O4 | How to solve problems accdg. to Elites Part 1

xoxo Your Gossip Girl (Exo Fic)

"Ottohkae?" You mumbled to yourself while touching your lips. You were on the radar again for being caught of kissing Luhan on the cheeks. But what can you do? The boy just won't stop from crying.

You entered the library and goodthing only a few students were there. You find an empty secluded spot near the window and dropped your things on the table. *Ughh there are things much more important to do now*. Remembering the couple of assignments given awhile ago.

You grab your list from your bag and started to look for the books you need.

"CC333... CF760... CE801...ED923?"

The last book you needed wasn't on the same side of the shelf. You adjusted the thick books on your hand and proceed to where the last book was located. Skimming and tapping your finger on each spines, You read each letter and number codes stuck on the books.

*Aha!* You finally saw the book but another hand grab it before you do. Your brows furrowed "Excuse me---" You stopped seeing it was Chen who got the book. He lifted his head from flipping the book "Oh, Nara-shii, nice to see you again-" but he noticed your eyes glued on the book he was holding. "Are we eyeing the same book?" He chuckled and closed the book.

You grew a bit shy and nodd quickly avoiding his gaze. Chen adjust his gold thin-rimmed glasses and smiled. "You can have it." You shot your head up with wide eyes.

"N-no, you got it first so take it." you looked back on the shelf to see if there are other same copies of the book but unfortunately there were none.

"Hmm... It looks like we have same assignments. Do you want to do it together?"

You gave him the same expression again but this time your mouth gaped open. Chen chuckled seeing the suprised expressions your giving him. "C'mon let's get started" He grabbed your elbow and dragged you back to your seat.

You continued to hide your blush watching him fully concentrating on reading the book you both were aiming for since you do really have the same assigment in Geometry. But that's not the only embarrasing reason why you can't look straightly at him since he was the one who almost answer all the questions and he was the one who told you to copy his answers. *Thank god, heavens*

"Nara, is there something wrong?"

You blink several times, adjusting your glasses and sat still on your sit. "uh... nothing, just trying to solve this hehe" You awkwardly giggled. You instantly look down on your homework sheet and started to curse yourself for being so lost in thoughts.

"You want me to help you?" Chen asked.

"No, you've done too much already." You waved your hand and politely decline him. Chen gave you a reluctant gaze "Arasso, but don't be shy to ask me anything.". You nodd your head and proceeded back to your work.

Finally, after an hour of computing and analyzing each items the both of you ended sooner than expected.

"Thanks Chen-shii" You mumbled while the both of you start fixing your things.

"No problem. Its fun doing homeworks with somebody else." You smiled knowing that there are still some from this school care about their studies.


Chen stopped when his phone vibrated. He hastily dropped his notebook down when you noticed a paper fell from it. "Excuse me, I'll Just answer this" Chen excused himself.

The moment he left away you immediately got under the table to get the his paper. Your brows furrowed seeing it. It wasn't his homework sheet, it was Chanyeol's.

*Did he also answer this?* But you noticed the handwriting was slightly change, a bit messier than Chen's writing, but who knows he might did it on purpose.


You panicked and slumped the paper down on the other piles of scratch papers. You looked up at Chen who  probably hadn't notice what you've done since his expression seems to look... worried.

"We need to go to the Principal's office... We're caught yesterday"

You're hands felt cold and your stomach flipped not in a good way. "Wh-what do you mean?"

Chen started to fix both of your things in haste. "Someone slipped photos on the internet. I-I don't know how but we need to get there fast. The others are already there."

*Oh no... why am I involved in this?*

"Let's go!" He tugged your wrist and dragged you with him.

When you and Chen arrived the others we're already there. You saw everyone from the party even Jessica and Seohyun we're there.

You felt so lost walking on the small aisle looking at every student and the Principal seated dangerously calm infront of all of you.

"Sit" someone whispered and tugged you from the left. It was kai. Beside him was D.O, Chanyeol and Suho.

"We're all complete now aren't we?" Principal Leetuek bid seriously. You gulped nervously and slowly slipped your bag down on the floor. You caught Leeteuk's gaze which sends shivers down your spine.

