising.

“Cool! Nice to meet you, too!” Chanyeol says brightly and walks back to the bar; meanwhile Sehun walks toward Baekhyun and Suho with his eyes sticking on Chanyeol.

“Hyung! Why is that Chanyeol guy so creepy?” Sehun whispers to Suho, which makes Suho almost choked while sipping his coffee. Baekhyun also laughs and looks at Chanyeol who is cleaning the tables.


“Yeah, hyung! Didn’t you see that? He was right in front of me with a wide smile plastered on his face when I’ve just entered the cafe!”

Baekhyun still laughs; even more loudly, followed by Suho.

“Why are you guys laughing?! Oh my God...” Sehun touches his forehead to reduce his confusion.

“He is Park Chanyeol, our new barista,” Suho stops when he sees Chanyeol moves to clean the window. “...and cleaner.”

“I know that, but who brought him here?”

“Kris.” Baekhyun retorts.

“Kris hyung? Wow, how was Zitao’s reaction.” Sehun’s tone suddenly changes to the interested one.

“Well, you know that.” Baekhyun smiles at Sehun, which gets a smirk as reply.

“Get ready, Sehun.” Suho pushes Sehun lightly and looks at his watch. “Where is Kyungsoo?”

“He told me that he will come late because he’s trapped in a huge traffic jam.”

Suho merely nods and waves his hand to tell Sehun again to get ready; Sehun walks to the bar and takes his black apron. Ready to serve.


The bell upside the door dings when a wide-eyed guy comes, Do Kyungsoo.

“Kyungsoo, you are late.” Suho says as he looks at his watch.

“I am so sorry, hyung! Didn’t Sehun tell that I was trapped in a traffic jam?”


“Do Kyungsoo??”

Suho’s words are suddenly interrupted by another deep voice of Chanyeol. Kyungsoo turns his head and looks up at the tall guy with his round-eyes. “Yes? Who are you?”

“I am Chanyeol! Nice to meet you! I heard that you are good in beatboxing, and I can’t wait to have a beatbox battle with you!”

Kyungsoo’s jaw suddenly drops, Sehun silently saying “Creepy” from behind the bar. Suho and Baekhyun burst into laughter again. Chanyeol is really unexpectable!

“Uh...” is the only word that Kyungsoo can say; and that’s not even a word, though. He’s surprised enough by the tall guy’s sudden greet.

“How? Would you like to?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

Chanyeol gives Kyungsoo another smile and walks back to the bar. As Chanyeol leaves, Kyungsoo mouths at Suho and Baekhyun, ‘Who the hell is he??’

“New guy. You should say hi to him, Kyungsoo.” Suho says and smiles.

“How can?? He didn’t even give me a chance to say a word in our first dialogue.” Kyungsoo whispers and turns to look at Chanyeol who is giving a cup of coffee and makes the customer squeal “Ah, cute!!” by his smile.

“Who brought him here? And what’s that with beatbox battle thingy??”

“Kris. And that’s me who told him about that. Do it, Kyungsoo! I forces myself to get here just to see you two battling!”

“Gosh...” Kyungsoo buries his face in his hands and sighs. “I don’t even know when the last time I do beatbox was.”

“Kyungsoo, it was 3 days ago. Don’t be so dramatic.”

The clock tells that it’s the time to start the live music. They always start at 7pm, and that is the time when they get bunches of customers. Baekhyun and Luhan’s voice are really good so that everyone wants to hear and watch their performance. They usually perform with Jongdae too, but Jongdae is in hiatus because he will enters the university soon.

Baekhyun and Luhan are ready on their seats behind the standing microphone, smiles to every customer that has been waiting for them.

“Hello, everyone! How’s your day?” Baekhyun starts speaking before performing, Luhan gives them a sweet smile and continues Baekhyun’s words, “Hope you all are good.”

“YEEEES!!” The customers which almost all of them are girls, answers in a high pitch.

“Glad to hear that. Today, since we are reaching the end of the year, we will have a special performance. Kyungsoo, our multitalented guy, will do a beatbox battle with our new guy, Chanyeol!” Baekhyun announces in excitement, makes everyone claps and squeals.

“Please anticipate for the upcoming performance! But first, here we go, our first song for tonight. Caffeine.” Says Luhan as the light starts fading out, only the spotlights which shoots Baekhyun and Luhan that are . The melodious sound from the classic guitar starts echoing, followed by the heartwarming voices of the singers.


After a good performance by Baekhyun and Luhan which receives good responds as usual, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo walks to the mini-stage. Claps everywhere.

Before leaving the stage, Baekhyun taps Chanyeol’s shoulder, “Good luck.”

Chanyeol nods, “Thank you! And that was a really good performance!”

Baekhyun merely smiles, and walks down the stage.


“One two three!” Kris counts and Kyungsoo starts the beatbox battle.

Kyungsoo’s face may looks cute, but when he starts beatboxing. You will hardly believe that he is the cute Kyungsoo that you know. He will be really full with charisma.

The whole room is filled with the echoing beatbox of Kyungsoo and the harmonious claps by everyone. And when he finishes, everyone claps hard for him.


Chanyeol smiles and gives Kyungsoo two thumbs-up before starting, and when he starts, the room remains silent, paying full attention at Chanyeol, the new guy. Whose beatbox is amazing, cool, and great. Kyungsoo and the rest of the guys, remains silent with their mouths slightly opened. The customers starts whispering about Chanyeol’s skill.

Meanwhile Baekhyun being the one who thinks that Chanyeol’s beatbox isn’t cool, but heartwarming. Baekhyun starts accepting that he likes everything in Chanyeol, that everything in Chanyeol attracts him; even his silly wide smile and perm hair. His lips start curving on his face as he whispers, “Idiot. Enchanting idiot.”


author's note: chapter two!! Aaaaah I’m so sorry if it is not really good. I lost my inspiration and creativity in arranging words all of a sudden :( I hope you like like like it! Oh, and the song which was sung by Baekhyun and Luhan is Caffeine by Yang Yoseob of Beast! I picked it randomly heheheh. And I think it will be great if Baekhyun and Luhan sing it for real huhu. OKAY! That’s all! If you need any explanation, just leave me a message on my wall hihi. Comments and subscribes are love love!


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23/4 - Hola! I'm sorry (again) for updating slowly :-( I am writing the fifth chapter rn, trying to give my all to this! Please wait. I love you T__T


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Chapter 5: So far, I like your ff. Good job author! XD
Hope you'll update sooner, but don't make it as pressure or something ^^ I'm waiting patiently
tippytoetao #2
Chapter 3: Love love love. Such a cute story. Will subscribe!
Arlene #3
Chapter 2: I loved that sehun got scared by chanyeol