Blood on the Harbor

Dystopia: City of Sin


Kangin and Shindong were hitting on the other girls while Sungmin and Eunhyuk were getting drunk like crazy. Kyuhyun was gazing with erted eyes as the other girls gyrated upon the tables and poles. Everyone was having a good time save for master and commander. Leeteuk and Donghae were basically problematic about the little package Henry and Zhou Mi, the threat of discovery, and Jamie. Most especially Jamie. Jamie is one badass assassin that they don't want to dare come face to face with.

Finally, after hours of waiting, Henry and Zhou Mi finally arrives and they brought a little someone with them.

Bettie Jane Lewis.

"Let me go! Let me go" said the young girl in fright and fear. Henry and Zhou Mi were holding on tightly to her and altogether they entered the warehouse. Leeteuk was relieved upon seeing them.

"What took you motherers so long?" yelled Leeteuk. He may sound but honestly, you have no idea how happy he is right now. Henry and Zhou Mi pulled Bettie Jane whose hands were tied up to their side to show off to Leeteuk. "Here's the package you wanted, Mr. Park. " Leeteuk stood up and examined Bettie Jane, playing with the strands and locks of her hair, much to her disgust and frustration.

"What's the meaning of all this?" cried Bettie Jane while struggling to free herself from the ropes and from Henry and Zhou Mi's grip. Frustrated with her struggling, the two men threw her to the ground and beat her to a senseless pulp. Leeteuk told the boys to stop and picked the girl up by the hair. He could see Bettie Jane's slightly bruised face.

"Go in there and get dressed. Don't be crashing the party for us." Leeteuk growled as he led Bettie Jane to the dressing room-by the hair.

Stacy saw everything from behind the pole and couldn't help but get her heart broken. It was already a pity that she was here and to actually see another girl get kidnapped, beaten to death and later turned into one of them. The scene was too much for her to bear. She watched as Leeteuk followed them in with Bettie Jane.

While the party wore on in the warehouse, Leeteuk, Henry, Zhou Mi, and Donghae brought Bettie Jane inside their interrogation room where they tried to take advantage of her while hurting her. While the other members did this to her, Betite could do nothing but scream for help that would never come. To top that off, all sorts of things were coming out of the leader's mouth. Finally, the other members grew weary and stopped abusing Bettie Jane.

"Heard of the word pleasure?" said Leeteuk while holding her battered face up. "That's what you're gonna be giving us. Endless, sweet, mothering pleasure" Bettie could only cringe at the words and at the sight of Leeteuk's face. She was extremely disgusted she could just smack him across the face.

"You're gross!" she said weakly when Leeteuk nearly pulled her in for a kiss. "Ah! Insulting me, is it? Well, you're gonna be getting a lot of insults from me when you fail to do what you're told! Shindong! Take her to her room and tell her to get ready and once she's done, make her come out. Don't piss me off, I'm feeling ier than usual."

Shindong dragged her to the small room where she was ordered to ready herself while he waited outside. A few minutes later, Bettie Jane came out all dolled up and ready for her service. It couldn't get any sicker. Once Bettie Jane stepped out of the dark, dingy room, she proceeded to do what she was ordered to do and that was to dance and entertain them all, for pleasure's sake.

When the boys momentarily left Bettie to take care and flirt with the other girls, Stacy approached Bettie Jane who was sitting in the corner, traumatized and teary-eyed.

"Hi." said Stacy while looking down at Bettie Jane. Bettie rubbed her eyes and looked up, seeing Stacy bending down to talk to her. "Have a seat…sit on the cold floor." Stacy sat down next to Bettie. Bettie continued to sob as Stacy patted her back and comforted her.

"It's alright. I'm here. I know how you feel." Stacy said. "What's your name by the way." Bettie sniffed and rubbed her eyes so as to clearly be able to see Stacy. "I'm Bettie Jane Lewis. And you?" Stacy smiled and replied, "I'm Stacy Taylor. I was kidnapped to be a e but other than that, my family had a complicated history with these guys." Bettie Jane straightened up and began to get attentive. "Tell me everything."

"It's a long story. It started with my sister. These guys' dads kidnapped my sister but she was lucky to escape, thus enabling her to look for the authorities to have their dads arrested where they eventually landed in jail. Now…" Bettie showed her palm to Stacy. "It's okay. I think the rest is clear to me now." Stacy just smiled.

