O1 | First Gossip Day

xoxo Your Gossip Girl (Exo Fic)


(a/n: I hate when Rated M automatically checks >.< Also, Since some of you are finding it hard to understand the story, probably because of the blue italicized I will be using a different color on text messages. Since the Blue italicized ones are narrated by Gossip Girl/bee.)

Hey Lovelies, Club beds are over and its the start of new school year once again. Are you all excited? I bet you are. Now, Let's forget the lavishing Vacations and start to get ready for school again. As Girls' say, First Impression Last. So why not make the first day to impress your fellow students. Meet new ones and keep the old ones.


 Today, is your first day as a transferee at SME highschool which for you also stand for "School Mainly for Elites". *Yey, im excited* you keep repeating sarcastically because really, if you have a choice, you won't ever enter this school. They were upper class, elites, spoil brats all they think about is how to waste there money.

You placed your hand on your cheeks and slapped it lightly for three times. It was your way to wash the bad energies away. "This is it..." you start to enter the school gates.



"Awww duizhang this wasn't the Gucci bag im telling you"  The chinese maknae, Tao whined as he hold the Gucci bag above him. "What do you expect? as if you've gotten me a picture or----"

"I've showed it to you several times!" Tao didn't let Kris finished his sentence. "duhhh... as if Kris really looked at it" Luhan in while sipping his chocolate Bubbletea then he passed it to his dear friend Sehun who was patiently clinging for his turn to drink "yeah. Hyungs are right" he even added. The chinese maknae gives a slitthing glare but didn't protest more. He slumped back on the leather seat of the limo and continued to examine his new Gucci bag. Atleast, there's a new addition to the collection right?

"Baek, you've been staring at clicking at your phone since i don't know... an hour ago?" Chanyeol worriedly glance at his bestestfriend. Baekhyun have his brows' furrow and his lower lip bitten in full concentration. "Im deleting some of my contacts."

"The past girlfriend contacts." Suho clarified and shakes his head. Baekhyun clicked his tongue, snapped his finger and pointed it with a grin to Suho. "You never fail to amaze me.". The older Lad rolled his eyes "you're welcome buddy."

"But do you think this school year will be amazing?" Xiumin said between his Chocolate bar cravings.

"Surely, if a bird falls into our cage" kai lazily said as he stared out of the window. "Which doesn't happen for awhile" Chen added. Give them a year and everything will turn into a complete transformation or should i say disaster? Since they stepped on the school everyone watched their limits. Wrong move means goodbye peaceful life. Although, that didn't stop them from being admired Who won't? when these twelve gorgeous-perfect men became the fantasies of every single ladies in school.

Finally, the limo stopped infront of the school's entrance. The main entrance started to turn into a red carpet. Everyone have their cameras ready to capture each boys unique appeals for the day. Any suspicious movements will be sent straight to gossipbee. Let's say, she's considered as the God of the Elites. Every movement turns into a juicy news because of her.

"Finally you guys are here" Jessica, the queenka greeted and hugged each of the boys. "eeew. that disgusting feather headband tickled my nose" Sehun complained earning a light slap on the chest by jessica "Excuse me, the disgusting headband your saying cost more than your allowance you creep!" she points and proceeds to the next guy which is Chanyeol.

"I apologize for her." Seohyun softly apologized. If Jessica was the Ice Queen then consider her as the School's sweetheart. Everybody falls for her sweet voice, angelic face and innocent-like personality. She never hated anyone, but that didn't mean she never protects what her bestfriends believes in.

Sehun turns red and shakes his head hardly "n-no, don't mind that peacock."

"THE WHAT???" Jessica outburst earning laughter to her friends. "awww. C'mon jess. You're ruining your  make up" Baekhyun steps in and wraps his hand around her shoulder and lead her away. "ahh chincha?" jessica worriedly press her skin to check for cracks.

"yes my dear. You did. Now let's go ask my girls to fix you" Baekhyun continued.

 Everyone were just intently watching them and keeps capturing pictures. But the moment they got away, only a few followed and everyone turns to how they were before.  Let's say the entertainment is done and everything goes back to normal.



"okay? that was entertaining..." You simply bid and pressed a couple of your hair at the back of your ears. Shrugging those things off you start to walk towards the Registrar's office to get your new schedule.


The famous groupy is back. They seem to be in a pretty goodmood except for our Jessica. Is it because of her white feather 'peacock' headband according to our childish maknae Sehun?. Stay tune lovelies coz the day is still about to start.




"Yes how may i help you?" a fat old lady greeted with a smile. Her name plate shows that she is... Mrs. Bom

"uhmm... i'll just get my schedule" You politely replied while tapping your fingers on the marble counter. Mrs. Bom adjusts her glasses and starts to skim on the records infront of her. "Name?"