"You brats thought we won't know your illegal usage of School's property in the middle of the night? Good thing, one good soul give us your photos. Not only you used the pool, You've brought Alcohol inside the school. It allerted us that you brats forged my signature and gave it to the dean."

Everyone were silent. Even Luhan and Sehun lost their childish features and has been replaced with blank expressions. You glanced beside you and noticed Kai's eyes half opened as if he doesn't care at all.

"You brats do know that all of you can be sentenced to Expulsion. But, I'd give you all a chance to redeem yourselves and tell me who started all of this and who forged my signature." Leeteuk started to walk away behind his table and walked on the middle aisle with his hand on his back.

*I should be out of here*  I glanced around once again, but no one dared to speak up. They rather stared down or infront of them than to surrender who's the mother of all this crap.

"Ms. Bang..." You flinched when leeteuk called you. "Im suprised that a transferee and scholar like you will also be involved in this." He moved closer to you. Your whole body trembled and your hands started to shake while gripping your skirt. "Now tell me, who started all of this?"

"I-I don't know sir... I..." but no words followed next. You couldn't tell that you accidentally thought kai gave you. Leeteuk might misunderstood that Kai started it. He was pressuring you, knowing that you're the only scholar involved, meaning you couldn't be punish nor expelled.

Kai saw that you were trembling so much and held your pinky finger.  

"Fine! Protect each other. But you can't hide from me!" Leeteuk was beyond mad. He slammed his hand on the table making you and the other slightly jump. "If you care about your fellow student. You should surrender by now. *sigh* Im giving all of you until tomorrow morning, If no one comes to my office. I'd be calling all of your parents about your expulsions. Understood?"

*It can't be...*


As they say, In order you gain anything you need to lose something. Will "N" chose to be with her new found friends or sink with them out of the school forever?

You trailed lastly behind them. They seem to be pretty okay with it but you weren't. You weren't going to SME because your rich. You just take the opportunity given to you to study in a Elite school and you can't lose that now because of just a sudden slip-up.

"Nara... do you want to come with us?" You lost from your thoughts and glanced up to Chanyeol who was smiling brightly at you. *How can they do that? Smile like nothing happened.*

"Come on Love! You'd come with us to Kris' house right?" Luhan chirped happily making you more confused. "Yeah, He have infinity pool and XBOX, theater room, name it!" Sehun followed. You glanced at everyone of them and even the both girls don't seem to mind what's going on.

"You guys didn't take the warning seriously" You said with your hands clutching the straps of your bag in annoyance.

"What warning? Oh the party? pffft. We god that handled right Duizhang?" Tao nudged kris who just shrugged. Lay slung an arm around your shoulder "Ofcourse we don't wanna be expelled. Infact, we'd go to Kris' house to talk about it right guys?" and the others just nodd their heads.

"So that's settled then?" You nodd your head. You're really different from them. Not only in social status but also in handling problems.


Hey Lovelies! Im enjoying writing this story so much these days haha~ forgive me for not updating the others yet cos I really have moods on what story to update. Don't worry I'll still be updating them. :)

Thank you too, to those who are commenting constantly on this story expressing their feels! *hurrl~* I can't write your usernames one by one but I know you knew who you are. :)

Again, I hope you won't be tired of this but I need 10 comments and 5 subbies. :)





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Hermin #1
Chapter 9: I don't get the story
Galaxyprincessxo #2
Chapter 9: Why did you stop updating :(
Galaxyprincessxo #3
Chapter 9: Can't wait for update!!! *cries in excitement*
uniicorn #4
Chapter 9: update soon!
Chapter 7: this is really good!
Chapter 9: Please update soon I really love this story it is so adorable.
I also want to know what happened to Luhan as does everyone. So please update soon.
Chapter 9: Yo Im The New Reader Here and Subscriber!!!!!!
Woot Woot And Update Soon lol Luhan And She Belong Together!!!!!!
Loooool this story is inspired by gossip girl the show, am i right? omg gossip girl...but with my bias...OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG im so reading this ASAP