"I'm in a whole level of difficult." said Bettie in a low voice. "I was made a slave. I was serving this group. They're called the Scarlet Muscle. I catered to their every need. And to think, I was sold by my own dad. " Stacy nodded sheepishly and hopelessly. "Don't ya worry. We'll bust you out of here in no time." said Stacy with a tone of optimism in her voice. "We'll just wait till they're too busy to notice us, then we'll make a run for it." Bettie saw some ray of hope in Stacy's eyes but doubted immediately.

"But… wouldn't we get caught?" Stacy thought about it and realized that there is an oddly high percentage that they would get caught.

"Don't worry." Stacy replied, determination overcoming her. "If there's a will, there's a way. And I'm guessing I've found our way." Stacy turned her eyes to the direction of the exit door inside the room where Bettie Jane came from.

"We can use that exit door over there. Actually, it looks and feels like part of the wall so not many girls were clever enough to figure it out." Stacy said. Bettie Jane eyed on the boys who were busy getting it on with the other girls. "They're busy. They don't seem to be looking this way. Should we make our move?" Stacy raised her eyebrow in affirmation. "Move swiftly but silently." The two girls made their way to the room which was pitch-no-cave dark. While inside, they heard light footsteps coming their way. Thinking it could be one of the men, they sat down inside and leaned on the wall. Being small girls, the room's thick wall would be enough to conceal them from the men. Good thing they hid, cause the men just happened to be Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, passing right by the room. How'd they know? Stacy knew the sound of Kyuhyun's shoes and she knew the sound of Ryeowook's voice. How is she not to know?

"Thank God we ducked down!" whispered Stacy. Bettie just continued listening to the sound of her own breathing. "Is this where the girls stay?" asked Bettie. "Mostly…" whimpered Stacy in panic and exhaustion. "We're cramped and stuffed into several different rooms, y'know." The two continued walking their way towards the exit door when Heechul noticed two small silhouettes headed for the exit door.

"AND WHERE THE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" yelled Heechul from the outside of the room. The two girls whipped around and looked straight, aiming for the door instead. Heechul's scream was so loud and effeminate that the other members had to rush by his side. There they saw the two girls struggling to get out. Kangin saw this and laughed.

"Idiot girls!" exclaimed Kangin. 'We jammed the door shut, there's no way you're gonna get out." Bettie Jane and Stacy just leaned on the wall. Leeteuk stepped forward and demanded to hear from the ladies.

"What's going on here? Well?" they refused to speak, keeping their plan secret. "Not talking, huh? We'll see if you'll be sitting quiet later on! Boys! Take them to the interrogation room. Once we get there, that's where we'll talk. " The other boys teamed up to drag both the girls out of the room and into the interrogation room where they were tortured. Their torture serves as punishment for trying to escape. This rule applies not only to them but to all the es working for them.


"Got any idea where Harbor Bay Marina could be?" asked Marlena. "Yeah. I do. If I'm not mistaken, I've been there a couple of times or so. Tonight will be my third time!" Marlena looked at her former protégé with a hint of suspicion and wonder. "You've been there twice? What the hell did you do there?" Jamie just laughed and said, "Harbor Bay Marina is a favorite amongst drug dealers and syndicated criminals. It's where they keep their products and store their victims. So just imagine how much carnage we had to go through to fight for it." Marlena smiled at her protégé. Inch by inch, she could see her glory days in Jamie's being. That was her when she was Jamie's age. The ripe old age of 29.

"I in fact still know how to get there." Jamie said while riding shot gun side by side with her former mentor. "Yeah. I know the way to Harbor Bay Marina. I can still se the directions before my very eyes. " They looked around and checked the streets one by one. " When you pass by Sapphire corner Blue street, you will see this wall with the graffiti "Only For You" you make a turn and go straight ahead! When you pass by the Alley of Lights where there are lots of cafes, you then make a right turn on Elf Street. When you see a warehouse adjacent o the pier, you've found your catch!" Marlena was immensely impressed with the distinct improvement and maturity her former student has shown. It beats her expertise by a mile.

The two agents rushed on their way together like Men In Black. But between the two, Jamie is the more determined one. The way she rode her motorcycle is concrete proof of how much she wanted this revenge. It looks-from the look on her eyes-like she's waited for this moment all her life.

"Marlena." Jamie said in a commanding voice. "Ready your speed. We're gonna have to accelerate if we wanna see those young girls alive." Marlena was taken aback and at the same time proud once more of Jamie's maturity. She couldn't stop raving in her head about the improvement Jamie had over the years. Jamie totally beats Marlena now.