"Bang Nara"

She repeated your name and continue finding for you schedule record. "wait a minute, it's not yet here" she  replied. "take a seat first. I'll print your schedule again" she told you and went away before you can say Okay.

You glance at the almost empty office and took a seat on the green stripes couch beside the counters. You glance at the clock infront of you which says 7:40, meaning you still have atleast 20 minutes to ran in your first class. You tap your foot and catch short glances back to the counter to check if Mrs. Bom is back.

Then the door beside you suddenly opened making you slightly jump from your seat.

"Thank you. I'll definitely be back" You were taken aback by what you've seen. One of the student gets out of the dean's office and kisses the dean on both cheeks. The dean seems to be enjoying it and even giggle when the male student whispers something on her ear and slipped something inside his pocket.

"Sure Lay..." The dean's said.

"Miss Bang" everything were interrupted when the registrar bell rang. You immediately look away from the eye-catching scenario and stood up"Y-yes" You're so embarassed by the situation that you clearly remind yourself Not to look that way... Uhhh the left way.

Mrs. Bom hands you your newly printed class schedule. "I hope you enjoy your first day."

"Thank you."You smile and turned around to check your new schedule.But that musky smell distracts you so you take a look at it. "OHMYGOD!" you jumped away slighlty crumpling the paper from shock.

The boy who was called Lay, was standing at your place awhile ago. He blinks innocently "what?"

You point a finger on him trying to stabalized the rapid beating of your heart "Y-y-you scared me". He first look around and point a finger to himself. "did i?"

"Oh no you didn't the ghost beside you did!" you sarcastically reply. His light chuckle gets you off-guard again.

"What's so funny?"  you're getting embarassed again. He remove his curled hand from the front of his mouth and place it on his pocket. "You're new here are you?" he asks which you obediently nodd your head. "y-yeah transferee".

"Junior as well eh?" he pointed at your blue neck tie. Every year level has a particular color. For freshmen, its green. For Sophomores, Yellow. For Juniors, its blue and For Seniors its red. Then you also notice that he is wearing the same color as yours. "yes" you simply answer. Then he move closer to you like a predator. He is really intimidating, plus scarily handsome. Everytime he took a step closer you take a step back but then luck isn't on your side right now because you've reach the last step and hit the wall. You see him grin like he is really enjoying it.

"N-no..." You cross your arms on your chest remembering what you've witnesses awhile ago. *is he a ? bunny? Pedo? Ohgod*

He took  another step closer and you swear that if you're an idiot, you will not turn down this delicious offer. "uhhhh.. L-lay-shii ah Lay right? Y-you know we we can talk about thissssss!" you squeel the last word and you didn't notice that he actually got your class card. *Eh?* you blink several times. He didn't you nor touched you. *okay? that was dilussional of me*

"We don't have same classes. Though, you have with my friends" he said clearly involve of thinking who's class with who.


That was the bell. "L-look Lay-shii. As much as i wanted to have a little chit-chat with you or i don't know why you're so interested at my day day to classes but i really need to go. I can't be late for my first class." You tried to snatch the paper from him but he is damn fast and raise it with his long arm above you. "Goody-two-shoes?"

"What!?" you jumped but he just raise it more. You give out an exhasperated sigh and fix your slipping glasses. "I don't have time to play games with you. Just give it back to me!"

"Don't worry. You won't be late for class." he assured you. "and why is that?" you replied while jumping continously. "Because i'm coming with you" His words made you stop. almost stumbling on your right heel  and look at him confusedly. "huh? i thought we don't have the same class?" He flashes a half smile "We don't"

You don't understand the attention he was giving you and sure wasn't comfortable about it. But damn, surely his main purpose in life is to flirt but you think he was making a very wrong decision on doing it to you. Seeing he had his defense down you snatched your class schedule from him and started to walk away. "Hey i told you we'd go together!" Lay catched up with you putting both of his hand inside his pocket.




"Hey are you sure with this?" You take second glances on the paper he handed you. Fiddling it in between your hand and biting your lips in nervousness while standing outside your Classroom. Lay made  a cool smile "i've never been unsure of my life. Just give it to my friend Kyungsoo. Ask anyone who he is and they'll definetly tell you the right person.". He winked at you but that didn't take away the uneasiness and the first day sickness and don't forget the first late too. You take a step back letting him take the spot infront of the door. Lay knocks and twist the door open interrupting the class.

"Ahhh yes Mr. Zhang?" The teacher sounds glad to see him. *totally a flirt.*

"Bang Nara?" trailing out of your thoughts "y-yes?" you answer towards your teacher. You glance from her to Lay who stills have his smirk plaster on his face.  "Come in" she gestures to call for you. You ran towards her side and easily grabs your shoulder. "Thank you, Lay, you may go now" and he give a salute and leave. After that, your teacher drag you infront of the class and that was.... scary. Your knees wobble and your sight started to see double heads in one body. "Introduce yourself Ms Bang." you faintly heard your teacher say.

