Getting to know each other (Part 5)

Journey with Kiyoto Makimura


Kathleen grinned at Kiyoto’s word. She followed him to the back to get changed. She secretly sighed in relief to see a knee length black skirt and white half-sleeve blouse with black&white ballet flats in front of her. At least she won’t get to wear anything y than she thought.

She nodded to Kiyoto when he grinned suddenly. “What a pity that you believe in such things like love…I would love to help you changing now.” She shot a glare at him who chuckled low before leaving the room and headed to the front.

“Honestly…” Kathleen muttered and shook her head disbelief.

Fifteen minutes later, she went back to the front and got a compliment from Kiyoto upon approaching him at the bar. She raised one eyebrow and giggled underneath. Seriously… he is actually pretty nice if he knows when to shut his mouth… She thought as Kiyoto handed her a tray of alcoholic drinks.

Kathleen approached the table he pointed at and set the glasses down carefully. She glanced towards the bar and noticed Kiyoto clapped his hands, grinning. And she knew he approved her right away.

Way to go! Cheered her inside and walked up to Brandy who had just started her brief explanation for the team about the reservation tonight. She listened to her carefully and scribbled down any information regarding the VIP guest she thought necessary. Kathleen found herself tilting her head and frowned noticing the name. “Harrison… why does it sound familiar…”

09.00 PM

The party was going smoothly. Kathleen was busy pacing back and forth with a tray on her hand. She was back now —for she didn’t know how many times— to the VIP table and about to place the glasses down when a hoarse voice floated and interrupted her.

“My… my… look who we have here…” she froze and turned her gaze to the direction of the voice came to meet with –now she knew who the VIP was— Mr.Harrison, who was flopping down on the couch in front of her, squeezed in between his colleague. He was the CEO of a large firm called Grunnings which made drills. “Where have you been…? I haven’t seen you around hotel anymore.” Asked him, smirking.

Mr.Harrison was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. He was one of the reason why she resigned from her previous job. True to say that he was a big spender and long-stayed guest in the hotel. Not too mention he was one of the shareholders too. But, it didn’t mean he could do anything he want right?!

He was notorious among female staff and a playboy too. He always bring different woman every night. Kathleen cursed inside of why on earth above all places that he was the one who should be here?! Gritted her teeth, she replied sharply, “… I resigned.” she then bowed and left.

Unexpectedly, he managed to squeezed himself out from the crowd and grabbed her by the wrist tightly.

“What the hell?!! Let go of me!!” Kathleen snapped, jerking her hand. He pulled her to the corner near Men bathroom and pinned her against the glass wall. He was all red and seemed drunk by the alcohol. Ugh… he stinks!

“You know what…” the big guy leaned closer and stared at her in the eye. “I left my wife for you… and It’s been too long since I’ve asked you out. Should I be more aggresive…?” and by those, he suddenly ripped off her blouse and kissed her roughly on the lips.


Mr.Harrison traced his lips down to her neck, shoulder and chest. “LET ME GO YOU..!!” she kicked him hard at the balls. Unfortunately, when she thought it was hurt enough —he startled at the sudden move and caught him off guard— he managed to grabbed her wrist again and slammed her hard against the wall back.


Kiyoto was very busy with mixing the drinks because Brandy was needed to serve he was most of the time the only one bartender. The guests kept coming and the VIP’s kept drinking a lot.

He barely had a moment to breath but his smile never fainted and and he never missed to flirt with the women who approached him every now and again.

It was still early when Kiyoto noticed that something was going on at the VIP table. He saw how a beefy tall man followed Kathleen and dragged her into the back of the bar. Frowning he dropped his towel and waved Brandy over to take his post. This was not the first time that something like that happened.

He pushed through the crowd and cane just in time to see how the man slept Kathleen across the face, her blouse was torn and he could see red marks on her neck where the guy had kissed her with his dirty mouth.

Kiyoto didn’t hesitate as he walked over and grabbed the guy by his collar. Though Kiyoto looked slender, his body was athletic and muscular. It was no problem at all to drag the big man out to the back door.

“Listen buddy, our girls are here for serving drinks, not their bodies. If you can’t behave then get the hell out. Don’t dare to come back again otherwise the police will take care of you…. And be glad if I won’t take care of you myself…”

He let the cursing guy standing in the rain and returned to Kathleen who was leaning against the wall and tried to cover her chest with her hands, traces of tears on her cheeks.

Kiyoto wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her to the backroom. He forced her to sit down and looked in the closet for another blouse for her.

“Here. Get changed. Stop crying.” He turned his back on her and waited until she had finished changing.

“Hey, it’s okay now. Everything’s fine. I thought Brandy has warned you that something like that could happen. You should have come to me immediately.”

Kathleen was still crying and Kiyoto wiped her tears with his thumbs before he leaned in to her and kissed her lips. First softly, then deeper.

When he parted he smirked. “See, now you stopped crying.” He steppes back a little and chuckled. “You need a little more practice… Anyway, do you want to go back out there? He won’t get in tonight anymore, I will take care of that. Or do you want to go home?”

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Loverkee #1
love this..
kimxian #2