"Pardon me, what?" Marlena said as she pretended not to hear Jamie's voice. "I'm sorry the engine's kicking in. What did you say?" But Jamie knew her teacher all too well to fall for this. Marlena-despite aging now-could still use a little love from her student. "Master. Ready your speed." This made Marlena and Jamie smile, thus accelerating the speed and igniting the passion for doing what they do best: crime fighting.

Back in the warehouse, Bettie Jane and Stacy were tied to a post, flogged to death as their punishment for trying to escape. The flogging was started by Leeteuk. He flogged the girls four times on the back each before rotating it to Heechul. Heechul did the same thing before passing it on to Yesung. I'm not gonna enumerate the members one by one but I'd like to specify Yesung's because he's just downright weird. Yesung had to do something explicitly unthinkable. He his thumb and slid the saliva-laden finger on the open wounds on the girls' backs, giving them a painful sensation that lingers on their skin. Kinda like a sting. The whip continued to rotate until the girls nearly collapsed in exhaustion and pain.

"This is the time…"Leeteuk said with a sinister grin on his face. "I've finally got my revenge. Namely on you, Stacy Marie Taylor. Untie her boys!" Stacy's ropes which were tied around her wrists were cut and as she collapsed in severe pain on the floor, Yesung and Kibum pulled her up and made her face the Boss. "Revenge is finally mine. You thought you could get away with this? You thought everything would go easy? You thought I'd go easy on you? Well I won't. You and your clan were nothing but pain to us!" Heechul, being the sub leader, ordered the other boys to take Bettie Jane back to her room and lock her up. The business is between Stacy and Leeteuk.

"You're still pathetic!" uttered Stacy weakly. "You'll always be a pathetic son of a to me. You're the most pathetic bastard on the-" Leeteuk slapped her out of annoyance. His mind just couldn't bear it anymore. The thought of what came about in his quondam with the Taylors was too much for him to handle. Too much that he just had to beat the little lady up once more.

"You don't dare cross me! No one should dare cross me, it!" he grabbed Stacy by the hair and dragged her across the room. The other girls stood and watched, unable to do anything. Leeteuk slammed her on the wall and tilted her head as to talk to her. Angry tears were streaming down his face.

"It started with your sister…it all boils down to you! You have caused me nothing but grief!" he said striking the wounded girl with his palm. "Your sister was too good for our fathers, she had to tell the cops!" he strikes his palm once more. The other boys rush in his aid and helped him hold Stacy's head up. Ryeowook and Yesung straightened her body out while Donghae and Eunhyuk just concentrated on her head. "Then I met you! But your parents were still too good, they had to shun me and banish me from your household because of my past! Well now, I'm gonna be reliving that past! And this time, I'm not gonna lose! I'm gonna do this for my father! I'm gonna do this for you! Because I love you, Stacy Taylor!" he slapped her once more. "But since you don't love me, there's just one thing left to do…" Leeteuk pulled out a pretty big and sharp-looking knife from his pocket and raised it above his head, preparing to end the life of the girl who caused him too much heartaches and headaches. Stacy closed her eyes, with tears streaming down them. Yesung and Ryeowook straightened her out once more to ensure the penetration of the knife on the midsection. Before all was to crumble down for the 16 year old scarlet girl, the doors flung open. Wide open.

"Drop that knife and leave the girl alone you son of a !"

The knife dropped. And so did Leeteuk's mouth.


"J-J-Jamie…Jamie Taylor? But I thought you were dead?" exclaimed Kangin. "Goddammit? Didn't anyone send in those bodyguards?"

"Bodyguards?" Jamie exclaimed with a smirk in return. "Psshh…Your bodyguards are sissies! They're lame doofuses who don't know right from left! You're pretty stupid yourself to hire them!"

"MOTHERER!" yelled Leeteuk out loud, pulling and shagging the strands of his golden brown hair and pushing all the other members aside. "How the did you manage to escape their hold? I thought they had you pushing on daisies?" Marlena suddenly appeared from behind Jamie and stood by her side.

"Marlena Finch?" asked a surprised Donghae. "You were one of the people who investigated on our fathers…If I'm not mistaken you're one of those who put them in jail?" Marlena smiled a lady's smile and nodded. "You got your facts right boy!" Jamie saw the situation Stacy was in and couldn't help but burn in anger.

"What the did you do to my sister? How did she end up here?" yelled Jamie while inching closer to the KM13 with Marlena.