Your palms started to sweat and so as your forehead. The beating of your heart was so hard that you feel each pumps of it along with you short breathings. "I-I-Im.. uhhh B-Bang Nara.." you close your eyes and swallow. "You came from where my dear?"

"Busan State Academy" the moment you say that everyone started to laugh. You take a deep breath and lower your head. You have expected this, ofcourse they'll laugh. You were far from them who were born to be rich. Your teacher gave you a consoling pat and asks you to seat at the far-end corner beside a girl. Although, as the teacher says who it is, everyone gasps and starts to murmur. *Well what the hell is wrong with this people?*

You feel gazes following you and it becomes so uncomfortable because you are not use to this at all. Infact, no one dares to give you second glances before.

"Are you perhaps... Jong in?" you ask your supposed to be seatmate.

"Kai for short" someone interrupted from behind your seat. He patted kai on the shoulder while kai just rolls his eyes. "Kyungsoo, Hush! we're about to start. Nara take a seat" that clearly snaps you to seatdown but the fact that the Kyungsoo, Lay must be talking about is behind you and must be friends with your seatmate made you take a peek back. Kyungsoo places his elbow on the desk and lays his head on his palms. He just continued to talk with his seatmate who is probably a close friend to his as well.

"Girls, girls,  girls, why do they like to do it secretly?" you snapped your head to your side. Kai's side. "excuse me?" you softly asked.

"If you're interested with him. Tell him directly." he said with his eyes glued on doodling signatures on his notebook.

"Uhmm. but i think you're mistaken"



 "You know Lay am i right?" he seems so cool about it. "yeah. why?"

"He asks me to give something to Kyungsoo" instead of being curious of what is it. Kai grins and slightly nodd his head as if he already knew what's the letter about. "Just gave it to him then. Simple as that"

*Okay?* thinking that he is so wierd that really fit his mysterious aura you take a peek back. "just call him." you heard kai say. You puckered your lips ready to call out his name but you weren't use to this. Calling someone wasn't your kind of thing. Either they are the ones calling for you or nothing at all. "Kyu...." and nothing follows.

You take a deep breath and fix your glasses "K-Kyu..."

"Kyungsoo!" Kai hissed and before you can look away he catched your eyes on him. He is a bit unsure and mouthed a "yes?". You bit your lip and shakingly handed the letter to him.

Kai glanced from the corner of his eyes while Kyungsoo unsurely accepted the letter. "From, Lay" you whispered and immediately faced front. You felt your face burning and your ears started to get warm definetly embarassed and uncomfortable of what just happened.

*Well that's a first baby step*

Slowly adjusting to your class, you noticed that Seohyun and Baekhyun had the same class as yours. Some of your classmates just slacked off and continued to chatter than listening to the discussion. But ofcourse, you couldn't do that or else you might lose your scholarship. Halfway through the discussion you heard a light creaking sound and you noticed Kai stood up even Myungsoo and Baekhyun stood up. *what's happening?* you glance back to the front and the teacher was busy scribbling on the board and the students didn't mind it. You checked the boys again and they were really leaving out of the class.

"what's going on?" you whispered.


Leaving class so soon? Hmm what are the guys upto on a first day of school? Sneaky moves and spotty clean but it seems that Kai didn't leave spotless.


"what's this?" you grabbed the piece of paper left on his table. You fixed your glasses and started to read the content.


Pool Party later after class.

You're coming  Yes or Yes? Definitely a Yes.

See you at the school Pool



Vacation finally say goodbye but it seems that some are only about to start. Will our lonely girl Nara follow and join the fun? As for me, I definitely have my shades on.

shhhh... x.o.x.o





You guys are really scaring me hahaha. Didn't expect to gain this much subbies without any chapters at all and the pressure is so nerve-wracking. Oh god, but really thank you lovelies for making me feel so loved! Though, since you're giving me sooooo much pressure i think im gonna be having a hard time on updating, you know to give you a really good update and plus i still have another fics to update. hahaha

Still waiting for my poster. :)

Still editing it.

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Hermin #1
Chapter 9: I don't get the story
Galaxyprincessxo #2
Chapter 9: Why did you stop updating :(
Galaxyprincessxo #3
Chapter 9: Can't wait for update!!! *cries in excitement*
uniicorn #4
Chapter 9: update soon!
Chapter 7: this is really good!
Chapter 9: Please update soon I really love this story it is so adorable.
I also want to know what happened to Luhan as does everyone. So please update soon.
Chapter 9: Yo Im The New Reader Here and Subscriber!!!!!!
Woot Woot And Update Soon lol Luhan And She Belong Together!!!!!!
Loooool this story is inspired by gossip girl the show, am i right? omg gossip girl...but with my bias...OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG im so reading this ASAP