"She's been a very bad girl. She refused to follow orders! We just had to flog her! Plus, we caught her trying to escape! What do you expect us to do?" stated Kyuhyun in a very sarcastic manner.

Jamie's fire just continued to burn. "But why do you do this? What is your problem?"

Leeteuk stepped forward and began to explain things to Jamie with a knife in his right hand, and a gun on the other.

"Don't you know your history, girl? It all started with you! You're the reason why your sister's in deep suffering right now! First of all, you were kidnapped by our fathers, right? But you were smart at a young age and you were able to claw your way out and call the cops. So our fathers went to jail leaving us with money and our mothers. Then, I fell for this bimbo right here who happens to be your sister. With your parents knowing what our fathers did to you, they shunned me and banned me from seeing the girl I love. They never even gave me a chance to explain. So now I'm taking revenge. First, you took away my family, then my love. Everything here's all-" Jamie had enough of his chatter and grabbed the collar of his vanilla white suit.

"I know what happened in the past." she said in between gritted teeth. "Now tell me, little man, if it's just between you and me, what are all these other girls doing here? I don't even know most of them!" Leeteuk stared at Jamie with his piercing snake eyes and demanded her to put him down and as she did, he began to tell his tale once more.

"After Stacy and your parents rejected me, we began doing this. We believe that all young girls are evil! All young girls are self-centered little who think of nobody but themselves!" Leeteuk said with all the hate in the world enveloping his voice. Jamie couldn't help but smirk her sarcastic detective smirk.

"So you punished, tortured, and exploited all these 10 girls, inclusive of my sister just because you were rejected?" Jamie asked angrily. "Boy you have some issues to work out on!"

"Boys!" Leeteuk yelled. "Bring the girl here!" The other boys dragged poor Stacy over in front sister to see. There, they slap her around and rubbed it in Jamie's face that she owes them big time.

"Alright losers!" Jamie has finally snapped and has had enough. She pulled out her gun and pointed them at the KM13 members. She encouraged Marlena to do the same. "You've been pushing me too far. Now it's time to put the pedal to the metal!" The KM13 knew she wanted war. If it's war she wanted it's war she's gonna get. The 13 members encircled Jamie and Marlena, leaving them to lean on one another's back. "This looks like a hard day's night!" said Jamie in between gritted teeth once more. Then the fight begins…

First off, she goes into a fight with Eunhyuk and Kibum. Eunhyuk makes the first move, giving her a jab to the jaw. Well not really as Jamie was able to counter the jab and reciprocated with a kick in the gut. After this kick, she jabbed him in the jaw and elbowed him in the nape. Kibum snuck up behind her and tried to choke her but Jamie's small and her size enables her to move agilely and quickly. She lifted both her feet and forcefully brought herself down to the ground, giving Kibum a huge neck shocker which honestly, knocked him out. Jamie pulled out her gun and shot both boys, whether they are dead or alive, it is still unknown to her.

Marlena wasn't empty handed, either. Yesung, Heechul, and Sungmin tried to gang up on her. Although her martial arts skills were still strong, they were no match for these 3 young guys' tae kwon do and kickboxing. Jamie sensed that Marlena was having some difficulty and ran over to help. She first attacked Yesung. Her move was a complicated one and one that she learned from the Task Force's training program. She wrapped her arm around Yesung's neck, choking him and taking him by surprise altogether, lifted her feet off the ground, wrapped her legs around his neck, twirled and tumbled all over him before landing on her feet and once she's sure they're both dizzy, she flips him over and makes sure that he lands on his spine. Marlena high-kicked Heechul while Jamie ensured his blackout with a series of roundhouse kicks. Sungmin, powerless without his two aids, tried running but Marlena and Scarlett were too good for him. Together, they shot him with their pistols and left him dead. Their ordeal however is not yet through. Remember, the KM13 has 13 members. They've killed 3, they only have 10 more to go.

" man! We have like 10 more to go!" Marlena said in exhaustion and exasperation. "Don't you worry, Master. I can handle it." Jamie said confidently. Just then, Siwon, Shindong, and Kangin charged at them. Using her small size as an advantage, Jamie quickly leaps and tumbles over Shindong, landing on her back just below his legs and using the opportunity and location to shoot him where it hurts the most. Yep, you guessed it. This shot nearly killed him but Kangin was strong enough to pull Jamie's legs before she does Shindong more harm. Jamie kicked her legs harder and harder until Kangin's grip loosens and he loses his balance in the long run. As he nearly fell to the ground, Jamie charged at him with punches and kicks, the way she would always do. Kangin in turn would counter and hit her as well but Jamie's an expert. When Kangin's fist was about a few inches away from her face, she countered and after giving Kangin a mean glare accompanied by a dirty smirk, she displayed immense superhuman strength by flipping him over and making him land on his spine. She shot his you know what afterwards, this killed him brutally. Four down, nine more to go. Marlena was somewhat weakened as she was combating Siwon who was 6 feet tall. Combating someone as tall as that for a small woman is tough so Jamie decided to pitch in.

"Come on you Casanova jerk! Hit me with your best shot!" Jamie challenged him arrogantly. Siwon-who is a tae kwon do expert-showed Jamie his best moves but not even his best is good enough to defeat the resilient agent. After an epic martial arts battle between the two, Scarlett was able to counter and shoot Siwon dead. Stacy and the other girls cowered in one corner and watched the battle wear on.

Leeteuk felt very defeated on the spot. The battle ain't over yet but he feels like he has lost big time. Donghae-his adviser-began talking to him, their backs the fight scene.

"Man, we have to have a backup plan. Like some bodyguards or what!" Leeteuk said frantically. Donghae was trying to think of something else but feels like all his senses are failing. Jamie was just too powerful, they feel like they have no other choice but to quit.

"I don't know about you but honestly, we've never been so defeated like this in our entire careers as hitmen and criminals." While Donghae and Leeteuk were busy chattering, their back were the action scene as previously mentioned. They never saw Jamie coming for them. Jamie choke-held Leeteuk which caught him off guard and disabled him from knowing what to do next and she lifted her legs and wrapped them around Donghae's neck. Flipping over, she sent them tumbling down the ground but as she pointed both her pistols at them, she heard a loud gunshot from behind…

It was Hangeng or Han Kyung. The Chinese member. And he shot someone. Marlena. Jamie turned around and put her guns back in their place to run for Marlena. She saw Marlena lying bloody helpless on the ground. Upon seeing this sight, Jamie knew it's playtime no more. It's time to get down to business. Loading her gun, Jamie approached Han Kyung and readied her armory but from the looks of it, judging by the zombie-fied way the other members are standing up, it looks like she's outnumbered.

"It has come down to this. I knew it would come down to this. Me against the world. Bit by bit the remaining members stood up and surrounded me, just like they did when they were 13. Now, they're only 8. This is when I began to feel very underpowered. I was alone and nobody was standing by my side to make sure that these boys get shot in the nuts one by one. I began to analyze my opponent, as I always do every time I engage in a battle with someone. I analyze their armory. Are they armed to the teeth? No they aren't. They're just holding guns and guns alone. Are they plenty? Damn right they're plenty. What's their advantage? Their arms or their heads? Of course their heads! It doesn't matter if you have a small pistol for a gun, if you're 8 and I'm one, you can defeat me easily…"

"And that's exactly what I thought…"

Jamie walked around the small circle, eyeing each and every one of the members. She saw the intensity in their eyes and could feel the flame in hers. Heechul, Shindong, and Hankyung charged at her. Jamie combated the three of them using her martial arts skills. She gave a flying kick to Heechul and Hankyung while exerting greater force at Shindong who was very heavy. Strong punches and kicks were what she and Shindong exchanged. Seeing this as an opportunity to end the life of the agent, Donghae pulled out his gun and stalked Jamie from behind, flickering the trigger every second or so. Once he was able to get as close as possible to the back of Jamie's head, he whipped out the pistol silently and pointed it at her head. Jamie felt the slight movement in her hair and stopped attacking Shindong. When he tried to lunge back at her, she used her metal fist in the face to knock him down momentarily. Why did she do this? Because she could feel something from behind. Something was crawling through her hair and trying to make its way to her scalp. That's when her vengeful eyes moved around and sensed that something or someone's behind her. Slowly but surely, Jamie reached for the collar of whoever was behind her and flipped him over. It was Donghae. Swiftly grabbing the gun on her left leg, she spun it around her finger and shot Donghae multiple times, killing him on the spot. Dammit, you should've seen the distraught look on Leeteuk's face. Priceless. Sooner, she had to deal with the next batch: Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung. These three are sickly coordinated as well. Just like triplets, they do everything together. So all at the same time, they ran to Jamie and began to attack her but just as before, Jamie would pull off some classic martial arts chops and kicks with flips and hits that would shake them up. After a series of body bags, scissors kicks, and twirl kicks, KRY was knocked down and ready to die. But someone shot Jamie in the arm. The bullet gushed right through her skin, coloring her white blazer red with blood. As Jamie's body fell to the ground, Leeteuk was seen holding the gun pointed at her direction. The other girls cried at the sight of their heroine dying. Smoke coming out from it vividly visible in the dark night, Leeteuk smirked the smirk of a successful mob boss upon the sight of Jamie fainting and fading away. Jamie was worn out and has never felt more ready to die…

"You lost Jamie Taylor. Your ultimate death is victory to us. We knew you could never defeat us. With you and your pathetic attempts to shame us once more and rescue your sister! You will never win this time. It is revenge that's prevailing and not your righteous will." Leeteuk said with an evil grin followed by an evil laugh. The rest of the boys stood above her and decided to replicate the carnage that she brought upon the other members: by shooting her altogether once more to ensure her death.

"I lay there face first on the ground. My helpless state is becoming such a big deal amongst the girls who looked at me as their savior. Well, my sister at least. Thoughts of dread began to enshroud my mind once more. Images of hostility towards my family and my sister enveloped my brain. That's when I thought, I can't give up. I can't let them win. If they reign now, they'll reign for a lifetime…Then I thought of the only thing that could save my life and possibly these girls.

The Arma-Lite.

The big baby was on my back the entire time and I never noticed. Maybe it's because the intensity of the battle was just so hot that I failed to remember that I have one more gun right here. I tried to stand up. Inch by inch I began crawling my way to a civilized state of being until I was able to stand up though weary and groggy. I can see their shocked faces despite of this and all of a sudden, without warning, I swung the Arma-Lite AR180 carbine gas-operated semi-automatic weapon around my body and pointed it at them… Al Pacino style."

"Guess what boys?" said Jamie with unusual enthusiasm. "It is better to burn out than to fade away but it's always better to kill…" Jamie loaded the gun even more. "Than to be killed." The remaining members of KM13 began running away but they were all killed by Jamie and the Arma-Lite. Blood and guts spewed everywhere as some members tried to even crawl away despite severe injuries and disembowelment. As for the disembowelment part, only Shindong, Hankyung, and Donghae were able to receive it. The 7 members were dead but Leeteuk remained alive…all this time that Jamie's face was down on the ground, the minute Leeteuk started seeing progress, he moved away and hid. That's why Jamie was wondering where the is their leader. She began to call out for him.

"Hey! Hey boss where the hell are you?" Leeteuk emerged from a wall post. Jamie cocked her head and arched her eyebrow. Leeteuk sensed trouble and pulled out his gun, pointing it at her. With the Arma-Lite hanging right in front of her, Jamie's got nothing to fear and has got something to laugh about.

"Stay away…I-I'm warning ya!" Leeteuk said, the tone of failure and disappointment evident in his voice. He was all shaky and teary-eyed. He knew he lost. All of a sudden and out of the blue, he confessed to something.

"I committed a lot of crimes. I planned all of this. I kidnapped your sister. I hired the Scarlet Muscle to kidnap some of these girls and make them work as slaves before handing them down to me. I hired two more men to kill a rich guy who owed me something. And I hired the FT Jewels to murder the Woolfs who were long time enemies of our kin. And the FT is our kin!" cried Leeteuk's shaky voice.

Just then, a small shadow was walking along the faulty electric wires in the warehouse. Jamie paid no mind and continued to look at Leeteuk's pathetic state. The shadow jumped from above down low and from there, raised a sword and just as a Leeteuk was about to shoot Jamie and hopefully himself, the shadow cut his head off. The shadow is revealed to be Katharine Woolf.

"I'll take that as a confession, you bastard." Katharine spat with her puny little voice. She and Jamie smiled at one another. Katharine saw Jamie trying to phone the cops but Katharine stopped her.

"No need to do it. I already got it taken care of!" said Katharine with a smile. Jamie smiled back but thought, "Hey, Leeteuk said that there were two more guys. Where are they?" Katharine let out a hearty laugh. "Taken care of." She replied as she showed the blood on her ninja stars, her swords, and her bayonet.

Minutes later, the police arrived at the scene. They rescued the girls and as Stacy saw her sister Jamie, she rushed to her and gave her a hug. Jamie walked outside and climbed atop her motorcycle afterwards.

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Very good fict!!!
Hehe, but i found out a typo on this fict ._.
aww this was really good!!!!<br />
great job!!!<br />
well done!!!!